Players Walk on ships whilst it is moving +Code

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Alixander, Nov 27, 2017.


Is this something you want to see as well?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    My personal reason for this is mostly pve tbh,
    I can see the pvp appliances aswell, but I'd love to be able to for instance board a frighter, and fight inside, or PV's (or .. ), they do for the most part come to a halt (or spasm out), if you come close enough atm, so it is somewhat possible.. But not really reliable :p
    It's something that I would appreciate a lot atleast, even if it may be a small touch ;)

    Being able to autofly somewhere would be damn cool too, tho. But that is just a sidebonus, given implementation of autoflight mechanics ontop.

    Ontop of that, It would make room towards coop play, with dedicated roles on a vessel, etc.. But that is an entirely different topic: Although this mechanic would make such a topic viable ;)

    I believe my approach would solve a lot of potential pathfinding issues aswell, as you have a finite set to work with (like a normal POI/BA effectively)

    Going my route atleast, none of this would matter. You can fix / break as much as you want with the actual thing, without it affecting this aspect. For all intends, this is a 'pocket dimension' (ie. practically exist far away from the actual ship).

    Either way, we can prob. agree that there is higher priorities around ;)
    I'm just trying to state that it, atleast done 'my way', would not rely on any other mechanics being there, or not. And would remove a lot of complexity logic-wise.

    (You would have to replicate events to the ship, on the 'dummy ship' however, to make it feel like it belongs in the galaxy, such as projectiles also entering the 'pocket dimension', and syncing the ships blocks, should they get damaged/removed.. But this *should* be a fairly managable task)
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2018
    Kassonnade likes this.
  2. Ballard

    Ballard Rear Admiral

    Feb 9, 2017
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    Oh that would be awesome. You defeat the enemy boarding party by making them bounce and fall all over the place as you bounce around their own CV! Too much fun.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  3. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Seems sensible. This sequence of development would allow fixing of most of the outstanding physics issues and also pave the way for things like simple aerodynamics (which depend on collider areas).

    Also, the combat value of point-defense turrets cannot be overstated (though I can just imagine the screams of rage from players whose volley of homing missiles got taken out by a cluster of minigun turrets set to point-defense mode :p).
    Kassonnade likes this.
  4. ITguy1981

    ITguy1981 Captain

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Since 8.0 launched and 9.0 is in the future I think it's the perfect time to necro the suggestions forum.
    Sofianinho likes this.
  5. ITguy1981

    ITguy1981 Captain

    Jan 9, 2017
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    That would be fun, but I don't think there would be any effect of someone else's gravity extending in to your own considering the gravity of the ship, the ship itself, and the player walking on the ship would all be of the same entity and the other ship, it's players and it's gravity another entity.
    Ballard likes this.
  6. Talonus_Reford

    Talonus_Reford Ensign

    Jun 15, 2018
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    Boarding with proper alignment and walking around ships seems almost necessary. I tend to play multiplayer or in coop and it seems like having a friend (Or possibly NPC crew member perhaps??) be able to craft, repair, farm, launch in a fighter, etc while moving seems like a dream concept.
    As for boarding, this would definitely be fun BUT the FPS mechanics and weapon balance probably should take priority in terms of getting a massive overhaul. (As they suck right now)
  7. DuLux

    DuLux Captain

    Aug 25, 2016
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    I'm kinda LOLing at the Poll.... I am amazed there is a single person who does NOT want it. It's totally awesome if they can do changer!
  8. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Maybe it's Eleon's main programmer...
    MadRussian likes this.
  9. Damocles

    Damocles Captain

    May 3, 2018
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    Using a ships as reference (parent) for the player (camera) can make the game have a very jerky rendering of the environment in multiplayer.
    If the player snaps locally to the parented-ship, the outside (terrain etc) will move not quite smooth due to synchronization delays for players who dont control the ship (passengers). The position of the CV as determined by the controlling players client will have only a limited number of updates send to the other clients. The jerks would be noticeable especially in any accelereted movement and turns.
    Other players on the ship would have to be positioned relative to the parented ship too - locally on the client - else they would jerk around visibly, wich can then cause issues by one player having a slightly different position on each clients local simulation.

    Another problem are fringe cases with the collision detection when standing on a ship, wich flying into another object/terrain. That could place the player into another object / terrain.

    In singleplayer the system would need some autopilot for the ship to be useful. So the ship is actually moving towards something by itself while running around on it.
    I dont see an autopilot coming though.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2018
  10. LurchUSA

    LurchUSA Lieutenant

    Jul 6, 2018
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    Yes, especially for us Unity3D developers, who already know how to configure Unity and write the scripts that go with it.

    I'd be curious to see how the developers used the event system, when players async activate weapons and how they did their building block snap system. I've already built a drag-drop from 2D panel to 3D world space snap system and wow... that was an education. Elated when I finally got it working.
  11. LurchUSA

    LurchUSA Lieutenant

    Jul 6, 2018
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    Indeed. He's probably looking at the suggestion forum and thinking...

