
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    The O2 System is quite likely to still have some Bugs in it. :/
    Track Driver likes this.
  2. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    So it would seem. :)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. RxP | Stilly

    RxP | Stilly Lieutenant

    Mar 9, 2018
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    I find myself streaming this game many days- usually thursday and friday mornings I will stream it from my stillyvision account in twitch. I have seen many folks stop in to tell me that they like how I can speak english better than many others that stream EGS...

    Nothing you can do about that but looking at my account I see that I have over 1000 hours in this game I believe, maybe between 1000 and 1600 which is really scary that I only had it for about a year and have played it so much.

    Here are some things that I am finding that I am ALWAYS saying or thinking...

    1. Why do I have 1st GEN NV equipment when I SHOULD have access to at LEAST first gen THERMAL equipment... WHY can I afford a damn ROCKET LAUNCHER but I can not find ANYONE selling Thermal optics in the universe? Did ATN go bankrupt? Why has nobody brought this up yet? MAKE THE NV ALSO HAVE THERMAL CAPABILITIES and just like REAL Thermal make it so that you can cycle through several color schemes...

    2. HOW DO THEY SURVIVE THAT? How is it that I can fire a volley of 4 rockets at a group of zirox (they get mad at you for spelling their names wrong) and only 1 gets killed, OR it goes right behind them and they all survive? HOW? Just watch a few of those attack chopper footage videos on youtube and you can see how that SHOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE in this world...

    3. Okay fine. I have a better idea. Instead of having 8 different Anti Vehicle weapons and ONE anti personnel (mini guns) weapon, how about several different weapons? The RAIL gun for example should be able to wipe out a block or TWO and penetrate to the next one or two blocks. After all- it is a RAIL GUN! It is supposed to move at a hyper kinetic speed to punch through many heavy armors and kill the insides... Fire blooms! My favorite weapon to use for anti people and creatures now is the Plasma cannon. But it should be more of a white phosphorus spreading weapon. It hits and usually can kill, but I think it should be able to subdue a crowd and when it hits the ground it should spread out and burn things a maximum of 2-4 squares - So it hits, explodes to touch all adjacent squares (8 surrounding squares) and then there is a 50% or 75% chance that THOSE squares will ignite and burn the adjacent squares to them, and then maybe a 25% chance or a 30% chance that those other squares will now ignite and burn- and this is the new anti personnel weapon... or fired at another vehicle or vessel in space or atmosphere it simply sticks to it and spreads in a small area to burn and melt the parts... Do this and I can almost forget that we have no such things as grenades...

    4. GRENADES! WTH??? We have NO GRENADES? This is the future, we have projectile weapons but no grenades! How many times have we cheered in a movie because a grenade was tossed the finished the fight? GRENADES! Several types would be nice. 1. Smoke grenades to throw and provide cover (unless you have thermal vision, then you can see through it to kill the enemy...), Frag grenades that will kill or heavily damage (65%-95%) items within 2-3 blocks and lightly damage (20-35%) items between 3-5 blocks. Then we can use the plasma grenades that will explode and burn things all within an area ans behave similar to the plasma cannons that shoot white phosphorus... And what about them fast moving bugs like the alien scorpions? It would be great to toss a grenade that explodes into foam that gums them up so they can not move nearly as fast, and thus gives me a chance to kill them a little easier. One FLYPAPER GRENADE will gum up to 5 blocks... If you do not want to give us grenades yet, then at LEAST let our drones plant explosives on items and on people...

    5. Look at those Zirox KNEEL AND AVOID DAMAGE BY HIDING IN THE GRASS AND TAKING COVER. Hey wait! Does my guy NOT have any knees? He LOOKS like he does! Why can't my guy kneel or lie prone or whatever? COME ON!

    6. You give us spiders and bugs that are as big as us but we have NO flame throwers or fire grenades (or plasma/white phosphorus) with which to fight back? For Thanksgiving I said that I was thankful that we do not have the problem with spiders taking 2 shots from a 12 gauge shot gun that other folks might have on other planets. Yes it got me some weird looks but I appreciated being back here on Earth... But seriously- GIVE ME A FLAME THROWER or SOMETHING better to shoot and maim these spiders! We all know that there is only ONE way to kill a spider- Nuke it from orbit! Or, with FIRE!

