Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Mar 23, 2017.

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  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Welcome to Alpha 6.0

    To guid you through all the new features, we put together a comprehensive FAQ to adress most of the open topics.

    - If you are a builder, check out our FAQ FOR BUILDERS adding more details about creative mode knowlege and configurable devices (f.ex. Spawners, NPC Traders and more!)!
    - If you want to learn more about MP features, customizing playfields and scenarios, check out our FAQ for MP/CUSTOMIZING/SCENARIOS

    Thanks a lot & have fun playing! :)

    - Table of contents -
    - AI VESSELS .................................................. [Goto]
    - Control Panel: MAIN PAGE features ........... [Goto]
    - BLUEPRINTS.................................................[Goto]
    - BLUEPRINTS troubleshooting......................[Goto]
    - BOOSTERS.....................................................[Goto]
    - GAME START ............................................... [Goto]
    - DURABILITY & REPAIR .............................. [Goto]
    - INSTANCES .................................................. [Goto]
    - MAP MARKERS ............................................ [Goto]
    - MINING......................................................... [Goto]
    - OFFLINE PROTECTION (MP) .................... [Goto]
    - OXYGENATED ROOMS .............................. [Goto]
    - PLAYER ARMOR...........................................[Goto]
    - PORTALS & INSTANCES ............................ [Goto]
    - SIGNAL LOGIC ............................................ [Goto]
    - SOLAR POWER ........................................... [Goto]
    - TEMPERATURE and RADIATION...............[Goto]
    - TEMP & RAD for DEVICES...........................[Goto]
    - TRIGGERS & SENSORS .............................. [Goto]
    - WEATHER ................................................... [Goto]


    Q: How does the FARMING work?
    A: You need to match the followign conditions for plants to grow:
    - Growing if temperature is between 20 and 30° and RAD is 0 and Oxygen is available
    - Dying if temperature is lower than 0 or higher than 50° or RAD is higher than 3

    - Plants now only grow/die in Survival Mode
    - Plants now also grow outside without the need of a growing light if conditions are met.
    - Plants do not die from power-loss/outage! If they do, this is a bug and needs to be reported (Please send me your savegame as a download link via PM). Please take into account that power-outages can lead to secondary effects (like temperature drop).
    - You need a growing light if you are inside a base, even if you have windows on each side! Plants will not grow from natural light in a base alone.

    Q: I don't see all the planets on the space map anymore! (SECTOR VISIBILITY)
    A: You need to visit them to reveal new warp routes ;-)

    Q: The HUD-Markers are different!
    A: Changes in A6.0 are as follows:
    - Adapted HUD marker colors according to enemy status: alien core = red, same or allied faction = green, same origin = orange)
    - Red for living enemies, white for dead ones (does not yet apply to Radar-Map)

    Q: Does publishing blueprints not use workshop.data anymore?
    A: Yes, as this has caused a few issues when workshop.data got lost or damaged. Now the game asks the workshop which blueprints the player has published and checks the names.

    Q: How do i rename my published blueprints?
    A: Go to the workshop (STEAM) and rename. The game will update the blueprint name in-game.

    Q: How do i build a T2 weapon?
    A: T2 weapons need weapon kits as a component. You need to find those

    Q: How do i fill a fuel and O2 tank ? (TANK and AMMO MANAGEMENT)
    A: Just as before: Walk up to a tank and hit F or access via Control Panel. The only differenc: You do not need to move each and every item to each and every tank. You are now filling ALL tanks of your structure from ONE place by physically accessing a random tank or accessing your tank via Control Panel. No need to mange tanks individually anymore.
    A2: Each tank now contributes its value to your total capacity. The underlying mechanic of filling up a structures "fuel points" or "O2 points" by adding fuel packs of different sizes or O2 bottles to tanks has not changed - it just was not that visible before.
    A3: You can now also fill O2, Fuel, Ammo and Pentaxid with “Fill All” button from the Control Panel Main tab. See info about the new Control Panel.

    REFER to the paragraph about the CONTROL PANEL for more info.

    Q: Why do shower and toilet and other deco elements have a sound effect now?
    A: They not only have a sound effect...just try them ;-)

    Q: I can not suicide anymore!
    A: Yes, we removed the suicide button from the inventory. If you need to suicide, open the console and enter "destoyme" (without the " " )

    Q: What is the furnace all about?
    A: A convenient way of smelting a lot of ore in a short amount of time

    Q: I can not heal in the medic bay anymore!
    A: You need to hit F to use it

    Q: What about the new "Scenario" Game mode?
    A: These are pre-defined scenarios that you can play. The range of default-scenarios shipped with the game will be increased over time. (Maybe also with yours? Who knows ;-)

    Q: How can i aquire new scenarios from the community?
    A: Got to the workshop and subscribe! ;-)

    Q: Did you add more game-start settings for MP?
    A: Yes!
    - Added possibility to set start armor in playfield.yaml.
    - Added possibility to set start items in playfield.yaml (e.g. see "snow" playfield.yaml)
    - Added possibility to set start setting (Escape Pod or in base) in playfield.yaml: e.g. on Ningues you start in Trading Station
    > see the dedicate.yaml (main folder) and the example playfield yamls (Folder: ../Content/playfields) for detailed possibilities!

    A: You can now also set a new savegame to use a SCENARIO for your server
    NOTE: For MP the "Default Multiplayer" scenario is used! This is slightly altered from the current Singleplayer Game Start. In Default Multiplayer the players have all items in their inventory. They do not need to find a Wreckage!

