New Base Attack

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 17, 2019.

  1. Moog

    Moog Ensign

    Jun 14, 2019
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    I agree.. just a bit more of a buffer zone on their approach would be ideal ......500-600 meters seems about right ...
  2. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    My most recent base attack consisted of two drones (just two) spawning within 100 meters of my base, within their attack range and 300 meters inside my turret's attack range. These were rocket base attack drones (not regular drones), so they're already 2-3x the strength of normal drones. So they pretty much destroyed my base by taking out my constructor and generator with the 5 rockets one launched as they spawned.

    It's fortunate I was packing up this starter base and moving off-world so none of this was vital and they missed my storage boxes. Now I have no reason to come back. But were this day 1 and I a new player and they'd hit my storage boxes, I would probably quit.
  3. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Yeah, spawing within 100 meters of a base is lame. If memory serves, drones once spawned quite some distance away and then progressed toward the base such that: long range weapons were an actual benefit.

    If stuff is spawning that close then there is honestly no point in having any long range weapons on a base and indeed, probably no point in having any weapons at all -> Bury it deep, with an armored concrete lid, and then go out on the motorbike and take them out by hand. If you are wearing even light armor and willing to take some risks this is doable even with as many as 3 drones.

    When the best solution to a game challenge is to circumvent all the neato stuff the in-game progress tree affords and just use a hand gun and a motorbike and jet pack to take out the bad guys you know something is not properly tuned.

    I'm honestly pretty disappointed that these kinds of issues are still plaguing the game, and it suggests to me that the developers don't know how to move the game forward in terms of PVE combat.

    Stop and consider how an engagement between a land-based facility and a aerial force in 2019 Earth unfolds. Let us say we are talking an F-16 versus a troop facility. Likely both of them have long-range detection capabilities as well as long-range homing weapons (or at least guided weapons) and counter-measures of various sorts. The winner of the engagement is likely to be the one who detects first, the one who "locks on" first, and the one whose weapons penetrate the enemies counter-measures more effectively while their own counter-measures effectively foil the enemies weapons. EGS covers NONE of those battlefield dynamics, and the date for the game is sometime in the 25th century? Taking on insects and Telluropods with a shotgun or an assault rifle is fun and a great part of the game; using light infantry weapons and tactics to tackle a Ziraz PoI is also fun as hell. But the combat between vehicles is just plain ridiculous.

    The detectors were in the game for how long just as "deco" before they actually gained functionality? Are they ever going to gain proper functionality, as in targeting and providing weapons firing solutions at long range?

    If they've now got stuff spawning in at ~100 m from bases then it seems pretty clear that the functionality is going in the opposite direction in which is should be going, i.e., shorter-range engagements versus longer.
    Liang and MrFubar like this.
  4. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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  5. Kaotic™

    Kaotic™ Ensign

    Jun 20, 2019
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    So quick question, I am fairly new at this game maybe 15 hours or so, We have a dedicated server for about 5 of us and we set everything as far as base, we all logged out and logged in the next day to find like 6 drones attacking the base. of course fuel was empty and food was spoiled. Are the base attacks supposed to happen when no one is logged in?
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2019
  6. nexus_absolute

    nexus_absolute Captain

    Aug 18, 2016
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    I really like the base attacks...
    Base attacks add a very real deliberate move against you which give a sense that you are having an impact on the world rather than just passively passing through it. When PVs were introduced I would specifically build along it's flight path to create a sense of being attacked but now how 'loud' I am has consequences for real.

    There is still quite a bit of variance in the attacks though - how many troops arrive, how quickly, etc. which makes this feature feel very unfinished. This is still a good start however.

    It would be nice to have more variance in the attacking force beyond the escalation ethos of 'Send more troops!' For example, sending over some AI controlled SVs and HVs and even CV PVs. Let the escalation really escalate!

    ...but really dislike the hacking feature...
    After several different builds I have had several different results with the hacking tool. The most common result is a very quick auto-hack by the invaders - seriously, sometimes it feels like we are fighting the laziest civilisation out there. For clarification I have tired bases: buried, built at ground level, and built over water. My core is always in the middle of the base with an appropriate level of defences (doors, walls, etc).

    Hacking is the most frustrating feature by far and depending on how frequent the assaults come this can be very time consuming to find the attackers and neutralise them so you can replace your own core. I always seem to be carrying a dozen cores on my these days.

    By my experience, the best way to manage this (and by far the best base assaults to be had as well), is to build on flat, open ground with plenty of line-of-site. This is a big departure from my normal style of build - mountain top underground bunker, buried missile silo, clifftop view over a forest or lake, etc. This is how I have to play now however, now that hacking is a thing.

