Player starter items..

Discussion in 'Planets & Playfields' started by -=Micah=- lR, Dec 30, 2017.

  1. -=Micah=- lR

    -=Micah=- lR Ensign

    Dec 3, 2017
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    I am looking to change the start items a player has when they start either in the pod or in a base. I found what I thought it was and edited the fixed player items but when restarting the server it doesn't change. I am not running a dedicated server, it is a hosted server, anyone able to help?
  2. ZzzSmileYzzZ

    ZzzSmileYzzZ Lieutenant

    Oct 7, 2017
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    What scenario you are playing? If you use the Default Multiplayer scenario, make sure your editing the file in that scenario folder. This is the location in your steam folder where the scenario are.

    C:\\Steam\Launcher\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Scenarios

    In there you got multiple scenario's listed as folders, make sure your editing the file there so it take effect into your game. First thing before you do "BACK UP" the folder your about to modify, so if your editing the Default MP scenario, make a copy of the folder, that way if something wrong happen you can revert it back to the default.

    Use Notepad++ for editing, very easy to use. If you want to modify the item at player start from the Default MP scenario, you will have to open the DMP folder then open the Playfield folder, in there you will found all the playfield from that scenario.

    Now the tricky part. In the DMP scenario you got multiple planets you can start on, you will need to identify what playfield those planets use and modify them so it take effect into the game. Now enter the DMP folder there will be a Sector folder, inside there, there will be 1 file name sector.yaml, open it with Notepad++, look at it, scroll down around line 40 and look for Akua, when you found it you will see that it is set as a starting planet, also got an orbit and moon. See below:

    - Coordinates: [92, -95, 117]
      Color: 0.04, 0.3, 0.37
      Icon: Circle
      OrbitLine: True
      Deny: [Oscutune Orbit, Aitis Orbit]
      - ['0, 0, 0', Akua Orbit, SpaceAsteroidFieldRingAkua]
      # - ['0, 0, 0', Akua, Temperate, 'Human:1']
      # - ['-6500, 5000, 6500', Akua Moon, Moon]
      - ['0, 0, 0', Akua, NewTemperate, 'Human:1'] #OK
      - ['-6500, 5000, 6500', Akua Moon, NewMoon2] #ok
    As you see Akua use the NewTemperate as playfield to generate the planet. Now go back to the DMP folder and open the folder Playfield, then the NewTemperate folder, there you will see the playfield.yaml file, open it with Notepad++, around line 709 you will see the FixedPlayerStart:

            - Mode: Survival
              Spawn: EscapePod
              Armor: ArmorLight
              Items: [ "Pistol, 50Caliber:250, Medikit02:3, AntidotePills:3, EmergencyRations:4, WaterBottle:2, EnergyCell:5, Drill, Chainsaw, BioFuel:4, ConstructorSurvival, AutoMinerCore:5, Core, TomatoStage1, WheatStage1, CornStage1, PumpkinStage1, PearthingStage1, DurianRoot, EVABoost, OreScanner", "Pistol, 50Caliber:175, Medikit02:2, AntidotePills:2, EmergencyRations:2, WaterBottle:2, EnergyCell:4, Drill, Chainsaw, BioFuel:3, ConstructorSurvival, AutoMinerCore:4, Core, PumpkinStage1, PearthingStage1, DurianRoot, EVABoost, OreScanner", "Pistol, 50Caliber:150, Medikit02:1, AntidotePills:1, EmergencyRations:1, WaterBottle:1, EnergyCell:3, Drill, Chainsaw, BioFuel:2, ConstructorSurvival, AutoMinerCore:3, DurianRoot, EVABoost", "#FreshStart: Drill, Chainsaw, BioFuel:2, ConstructorSurvival" ]
    There you can modify what the player start with, as you see the line repeats itself, it's because it's set for different difficulty settings, Normal, Medium and Hard. You can remove them like this:

            - Mode: Survival
              Spawn: EscapePod
              Armor: ArmorLight
              Items: [ "Pistol, 50Caliber:250, Medikit02:3, AntidotePills:3, EmergencyRations:4, WaterBottle:2, EnergyCell:5, Drill, Chainsaw, BioFuel:4, ConstructorSurvival, AutoMinerCore:5, Core, TomatoStage1, WheatStage1, CornStage1, PumpkinStage1, PearthingStage1, DurianRoot, EVABoost, OreScanner" ]
    That way the game will use the same starting items for all 3 difficulty level. KEEP IN MIND it will only affect Akua, if player start in Omicron they will not notice the change, for that you will have to go back to the sector folder, then open the sector file again or keep it open in Notepad++ and see what playfield folder the planet use, in this case it use the NewDesert folder, open that folder in the DMP scenario Playfield folder, once open, go the the same place almost at the bottom of the file and edit the starting items. You will have to do the same process for the other starting area. To change the armor, change the ArmorLight to ArmorMedium or ArmorHeavy for heavy armor.

    If your playing different scenario, use the same method as mention above. In the default scenario there will only be two files in the folder, it's because that scenario use the playfield folder and sector folder located just before the scenario folder, I'm guessing it where you were making the change and they were not taking effect. Hope this help.

    Slipstream likes this.
  3. MortarMuscle

    MortarMuscle Ensign

    Apr 19, 2018
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    This info is fantastic but do you know where I can find the item names? Such as the core miners version 2 and 3 or other "upgraded" items? Also if I wanted to add specific resources, how would it be typed out?

    Thank you
  4. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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  5. RNCB

    RNCB Ensign

    Jan 16, 2017
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    I did this, and it worked perfectly on my computer for single player. Did the exact same changes on the server and the amount of deposits, weather, settlements, etc all changed correctly. BUT, the start items were not added. It is in the same file as the weather and such so I am so confused...

    - Mode: Creative
    SubMode: Empty
    Armor: ArmorLight
    Pos: [ 423, 147, 693 ]
    RotY: 160

    - Mode: Creative
    SubMode: Normal
    Armor: ArmorLight
    Pos: [ 435, 52, 868 ]
    RotY: 30

    - Mode: Debug
    Pos: [ 0, 147, 0 ]
    RotY: 160

    - Mode: Survival
    Spawn: EscapePod
    # Spawn: Structure
    # Structure: "Wreckage"
    Armor: ArmorLight
    Items: [ "SurvivalTent, Chainsaw, BioFuel:10, ConstructorSurvival, Flashlight, AntibioticOintment:6, Bandages:6, StomachPills:6, Shotgun, ShotgunShells:40, IronOre:100, CobaltOre:100, CopperOre:100, SiliconOre:100, DrillT2, DrillCharge:20, EmergencyRations:20, WaterJug:6" ]
  6. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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  7. Deathshades

    Deathshades Lieutenant

    Jul 31, 2018
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    did you ever find out i am in same boat
  8. stimdealer0001

    stimdealer0001 Captain

    Sep 14, 2015
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    So, assuming your playfield.yaml is correct, with your custom starter items added, you'll want to delete the 'templates folder' in your save game folder, which will force your server to build off of the scenario files again. Alternatively, you can just edit the playfield.yaml that resides in the Templates folder>playfieldname folder>playfield.yaml. Also delete your cache everytime you make changes to a live server.

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