    Please refer to the FAQ for MP/CUSTOMIZING/SCENARIOS for more info.

    Q: A foreign ship with "Patrol Vessel" in its name is flying over the planet and shooting at me in Singleplayer?
    A: Say welcome to the alien patrol ships! ;-)

    Q: What is the "Personal Container" and its purpose?
    A1: This is a device especially for building starter-POIs. The Admins/Creators of the POI can pre-place items there.
    A2: The content is available for EACH player opening the personal container - not only once. So you and your friend can open the container and take out the stuff (once)

    Please refert to the FAQ for BUILDERS for more info.

    Q: Can i sell to and buy from the NPC Traders ?
    A: Yes!

    Please refert to the FAQ for BUILDERS for more info.

    >> [BACK TO FIRST POST] <<
    Last edited: May 3, 2018
  2. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Q: What do the 2x3 number blocks aka environmental info below the radar minimap want to tell me?

    A1: The upper block is the TEMPERATURE. The big number on the left is the temperature at your CURRENT POSITION. The small upper number is your current BODY TEMPERATURE. The small lower number is only shown if you are inside a base or vessel. This is telling you the OUTSIDE TEMPERATURE. If you are outside a base or vessel, this is of course the same as the CURRENT LOCATION temp (and thus removed from the HUD to reduce confusion)

    A2: The lower block is the RADIATION. The big number on the left side is the radiation level on your CURRENT POSITION. The small upper number is yoour BODY RADIATION level. The small lower number is the OUTSIDE RADIATION. Same principle as with temperature: The latter is only shown when you are inside a vessel or a base and is removed if you are outside.

    Q: How does Temperature work in general?
    A1: Each Planet has a MAX and MIN temperature. The max temperature is reached at 5 pm and the min temperature at 5 am. If you go higher up in the air, the temperature will decrease. Your suit will protect you from extreme temperatures - depending on its TempMIN/MAX protection. (Can be enhanced by Boosters)
    A2: Space always has -200°C for most orbits (except a few with only -130°C) and is not suitable for ANY of the current suits for a longer stay (unboosted)

    Q: Am i protected from high/low temperatures inside a base or vessel?
    A1: If it is activated, yes. If a station or vessel is powered, the temperature is heated up to 22°C (Same for enclosed cockpits for SV and HV). So you are fine even with your interior suit. BUT this will not happen instantly! If your base is cooled to space temperature, it might take quite a while to heat up to a suitable temperature! No instant-heat-up!

    Q: What happens if i am outside with a suit that can not protect me from high/low temperatures?
    A: If the temperature is higher or lower as your protection level, your body temp will slowly rise (or fall) towards the temperature at your current position. At a certain temperature, you will start to feel cold/heated up.
    A2: If it is too cold or hot outside, just go back into your base or vessel. This will heat up/cool down your body temp. BUT THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN INSTANTLY. If this takes too long, you'll of course die.
    A3: Tip: there are some foods and beverages that increase/decrease body temperature!

    Q: Does a hull breach lead to the temperature dropping inside a base or vessel?
    A: Yes!

    Q: How can i rise or lower my body temperature
    A: Try some of the food items or the shower!

    Q: Can i change temperature vom Celsius to Farenheit?
    A: Yes. Go to OPTIONS > MISC and set up your favorite skala.

    Q: Does the difficulty level affect the impact of temperature?
    A: Yes. There is a setting for temperature / radiation (Low, Normal, High, Off)


    Q: How does Radiation work in general?
    A1: Some of the planets and space has a certain amount of radiation. Radiation does not rise or decrease, it is constant for the whole playfield. The player armors have different protection values (which can be boosted). The interior suit does NOT protect you from any RAD leve!
    A2: Some planets can spawn radioactive weather events which can rise the RAD level a lot! So watch out!

    Q: Am i protected from Radiation inside a base or vessel?
    A: Yes, even if it's deactivated. (this might be subject to change in the future)

    Q: What happens if i am outside with a suit that does not protect me from the RAD level?
    A1: Your body radiation (small upper number on the right environment info block) will pile up and lead to serious problems after short.
    A2: Unlike with temperature, your BODY-RAD level will NOT automatically decrease if you return to a base or go back into your vessel. You need to use medication to reduce it ... or maybe take a shower? ;-)

    Q: Does a hull breach in an radiated area lead to the inside of the base/vessel to be contaminated?
    A: Currently there is no permanet contamination. But if you stand at the position of the hull breach, your radiation level might rise (although you are inside the base).

    Q: How do i get rid of the radiation sickness and other status effects?
    A: Use radiation pills. Some foods will also lead to radiation reduction.

    Q: Does the difficulty level affect the impact of radiation?
    A: Yes. There is a setting for temperature / radiation (Low, Normal, High, Off)

    >> [BACK TO FIRST POST] <<
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
  3. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    == TEMPERARTURE & RADIATION for devices and blocks ==

    Q: Do devices also have temperature and radiation?
    A: YES! Some of the devices will heat up the area around them, like Thrusters and Generators. Warp Cores and Thrusters have a constant RAD level around them, even when switched off.

    Q: Can other blocks and areas have temperature and radiation as well?
    A: Yes. For example the green Alien Building blocks are radioactive. Some resources like Pentaxid Crystals, Erestrum and Pentaxid are radiocative as well.

