What is needed more?

Discussion in 'Empyrion API' started by cmwhee, Mar 25, 2018.


What project would help you more?

  1. API Events/Requests over HTTP/S

  2. ECF Files as JSON/YAML

  1. cmwhee

    cmwhee Commander

    Oct 31, 2016
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    Hey there,

    So i want to start a new modding project to help out the community, and I have two options that I can take, I just want to see if anyone is interested in either.

    1) A mod to ship messages from the game to 3rd party services, I deally to allow non-c# webservices to interact with the game

    The basic idea here is that it would be pretty easy to use a message queue to alienate the game events, so that way you could have a website that does everything that EAH does. I have no interest in building the website, but I do have some good ideas on how to build the architecture that supports the website.

    2) Config.ecf as JSON

    right now it's really difficult to explore the options that are available for config.ecf because it is in a *very* custom format. I could write a parser that allows JSON<->ECF encoding, which would make the data in the config files easier to work with/explore.
    Exacute likes this.
  2. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    It is not *that* bad of a custom format ;)
    In case you do write something like this, you might want to refer to my JS implementation. Might save you a little time atleast.
    But I think this could potentially be a *great* thing down the line, when we (hopefully eventually) can use it to parse custom stuff aswell as the current behaviour of editing it.
    I doubt it's too usefull currently tho.. Afaik you can't dynamically reload its data (and honestly, I'm having a hard time thinking of an use-case, where you'd want to real-time update items anyway.. but .. :p)
    Maybe an use-case for 'mods' would be reading the data, to behave differently, depending on the settings (for instance, if the weapon does x damage, do y)
    Might lead to some cool stuff.. But I think it'd have to be standardized to really be helpfull (perhabs consider, if you do write it, to include it into your mod API?)

    This could potentially be handy. It shouldn't be too hard to do as-is, but having a shortcut is always nice ;)
  3. cmwhee

    cmwhee Commander

    Oct 31, 2016
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    Really the idea would be facilitating a GUI-style editor of these properties. Where is your JS implementations?
  4. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Mm, that is an option too. It is moreso a one-size fits-all tho. I think perhabs using it for conditionals could be cool aswell.

    In the hangar bay forum; https://empyriononline.com/threads/script-convert-ecf-files-to-json-v2.36887/ (only ecf => json, as I've no need for json=>ecf in my current projects ;) )
  5. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Heh, evidently a bunch of us thought enough about the config file format to either write or think about writing parsers for it; I have a partial one implemented in python for my config file project on consistent item masses. @Exacute, I think I will go borrow your code and translate it into python :).
    Exacute likes this.
  6. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Feel free. The only 'regret' with the current implementation, is that the additionaldata# entries (for when it encounters a dataset that isn't named inside one
    (for instance
    { Item Id: 2055, Name: Sniper
      PickupToToolbar: true
      StackSize: 1
      Category: Weapons/Items
      Mass: 5, type: int, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
      Durability: 500, display: false
      DegradationProb: 0.625, type: float, display: false
        AllowRemote: false
        ROF: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
        Range: 400, display: false
        Automatic: false
        BulletSpread: 0.03, display: false
        Damage: 70, display: true
        AmmoCapacity: 6, display: true
        AmmoType: 12.7mmBullet, display: true
        ReloadDelay: 3.1, display: true
        Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerOrange1
        TracerPerBullet: 1
        DamageMultiplier_1: 6, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
        DamageMultiplier_2: 0.001, data: wood
        DamageMultiplier_3: 0.01, data: stone
        DamageMultiplier_4: 0.01, data: rock
        DamageMultiplier_5: 0.01, data: dirt
        DamageMultiplier_6: 0.001, data: hullarmored
        DamageMultiplier_7: 0.001, data: hullcombat
      UnlockCost: 7
      UnlockLevel: 5
      TechTreeParent: AssaultRifle
      TechTreeNames: Weapons

