Fixed Vessels sinking into blocks & terrain [7729 - 7809]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by upsidedownpancake, Dec 18, 2020.

  1. DarkMaid

    DarkMaid Commander

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Update: Continuing my investigation as suggested by @Pach I built a pad on a base that was built from scratch (ie. not a cored POI) on some foothills near a mountain. No other structures within 1.5 km or so. Built a concrete pad to park my small CV onto. Transported all my SV's and HV's to the new base so that I could leave the CV parked while I go do something in a different vessel, come back and check whether the CV sinks or not.

    Result: Went to a crashed CV POI about 5.5 km away that I had stripped earlier; it still had steel blocks (not that I really needed them) but I figured I'd retrieve some for purposes of this experiment. Anyway, landed at the POI, retrieved about 150 blocks of steel or so, loaded them into my SV and flew back to base. Was probably 15 or 20 minutes away real time from the time I left the new base until I returned.

    As I approached the base I could see in the distance my CV jumping around. Obviously it had sunk into the concrete pad and the game engine was now ejecting it due to the hull clipping the pad.


    This is a still shot but the CV is actually jumping around. If you look closely the rear third of the hull is still clipped.


    Final position of the CV after being ejected from the concrete. As you can see I'm still in my SV as I watched the action. Took this screen shot when the CV had stopped its gyrations. Landed and saved the game.

    Save file:

    The difference from this and the Heidelberg sinking events is that at Heidelberg I had to reload the game before the CV was auto-ejected from the clipped condition whereas here the ejection occurred as I approached the base.

    It appears I can reproduce this pretty much 100% of the time:

    1) Land the CV normally on the pad (it's a tight fit but it fits);
    2) Take a SV and do something about 5 - 6 km away for at least 7 or 8 minutes;
    3) Come back and the CV will have sunk through the concrete.

    Whether it auto-ejects on every occasion I have yet to find out as this was my first experiment at the new base.

    Bottom line: While I am away from any base my CV (with landing gear) at that base will sink through the concrete it was resting on until it reaches soil. Doesn't matter if the base was built from a cored POI or whether it was one created by plunking down a base starter block.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2020
    Pach and stanley bourdon like this.
  2. Dreadarm

    Dreadarm Lieutenant

    Aug 18, 2020
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    I have seen this happen 5 times myself to my own ships, after restart ships are upside down, or docked ships are somehow in the air etc.
  3. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    A way to force this to happen a little more reliably ("Sometimes" instead of "Random") has been found & will be looked into asap.
    DarkMaid, Pach and Germanicus like this.
  4. Khaleg

    Khaleg Commander

    Nov 5, 2020
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    I know this has been reported already, but I include here my savegame and information, I hope this will help to debug the issue.

    BUG: Ships are displaced / rotated when are instantiated (we enter into instantiation distance) in an accumulative way. Seems that the CV with docked ships are affected by this, but docked ships not. So docked ships stay in the correct position, while the CV containing the ships is displaced / rotated.

    Seems that the docked ships are exluded of the physics engine, but CV containing these not. Depending on the complexity of the CV (numer of polygons) a high load happens at instantiation time, and the CV is displaced / rotated, while docked ships are excluded of this effect.

    My savegame:

    The displacement / rotation seems accumulative, you will have to go away of the CV and returm back several times to appreciate the error.

    Good luck chasing the issue.
  5. DarkMaid

    DarkMaid Commander

    Jan 26, 2019
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    It's also happening on terrain that's been flattened with the drill. Took a SV for a short visit to the starter planet moon and on return my CV (which I'd left parked on a bit of terrain that'd been flattened with the hand drill) had meanwhile sunk through the material that had been added by the drill .

    [​IMG]Front landing gear.

    [​IMG]Rear landing gear.

    Seems to be a much rarer event but this is the 2nd time it's happened in this landing spot after I returned to the base after doing some other task away from the base.

    Save game:

    Upon game reload the CV is OK; you have to leave in a different vehicle and spend some time away from the base and return for it to happen again.

    To summarize the experience I've had so far with this particular bug:

    SV's and HV's with landing gear (SV's) and docking pads (HV's) have never sunk for me if they were docked on concrete.
    HV parked on concrete pad but without a docking pad equipped sank twice, 2nd time completely disappearing from view. Fairly rare.
    CV's parked on concrete at cored POI base or a created base sinks through concrete until the landing gear reaches soil. Very high probability.
    CV's parked on flattened terrain sinks to the pre-flattened soil level. Rare but seems to be happening more frequently.
    All vehicles parked on undisturbed soil so far have never sunk (for me).
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2021
  6. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    For what it is worth it, for me it happens as follows :

    1. I leave the CV floating less than 300m from orbit and fall down to planet to explore, leaving CV behind. I do that to every planet I visit.
    2. I explore without leaving the game between the fall on planet from CV and return to it. Game play might take an hour.
    3. Upon returning to CV that still floats where I left it sometimes aka 1 to 5 I might find the CV tilted.
    4. Docked vessels do not follow the tilt of the CV but they are found buried in the CV hall
    5. Sometimes I find docked vessels outside the CV hall like they are hovering. The vessels are in docked state. I start godmode to go to them and undock them and fly them back inside CV. The number 5 happens even CV is not tilted.