    Q: Does the heat "flow" into the room?
    A: Currenty there is no "transition zone". For devices, the radiation/temperature is limited to a fixed perimeter of ONE block all around them. This is subject to change in the future.

    >> [BACK TO FIRST POST] <<
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
  4. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    == PLAYER ARMOR ==

    Q: Which player armors are currently available?
    A: Light, Medium, Heavy - with different stats in terms of protection, speed etc. If you do not equip any suit, you are still wearing your"Interior Suit". This one has no protection from Temperature and Radiation, no Jetpack, not booster slots - but also is not limited in movement, jump height and other parameters.

    Q: Can i build all of them?
    A: Currently not. You can only build the LIGHT ARMOR. You need to find the MEDIUM and HEAVY suits in POIs or buy from a NPC Trader.

    Q: Do i loose a player armor if i die?
    A: No. You spawn with your last-used player armor equipped.

    Q: How can i change my player armor?
    A: You need to go to a Armor locker. Access the device and change suits or add/remove boosters

    Q: Can i repair my player armor?
    A: Yes. You need a REPAIR STATION. Just place the item in the inventory and click REPAIR

    Q: Can i store my armors in the Armor Locker?
    A: Yes!

    >> [BACK TO FIRST POST] <<
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
  5. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    == BOOSTERS ==

    Q: Which types of boosters are available at the moment?
    A: Armor, Jetpack, Temperature, Radiation, O2, Mobility, Multi, EVA

    Q: How many boosters can i use simultaneously?
    A: Depends on the slots available (subject to change). This is different for each Player Armor. Interior Suit has no booster slots

    Q: Are there limitations how many boosters of the same kind i can use simultaneously?
    A: No. You can for example stuff all of the slots with Armor Boosters...but you migh also pile up the penalties each of the boosters has

    Q: Can i build all of the boosters?
    A: No, boosters need to be found or traded or bought from a NPC Trader. You can not build them (yet)

    Q: Do i loose boosters if i die?
    A: Currently not. You are respawned in your last equipped player armor incl. the boosters that were added to this player armor

    Q: How can i change / apply boosters?
    A: You need to go to a Armor locker. Access the device and change suits or add/remove boosters

    Q: Do i need to re-add boosters every time i change the player armor?
    A: NO! The boosters are saved to your Player Armor slots. So you can stuff several player armors with a variation of boosters and just need to swap the player armor to have the setup re-applied!

    >> [BACK TO FIRST POST] <<
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
  6. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Q: Which items are affected by durabiliy?
    A1: T2 Weapons and all Player Armors. (Basic weapons and tools currently have no durability: pistol, shotgun, assault rifle, sniper)

    Q: How does durability work for weapons
    A: When you shoot the weapon there is a chance that durability is reduced

    Q: How does durability work for suits
    A: Durability is reduced when you get hit by a weapon. There is no "idle degredation" for just using the armor or standing around, only damage.

    Q: Can i repair my suit?
    A: Yes. You need a REPAIR STATION. Just place the item in the inventory and click REPAIR

    Q: Can i repair my weapons?
    A: Yes. You need a REPAIR STATION. Just place the item in the inventory and click REPAIR

    Q: Is there a limit for repairs?
    A: Yes, you can repair up to 7 times.

    Q: Can i modify the durability effect for my game?
    A: Yes. We have added a setting for durability reduction to Difficulty Settings (Off, Slow, Normal, Fast) - SP and MP (via dedicated.yaml)

    >> [BACK TO FIRST POST] <<
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
    Rico74, piddlefoot and Lhetre like this.
  7. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Q: Are oxygenated rooms available for all vessels and structures?
    A: Yes!

    Q: Do i still suffocate while sitting in an open or closed cockpit while the area around me is oxygenated (planet or room)
    A: No! These days are gone! ;-)

    Q: Do i consume less O2 when i am in an oxygenated room with helmet off compared to helmet equipped?
    A: Yes!

    Q: What do i need to oxygenate a base or vessel?
    A1: You need an O2 tank and a ventilator. And your base needs to be powered.
    A2: Place the ventilator in each room that you want to be oxygenated and add some O2 to the O2 tank. Open the control panel. Activate the base and tick the checkbox "O2". This will fill up all the rooms with a ventilator with O2 - given your O2 capacity is high enough. The ventilator needs to be "active" of course.
    A3: Open the console and type in "help oxygen" to show info on how to visualize O2 level (debug mode)
    A4: If your O2 capacity/filling status is too low to oxygenate your base, the process will fail. Add more O2 Tanks or O2.

    Q: How long does it take for a large room to be filled with O2?
    A: This happens pretty instant (maybe a second or two)

    Q: How do i know how much O2 i need to fill all the rooms that are connected?
    A: When having placed a ventilator, the Control Panel will give you an answer > Look for the Infos about the current content of your O2 tanks!

    Need to Fill (N) = Needed O2 to pressurize. That's the amount of O2 you need to have in your tanks ( T )
    Currently in Tanks (T) = Total O2 left in tanks. Pressurizing removes the amount of shown for "N" from the total amount. The amount left is reduced by respiration of players in your base (Helmet off) over time
    Currently in Base (R) = O2 currently used/blocked by ventilators (0 = no room oxygenated)

    - If N<T, your base can not be oxygenated. Add more tanks and O2
    - If T=0, the "free O2" is gone and the base will automatically deoxygenate. This will move the amount of O2, which was blocked by the ventilators (figure R) back to the tanks. (If there is enough room)
    - If you deoxygenate your base manually, the amount of figure R will be moved back to the tanks. If there is not enough room in your O2 tanks, the excess is lost.
    - If a hull breach happens, the O2 in this room is lost, BUT the vents will not try to refill the affected room! So the ventilator is still active, but will not waste precious O2.