        2055: {
            item_id: 2055
            name: Sniper
            pickuptotoolbar: true
            stacksize: 1
            category: Weapons/Items
            mass: {
                mass: 5
                type: int
                display: false
                formatter: Kilogram
            durability: {
                durability: 500
                display: false
            degradationprob: {
                degradationprob: 0.625
                type: float
                display: false
            additionaldata_0: {
                allowremote: false
                rof: {
                    rof: 0.5
                    type: float
                    display: true
                    formatter: ROF
                range: {
                    range: 400
                    display: false
                automatic: false
                bulletspread: {
                    bulletspread: 0.03
                    display: false
                damage: {
                    damage: 70
                    display: true
                ammocapacity: {
                    ammocapacity: 6
                    display: true
                ammotype: {
                    ammotype: 12.7mmBullet
                    display: true
                reloaddelay: {
                    reloaddelay: 3.1
                    display: true
                tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerOrange1
                tracerperbullet: 1
                damagemultiplier_1: {
                    damagemultiplier_1: 6
                    data: head
                    display: DmgMultiplierHead
                damagemultiplier_2: {
                    damagemultiplier_2: 0.001
                    data: wood
                damagemultiplier_3: {
                    damagemultiplier_3: 0.01
                    data: stone
                damagemultiplier_4: {
                    damagemultiplier_4: 0.01
                    data: rock
                damagemultiplier_5: {
                    damagemultiplier_5: 0.01
                    data: dirt
                damagemultiplier_6: {
                    damagemultiplier_6: 0.001
                    data: hullarmored
                damagemultiplier_7: {
                    damagemultiplier_7: 0.001
                    data: hullcombat
            additionaldata_1: {
            unlockcost: 7
            unlocklevel: 5
            techtreeparent: AssaultRifle
            techtreenames: Weapons

    I would've ideally, when encountering duplicates, instead of _#, make them a subarray, with the shared name..
    Consider changing it to this. I believe it will be easier to read-through, if done as such.
    (like, it would be
    rather than additionaldata_1:{}, additionaldata_2:{}, (...))

    It might come down to taste in the end, but I'm likely going to be re-writing that eventually :)

    Note however, that this is a super edge-case.. And in this instance, the second one doens't even contain data ;)
    There is however some instances, like the multitool, that have several additionaldata ones
    geostar1024 likes this.
  7. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    What was your reasoning for not keeping the case of the keywords the same?
  8. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Additionaldata is generated from 'blank'


    sets. (ie. where there's no prefix, like harvester:{}), inside an already-existing one

    Where it seems that in many cases, the content is *identical* to other occurances. So here I did not find any valid candidate for an unique key. Rather I opted to use the arbitrary 'additionaldata' one.
    Why it isn't in the format I proposed, was honestly because I didn't think of it initially ;)
  9. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Ah, sorry, I was actually asking about the switch from CamelCase to all lowercase for all keywords; is that a JSON requirement?
  10. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Ah, no. But you cannot use spaces in naming, so rather than doing both, I opted for underscores.
    It could be either or both. I personally prefer this, but it is a style-decision in the end :) You can do either or both.
  11. cmwhee

    cmwhee Commander

    Oct 31, 2016
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    @geostar1024 If you want an ECF parser in python, I'd be happy to code it up for you. Like I said, I'm looking for a new project, and if you want to describe your need I can probably get through it in a couple of days. I have some immediate ideas on how to do it, and I'm trying to decide on what language I'll write it in
  12. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    I just revisited this idea in my head, and I think it could actually be rather cool having a 'standardized' approach to API calls (like you can hand out keys to a service, which can then in turn interact with your game). Might open it up for more cool scripts and stuff, when it is considerably easier to approach.
    If you are looking for a project, of these two, I think this would be the neater :)
    geostar1024 likes this.
  13. cmwhee

    cmwhee Commander

    Oct 31, 2016
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    I agree it would be pretty great to have running, but only if server operators actually want to use it, which is why I'm reaching out, to find out if anyone even wants it.
    Exacute likes this.

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