Recently i tried again to create a scenario with really scarce ressources to begin with. Enough, to get off the planet, but just barely so. I took Akua, made the atmosphere unbreathable and tweaked the ressources to be really small. Still too much ore. I set the copper, cobalt and silicon ressoures to zero. (Energy and ammunition is needed, though, so there are some deposits left). Now the facilities still provide waaay too much resources. So i cut down on them radically: I set the amount of ALL of them to zero like this: # Spawn DroneBase far away from wreckage - GroupName: DroneBaseAkua DroneBaseSetup: DroneBaseSetup CountMinMax: [ 0, 0 ] DroneProb: 1 DronesMinMax: [ 2, 3 ] ReserveCount: 3 SpawnPOIAvoid: [Wreckage] POIDistance: 1300 Properties: - Key: Music Value: DarkSoundscape This works for all of the POIs, BUT NOT for the DroneBase. It exists and is active. How would i avoid this?
The DroneBase, better said the Appearance of one, is hardcoded and needed for any Planet. So there is no way of making an empty Planet if that's what you wanted. An idea is to create a new DroneBase (or radically change an existing one) and only span that one in your game. You know, only one Room, with one DroneBlock and the usual needed Stuff like small Generator, small Fuel and of course the Core.
Ahh - thats not good. Even the simplest dronebase means near infinite supply with material by attacks on my base. Hm. guess i could lower the amount of drones...? I think, Scoop has had the same problem, but the other way round - he wanted infinite drone attacks. I dont want any...
Piddle made this one.. Might be helpful as a ressource? Using no drones, and having the dronebase settings set to no drones, and having the POI itself being the smallest possible (handmade, with bare-essentials for instance) This would effectively do what you want, no?
Why don't you just leave the .YAML file as is, let the game spawn the planet, and the drone base. Then you (as admin) teleport to the planet, simply destroy the entity, and presto! With resource deposits, you can just set 1 deposit of 1 type, and set the size to 1 then you will have just 1 resource deposit of size 70 or thereabouts which you can hand mine in about 30 seconds flat. I notice you said you want "some" resources, so gradually just increase the size to what you want until you're happy. Andy.