A9 - NPC Factions and NPC Faction Standing

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Hopefully it's an easy fix for them to add!
  2. Nightring

    Nightring Ensign

    Jun 15, 2017
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    Hey all,
    Just going to let ya know my scenarios wont work anymore with the factions set up like they are...
    I cant put traders that you can interact with in an alien POI...
    And there is no sense in me trying to use any of the 3 faction traders in them since every action has a negative consequence, and my scenarios require you to loot boxes and use constructors and food processors and med bays that belong with the POI in order to have a chance at surviving...

    Does anyone have a timetable on when we might see Neutral, Human, and Explorer factions that we can have traders for?
    I kind of need them so I can continue making Hard Core Fort Battle Scenarios...
    Is there any reason we didn't get a Neutral faction for traders to begin with?
  3. NimrodX

    NimrodX Commander

    Dec 13, 2018
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    My experience with faction standing so far....

    First I just decide that I don't care about making the xirax happy to I shoot them on site. No big deal. After all, they attack me just for building a base anywhere at all so screw them.

    I run across a talon area and find some plants I need, so I pick the plants to make sprouts rather than trying to steal the whole plant. They don't seem to care too much about this (-9 each) and I don't pick many so nothing happens.

    I mine a small ore deposit in their territory and they're still not hostile. I walk around their bazzar with no problem but don't find anything interesting so I leave.

    After taking out 3 or 4 xirax POIs and destroying a few drones I'm at Honored status with Talon and Polaris. Well that was really easy.

    Later I go to the MALO station somewhere. I noticed some doors between the outer airlocks and rest of the station are STILL faction locked for no good reason. I see some decorative berry bushes and figure that with my Honored status they probably won't care if I eat a few berries off of some insignificant decorative bush.

    The guards immediately start shooting me. ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY FOR BERRY EATERS, NO EXCEPTIONS! DIE!!!!

    I manage to leave the station without dying or doing any damage, but my CV parked outside is blasting away at the station the whole time without my approval.

    Later I shoot up more xirax and I'm back to neutral with Polaris. So I activate the TOP polaris quest.

    There is no station with a "sky guy bar" in my system so I just force complete some objectives until I get to "land on lava planet" which I do.

    I visit the brewery and retrieve the roots. When I get back and trigger some more quest points the area in the center of the brewery where I parked my ship explodes and there are xirax running around. So I jetpack to my now damaged ship, take off and start shooting them.

    I kill waves 1 and 2 seemingly without incident, but wave 3 never spawns. So I force complete that.

    I try to land at the brewery again and suddenly a bunch of giant robots and crap spawn. WTF? So I shoot them with the SV that I'm still in. I think I've killed them all (but I haven't) so I land again and get out only to find that now the Polaris civilians are trying to kill me. I guess I managed to damage a block when trying to kill the stuff that was attacking them?

    I get back to my ship but almost immediately am killed and the cockpit is destroyed. So I respawn at my CV which is parked next to the brewery and fly it next to the base, get out and destroy the remaining robots, then get back into the CV to fly over where my SV is so I can slap a cockpit on the outside (it's still powered and hovering) and dock it with the CV. The CV is blasting away at the brewery and station personnel the whole time.

    Somewhere in there I managed to run in and trigger the next quest point with the brewmaster while polaris civilians are trying to kill me.

    I get back to the CV with the SV, dock it, fly off a little ways, fire up the repair bay, etc, and make it away.

    My Polaris standing at this point is something like 2500/5000 or whatever (in the middle) and I'm now at "land on alien planet".

    So I managed to get out of that clusterfuck with the quest unaffected and my standing at 50%?

    Needless to say I think the faction system still needs some work, especially the zero-tolerance KoS policy toward berry pickers. Build a base in our area Honored One? Sure!!! but pick berries and DIE!!!!
  4. The Undead Watcher

    The Undead Watcher Lieutenant

    Dec 15, 2018
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    I really like that you can make "peace" with the Zirax. Now a question regarding the Standing(since my Steam Thread wasn't anwsered):
    If my standing with the Zirax is honored does that mean they'll still send out Base Attack Drones? Logically they shouldn't since their Drones and Turrets aren't firing at you.
  5. TmikeS3

    TmikeS3 Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I find it odd that there is not a human NPC faction, cant remember what it was called but should we start out as a member if it, or maybe have to find it first
  6. NimrodX

    NimrodX Commander

    Dec 13, 2018
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  7. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    It's not an 'absolute scale'.. you fill the bar up multiple times, advancing/declining a 'friend tier' each time
    Sofianinho likes this.
  8. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    /info update


    1. Open the NPC Faction tab in the Faction Menu
    2. Hover over a faction and find the reputation effects displayed on the right

  9. TheSleuth

    TheSleuth Ensign

    Feb 13, 2018
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    The explanations for those effects are most welcome. It clears up any mystery about what will help or harm your standing with a particular group. I do have a few suggestions for consideration with this system, though.