    Q: Are there different pressure levels?
    A: No. The atmosphere in a room either has O2 or not (may change in the future)

    Q: Which blocks are airtight?
    A1: Have a look at the block info panel for infos about airtight value. Most of the doors are airtight for example - but not all. Airtight doors have a blue containment field active while sealing a room

    Q: Can i switch off the containment field of a door to let O2 flow?
    A: Not yet.

    Q: What happens if i open a door? Will O2 flow in the next room?
    A: Basically no. There are non-airtight doors that do not hinder the flow of O2 either open or closed. All other doors (including hangar doors, shutter doors) have a sealing field to keep the O2 inside. This field can not (yet) be deactivated per manually, but depends on the global on/off status of the base.

    Q: Does O2 get lost if i open a hangar door and deactivate the base?
    A: No. If you deactivate your base, a decompressing sequence is run and all the O2 is moved back into the tanks (if there is enough room. If not, the excess is lost).

    Q: Does O2 get lost if someone blasts a hole in may base / If i remove a block thats leading to a hole in the wall?
    A1: IF this is a "hull breach" to the non-O2 outside world or space either by damage or by removing the "wrong block" the O2 in the room is lost.
    A2: In this case, the Ventilator is not shut down, but it also will not try to refill the room. So no additional O2 is lost after the hull breach happens.

    Q: Do players in my base use up the O2 in the tanks ?
    A: YES! If you are in your base (helmet off) you and any other player will use up a certain amount of O2 over time (reducing the total amount > T )

    >> [BACK TO FIRST POST] <<
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
  8. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Q: Can i build Portals or Teleporters in Survival?
    A: No

    Q: How do Portals work?
    A: Just walk up to the Portal and hit F. They will transport you to a instanced playfield that is not part of the solar system by default
    A2: If the portal is RED = no destination set or blocked. If the portal is BLUE = portal has a destination.
    A3: You can see the destination in the upper right corner of your screen when pointing at the portal!

    Q: How do Teleporters work?
    A1: Walk into the Teleporter, face the console and hit F. The transporter will teleport you to the destination he was set to. (Works between playfields. For example orbit<>planet )
    A2: You can see the destination of the teleport in the upper right corner of your screen when pointing at the teleporter in front of you!

    Q: For builders > How do i set a destination for Portals and Teleporters?
    A: Please refer to this guide

    Q: Are teleporters/portals available for SV,HV,CV and BA?
    A: No, only for BA

    Q: If i enter the Portal as a member of a faction - can other players follow me?
    A: Only players of your faction will be able to follow you (if the server admin has enabled this feature)
    A: Refer to this post for more info about Instances

    >> [BACK TO FIRST POST] <<
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
  9. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    == TRIGGERS ==

    Update note: All signals/signal logic settings for devices are now available in the SIGNAL LOGIC tab of the new Control Panel! (not in the DEVICE tab!)

    Q: What are "triggers"?
    A1: In 6.0 we added a range of sensors that can send a signal to devices, thus changing their operation parameters. For example: pull a lever and have a door closed or a light switched off
    A2: Current triggers / sensors: Trigger plate, Light barrier, Motion sensor, Lever, Trap Door (single use), Trap Door (multiple uses)

    Q: Are there different types of sensors?
    A: Yes! The lever has a defined On/Off status. If you move it into ON position, the signal is sent constantly to the device. Most of the other sensors are "switches". They only send the signal as long as a player is in their detection range. See more details in EXAMPLES.

    Q: Can i adjust the range and area of sensors?
    A: For some sensors like motion sensor and light barrier, this is possible. Just access the sensor (aim at it and hit P / control panel, go to "Devices" tab) and you'll see its range and a range slider. They can also be adjusted visually by pressing the "interactive setup" button in the "Configuration" panel. From there, just use the numeric keypad as shown.

    Q: Do sensors only trigger for players and vessels?
    A: Yes, sensors trigger for both player avatars and "moving blocks" (= vessels)

    Q: What can we do with basic triggers / sensors in the moment?
    A: Basically create simple logics: Activate devices, Open / close devices, Lock / unlock devices. Different devices may offer some, all or a selection of these actions (Depending on what the device can do)

    Q: Can i create more complex circuits?
    A: Yes, see the chapter about SIGNAL LOGIC!

    EXAMPLES (for easy sensor-trigger builds)

    = Modes =

    1. FOLLOW
    > Lever: Move handle to ON = ON. OFF = OFF
    > Switch: Enter the trigger area = ON, Leave the trigger area = OFF

    2. TOGGLE
    > Lever: Do not use with lever (works, but you might need to pull the handle 2x to get an effect)
    > Switch: Enter and leave the trigger area = switches the status of the device (to ON if OFF, to OFF if ON)

    3. ON and OFF
    > Lever: Do not use (makes no sense)
    > Switch: sets status of the device to a dedicated ON or OFF status (not using its previous state!) Triggering the trigger again will not have an effect (ON-TIME-change)

    = How to SETUP =

    1. Place a trigger (lets use a trigger plate)
    2. Face the Trigger Plate and hit P (open Control Panel)
    3. If the Trigger Plate is highlighted in CP, you'll notice a new text in the "Configure Signal" panel (middle column): "Tx Signal [field]"
    4. Enter TEST to the field and hit return
    5. Place a Light
    6. Face the Light and hit P (open Control Panel)
    7. If the Light is highlighted in the CP, you'll notice a new entry "ON/OFF" as well as two dropdowns and a checkbox with an "I" in the "Configure Signal" panel (middle column)
    7a: Expand the first dropdown > you'll find your TEST command. Select the TEST command to connect the Light to your Trigger Plate
    7b: Expand the second dropdown > You can use FOLLOW, TOGGLE, ON and OFF to trigger the Explosives.

