Fixed Stuttering rotation; speed overrun; no rotation speed update

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by Momo, Dec 3, 2019.

  1. Momo

    Momo Commander

    Jul 30, 2019
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    The game still have stuttering issues. My last job on the Workshop makes it even more obvious. When my SV reach his maximum speed or rotation speed, the ship have laggy movements. (Same for all my design and even those from others creators).

    I'm pretty sure now it's a programmation issue (like an infinite loop). The SV reach is maximum speed, but the game still add acceleration. So the speed limit is exceeded and the game put back the ship speed within the speed limit, then add acceleration ... etc.

    An other issue : When I switch between "ECO mode" or "Interception mode" the game does not take into account new number of active thrusters and therefore does not change the rotation speed. I have to get out and get in for that.

    You can find my last job here :

    Best regards.
  2. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Can you show this ? does it appear as if the structure is shaking ? just to ask as we have a fix in the works for that in partiucalr in the next exp release.

    I cannot seem to reproduce this with your vessel can you explain exactly what you do (combo of key presses maybe ?) ?

    That's known
  3. Momo

    Momo Commander

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Video (constant 50 fps) :

    The first ship is a bit shaking (slow angular speed), the second one is more evident. This issue was introduced by Alpha 10.6.

    I just push the speed to max, and when my ship reach 70 m/s, the speed indicator goes crazy and goes up to 80 m/s.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2019
  4. Momo

    Momo Commander

    Jul 30, 2019
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    The stutter effect seems to be a camera issue (only on external view / 3rd person)
  5. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Ok thanks for the video I can see exactly what you meant there is a fix for this already in the net major exp release no eta just yet for it.

    Thanks for the info I'll try some more with your vessel.
  6. @Pantera here's a video that may help you narrow down the speed issue he's talking about.
    On planet it jumps over the max and then right back down over and over. Fly the prefab SV Arrow (T2 Assault fighter L12 Arrow) as an example.
    It has so much thrust that it always happens.

    Now take that same vessel into space and this is where this video happens......
    I'm going to make this SV travel 1000+m/s and then carry it into the planet for a bit. Yep, you read that correctly, 1,000+m/s
    You see, in space it doesn't knock you back down if you exceed max speed like on planet. I could have kept accelerating until the game crashed if I wanted.

    To reproduce,
    Use the prefab I said above and go to space. Hold W and also hold down left or right arrow key (or constantly move mouse in any direction you choose, circles works).

    On to the good stuff!!! Jump to around the 8 minute mark if you are just here for the top speed and don't want to watch me fly in circles. You will miss out on me running out of O2 in my suit at one point though :eek::oops:

    Default random scenario.
    I have a custom config.ecf file to change some stack sizes, but I just took it out and the same thing happens.

    I must have pretty good hardware. I just recreated it again without the custom config (so 100% vanilla nothing modified) and I took it to 2,000m/s before I got bored. It was skipping more than a few frames though, lol.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2019
  7. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Thanks in the next major exp release there is a fix for what you show in the video already.
    krazzykid2006 likes this.

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