    - First, I would suggest adding all the information in that sidebar to the Empyriopedia accessible with the F1 key. There could be a hint within the game that points out where to go to find out what affects faction standing before you ever enter anyone's territory. In fact, I would say that should trigger for new players with hints enabled the moment they are within 100m of a faction area. There's already a "Faction Report" section in the Empyriopedia, so all it would take is a submenu within that which tells you all you need to know.

    - Second, it would be nice to have a safety feature in place that can be enabled or disabled by the player midgame. When enabled, you could not open a container or pick crops without a warning appearing on screen (I know there is one for containers now, but it is easy to miss and still lets you carry out the action). You could only carry out the action by disabling the safety feature. A lot of players have reported that they picked a crop and were immediately attacked without warning. A safety feature would prevent that from happening.

    - Third, the UI for your current standing could use some improvement. As it stands, it can be difficult to determine what all the numbers mean in the factions screen. Instead, there should be one bar under "Reputation Points" (akin to a progress bar for experience points) that tracks your current standing. Red, orange, yellow, green, and blue could all represent different levels of standing on that bar (red for hostile, orange for unfriendly, etc.) in addition to a fixed number that tells you exactly where you stand.

    That's all I could cook up for now. I'm sure I'll have more to add later.
  10. TmikeS3

    TmikeS3 Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    one thing I have wondered about, but have not had a chance to test. is, is it posable to push back or take territory form other factions and is there a way I can gain territory of my own?
  11. TheSleuth

    TheSleuth Ensign

    Feb 13, 2018
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    At the moment, no. The most you can do from my experience is remove a faction's presence by coring their structures in the area. I have not yet tested that with POI regeneration on, though. I would imagine it would just reinstate the old territory as it was. I believe owning territory is planned for the future, but I cannot recall where I saw that.
    TmikeS3 likes this.
  12. TmikeS3

    TmikeS3 Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I think that would be a good add to the game, Give us the tools to make and tell our own stories. When I play consider my self on a war footing espssally after I find the titan and or the wreaks of other earth ships. it would be nice if I could drive the Zerax back, only to have them try and reestablish beach heads again and agan.. and again
  13. Andreykl

    Andreykl Commander

    Apr 9, 2017
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    Impressions from playing with factions:
    1. Losing reputation while flying through territory doesn't make much sense and has issues:
    I incidentally run into zirax territory and immediately started losing reputation, lost it three times before I managed to decelerate and turn and couple more until I was out of their 'turf'. So if I accidentally enter orbit above them or crash-land, I will immediately start using reputation?
    If a military base detects unidentified vessel it doesn't 'lose' reputation, it tries to identify vessel, sends interceptors, contacts vessel, e t c... So realistically it should have been a long the lines of: you fly into territory of Zirax or Polaris, you get a message like "Unknown, you entered our territory prepare to die/Coordination center to unknown, you are about to enter Polaris-controlled territory, identify yourself and transmit your permit, leave or be fired upon". Faction (base) sends an hostile interception force, and once player destroys this force reputation drops.
    P.S. Except for Talon, apparently they are psychic, so they can lose reputation right away) but at least with a delay...

    2. Territories.
    Player just magically knows where those are even if player travels near those on foot... Perhaps they should be shown only once player steps into them and get a 'warning message'?

    3. Mining/Farming in faction territory
    While this does make some sense that 'friend' can be allowed to mine, but what in case of player-factions? How one faction allowing other potential rival/faction mining rights for free makes sense?

    Suggestion: Permits
    Perhaps factions like Polaris and Zirax should be able to sell permits? Like travel permit, mining permit, harvesting permit (if they care about such), land permit (base placement), may be even hire temporary protection within faction territory (drones will patrol your base within faction territory). And permits should be individual or player-faction related. When you buy first it will be unlimited or time-limited travel permit only for player's vessels, when you buy second, it will be more expensive, but whole player's faction will be able to travel safely.