    Now ...
    - IF you want a Player to have the light switched to ON or OFF when he touches the trigger plate, use either ON or OFF
    - IF you want the light to switch to OFF if it was ON (or vice versa), use TOGGLE
    - IF you want the light to only shine as LONG as the player is on the plate, use FOLLOW
    - IF you want the light to dim as LONG as the player is on the plate, use FOLLOW and toggle INVERT ("I" checkbox)

    Q: Can i trigger several devices from the same sensor?
    A: YES! Just use the SAME signal name in each of the devices. This way it is possible to - for example - switch a range of lights on or off with only one button/sensor

    Q: Can I trigger a device from several sensors?
    A: Not directly with 1 trigger (but planned), but it can be done with circuit logic (see the chapter about SIGNAL LOGIC!)

    Q: Can i trigger the NPC spawners (for POI design)?
    A: Yes! Place the NPC spawner and switch it OFF in the Control Panel. Then just connect your sensor. If a player triggers the sensor, the NPCs will be spawned

    Q: Can i trigger the PORTAL (for Instances)?
    A: Of course!

    Q: Is this the final state of the Trigger-feature?
    A: By far not. This is only the first iteration for you to test. ;-)

    >> [BACK TO FIRST POST] <<
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2017
    Neal, Rico74, nexus_absolute and 4 others like this.
  10. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    == SIGNAL LOGIC (extends Trigger/Signal logic)==

    Update note: All signals/signal logic settings for devices are now available in the SIGNAL LOGIC tab of the new Control Panel!

    Note: Signal Logic is an extention of the Signal/Trigger mechanic, offering new ways on how to connect sensors and triggers in certain, more elaborate ways. Hit the SIGNAL LOGIC button on top of the Control Panel to access.

    Q: What is the purpose of SIGNAL LOGIC circuits?
    A: They allow you to do things that the standard device-based signal-dropdown would not allow you to do, like connecting different sensors to a several other devices

    Q: How do i use it?
    A: Pretty much the same as you would set up a sensor-trigger array..but with more paramters/options/gates, like AND, OR, XOR, Inverter, Delays and such!

    Q: How do i set it up?
    A: Same as above: Have some sensors placed at your structure. Access them directly or via Control Panel and give them a unique signal name. Then open SIGNAL LOGIC, add a new circuit. Select your sensor signal on the left side. Add a name for the output signal on the right side. Got to the devices that you want to manage with the circuit and add the output signal to your devices signal dropdown.

    Q: What are the different gates do?
    A: AND = All sensors added to the circuit need to trigger for the signal to be send. Example: If you have 2 trigger plates, the light will only be on if both plates are triggeret ad the same time (on player standing on each)
    A: OR = If one or more of the added sensors are triggered, the signal is send to the device. Example: A light is illuminated if you stand on of the trigger plates, but also if both plates are triggered.
    A: XOR = sends signal if only ONE of the two attached sensors is activated. Does not trigger if both sensors are active. Example: the light will only illuminate if exactly one plate is triggered. If both are triggered, no signal is sent and the light remains dark.
    A: NAND = if all sensors added to this gate are triggered, no signal is send.
    A: NOR = reverse of OR > Signal is blocked if one or more of the added sensors are triggered.
    A: XNOR = Signal is send if both sensors have the same status (both triggered or not). Blocks signal if one of the sensors is in a different state than the other.
    A: INVERTER = inverts the signal (f.ex. to OFF if an ON signal is sent). Example: A light is switched off if you step on a trigger plate. Also ueful when you have two triggers and you need them both to be the same in order to pass an AND gate.
    A: SET/RESET Latch = Use for two sensors: sensor A sets and sensor B resets if triggered.
    A: DELAY = creates a simple delay modificator for a single-signal. Click on the button-box to add a value (seconds)

    Q: Can i combine the singals coming from a circuit and use it in a new circuit?
    A: Of course! Just use the outgoing signal name and select it for the input side. You can create complex circuits this way. Of course you should not delete the underlying circuit for your enhanced circuit or it will break the queue ;-)

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    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
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  11. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    == AI VESSELS ==

    Q: What's the difference between Freighers, Patrol Vessels and AI Carriers?
    A: Freighters
    - Can only be found in orbits
    - Enter the playfield, travel from point A to point B and leave the playfield
    - Can be stopped (destroy back thrusters), entered and looted
    A: Patrol Vessels (PV)
    - Can be found on most of the planets
    - Will follow and attack players if spottet
    - Have a starter platform where they retreat and get repaired
    - Can be downed (destroy the bottom thrusters)
    - Looting can be complicated (they are heavily armed and may get destroyed before you can bring them down)
    A: AI Carriers (AC)
    - Can only be found in orbits
    - Will follow and attack players
    - Will spawn drone waves to attack players
    - Can be stopped, entered and looted

    Q: What do all vessels have in common?
    A: They can not be captured and not be used as a player vessel (may change in the future)

    Q: The PV is camping at my base / is not going away when i die!
    A: The PVs move very slowly. So given you die while fighting it right at your base and you then respawn there, this will give the PV not the time to move away...so it does not camp, but it just re-aquires you or your base as a target again.