    7. I do NOT care what anyone says- the Motorbike is ABSOLUTE RUBBISH. Thank god for the new hover vessels. But seriously- that motorbike is ABSOLUTE CRAP. It gets stuck on EVERYTHING and can NOT go down a solid mountain side either...

    8. I remember it used to be so much fun on the Akua/Omicron challenge. I loved to crash on Omicron and start up a new game, then conquer that planet, make a nice CV and head out to space and beyond! What the hell did you guys do to that? I find POIs now on planets but they say to USE F TO OPEN and they do not open when I USE them. I can not get into them at all. They mostly look like great lockers and the POIs look interesting, but GAWD it really sucks when they do NOT work like they are supposed to. What game? What seed? JUST ABOUT EVERY ONE THAT I HAVE STARTED! And WHERE has OMICRON run off to? It seems that when Alpha 8 came out Omicron stepped into the shadows never to be seen or heard from again... Gawd I REALLY miss the rush to survive those first 24 hours on omicron, make some gear, then hop on a motorbike and high-tail it to the nearest admin trade station and sell it all off for better guns and ammos! Why has that been taken away? PLEASE PUT IT BACK! Put back the old calculation where there were seeds you could choose and they did not change the planet you started on! I want to start on Omicron again and I want to find the trade station and I want to have some fun exploring the planet! Starting in a warm and fuzzy biome everytime is boring and for NOOBS! Give me the ability to crash near a WORKING POI and then have to make critical decisions on how I will survive!

    9. I have two hands, but yet I can not punch or wield a knife... Or a sword or a machete or a heavy battle hammer or axe! Come on now! AT LEAST give me the ability to make a knife or machete and sneak up on the rocket zerax that killed me from behind and slit his throat! Just go watch the game FAR CRY 3 or 4 and you will see what I am talking about. Maybe give me the ability to sneak up on a zirax and perform a TAKE DOWN where I grab him from behind and jam my survival constructor under his throat, knock him out and grab his pistol from his side and shoot another two zirax in close proximity...

    10. They have weapons, but they never have weapons... Why do the zirax only have ammo on them? I know, it might offset the game mechanics by having twenty thousand guns to sell off, but does it really? Even better to have those weapons to take apart and use for raw parts elsewhere. Have you seen the parts available for an M-4 in the USA? It really is BARBIE for MEN! 16 hundred million combinations of a single semi auto firearm you can make by walking into a single gun store. And maybe I want my guns to be GOLD or Green instead of Red?

    11. Mechanics/System... Why does the game all of a sudden start to studder and twitch when I drop down on 3 DEFENCE bases, a DRONE BASE an ARMORY and an OXYGEN DEPOT? Why should I have to DEAL WITH IT, then exit out and restart in order to get a smooth running game again? I got an I5-8600K with a 1070 GTX and 16GB of RAM! Why is it when I jump in any direction while shooting the rocket launcher I blow myself up and about half the time I do that with the plasma cannon?

    12. Oops I fallen and I can't get up... So why can't I use my drone to pilot a vehicle that I fell off of from being up 40 feet in the sky? Why can't I engage an AUTO PARK feature that will either lower the vehicle to solid stable ground or turn it into a hover vessel that way I can get back into it? It would be EXCELLENT to be able to use my drone to fly up to a vehicle, interface with a small panel behind the cockpit and fly the vehicle with basic functions to land so that I can get back inside it and continue on...

    13. My this smog is BAD! I LOVE it when I fly to a moon or new planet and I find things floating in the sky all over the place. Usually a fast EXIT and restart will remove that, but not 100% of the time... SAD... :(

    14. How high is this mountain anyways? Can we PLEASE get some altimeters or something to show us how high we are or how low we are in comparison to sea level?

    15. I really love thoser little trouble detectors. They are GREAT at telling me to GO NORTH! NOW GO WEST! NO NORTH! NOW WEST AGAIN! NO EAST! NOW NORTH! NOW WEST! THERE IT IS! Why not just tell me NORTHWEST in the first place? DUH... Come on guys...