    The tilt might happen as small roll most of the times and sometimes as small angled pitch. If i attempt to fly the CV with the displaced docked vessels they remain at their place following the CV as if they are docked inside the hall.
  7. ATCDug

    ATCDug Ensign

    Jan 8, 2021
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    This is highly frustrating!!!! It started after 2 updates ago. I am on a dedicated server we have been using for a long time. After that update, we have had major issues with CVs jumping around while we are still in the pilot seat and, like described above, when we park them and come back they are jumping around or buried in the base. If you restart the server it doesn't correct it. If you log out and back in, it doesn't fix it. These are ships we have been using even before the update.
    All the issues described in this thread is happening to us also. I can't tell you how many times I have had to move the CV to another location to get it unstuck!
    This last time (that the pics show), I went out in my HV and came back to the base. As I approached the base, all 3 CVs were doing flips. 2 of them stopped and were buried in the base and the other one came to rest on top of an HV. This is getting truly RECOCKULUS!!!!
    DRC-ProjectEden-112420_2021-01-07_21-42-20.png DRC-ProjectEden-112420_2021-01-07_21-42-54.png DRC-ProjectEden-112420_2021-01-07_21-43-34.png DRC-ProjectEden-112420_2021-01-07_21-43-57.png DRC-ProjectEden-112420_2021-01-07_21-44-42.png
    PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE fix this!!! Thanks
    upsidedownpancake likes this.
  8. ATCDug

    ATCDug Ensign

    Jan 8, 2021
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    One more thing: It doesn't seem to be happening to any particular type of or class of CV. We have several different Class and configured CVs and it happens to all of them. We have actually had a CV get stuck inside another CV that it was parked on.

    Actually there maybe one thing that is common. I don't think at anytime any one of them was actually docked. I'm going to ask the other players on our server if that has been the case. But I think in my experience, the docked ones do not seem to move. I will test it out to make sure.

    Ours only happens with CVs. I know this thread includes HV and SV but our issue has only been with CVs moving around. But then again, all our HVs and SVs are typically docked. That may have something to do with it.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2021
  9. xtended2l

    xtended2l Commander

    Oct 23, 2020
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    Good mention! That could be why our small and hover vessels always sink into textures after revisiting bases and CV's.
  10. Khaleg

    Khaleg Commander

    Nov 5, 2020
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  11. Khaleg

    Khaleg Commander

    Nov 5, 2020
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    I tend to think that, in reality, the only reason that it is not happening with HVs / SVs is that they are docked. I bet this would happen with all kind of vehicle, if it is not docked. My observations are just these, if the ship is docked, it is not moved / tilted; if it is not docked, then there are great probabilities of being misplaced when instantiated.

    And this happens on not multiplayer games too, in space or in the ground. I would say that the problem lies with the instantiation position and order for all not docked ships (normally CV are not docked, so it is more frequent on these).
  12. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Continuing my previous post I attach save game and photos.

    Save game and relevant photo showing SV supposed to be docked in hangar. It looks hovering in hangar. If the player etners the cockpit it is docked but the position is wrong. CV is slightly tilted.

    Escape from purgatory v2.88_2021-01-08_16-08-53.png Relevant save file

    Photos bellow are from past save games..... Just showing SVs docked but somehow inside CV hull. Relevant game versions are on the left corner of course.

    [--A12_0_1506--]_2020-07-16_10-34-22.png [--A12_0_1506--]_2020-07-16_10-34-12.png [--A12_0_1506--]_2020-07-16_10-31-41.png [--A12_0_1506--]_2020-07-16_10-31-07.png
  13. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Hi guys,
    Just to note the devs are currently working on a fix for this bug & as soon as it is ready this thread will be updated.
  14. Daimonicon

    Daimonicon Lieutenant

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Mode: (Survival)
    Location: (Singleplayer)

    SERVER NAME: ---
    SEED-ID: (948597)

    If applicable:

    Reproducibility: (Always)
    Severity: (Major)

    Type: (Vehicles)

    Ships sink into the ground or were positioned crazily.