    Please note: the AI-vessel logic for PV and AC and how you need to combat them, might be subject to change in upcoming major updates!

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    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
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  12. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    == INSTANCES ==

    Q: Which settings are allowed for an instanced playfield?
    A: All available settings can be retrieved from playfield.yaml in the folder /CONTENT/PLAYFIELDS/ExamplePlanet

    Refer to the FAQ for MP/CUSTOMIZATION/SCENARIOS for more info

    Overview incl. explanation (Also for players)
    Q: Can i re-enter my instance?
    A: Yes. The portal to your instance is show PURPLE in this case
    A: Re-entering an instance is possible as long as the instance is "alive" (TIME setting)

    Q: Can other players follow me into the instance
    A: Bascially yes. They can follow you as long as a) there is more than 1 player allowed and b) in this case as long as the portal is open.
    A: If the portal entry is shown in RED, it is blocked.

    Q: Do i have to wait until a player or group has "finished" the instance?
    A: No, there can be multiple parallel instances

    Q: Can i use the blueprint libary in an Instance?
    A: Can be set on/off by the creator in the yaml of the playfield

    Q: What happens when the time runs out on a instance and i am still inside?
    A: You get teleported outside the instance and either keep your stuff or loose all your stuff. This can be adjusted by the creator in the playfield.yaml

    Q: Can i lock an instance for my faction?
    A: Yes and no. If the server admin has activated LockOnFaction, a faction member entering a portal as a "first player", only allows players of the same faction to follow him.

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    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
  13. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    == WEATHER ==

    Q: Is the weather dynamic?
    A: Yes. Weather will change during day and night between the weather-options given in the yaml of the planet

    Q: Do all planets have dynamic weather?
    A: Basically yes.

    Q: Which weather types are currently available?
    A: Several settings, from rain to metor shower! Open console and type in "help weather" > all currently available weather settings are visible there.
    A: From there, you can also trigger a weather change there if you are an admin or playing in singleplayer.

    Q: Does weather affect the player like with temperature increase/decrease and radiation?
    A: Absolutely! You should go inside if a blizzard starts (if you are not equipped good enough) or when radioactive fog rises.
    A: A HAZARD icon will show up if the weather is dangerous for you.

    Q: Does weather effects like meteors or lightnings damage player or structures?
    A: A player can get harmed by sudden temperature rise/drops and radioactivity, by acid rain and firestorms. There is no effect on bases or vessels (yet).

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    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
  14. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    == MAP & MAP MARKERS ==

    Q: What are map markers?
    A: You can set notifiactions freely on your map. Just RMB on a spot on the MAP and give it a name. This will add your marker to your personal list

    Q: How do i add a map marker?
    1. Press M
    2. RMB on any place on the map
    3. Add a name
    4. ACCEPT

    Q: What is the "waypoint" checkbox doing?
    A: If you check this box, the marker will change to orange and will give you a direction. The marker can be seen through the playfield terrain

    Q: What is "Remove on approach" checkbox doing?
    A: If you only want to set a temporary marker, check this together with waypoint and the waypoint mode will be cleared from your Hud when approaching (~50m)

    Q: What is the "Show on HUD" checkbox doing?
    A: This lets yo decide if you want to see your marker on the HUD or not.

    Q: What are the 2-letter buttons on the right side doing?
    Upper Area
    > PV = your private list of markers
    > PU = public list of markers. Use the SC button to share your PV marker to the PU list
    Lower Area
    > SM = show marker on the map
    > ED = edit highlighted marker (you can also RMB the marker on the map)
    > RM = remove highligthed marker (also possible with RMB the marker on the map)
    > SC = Share marker to PU list
    > SF = Share marker to Faction

    Q: Can i also add a map marker in space?
    A: Of course! You can add a free marker or RMB click on a orbital object (f.ex an asteroid or station) and set a marker.

    Q: I shared a map marker to the public or faction - but the marker does not show on the planet or in orbit!
    A: This is intentional. You share your marker to the public/faction LIST, you technically do not set it to a "public visibility" for everyones HUD (unlike setting a vessel or base to public, a marker is only a virtual item and has not global visiblity settings on other players HUD)

    Q: HELP - i am admin and can not teleport anymore!
    A: You need to activate teleporting in console, then use SHIFT+RMB for teleporting now

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    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
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  15. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    1. Play the STORY TUTORIAL (main menu)
    2. When starting a new game, accept the ROBINSON PROTOCOL

    Q: How does the game start?
    A: On Akua and Omicron you drop in a capsule. Your equipment is split up into three parts: A small gift in the escape capsule (depending on the difficulty setting), one part of your loadout in your inventory (depending on the difficulty setting) and the last part can be found in a hideout nearby. So watch out ;-)
    A3: All starter playfields have a hideout for Escape Capsule or Base-Spawn game start. (see below)
    A4: You can capture the hideouts easily: hit P and switch to private or to your faction.
    A5: The tutorials have been replaced with the first story-tutorial mission. More will follow soon.

