"Shadows of Starlight" scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by amurayiwestgate, Jul 9, 2017.

  1. Taun Hawk

    Taun Hawk Lieutenant

    Nov 26, 2015
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    All the planet playfields in SoS have fixed seeds. Going Random is not a good option for this scenario, especially if you want to ensure everything spawns properly. I tried random and often was missing a POI. I placed no extra POIs in the yaml that I didn't want in the scenario. Never touched any of the Radius values of any of the planets. I just checked and these planet size values from Veldis are the same exact values of Temperate playfield.yaml used for Akua:

    Attached Files:

    • Akua.png
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      50.2 KB
  2. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Ok then it's a bug

    Never had that with fixed seeds though
    martian101 likes this.
  3. ButtonPusher

    ButtonPusher Captain

    Nov 8, 2016
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    popped core at first POI, teleporter would loop back to itself after placing player core, i broke it :p
  4. fuzzyspyder

    fuzzyspyder Lieutenant

    Mar 1, 2017
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    I made a tactical decision to take out the two large generators that power OutPost Iota. Dose this break the mission to kill the zirax officer and get his codes. I can't seem to find him.
  5. Taun Hawk

    Taun Hawk Lieutenant

    Nov 26, 2015
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    If the Iota base is powered down, then yes, you will not find him and be able to complete the task.
  6. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Lovely piece of work!

    I really liked your clever hoverbikes, and the use of spawnnear to spawn those nasty burried spawners ;)

    The last mission was a bit messy, but lovely POIs, nice gameplay, and decent story!
    amurayiwestgate and Taun Hawk like this.
  7. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Just finished, it was really fun. Great job guys. :)

    The "mission complete" message says to go on the workshop and upvote. It's not on the workshop anymore. ;)

    IMO, some of the screenshots for the missions are a little too literal. For example "here is a photo of the crashed ship you're supposed to find, and we went and took an actual picture of the ship right where it is crashed, but we don't know its location, even though we were there taking photos of it." ;)

    The inside(s) of the control room(s) are like that too. We've got spies inside the control room taking photos but we'll have you go in by yourself instead. ;)
  8. Taun Hawk

    Taun Hawk Lieutenant

    Nov 26, 2015
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    @Exacute glad to hear you enjoyed it

    @LiftPizzas thanks for the feedback and doing the play through videos! Was really fun to watch you play through the scenario and hear your comments about things that stuck out during your gameplay. Was very useful towards making better scenarios in the future for all builders
    amurayiwestgate and rainyday like this.
  9. Duinan

    Duinan Ensign

    Apr 23, 2016
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    I assume I'm must missing something, but upon completing the Iota Base, how does one rendezvous with the smugglers CV? Do I need to pre-load my workshop? fix the existing SV? Or did I miss something in the "task completed" text after taking out the zirax officer?
  10. Taun Hawk

    Taun Hawk Lieutenant

    Nov 26, 2015
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    @Duinan you are correct, you can either add materials into your bp factory to spawn a SV, or repair the existing one you find or simply build one from scratch. You should have more than enough materials to do any of those. If you wanted, you could even brave a space walk to your destination ;-)
    amurayiwestgate likes this.
  11. dabernie

    dabernie Ensign

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Thanks for your work, just finished the story and I really liked it.

    I was recommending the scenario to a friend but it appears that it's gone from the steam workshop.
    Why is that?
  12. Taun Hawk

    Taun Hawk Lieutenant

    Nov 26, 2015
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    @dabernie: Glad to hear you enjoyed it! :)

    We took it down from Steamworkshop once it became part of the default game, didn't want to have a mismatch of versions, where the default game version should always be the most up to date. Eventually we will update that ending text ;-)
    dabernie likes this.
  13. JinM

    JinM Lieutenant

    Jul 12, 2016
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    Can you update the topic title, I just searched the workshop, was a little sad that a pinned scenario isnt in the workshop (but as default in the game now, but still I think it would be better to not confuse people).
  14. Kurgis

    Kurgis Lieutenant

    May 16, 2017
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    All settings on hard/slow etc except bullet sponge hp of enemies (i.e. only medium difficulty enemies)

    Very good - lovely POI's and placement made logical sense for the planets - killing the guardian defending the bio lab on the moon (that is one nasty POI with 2 shotgun spawners either side of the main room - 1 death there) updated the main mission "clearing the control room" or something like that for the Wpn Research Lab - not sure much you can do about that. One more death breaching final POI - something one shotted me with 500 armour and full health in the first large room - looks to me to be some sort of game bug as I was sniping from the lift shaft at the time and I suppose it could of been a point blank laser to the face but... hmm doubtful.

