What is the LEAST FUN single-task action in the game right now?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Honestly. I love the idea of the motorbike.
    Don't get me wrong. I hate OUR motorbike.
    But I really like the idea.

    Just look at a game like ME:Andromeda, on how much fun the rover is on planets. Like. I can spend hours doing nothing but having fun with it.

    We could do with more stuff that is just *fun* instead of.. well.. I don't even know how to describe what our motorbike is ;)
    My point is, that vehicles (ie. wheel-based), can be a TON of fun, if done right.
    gamer1000k and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  2. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    To be fair, Seaweed can also store with no Perish Timer till it's Crafted into Seaweed Food that can then be eaten & also cure Food Poisoning.

    Your idea with the food not ticking down for awhile after eating reminds me of Minecraft's hidden stat, Saturation. Having some form of Saturation in Empyrion is an idea worth entertaining imho. :) (Especially, if Crafted Foods were sacrificing Food Points compared to what ya woulda got from the Base Ingredients, but ya were gaining powerful amounts of Saturation, it'd be possible for Complex Food Crafting to actually be WORTH doing!)

    Last I heard we would eventually get Underwater Vehicles & fleshed out Underwater Stuffs... still might be a long wait on this though seems how we are still on Band Aid Fix Liquids atm.

    I've long since complained that the Empyrion Human Metabolism is stupidly fast... :/

    Now, ya should see how fast our Food ticks down if ya Equip Heavy Armor & 4 Armor Booster Modules. It's like our own Armor Factor is literally eating US alive. :p

    One can make a HV that is designed to look like a pseudo-Hoverbike... as for the Motorbike, oh wait I don't believe in any such thing, I call the damn things Mopeds. I chuck those into the Factory to fuel a BP the second I get a barebones SV goin... or sometimes to fuel the Crafting of the barebones SV itself.

    I dunno why changemode is even allowed to be used. It does naught but destroy things. Smashing a Seed Number Universe & a Seed 0 Universe together... seriously, of course that'll make the Space Time Continuum go SPLAT! :rolleyes:

    We don't actually have a Implemented Motorbike sadly... just a Implemented Moped. :(
    oah and Exacute like this.
  3. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Sadly, I don't know if there is :( Maybe someone else is wiser on the matter. I would BP my stuff, start fresh game and use itemmenu and spawnanyblueprint (sbp) to get me where I was. Sure, underground base gonna need some digging out - but I guess it's better than your current situation...
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Lest fun? Constantly chasing my ships around the planet. I park them, power them off, turn my head and poof, they have teleported up to 1/2 way around the planet from me. Usually stuck on the green barrier or a couple hundred meters in the air.

    But... Assuming we arn't talking about bugs. I have to put down a few.
    1) Leveling up my xp AGAIN.. ffs every server does a full wipe every month or soo and every time I have to start all over gathering resources... thats not so bad but grinding the xp ladder its mind numbingly boring. I've been playing since 2.0 so I've done it a bunch of time. They really have to put in a fast track for this for the returning players before we get sick of it and stop returning.

    2) EVERY TIME I make a new ship in my factroy I have to go through each individual gun and set the configurations which is always exactly the same for every gun. Then I have to go to each individual gun and "reload" / "load" it to put ammo in so that the first time im in a fight it doesn't delay their response for up to 10 seconds before it can fire. Its ridiculous.

    3) I dont even bother painting or texturing ships that have more than a hundred blocks or so. Its mind numbingly boring painting and texturing them one at a time. So this one doens't really count b/c i dont do it. But it would be.

    4) Filling Dirt. I spent about 2 hrs today filling in holes around my base before finally saying f it and left it alone. The filler and flattener tool work SOO SLOW... why can't we get a bulldozer blade on our HV.

    5)Sorting items between cargo containers or inside of cargo containers. Why can't we have a sort function so that at the very least it will group items in a container putting like items together. Further why can't we have a method to white list or black list items to be auto sorted into containers. So I could say drop off random ingots in a drop off container and they would then sort out to put iron in a container set for it, copper in another container setup for it and so on. They could learn a LOT from the sorting systems in Space Engineers.

    6) Fighting with the new medical issues. I mean cmon. I have a majic med chamber than can heal me to perfect health while leaving me with poison, an open wound, radiation sickness, or food poisoning? Yet its almost impossible to find the components to make the remedies for these on most worlds? Its STUPID. So 90% of the time when I get one of the conditions I literally can't do anything about it except keep visiting the med bay every 2 minutes or let myself die so that when i re-spawn im no longer sick. It seriously DESTROYS the survival aspect of the game when its literally impossible to survive.