    P.S. Strength of drone-waves could have been related to reputation. The more they hate you the more they send, from single drone to CV with dropships.
    Sofianinho likes this.
  14. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    This! That is in fact the first place I went to find out about Rep and how to gain or loose it. Then I went to the feedback forums to find out about them. Wrote all the info down so I wouldn't have to keep going back to the forum. I only found it as a tool tip because I was moving my mouse off when it went over the gauges and the popup showed up with all the info I had just wrote down.
    Andreykl likes this.
  15. TmikeS3

    TmikeS3 Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    @Andreykl Actually think about it with a neutral standing or worse people get really grumpy of you muck about in there Territory. Think about it do you let just any stranger onto your land? and think about how other countries act when armed people cross there borders? I do think it would be cool if we would see npcs actually doing things kind of like we see the talons rooming the land though we should see them more in there territory. and more high tech NPCs actually using vehicles and shouldn't the Zacions patrolling there territory? and maybe the other factions maybe with the intent of running off intruders?
  16. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    There's a few good bits here:
    -Having 'inside territoty' with options 'at all' or 'armed' (Weapon in inventory) or 'equipped weapon'
    -Split vessel/base inside territory into 'at all' or 'unarmed' or 'armed' (ie. is the vessel armed, or unarmed).
    --This could potentially further be split by type. If a CV is there, it might be more 'cause for conern' for the faction, than just a HV for instance
  17. TmikeS3

    TmikeS3 Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I did not think about that so maybe there should be more of a Rep hit for example driving a tank throw there Territory as appose to say driving a truck throw . Building a base should be treated as a hostile act regardless if its armed/unarmed. as that is basically squatting or clam jumping
  18. Andreykl

    Andreykl Commander

    Apr 9, 2017
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    Yet with current implementation you do not lose reputation if you are simply armed. Also armed person and armed vehicle are two entirely different fields, for example there is a number of naval laws that allows passage of armed naval 'vehicles' through owned/controlled territory as long as they are not stopping anywhere and are stating their destination in other cases there are laws that allow temporary stay.
    P.S. What if they are distrustful and grumpy? Some will allow passage as long as they are getting payed - being grumpy will increase the pay in some cases :), but you will still be able to pass.

    *Radius of territories seems to have some minimum size... Would have been better if there were some very weak POIs with barely any reward with tiny territory, like 'listening post/outpost' that are just sitting atop small rare-resource deposits or something like that.

    It is troublesome to do unarmend since there are things like predators, may be just 'deactivated'? Perhaps 'inactive weaponry' in certain range?
  19. TmikeS3

    TmikeS3 Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    well there are Territorial waters that extend 20 miles form a nations cost, That you can block for flagged vessels form entering or just warships form entering with out permission, the there is the Excusive economic zone that extends for about an other 100-120 All ships have freedom of navigation including war ships throw those water, what they can not do is Exploit any resources such as fish or oil in the EEC the only nations you do not have to give freedom of navigation throw your EEC are nations you are currently at war with. Which is one of the things that's making the south china sea a bet of a hot spot right now. Now it would be nice if there where border check points at at least the hi tech factions where you could ask to go throw there land to get to the other side go to a trading center, I would have to be neutral to get it, and the higher or standing the more likely you are to get it and to be granted more time to do your baseness. Though I this system will get more live down the road . does any one know of the UCH exists in game yet or is it just not on the starting world. if it does should the player not already be a member even if he Is MIA at the moment?
  20. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Some thoughts:
    Put the RP info in a table view so easier to grasp (sorry, I will not do it for you ;- ).
    Need more work too, what gives RP and not and when. Missions plays a part too.
    Too harsh to loose RP for some actions. Some tribalsacks seems to be placed as a trap, very easy to "shift+F" when running around picking plants, going from honored to unfriendly in a second with Talon.

    [ EDIT: Take core of NCP POI to clear territory, so already functional. ]
    Territories could be connected to land claim devices, so taking the core of such a POI clears the area. Ought to be some way to do it.

    Regarding faction reputation tips: Read carefully what gives +- and when, then check out their missions. One way to level Zirax RP is to drive around in a motorbike and kill animals until can do missions. Preferable a place in their territory without drones until neutral. When friendly, then vessel can be used. In my main SP I am honored with all, with most missions done. So when finished exploiting their territories and trades, then the "war" begins. The last missions will wreck reputation with someone else, so I probably start removing Zirax.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2019
    ravien_ff likes this.

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