Fixed Autobrake option OFF on planets works incorrectly

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by Politary, Jun 26, 2019.

  1. Politary

    Politary Ensign

    Aug 13, 2018
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    Mode: Any

    SEED-ID: any


    Reproducibility: Always
    Severity: Minor

    Type: Handling bug

    Summary: Autobrake OFF function doesn't keep ship's altitude on planets anymore.

    Description: Autobrake OFF function doesn't keep ship's altitude on planets anymore. It makes aiming in svs much more tedious. Autobrake OFF used to keep ship's altitude in Alpha 9. There was a bug like this at the beginning of Alpha 9 and it was fixed shortly after release.

    Steps to Reproduce: Disable Autobrake and don't press any buttons in air.
  2. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Autobreak:On makes the hover in place. (what I undrestand you expect from the off Setting)
    Autobreak:eek:ff disables that function and allows 'drifting' (for hovers at least; effect is that a SV falls from sky)

    Also, be aware of mass volume and gravity and the amount of active thrusters.

  3. Politary

    Politary Ensign

    Aug 13, 2018
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    My sv has more than enough thrust, it's currently an issue for any sv. Autobrake used to allow svs to "drift" horizontally, allowing pilot to move more unpredictable, while positioned at fixed altitude to make aiming easier and more controllable. Now the ship constatly falls from the sky unless you constantly type the space button, making the option not useful on planets anymore.
  4. Politary

    Politary Ensign

    Aug 13, 2018
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    On top of that, this exact issue was considered a bug in Alpha 9 and was quickly fixed.
  5. Before A10, turning autobreak off in a SV didn't cause it to suddenly drop out of the sky. It only affected side to side and forwards/backwards thrusters. The ship was still able to hover in place before, it just had no automatic breaks (as the name implies.)

    Now SV's drop out of the sky when you turn autobreak off. You have to constantly pulse spacebar to stay in place. This WAS considered a bug in previous versions and promptly fixed, now it's back.
  6. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    I'm sorry, but I experienced this only either with MV:eek:n and too less power on thrusters (in that mode) or beeing with a SV on a planet with too high G for the ship.

    Just about an hour ago an admin spawned a SV of mine (red edition) on the Server and we did a testflight, which included a 1min hovering at a 45° angle above the planetary base…
    I didnt noticed us falling down... (autobreak:eek:n)

    Thus, i'm sorry if the above post 'hurt' you in any way.
    However, I still want to Point out that
    I experience this described behaviour (stable, keeping height when afk) only with autobreak: ON - on the lower right 'hud/tooltip'....
    'Drifting' in that sense was only possible with autobreak: OFF, which caused the SV to drop if not either moving forward or up with enough thrust (activly, you're on manual!!).

    If the behaviour I described was/is considered a bug i'd Question the logic….

    My (simplified-pseudoscience) logic:
    Auto-break : on = breaks automaticly = stays in place where you put it
    auto-break : off = keeps momentum + G - '(last movement speed / air-force)' = drifting

    What happens when you do autobreak: on?

    Because, I do expect a ship to drop down when i disable the automtic thruster-burst that keep my Position.
    It's like parking on a 10% hill and not use breaks when leaving the car… (the car will roll down, unless you stand on either of the pedals…)
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2019
  7. I put together a video for you showing before 10.0 (I used 7.5.8 but they are all the same) and after 10.0 auto-break behavior.

    Notice pre-A10 when I shut it off the vessel stays hovering. After 10.0 the vessel drops to the ground the instant I turn auto-break off. Mass and volume isn't active for the test, and it's the same if it is active. Same exact vessel in both versions (rebuilt in 10.0 exactly the same.)
    It's a bug.
    Don't mind the ship falling through the terrain at the end.

    Pay close attention to the info in the bottom right to see when I'm turning auto-break off and on.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2019
  8. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Really why are they called breaks when really the job they provide is stability. So wouldn't stabilizers be a more correct name?
    Inappropriate and Germanicus like this.
  9. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I key = Inertia Dampeners.