    16. Enhancements- Fishies in the water would be cool! Rivers, waterfalls, springs would be cool. But being able to jump in the water and grab some fishies to eat or shoot and kill them would be cool. Thermal vision to see through fog and smoke would be cool. Team it up with IR and UV and it would be a rockin visual to enjoy! Heck, call it Eleon Vision... Fire and a destructible environment that would burn for a little bit would be cool.

    All of these things REALLY bother me, and yet I still stream it faithfully and have fun doing so. But man if these would be addressed and several taken care of that would be most EXCELLENT! I am so tired of laughing at the things in the game when I am showing off the fun parts to a group of folks and then being like- See what fun you could be having too? As they groan and look elsewhere for a more down to earth survival game... I am certainly glad that at least the developers here are indeed active and always working on the game. But how long has this been in alpha? I only started playing at 7.4 but I feel bad for some of the other folks that have had this game since it came out in 2015... I hope the development of this game takes off and a lot of these small things get wiped out/ fixed...

    Oh yeah and why can things only be repaired 7 times? Why not get a gun and be able to modify the heck out of it, customize it and when it breaks, just refabricate the part and FIX IT???

    Okay I am done here, gotta go load up some new games to play...

    Please forward this list to Santa though. If Eleon will not take care of things on the list, maybe Santa will...
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2018
    Bollen, Cluascorp and Spirit_OK like this.
  4. Javarox87

    Javarox87 Captain

    Oct 19, 2016
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    Posting this again... I feel like now that we are at the end of A8, this shouldn’t be an issue still, but it is...

    Severity: Players stop playing on multiplayer or the game. (Game breaking to those who don’t know what a Cache is or does).

    Clearing the Cache
    Why is it not automatic on the client end or Not a setting/button in game?

    Is this possibly something EAH can handle in the future?

    Servers will make changes/wipes/additions to their content. When they do, players log in to see the exciting new content and instead see what appears to be glitched out terrain and log.

    It’s easy for anyone that understands this to know this and delete the cache. From helping players on Transcendence and other servers that report the issue, most are uncomfortable deleting a file or looking around in their computer past the MyDocuments folder.

    Monthly, I link my “How To Delete Your Cache Empyrion” on Facebook and Discord. It’s getting old lol.

    *Note: the previous comment in this forum Is very long, but I noticed where he also fell into the “cache trap” and posted the complaint not even knowing this is a thing.
  5. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    How many games do you know that have a button to clear their cache?

    Automatic cache clean on the other hand might be a future feature.
    Javarox87 likes this.
  6. Javarox87

    Javarox87 Captain

    Oct 19, 2016
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    I don’t know a single one, but other games are other games, not Empyrion. What does have a clean up button are browsers. I think on the client a clear cache button would be simple on the main menu. Possibly also keeps the server in history on the multiplayer screen as well.
  7. Quarior

    Quarior Commander

    Sep 30, 2016
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    I would like a possibility to exit the cockpit of CV and maybe SV (or all types) or just made a option on cockpit so when the ship move, we can walk on the ship for by example waiting the ship arrive to destination.
    Also I would like dynamic LCD for by example show the speed, hour...
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. RxP | Stilly

    RxP | Stilly Lieutenant

    Mar 9, 2018
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    I think I have a direction that the game could go and it COULD even be close to the end game...