    Q: What is the whole point about this change?
    A1: It is now possible to not only change the loadout on a global difficulty setting, but the loadout can now be adjusted for EACH playfield AND for the global difficulty setting. This will make things more interesting, allow for a better balancing and add a lot of flexibility for future scenarios and survival games.
    A2: Customization works in Singleplayer and Multiplayer.

    Q: In a MP game..if one player takes out stuff from the personal container, are all other doomed?
    A: NO! The "personal container" offers the loadout set for each new player ONCE.

    Q: Is the current game start suitable for Multiplayer?
    A: No, that's why we change the game start added to the default dedicated server files to a SCENARIO called "Default Multiplayer". This has a escape capsule with all the necessary items in the player inventory (your players do not need to search for the shelters to get the rest of their stuff!). This scenario is pretty much identical to the Alpha 5.5 Game Start for Multiplayer!

    Q: But..would the new gamestart work for Multiplayer?
    A: It works, but it is not recommended. You may want to swap the cores of the BAW_ blueprints in the /CONTENT/PREFABS folder with admin cores)

    Q: Are the personal containers destructable?
    A: This depends on the core of the base

    Q: How can i change the default loadout?
    A1: Please refer to this guide !

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    Last edited: Jan 30, 2018
  16. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    = NEW CONTROL PANEL: Main Page =

    Q: What does the new MAIN contol panel page offer?
    A: There are a lot of "quick access" options now - some are customizable!
    - left: Basic features of the structure on quick-access buttons
    - middle: Custom group-management ON/OFF
    - right: Virtual lever (dubbed "Signals")
    - bottom: direct-access for tanks, generators and more

    Q: What does the button-color tell me?
    A: Red = Off, Green = On, Yellow = devices added to this "group" are in different states (some off/some on)

    Q: What does the "Fill all" button below the tanks do?
    A: It will pick up all the fuel packs or O2 bottles from your inventory - or at least enough to fill the tanks to 100%. (It will not take it from your toolbar, only from your inventory!)
    A: Fill All is also available for Ammo and Warp Tanks (CV only)

    Q: How can i use the "Custom groups" (middle column)?
    A: Thats how to add a device-group (f.ex all lights) to a quick-access button:
    1. Go to the DEVICES tab of the Control Panel
    2. Click on a group you want to add to a custom-group quick access
    3. On the group detail window (upper right) there is a box "Shortcut"
    4. Click on the box and select the position you want to add this device-group to (custom1,2,3...)
    5. Go back to the MAIN tab > If you selected Custom1 in the last step, your device group can now be switched on/off by just clicking the button in front of the Custom1 group on the MAIN tab

    Q: Can i customize the name of the quick-access buttons on the MAIN page?
    A: Yes! Just click into the field and type in a name. If you then want to add a device-group, you will see the new name in the "Shortcut" dropdown!

    Q: Do i need to remove all attached device groups before renaming the quick-access button?
    A: No. If you change the name of a quick-access button, the change will be reflected in all SHORTCUT dropdown boxes.

    Q: Can i add more than just one device-group to a custom quick-access button?
    A: Absolutely! Just select the same quick-access button name in the "Shortcut" dropdown of the groups you want to switch!

    Q: How does ths SIGNAL column work?
    A: This is basically a "virtual lever" with a distinct On/Off status for the signal system.
    1. Open the MAIN page
    2. Select a SIGNAL slot and give it a (signal) name as you would when using a lever
    3. You can now use this signal name in the Signal/Signal Logic system
    4. Triggering the virtual lever works the same as the device lever (On/Off signal)

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    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
  17. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    = BLUEPRINTS - Handling and Spawning =

    Q: My blueprint is red or orange in the list! How can i find out why i cannot spawn it?
    A: Run the command "prefabinfo <blueprint-name>"
    1. Open Console
    2. Type in "prefabinfo" and the save-name of your blueprint after a space.

    Example: prefabinfo Attack-Base

    You need to use the name of the Blueprint as displayed in the BP libary list!

    This will give you info what is going wrong with your blueprint!

    INFO: If a blueprint is marked RED in your blueprint libary, this may be a result of

    a) blocks that are not allowed in a Survival Game are added to the blueprint
    b) the blueprint has been created with a version that is not compatible with your game version

    These blocks lead to a RED blueprint:
    • - Alien Core
    • - Alien Turrets (Plasma, Laser, Sentries)
    • - Monster Spawners / NPC Teleporters
    • - Loot Containers (white, yellow, red, purple
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    Last edited: Jan 30, 2018
  18. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Note: Solar Panels & Capacitor (Solar) are currently only usable for bases (Space and planet)

    How Solar Energy works:
    - The algorithm calculates the amount of sun-rays that will hit the solar panel for a certain placement during the day. The placement affects their efficiency (see factors listed below)
    - This average efficiency is then displayed with the GREEN LCDs (up to four LED lights)
    - The current efficiency is displayed by the YELLOW LED lights (up to four LED lights)
    - If solar panels produce more electricity than currently needed, the surplus energy is stored in the Capacitor (Solar) block like in a battery.
    - To display the surplus of energy (or the “energy reserve”), there is now a battery icon in the main page of Control Panel that shows the current content of the battery.
    - Note: conventional generators (fuel driven) do not store excess power in the battery!