    Also, it's "brake", not "break".
    Break is to damage or destroy.
    Brake is to stop.

    Just like Hangar is where you keep your ships and aircrafts. Hanger is what you hang your jacket on in the closet.
  10. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Not my fault!:mad: The spell checker said it was a correct spelling.:D
    Besides i'm not the only one at fault. Everyone but yourself and the OP had it wrong.:eek::rolleyes::)
  11. Does the spelling really matter?
    Or does the bug at play here matter more?? Hmm.

    I went to public school in the US, so that explains my spelling. Lol.
  12. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    The bug was "autobreak OFF" not causing ships to fall.

    Autobreak OFF disables all automatic thruster control. Your thrusters will only fire when you issue a movement command. They will not automatically attempt to counteract gravity or slow you down.

    Use cruise control instead (shift+w or shift+a movement key) to keep your altitude while flying without needing to hold down the forward key.
    Cruise control will maintain full thruster burn in the direction you used in the key combination while also counteracting gravity so your ship does not fall.
  13. Politary

    Politary Ensign

    Aug 13, 2018
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    If it was a bug before, why the exact same issue was fixed in previous alpha? This change was not in Alpha 10 changelog as well. Cruise control has nothing to do with it since it's used for movement from point A to point B, not for active maneuvers in battle.
  14. Except for the fact that this WAS classified as a bug in the past and fixed, now it's back. This isn't how autobrake is supposed to work.
    In space, yes, autobrake off means no thrusters are controlled automatically.
    On a planet, no, autobrake off is still supposed to maintain down thruster to keep altitude as long as you stay level. They fixed this in the past when it was bugged exactly the same as it is now.

    So you are telling me when you turn autobrake off in a HV it's supposed to drop to the ground as well (because it doesn't.)

    There is also nothing in the patch notes claiming this is intentional.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2019
  15. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    No, because a hover is something different than a SV.
    For a hover, hovering is a 'given'.... how it maneuvers is another Story -> auto-brake…

    However, I DO expect that when i toggle 'thrusters' in the P menu, that the hover Engines would be turned off as well, which they dont…

    For an SV, often displayed/built as/like Jet fighters, hovering per se is not so much a 'given'... but.. with autobrake:eek:n - it is…
    So yes I do have different expectation on the same 'setting' for the 2 different vessel types.

    Again, to me it is like (metaphoricly), parking a car on a 15% hill without using the hand-brakes (auto-brake), it will start to roll down (drop) until you hit either of the two pedals (autobrake:eek:n, or accelerate in any direction).

    This said - and from my Point of view…..
    The issue (bug) is not the falling down while not pressing a key with autobrake off.... (I DO expect that!!)
    It's the falling down DESPITE (Forward) acceleration…. (and having enough thrust to all sides ; 0.7g @ 32m/s2 lift off power), THAT I do NOT expect.

    My expectations would be:
    For as Long the ships moves (accelearates!!) in any direction F,B,L,R and has enough 'lift off power' it should maintain height (autobrake: off).
    However, if it doesnt have enough 'lift off power' it SHOULD begin to drop (autobrake off, still).

    (where as with too few lift off power, but enough Forward acceleartion, AND autobrake:eek:n - it might be able to maintain height.. - but not when afk))
    Orion likes this.
  16. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Will be checked.
    Politary, ravien_ff and krazzykid2006 like this.
  17. Any progress on this? It's 100% reproducible. Simply jump into a SV while in atmosphere and turn autobrake off, SV drops to the ground.
    This did not behave this way prior to the changes in 10.0
  18. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    In B2522 I do exactly this in multiple SV's & they no longer drop.
    Politary likes this.
  19. I can confirm that as of B2522 it is now back to behaving as it used to prior to A10.
    I'm not sure what exactly they changed to get it working again as I don't see anything in 2522 patch notes that relates to that issue at all.

    I'll keep an eye out in future patches to make sure it doesn't regress again.
    I would say this can be marked as fixed now, issue is gone.

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