    since "v1.3.1 - 3199" vehicles are often positioned crazy, but here this affected mostly only reactivated ones - like e.g. the "Damaged Hoverbike"

    see picture A+B

    Bild_A.jpg Bild_B.jpg

    In the following versions they sank either into the ground or under it. Mostly on vehicles, fortunately not on buildings.

    see picture C+D

    Bild_C.jpg Bild_D.jpg

    In CV's the vehicles are simply moved vertically up or down, but they keep the original position (needless to say that the vehicles were parked reasonably on all pictures)

    see picture E+F+G

    Bild_E.jpg Bild_F.jpg Bild_G.jpg

    since "v1.3.3 - 3209" Occurs all previously mentioned and in addition vehicles sink through buildings floors. In the latter case, the difference is that the vehicles from buildings can no longer be rescued or get out. If a vehicle has sunk into another one you can often still save it by "auto positining" - Key "O".
    Should I ever react quickly enough, I'll probably make a video.
  15. Khaleg

    Khaleg Commander

    Nov 5, 2020
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  16. The Oz

    The Oz Ensign

    Jan 13, 2021
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    Hey Guys, I have been to discord, steam groups and google trying to figure out where I should post this.. Maybe it is this thread. The following happened today.

    I have played this game over the years and really enjoyed it. I just talked my 9 year old into playing a COOP with me. We just got our first CV and loaded everything on it to leave and search for a new planet.

    Unfortunately, when I logged in today the CV went poof. HV poof. SV floating in the air (will not undock from the phantom ship). the registry shows the CV and HV are a few meters away but they are not. Just the inaccessible SV that is parked in the air on top of what once was our CV. It also says it's out of range and I have no access to the control panel. Restarting doesn't work. I don't know what to do.

    It's a major bummer and my son is going to be so disappointed when he finds out all our hard work went poof. I would build back up but don't want to do that if it will just happen again. I read a few threads and sounds like a known bug but I don't know how to fix it.

    If you need anymore information I will help as much as I can. Just don't want my son to be disappointed and not want to play anymore. It really is a fun game when your hours spent don't go poof.
  17. Khaleg

    Khaleg Commander

    Nov 5, 2020
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    @The Oz

    Hello, and sorry to hear this, I feel your pain.

    Not an expert at this, but maybe you would use the console and commands to:

    1.- Find your missed ships
    2.- Teleport yourself to the ship position
    3.- Use God Mode to enter to the ship
    4.- Activate the ship and try to move it to a OK position

    or... if possible... substuite the 2 to 4 steps with the setposition / setrotation command to place your ships where you want.

    Console commands for the game:

    Relevant commands for your case:
    help --> List all available commands or the help for a specific one if specified as parameter

    setrole --> Sets the role of a player, maybe you will need this to grant yourself Game Master permissions for the rest of the commands, but I am unsure if you will require this.

    di --> Enables additional debug information on the game

    ents --> Will list all entities in your game, including the IDs. You can use this to check that the ships really exist on your game and which IDs each entity has.

    find --> Finds an entity by name and shows the ID

    gm --> Enables / disables god mode. This will allow pass through walls and objects.

    setposition --> Sets the position of a entity

    setrotation --> Sets the rotation of a entity

    teleport --> Teleport you (and your ship if on one) to the indicated position

    entity <entityid> -<backup/repair/cost/info/move>
    example: entity <entity_id> -move <x> <y> <z> --> Will move to the x, y, z position the ship that is the entity with the ID: <entity_id>
    The trick here is to know the position in x, y, z coordinates, I think that by using the God Mode that allows you to fly, you can first go to a specific position, get the position coordinates (maybe with find <entity name = Player>) and move the lost ship to this coordinates.

    Just check the URL with the commands and links to specific commands to see how could be used.

    Good luck
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2021
  18. Fenra369

    Fenra369 Commander

    Apr 5, 2016
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    20210122213021_1.jpg Can confirm that in v1.3.4 this issue still persists on Dedicated server. Seems to be an issue with DSL not properly loading entities which are not docked to either CV or BA. This pic shows entities I spawned fall through the POI that it's on top of. In MP server this can get rather annoying, because you'd have to use console commands to reposition the entities.
  19. Brushes

    Brushes Ensign

    Jan 12, 2021
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    I started a new survival game, on the arid world, and i noticed some plants were below ground level... as in only their tops were visible. Now my SV is sinking when i leave my base for a while. I wasnt going that fast.jpg

    Attached Files:

  20. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Please retest the sinking vessel you describe in v1.4 on the experimental branch. Any vessels that are already "sunk" you will need to reposition or dig them out.
    Germanicus likes this.

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