    Minerals were tight at times (until desert planet) and used my cash to buy lots of iron/neodymium from traders but still managed to make a lvl 25 class 6 CV by end game so even on low deposits and minerals everything is completable - probably have to switch weapons around to use ammo and certainly watch neo use.

    Love the asteroid defences. On the desert planet - I mined out all the Prom/Pent and all deposits said "X % left" - then asteroids started arriving and visually there was no ore left in the deposits so not sure about that. Hover bikes - superb and great to see Twibras (sp?) "wild west" style architecture in a great setting. Not sure I ever had any weather conditions on the desert planet - it always said clear and I was on there for a long time.

    Couple of quibbles - and this may of been changed as there was a patch update that mentioned changes to the scenario - the mission where you go to the UFP satelite - I found the update text (the message supposedly left by the agent) - it almost read to me like the UFP had betrayed me and I think that needs a bit of re-write as it wasnt completly clear what had gone on - no damage to the sat as well - might of been nice to have had a few dmg blocks to show the Zirax had attacked it if thats what you're aiming for.

    Starting ice planet - so many ice golems you can be lvl 25 just going around in a lvl 7 SV mowing em down with two mini guns - personally I would tone the density down a bit - could argue the same for the desert planet but they were a needed lifeline for minerals at that point on a low min run.

    Overall super job - well done to all involved, thoroughly recommend it.
    amurayiwestgate and Taun Hawk like this.
  15. Slipstream

    Slipstream Captain

    Sep 22, 2016
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    So, on my server, the asteroid defense.mining platforms are powered up, but not firing/NPCs not spawning. Has anyone else seen this?
  16. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Need to play this. But also, wanted to ask: is there a "getting started with scenario design" thread or wiki or something around here?
  17. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    dichebach likes this.
  18. IanX

    IanX Ensign

    Sep 2, 2017
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    Finished the scenario yesterday and, damm, it was a epic ride.
    I loved it from the beggining to the end, you really gave the feel of a space agent trying to discover super weapon plans.

    All the bases and vessels of the planets really gave the feel of a place owned by Zyrax. Simply awesome !

    Role-played at maximum, hehe. No base teardown, just exploration. In the first time where you need a CV, I weren't finding any deposits or things necessary to make one. After rolling about some time, I find a bugged Zyrax patrol ship in Brexxis ( At first I've tought it was supposed to be found xD) and proceeded to tear it down after finding you can't drive one lol
    Even gave me the plot idea of it being a crashed ship in the snow that needed some restoration, so I make one that looked like it and it became my vessel throught the story, only getting some upgrades.

    By the way, you could use that hidden spawner idea to make some space drones spawners in the space of that heavily guarded Zyrax sector to further make it seem like one.

    Escaping from the base with a teared down ship was so 007 feelings, hehe.

    Awesome. Just awesome. Thanks for it :D

    following my "zyrax patrol wannabe" that became almost a sattelite lol, from a normal cv to a warp-capable, to a assault ship ready for the final mission, built in secrecy at the unguarded sector, so that the Zyrax wouldn't "find it" ( justa a roleplay thing). ( watch out for potato quality) 20171021171026_1.jpg 20171022173117_1.jpg 20171022210618_1.jpg 20171025224013_1.jpg
  19. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    I got a bit ways into this scenario and I was very impressed.

    One thing I found to be poor design: There is at least one trap in the Promethium refinery which it is possible to fall into and inescapable (or so it seemed to me). This was a corridor with one of those trap doors in the floor and a chamber underneath with a Mechanoid robot spawner inside. The chamber was about 3x3x3 inside and constructed completely of Combat steel. An AR does not make a dent in that stuff; I unloaded several clips and checked it with the multi-tool and hp were unchanged.

    That was when I ended that play session and deleted the save files.

    It may be that this was the intended effect, and if so I have to ask, what about that strikes you as "fun" game play? Or it may be that this was unintended in one way or another. I believe that in the past even the smaller damage weapons could cause very small incremental damage to combat steel but EGS seems to have given the steel blocks graded "damage resistance" at some point, and maybe that accounts for it.

    Anyway, overall a brilliant scenario! I'm just not gonna play a game that involves blind ambush traps from which there is no escape.
  20. IanX

    IanX Ensign

    Sep 2, 2017
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    There's a trapdoor underneath the stairs, opposite to the mecha spawner. Just approach it, in the left end, and it activates or was supposed to lol

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