    7) Having to manually eat. Sure let me eat to keep my hunger bar maxed out. But no freaking way is my character going to sit there and starve to DEATH when he has 20 salamis and a can of soup in his backpack. There should at least be an option to autoeat when your hunger gets critical. ----- How does he get a salami from his backpack to his mouth when he is wearing a space helmet anyway? ---- Why does he get hungry SOOO FAST I mean I know the days are only 12 mins long ok. But irl I can eat till I'm completely full and its going to be days before I'm debilitated by hunger and WEEKS before I actually die of it.
  5. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Commander

    May 13, 2015
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    I feel the need to point out that devs recently added stat boosters for certain deco blocks, most if not all of the lab equipment deco blocks take care of various conditions now.
    Mortlath, Osselpi, rainyday and 2 others like this.
  6. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Oh wow... I hadn't learned of this yet... I oughta check this out. :)
  7. MidasGunhazard

    MidasGunhazard Captain

    Jul 3, 2017
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    Travel. Especially over long distances in space (interplanetary travel in the same system, for example). The distances aren't huge so it's not always a big problem, but it would be nice to be able to do something other than just hold W for 5 minutes. If ships at least had something like an auto-pilot (or really even just a cruise control), I could spend that time in the ship's directory moving cargo around or something.
  8. Isil`Zha

    Isil`Zha Commander

    Nov 4, 2016
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    Gathering warp fuel. You scour half the moon and can only make a trip a few hops away and back and you've burned through 100 crystals. Then you spend another boring 20 minutes scouring the other half of the moon, and then you have to wait many, many hours for the crystals to respawn. Crystals are so few and far between on planets it takes hours to get a useful amount (more then a single jump.) It wasn't much problem before distances were increased 5-10x. Now it's a long chore for every trip with more than 2 hops, oneway, if you don't want to be stranded. I'm only running a server with 3 CVs and most are stranded for many real hours because the moon is empty.

    It's excessively tedious, boring, restrictive, and doesn't really add anything to the game.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  9. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Which reminds me... Pentaxid Ore is a thing now along with Pentaxid Resource Meteors... but they never did get added to the SP Vanilla, did they? maybe that'd be a good addition...?
  10. Razorwire

    Razorwire Captain

    Jul 6, 2017
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    Mentioned before, I'm sure:
    Colouring, texturing and removing blocks from stuff you've built.

    My wish list includes a T2 paintgun that'll do 3x3 blocks from three times the range, a 'color/texture entire object’ function, an HV or SV mounted multitool, and a way to change the default texture and color of the blocks you are currently placing.
  11. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    You can hack together a cruise control by putting your forward-facing thrusters into a "Braking" group, and assigning a switch to that group in the Control Panel. Just toggle it off, and you'll be cruising (since I usually also include an "Engines Off" switch in my designs, I end up needing some additional signal logic to incorporate a cruise option, but it's totally worth the effort).

    Agreed. I'd much rather see a fixed number of crystals (maybe 5?) used per jump, with an energy cost that scales with the jump distance (100 fuel per AU, or something).
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    This may sound very silly, yet the least fun thing for me is

    rotating blocks just to get the textures to line up, and some shapes/angles can *never* be rotated any other way

    This frustrating issue means useful textures are limited with some shapes or they stick out visually out as a big glaring mistake. :(

    I would sure love if textures, when applied to a single face of a block, could be rotated in the way that symbols can be. I would love that so very, very much!!
  13. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    YES! Textures should be rotatable INDEPENDENTLY of underlying block (even bolck type)
    TheTinyMan and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  14. jwturp85

    jwturp85 Lieutenant

    Dec 28, 2015
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    You can remap everything in the steam controller settings. I just did this the other day and works like a charm. You can even create multi-function buttons to add more functionality to the controller (regular press, double press, long press, etc).

    If you only use keyboard and mouse, I've not had any issues with changing key bindings, previously. The default for HV jump is shift+spacebar - does that not work for you?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Fixed. ;)
    rucky and jwturp85 like this.
  16. jwturp85

    jwturp85 Lieutenant

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Right. Thanks lol
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. JuStX2

    JuStX2 Captain

    Aug 2, 2015
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    The thing I find most tedious as it were - is the fact that most of the "Easy" POIs are too easy and most of the "Next Level-up" are way too hard. Would it be too much to ask for some POIs that don't have exterior turrets but have more interior than a couple of empty rooms with sentries?

    Hell it'd be nice just to have a Marker for whether a POI's too hard for our current gear (ie like if say you had a "Level" HUD Display at the POI marker - 0 Being Unoccupied, 5/10 being end game)
  18. JuStX2

    JuStX2 Captain

    Aug 2, 2015
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    These already exist: They are called Armor Boosters - you find them in TSs and POIs, Slot 2 Multiboosts into a "Light" Armor and you'll rarely have to worry about food. As for O2 - It's just a matter of finding a source - the rates are fine if you stick to ventilated structures (which btw have a reduced oxygen drain as compared to the same time in a helmet-only status)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Different peeps have different RL Gamer Skill Levels. Any ideas on how to teach the Game how to read our RL Gamer Skill Levels, cross check it with our current Gear, compare & contrast it with what the POI is capable of, then mathematically spit out a Result for the Marker to Label itself for us to then Read? :p
    jwturp85 likes this.
  20. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Still an indicator of the difficulty would be nice, not in relation to you as gamer not even on your equipment, but as a general indicator.
    What ups the difficulty? More turrets, more Spawners for sure, interestingly is the size, as the difficulty lowers with increasing size again (relatively; it's longer to shut down, but it means less enemys per m²... ;-)
    Other may differ here...
    Also the location and secureness of the core and generators/fuel tanks isn't easy to determine...
    perhaps not an automatic level but an creator assigned level?

    On the other hand... it's always a surprise to invade new POIs (for you), not knowing where and what you get there ;-)
    Boy that was a scare and funny experience as I first discovered the abandoned mine ;-)


    ah, that wasn't the question here.... my fault.

    okay, here is one:

    Repairing a 99% CV.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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