    Imagine, I land on a planet, I spend the time fighting zirax and whatever I want to fight. I ultimately defeat the zirax and drive them from the planet. I not only drive them from the planet, I am now the ruler of the planet. The governer, the big cheese. I have a say on what comes and goes on the planet. Before you know it, I am hit with a request or two for interplanetary trade and agreements for other people to visit or land on the planet. Before you know it, Trade stations pop up on the planet, Mining stations, settlements, research teams, excavation teams, and before you know it ther are all kinds of new POIs on the planet that I, the player can interact with. I can trade ORE, I can trade metal and other things, I can make and sell things and I can spend my money advertising or marketing my planet and why it is a good place to come to make a new home. I give permission on various groups or factions (I see you now have factions- nice) and I can make friends or enemies. Then, I can visit these places and not only trade with them, but I can also visit their jobs board (like in Borderlands) and find various missions popping up here and there. Some missions might be about Zirax spotted in the area, some might be about underground bunkers and new POIs found. Some might be about lost cargo boxes or stashed loot etc etc. The list goes on and on. When I complete the missions, just like in Elite Dangerous, I can make friends and bump up my reputation with that faction. At the end of the day, we all benefit from the alliance formed on the planet. Until the Zirax decide to return, and because I did not bother to build a planetary defense system, (or buy one or research one) or even hire a security agency to watch over the planet, I now gotta deal with the Zirax all over again, they might decide to show up in waves coming from space, maybe first a patrol ship or two, dropping some zirax insurgents here and there and then before you know it I have bases popping up in places that I thought were safe...
    Here goes the fight all over again... Except this time the planet's occupants and residents will help and they will conduct raids and attacks on zirax and I can choose to help them or not. If I do not and they fail, well, we just lost part of that territory or they just lost some resources. Maybe they just need someone to fly low and give them an escort while they hover in and attack a base or raid an oxygen depot...

    As my rep gains popularity my prices I get paid go up and my worth goes up while my costs go down. I can spend money now on my own DEFENSE III bases and I can put outposts in places and design POIs that are hardened and able to hold people and fight not to mention protect resources.

    Resources CAN certainly be replenished by meteors, but they can also be discovered even deeper in the grounds, eventually there could very well be 100+ Prometheum cavities on a planet but unless the layer of dirt was removed that is above it, it was never scanned by the initial satellite.

    Satellites can be bought and put into orbit around the planets to keep an eye on them and monitor ETs and things in space. There can be command stations or centers where you can see the camera on each satellite and you can PTZ it and look around on your own.

    You can spend the money and hire engineers to arrive and research and develop a better more efficient way of using promethium or even making new things and new technology. It will be like Elite Dangerous in a sort of weird way. You can roll the dice and see what they come up with, when you like what you see you keep the research going but BP where you are at now, then they give you the plans on what you need to make to start manufacturing the new technology. You have to keep it supplied either by yourself or monthly subscription (or whenever it comes by again) and if something happens to the delivery, you need to check it out (or hire police or security to check it out and read the reports).

    Eventually, you are trying to get back to Earth and find your way back, but you can allow yourself to get caught up in all the politics of the planets and keeping them safe etc etc or you can ignore them and let what happens happens. Eventually, you will be able to find enough parts to piece together Earth technology and by having it on your ship or incorporating it, you can then be allowed to enter the Earth sectors where you will be able to live among the earthlings and have a boring life, or buy a ranch, build your own space port, research and develop teleporting and zap your way back off the planet and into the politics of another planetary battle with the zirax. Maybe you will come out on top, maybe someone else will and you will just be a good guy with rights to own some territory on the planet. And you need to stay in your own territory or inside the neutral territories because crossing the wrong lines can be bad for you...

    The end. I gotta get to bed so I can go to work.

    I can see this being a setup for where the game is trying to take you...

    Oh and this certainly does have elements of Robotech Next Generation in it.

    I think that the Motorbike needs to be changed to be power armor. I think the Motorbike needs to be a Cyclone bike and you can color it in different colors as well, but when you EXIT it, it will transform to be a protective body armor suit with extra firepower with you and on you- Just like the Robotech Cyclones that they carried with them in their planes. They run on BIOFUEL or promethium and are very efficient with energy.

    IF nothing else, then just make the cyclones available to build and keep, maybe every two or three different versions, maybe even able to modify or outfit yours with small things that make it unique.

    But DAMN. If This game had cyclones that worked and you could build one after crashing on the planet, then I would have paid $50+ for the game as long as the developers were active. Being able to ride/ fly around in a cyclone would be SWEET! Especially for base assaults and exploration...
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2018
  9. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    @RxP | Stilly No TLDR? I do not read big chunks of posts like this. Update it or I think you wasted your time typing it.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  10. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    This would be an interesting expansion of the faction system, and one that I'd definitely like to see. Letting the player become part of/lead a larger organization would be an excellent late-game mechanic to have.

