Love all aspects of this game, At the moment I seem to spend most of my time digging out chill out caverns, where I go for my daily colour fix, Here is a quick walk through of some of my caverns.
Glad you like them, they are only simple caverns, but I try to make them colourful, here is my red & blue cavern at base of tree house.
Just started a new system of chill out rainbow caverns, which eventually I want to connect by HV rail, here is the first section, I use these caverns to chill out in & get my daily colour fix.
A update on my rainbow cavern, with HV track, I make these little videos, so I can sit back, & see where to expand & colours I want to add, Cavern tours coming soon. updated version
Empyrion has something for everybody, At the moment I spend most of my time making my rainbow chill out caverns, then I enjoy just travelling the cavern systems, chilling taking screenshots, here are a few from this cavern system.
A tour of some of my rainbow caverns, now connected from base to my tree house, still haven't perfected my tree house jump at the end.
Just made this cavern, Thought it had some some nice colouring, Time for me to grab some screenshots my screenshots of this cavern!AsaBHerFcAxsbdXTWnt2p9YypHs
My Sun cavern, I'm working on. some screen shots of sun cavern.!AsaBHerFcAxsgzhuOENL81hxBDzY edite for update of vid.
So pretty. I am going to try adding actual cave POIs to my scenario inspired by your beautiful creations. Literally caves like this that players can find and explore and be awestruck by. They can't be as big as yours, sadly, and will be stuck with 1 terrain texture (but whatever blocks of concrete/steel/etc I want).
I have only this one game going in Survival, I started at 8.6, it's a shame i'm the only one who gets to travel my caverns, unless I turned it into a multi player game, but then I'm sure they would soon be destroyed,, I have yet to try making my own scenario, like yourself, do you have to do this in creative mode?, can you then share your scenarios? Here's a couple more of my caverns, I think the Talons are up to something
Basically making a cave POI would involve making a base in creative mode that is just a big square block of rock then digging and building around inside it. Then save it as a blueprint and anyone can download and use your cave in their custom scenarios either in space if you make it look like an asteroid, or on a planet if you keep the outside dimensions a rectangle so it can be spawned as a POI. I have not tested adding cavern bases to scenarios yet, I'll try to do a proof of concept tonight and I'll get back to you if it works or not. There are a few limitations: You're stuck building within that rectangle. The edges of your poi won't match up with the height of the local terrain, so it might look bad from the surface. Textures are bugged on planets, the surface of your cave will adapt the surface texture of the biome you're in automatically but your cave interior will be stuck with a default rock texture. With proper lighting this shouldn't be a big deal. Players cannot feasibly use these bases in survival mode, they'll best be used in scenarios. I'll do some testing to see how well it works in practice. I got a few ideas I want to try out.
So I did a test. This is an actual POI that I made spawn on the starting planet. It appears it's possible to create totally custom cave bases and get them to appear in-game just like any other alien base would. This opens up whole new possibilities. As you can see, it doesn't fit completely flush with the terrain. I don't think there's any way to completely avoid that cutout shape. I think we'll just have to deal with that until the developers add in official support for caves. It also doesn't look nearly as good as your amazing caverns, but I'll be pretty happy if I end up designing something even 1/10th as good looking as your stuff. Inside I just added some random stuff to see how it would look: You're right. The Talon are up to something... And it doesn't look good... The surface texture takes on the appearance of the local terrain so it blends in: I don't think this jarring edge is avoidable though:
Very Good!, I did try myself & could not do it, It does open up new possibilities for cave bases, i love your pond/pool, using alien blocks, Have you a blueprint I could try out? PLEASE, how did you get it onto a blue print, with this rock texture?, P.S Yes those Talons are up to something.
I have tried spawning part of my base in creative mode, can only get blocks & lights, but no caves, https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....439/090D89F3A55894D9F8DC01D046C4D94D61464B58/ I was going to try encassing caves in a block box, https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....556/B27004EFB4E2163DE198D55BCFCB5A5E2621545D/ but tried a smaller box first, but no rocks inside, when I spawned it. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....692/3ACE5F364B9F0AFE07E90C8407082D0221B264CA/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....842/DE3B40284799EE366584CD48B7DA410BCB33ABFC/ what am I missing to blueprint & SPAWN CAVERN BASES? I love the idea, that you could download these caverns in sections, & add them to your own base, creating networks of creative caverns under your base.
I used the creative mode selection tools to copy and paste terrain from an asteroid into another blueprint. It's a bit tedious and does have some limitations but it basically allows you to build with terrain blocks and they will be saved as part of the blueprint. Unfortunately there isn't an easy way for other players to build these in survival mode themselves. They'll need to dig out the area for the base beforehand and they'll need to use a console command to spawn the base. However, there doesn't seem to be any problem with making standalone POIs which is what the one I made was but that limits you to about a 200x200 size for each cave. I'm going to try to write up a guide on this but I'm not sure when I'll get to it.