    Factors that will increase or reduce the efficiency on a PLANET:
    - Placement behind an obstacle (tree, stone, base, mountain etc) leads to a reduced efficiency
    - Stronger Light Intensity on the playfield increases efficiency on a global scale (parameter: DayLightIntensity in playfield.yaml).
    - Light Intensities overall impact on the efficiency is influenced by the weather condition in a second step: eg when it is cloudy or raining, light intensity effect decreases and thus also efficiency of panel
    - Angle of panel towards sun: best efficiency when sun hits perpendicular on panel (eg on equator a flat solar panel lying on ground will have highest efficiency at noon, while a sloped solar panel close to pole while be better)
    - AtmosphereDensity: higher density = less overall efficiency
    - AtmosphereDensity is modified by latitude! Example: If the position of the Solar Panel is closer to the poles, it is less efficient for the same AtmosphereDenisty factor, because sun travels through more atmosphere than on equator.
    - Ground fog reduces efficiency

    Factors that will increase or reduce the efficiency in SPACE:
    - Angle of panel towards sun: best efficiency when sun hits perpendicular on panel
    - Distance of sun: the further the orbit playfield is away from sun, the lower the efficiency (eg lower efficiency in Ningues orbit than Aestus orbit)

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  19. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Q: Where can i spawn my blueprints now?
    SV and HV > you need a Base or a CV
    CV > you need a Base
    Base > can still be placed everywhere.

    Note: If you use the console with the "spawnanyblueprint" (short handle: spb ) this will override the spawn limitation

    Q: Does this also affect placing the "starter blocks" for new vessels or bases?
    A: No. You can freely place those starter blocks anywhere

    Q: How large does my "spawn pad" need to be?
    A: The STATISTICS view and the BLUEPRINT info has info about the size of your structure and vessel. If you want to spawn a CV wich is 20*50 blocks (width*length) you need at least a Base or spawn area of this size.

    Q: I can't find a spot on a planet to spawn my CV!
    A: For XL ships we suggest to spawn them in space.

    Q: Do i need to "own" the spawn pad or can i place it everywhere?
    A: You need to own the structure (Private) or it needs to belong to your Faction.
    A: You can also use Public POIs and POIs with blue admin core (f.ex the Trading Stations!)

    Q: Can i decide to not use this limitation?
    A: Yes. You can set this to on/off in the game start customization menu!

    Q: Is this limitation also active in CREATIVE?
    A: No

    Q: Does this limiation also apply for placing starter blocks?
    A: No

    Q: I cannot spawn my vessel at all!
    A: Alpha 7.0.3 has added a "snap to surface" for CV, SV and HV to position the BP wireframe optimal on the surface.

    Q: Can i change the distance and the viewpoint when placing a BP?
    A: Yes. You can pull or push the BP with POS1/END. You can raise or lower via PAGE UP/DOWN

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  20. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    = MINING =


    - SSOR instead of Voxel
    The planetary deposits are no large spheres or “blobs of ore” anymore, but are now split up into smaller chunks of “sub-surface ore rocks” (SSOR) that can be found inside the perimeter of a deposit. These SSOR work similar to the surface rocks, which break and drop ore when you drill them. The difference: The SSORs currently hold a single type ore and a larger amount of it. As a side note: With this new method, we could even have “mixed ore deposits” in a future iteration.

    - Ore Scanner
    As the new deposit parameters allow to have those rocks scattered in a certain area (dense or wide-spread), and while you will need to remove more dirt, you’ll get the first iteration of an ore scanner as a new gadget to help with the discovery process. This device, which you simply put in your toolbar, works like a “near field ore scanner”. When activated, it will visualize the position of the SSOR close to you, so you do not need to do a lot of guesswork where to drill. The discovery of an ore deposit itself, is still done the old way (This might change in the future as well)

    The ore scanner currently has a range of 40m.

    - Autominer (AMiD) will deplete deposits
    This can be configured for servers ( "depletion on/off" ) in the dedicated.yaml via 'AutoMinerDepletion: true' or 'AutoMinerDepletion: false'
    Autominers calculate their efficiency based on the deposit content.

    Note: You might notice the AMiD work although there is no SSOR left. This is because the AMiD will "grab" the last SSOR (=remove it from the game) and "work" on it until it is processed.

    - Asteroid mining will not change
    - Handheld drill speeds were increased. Therefore the special "fast dirt remove" mode has been removed.



    A.1 How does the Ore Scanner work?
    1. Equip any drill
    2. Add Ore Scanner to your toolbar
    > If you are close to a deposit, you will notice "glowing spheres" which will indicate the SSOR nearby.

    A.2 How does the Ore Scanner in a vessel?
    1. Hold a drill in your hand and have the ore scanner in your inventory (NOT in toolbar)
    2. Enter the cockpit of the vessel while still holding the drill in your hands.
    This should bring up the ore scanner halos.

    B. How do i mine the SSORs?
    > Just as before. Set your drill to MINING and go for it!

    C. How do Autominers calculate their efficiency?
    > Basically the AMiD checks the content of the deposit when it is placed and every time it takes on a new SSOR, so the calcuation is semi-live.
    > The maximum efficiency (100%) for all three AMiD tiers is currently set at a fixed maximum of about 9000 ore per deposit. So if your AMiD works on a 10.000 ore deposit, it will drop in effiency when it reaches 9000 and below. This might be subject to change in the future!

    D. Can i modify the SSOR deposit size and amount like before?

    > Yes, same as before (CountMINMAX, SizeMINMAX, etc).
    > You also do NOT need to rework your custom playfields!

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    Last edited: Jan 30, 2018
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