    I could see this being the end-game evolution of player armor suits and the motorbike. I think being able to build this immediately after crash-landing would tend to jump the player over a lot of the current early-game, though.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Thursten4Moore

    Thursten4Moore Ensign

    Nov 28, 2017
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    I get somewhat bored with the POIs after a while. They are always exactly the same. I suggest that the developers build some variability into the construction of the POIs. Make some of the blocks variable; that is, a specific type of block could be present or not, or could be replaced by a normal (or specific) block.

    For example:
    Trap door blocks are always in the same location. After a couple of times through the POI, you know all those locations, so you can avoid them easily. Make them variable, so that sometimes the POI will have a trap door block in a certain location and other times that location would be a regular block. Then have several dozen of those variable trap door blocks scattered through the POI with only 6-8 of them active on any particular build. That way, when going through the POI, the player will never know where the trap door blocks are.

    Do the same for the NPC spawners. You could also do some of the same with the turrets inside the POI.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    This sounds like a win idea! Is this doable @Hummel-o-War at all? :D
  13. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    It's def. possible ;)
    But the ideal solution to this would be doing it with modular blueprints
    Tyrax Lightning and geostar1024 like this.
  14. Lidan

    Lidan Ensign

    Oct 22, 2016
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    I have asked Eleonore Game to leave the public with absolutely all versions of the game and server that have been removed so far!
    I paid this game and it does not seem normal to experiment on my nerves!
    Instead of being as simple as accessing, make it as complicated, losing time to do some things without logic
    I do not want to explain once again what players are saying here, most are dissatisfied!
    So, I come back and say one thing. All those who bought this game in alpha stage, it seems normal to give us access to all versions, leaving the free will to choose what we want to play!
    We, the gamers, are tired of getting started from servers every time you take out a buggy version.
    Put download access to all versions or give us your money back
    I have the impression that you have consumed something before putting this version into practice.
    I apologize for the harsh words, but I am nervous at this moment!
    MariuSS likes this.
  15. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    First in steam u can choice to go back to Alpha 8 or 7 or even pre Alpha. So i dont get what you are saying here. Bugs?
    Ofcours there are bugs. Its Alpha. You can report them and they get fixed. If u cant handle that dont play a Alpha game.
    Ofcours a game gets updated. New things. Bug fixed etc etc. If u dont like it servers get wiped, Either go host your own
    server and dont wipe it. Or dont play MultiPlayer.

    Curesing and threating isnt needed neither appreciated.
    Think a second before u send stuff. Take a walk and calm down please

    We all want it civil here
  16. Quarior

    Quarior Commander

    Sep 30, 2016
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    Some suggestions :
    • Add possible to use custom stamps and terrains on scenarios.
    • Add partial-procedural, ie a mixte of fixed terrain and procedurales.
    • Add more parameters for stamps to set the number min, max, rotation instead just probability : By example a planet like your Earth but continent are not 100% exactly the same.
    • Add some routes/rails (with their vehicules, also wheels and boats) for link different bases/structures because there a limitation of built around our structure.
    • Add transport NPC system like transport ship for make more dynamic.
    • Add some torch (so fire) for Talon structure by example.
    • Add possibility to player or on config (and also scenario) for allow to built some blocks and config like portals, of course with a high level or find the technology for make it.
    • Add tidal locked and also different rotation for planets/moons.
    • Add share/trade maps.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2018
  17. Quarior

    Quarior Commander

    Sep 30, 2016
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    You can made already Mars-like with duplicate arid planet and delete vegetation, water and POI and change atmosphere, temperature and radiation. For the rest maybe possible but I don’t know if you want exactly 100% real terrain.
  18. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    You could always use concrete blocks (which have lots of stone textures).
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. Quarior

    Quarior Commander

    Sep 30, 2016
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    Yes but is realist ? I think maybe is to make a block apart with stones textures already set.
    But we can keep also already system for use like decoration, wallpaper.
  20. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    But what's the point? Concrete blocks are made from crushed rock (without even any water right now), the same as this new block would be. And all Talon POIs that use stone textures are using concrete blocks anyway. Could you explain more what functional difference there would be between this block you're proposing and a textured concrete block?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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