    "DAMN! All these new requests is going to totally blow out our velocity, for this sprint, if we try to do them all."
    Kassonnade likes this.
  12. TrionWolf

    TrionWolf Ensign

    Oct 9, 2017
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    I play in a server with some members of a gaming community, we would love this ability. I remember when Space engineers got it working, it was the next best thing next to Sliced bread. I hope they really consider adding this to the base game.
  13. Zaflis

    Zaflis Commander

    Sep 15, 2017
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    Not "would be", but "it is". As in current game if you are a passenger, you see world move in a very jerky way, depending on lag. You can't really fix that easily, and in my opinion it's not in the scope of this thread. Walking on a moving ship isn't subject to "jerky movement" inside the ship itself, which matters here the most.
    IronCartographer likes this.
  14. Damocles

    Damocles Captain

    May 3, 2018
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    The client controlling the ship would have a smooth movement inside the ship, as his client is moving the ship locally.
    But anyone ELSE as a passenger would have either have the ship jerking around, or all other objects (players, terrain). And that would make it a painfully annoying experience. This is pretty relevant to a topic wishing a new feature.

    Just watching the ship in third person (flight) as a passenger having jumps around is less of a problem than actually trying to move around an area that is shaking.

    Terrains and static objects like bases dont jerk around, they always have the same position and rotation on each client.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  15. HMIMH

    HMIMH Ensign

    Jul 8, 2018
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    Bump for this awesome man. We need this thing to make this game best one out there
  16. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Players have requested walking on ships by a HUGE margin over any other feature. If the programmers can not make this happen because of things that are out of their control, then we need to entertain other solutions to solve this issue because simply saying 'no' or making up some excuse is not going to cut it.

    I believe that for the most part people are reasonable, especially if you can provide a simple explanation to a given event.

    So lets look at walking on a moving vehicle from a realistic perspective. We know we can walk on vehicles that are in constant motion, but the minute they change their motion things get more difficult, people understand this. You see this in real life, the Expanse does a reasonable job of conveying this. So we need to create scenarios in game where walking on a ship would be reasonable, and when it would not be.

    Flying in atmosphere is not reasonable due to changes in motion. The same can be said for short distance space travel. However, long distance space travel, warping we should be able to walk in our ships.

    My main complaint about Empyrion is that space does not feel like space. Space does not feel vast, it does not feel expansive. It feels like you are in an instance (for all intents and purposes you are in an instance) but it does not need to feel that way. Part of this is because flying out into space around a planet means nothing because you cant get to another planet from flying, and warping from planet to planet is instant which takes away the very real and meaningful size of space.

    This has been suggested before and I hope this is being considered, but frankly warping should take a heck of a lot longer to get from planet to planet. Actual real time is up for debate, but I would say 5-15 minutes depending on planet distance, OR make the time to travel x amount of minutes per AU. Maybe a minute per AU. Anyway. When we are warping simply have the ship in an instance where you can walk around (because the ship is not actually in motion), have a movie background that has stars streaking by (so it looks like you are moving) and have the "movie" show the ship coming out of warp or slowing down as you reach the planet. When you get to the planet simply have the ship stopped with some RP reason and force people to get back into their chairs before descending to the planet.

    We can explain away why people can not see you in space when you are in warp.
    If the player exits the ship while in warp, explain that they are in the warp bubble created by the ship and therefore maintain their motion, or come up with some other believable excuse. If they go too far from the ship or outside the bubble, they blow up into a million pieces (brainstorming). Or make doors unusable when warping. No significant ship repairs should be happening on the hull while in warp, again, explain it away but with a reasonable explanation.

    That should solve a number of issues.
    1. Content is slowed down because of time gating while warping.
    2. People can now walk in their CV/SV while it warps and they can look out the window and see "movement" in all its glory. They can also craft and do other tasks while warping.
    3. Warping now feels meaningful, physical and not magical.

    NOW. All of that being said. We STILL need actual walking on ships, but not for players, but for NPC's.

    One of the things I long for the most in survival is raising animals like you do in Minecraft. We should be able to do the same thing in Empyrion, except there is an issue. People are not going to tie a rope or lead an animal with a fruit to their base, no, they are going to want to herd them into their SV/HV and haul them back to base. Seems to me (unless there is another option) that the NPC's would need to be able to walk on the ships.

    With this solution we potentially created a reason to create more props for HV's and make HV's more desirable, depending on how allowing animal NPC's into SV's works.

    We also created an extra space necessary at a base and increased gameplay.
    Sofianinho likes this.
  17. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Wow man this looks great!

    Question for you: if I wanted to learn from your code and try my hand at some similar modifications (I have mostly worked with C++ but a good excuse to learn some C# would be nice), would I need to subscribe to Unity?
  18. HMIMH

    HMIMH Ensign

    Jul 8, 2018
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    Your idea is used in Pulsar: Lost colony warp. But ship walking in atmosphere would be neccesary too.. now on this big planets.. I feel its very boring watching the marker going from 10km to down just to visit a poi and then go back to base
  19. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    I want a whole list of things before they try and fail to put "walking around aimlessly " on a ship in flight so my vote is the second no vote.
    This has been rehashed and rethought and all that we see is "IF" it ever becomes a feature it will just add more lag. Suddenly instead of ONE or TWO event being processed---which right now is a problem with CV"S and docked vehicles, we will have multiple events all trying and failing to work at the same time. This game can't manage sometimes to get ONE person out of the seat without desinching and you ending up in the wall. While sitting still on the ground.
  20. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    I just listed how to do this without lag or issues 4 posts up and the reasons players want this feature.

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