Thank you so much! Yeah, I get it makes things more troublesome by making the game available on different platforms, but the benefit I guess is that now more people have an opportunity to enjoy such an amazing game.
The current situation for workshop content is explained here for Epic users:
@ASTIC, I am trying to incorporate orderbylist into the following script. Would I be able to use orderbylist somehow after the itemlist section of code, but before the split @root.Data.D at the end? If I am understanding the code correctly this would be the best place to handle reorganizing the data. The goal is the have this script show a static list of ingots and how many exist aboard the ship. If none exist instead of removing the line it would show 0. Code: {{~set 'T' '8000'}} {{~#split '#15FC05,#8FF904,#F4DC04,#F99C04,#FC6305,#CE1818' ','}}{{set 'C' .}}{{/split}} {{~set 'IDs' '4329,4173,4319,4321-4327,4331,4333,4339,4346,4360,4363,4366,4376,4444,7301,7343,'}} {{~#split @root.ScriptId ':'}} {{~#devices @root.E.S .1}} {{~#split (substring (i18n .0/Id 'English') 4) ' '}}{{/split}} {{~/devices}} {{~/split}} <color=#FFF><align=center><size=200%>Ingots</size></align> <align=center>{{bar 1 0 1 45 '═'}}</align> {{#sortedeach @root.E.S.Items 'Count' false}}{{~#test Id in @root.Data.IDs}}{{set 'X' (concat @root.Data.X Id ',')}}{{setblock 'D' ~}} {{@root.Data.D}}{{i18n Id}}:{{format Count '{0,6:N0}'}}: {{~#test Count geq @root.Data.T}}{{@root.Data.C.0}}{{else}} {{~#test Count ge (calc @root.Data.T '*' '0.75')}}{{@root.Data.C.1}}{{else}} {{~#test Count ge (calc @root.Data.T '*' '0.50')}}{{@root.Data.C.2}}{{else}} {{~#test Count ge (calc @root.Data.T '*' '0.25')}}{{@root.Data.C.3}}{{else}}{{@root.Data.C.4}}{{/test}}{{/test}}{{/test}}{{/test}};{{~/setblock}}{{~/test}}{{~/sortedeach}} {{~#itemlist @root.E.S.Items @root.Data.IDs}}{{#test Id in @root.Data.X}}{{else}}{{set 'D' (concat @root.Data.D (i18n Id) ':' (format 0 '{0,6:N0}') ':' @root.Data.C.5 ';')}}{{/test}}{{/itemlist}} {{~#split @root.Data.D ';' true}} {{#each .}}{{#split . ':'}} {{fontsize 3}}{{~concat '<color=' ./.2 '><indent=8%>◉ ' ./.0 '</indent> <indent=74%>' ./.1 '</indent></color>' ~}}{{/split}}{{~/each}}{{~/split}}
'itemlist' already returns the items in the order of the IDs and possibly with 0. or do you want to achieve something else?