    Occasionally I will have a drawn out firefight where there is a genuine attempt to find my core but this is so infrequent that the auto-hacking at range feels like the feature and the assault is the bug.

    Hacking also feels tapped on. It doesn't feel very coherent. I was very excited when I heard about full assaults on our bases but I these battle-royale rarely happen.

    I would really like to know the thought process behind the core-hacking as part of the base attacks. Could you share?
    • was core-hacking always a planned feature or was this done in response to something. Was it because a base-attack troops didn't have an objective?
    • what is the ethos of the base attack for the Zirax? Is it to drive us out, to destroy us/our base, or to take over our base?

    ... and the rest
    Some other suggestions to grow the base attack feature overall.
    • Already mentioned above: AI controlled SVs, HVs and CVs. I can defiantly see this being more of a thing when SVs can transport HVs, which would negate the difficult path-finding from the 'HV Base' to your base.
    • Allied NPCs to help defend your base. We already have the models for these and a basic AI already exists in the form of Talon, Zirax, Polaris, etc. Can we get mobile NPCs for our bases?
    • Signal logic radar inputs (large range sensor) and sounder outputs (alarms, sirens, etc). I would like an option to disable the default drone warning that appears and have this as a build feature on your base. An early warning system if you like. Also, linking a radar sensor to my turrets so they deploy when a drone comes into range would be sweet.
    baddkarma74, MrFubar and runlykhel like this.
  7. runlykhel

    runlykhel Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Yes...inquiring minds would like to know!:p

    Update: And now we know...
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2019
  8. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Turret target selection need a small change: Put Drones as own element in sub-category.
    I want sentry guns to target only NCP/players, not drones or other. The rifle ammo is pretty weak, so often wast a lot of ammo on drones and troop transport (that count as a drone). When get higher level weapons, then Minigun Turrets also better target NCPs if higher level attacks.

    Later on then could be a an own faction target list.
  9. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    the targeting needs lots of improvement this would be a start
    Bollen likes this.
  10. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I think we're at the stage now where we need to be able to configure our own custom targeting profiles. I.e. the "base" targetting parameters might be simplified a little, but we'd gain user-definable ones.

    For example, I might create a Custom Targeting Group called "Sentries" in which I set to target Zirax Troops first followed by Predators, then Drones. I then check the custom "Sentries" group and apply it to my Sentry Turrets group. That way I can be confident they will indeed engage Zirax Troops first during an attack and Drones second, while ignoring any Predators during a Zirax attack. Where there are no ZIrax around, they'd happily keep any Predators away. The key here is that it's not just the individual targets, but the priority of each that really enhances things.

    This would involve giving us access to LOTS of target options of course, but it's really needed. Currently, to ensure my Turrets will shoot at Zirax Troops, I also have them regularly wasting ammo on Predators, which really aren't much of the threat in my current situation.

    Basically, if it were me, I'd likely implement a tree-view like structure to precisely defining what I want to shoot at, then assigning this to a Custom Group which I can then easily apply to any individual Turrets or groups of Turrets I wish. Being able to check an individual item, then move it up / down in priority would be perfect.

    Over time Eleon have added more targetting options, but they're really still not very useful at fully optimising what get shot at. The new attack mechanics have really highlighted the UI shortfall here. Turret targetted is really not working great at the best of times - especially on CV's and HV's - what with targetting delays, issues switching between targets and sometimes simply not firing at all, despite being correctly set up. Add to this your turret then shooting the wrong thing, because of current grouping overlaps. Well, that's pretty annoying!

    I really hope turret targetting options can be updated to something along the lines of what I suggest. I'd love to be able to have my Sentries only attacking Zirax Troops for example, with Cannon Turrets shooting Drones and Rocket Zirax for example. Equally, to be able to tell my Rocket and Flak Turrets to only shoot higher tier Drones letting Cannons and Miniguns deal with the "lesser" Drones, would be great for ammo management. Imagine, your expensive (ammo) Rocket Turrets only opening up vs. Drones that are a real threat and have their own long-range weapons.

  11. hutchynet.sv73

    hutchynet.sv73 Lieutenant

    Apr 16, 2016
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    hi, have any of you ever played the game "Age of Empires".

    I think base attack should be done the same way it was done in "Age of Empires". Having bases attacks start from 500 out from the players base is ok with alien who can teleport but what about the tribal villages by looking at the game "Age of Empires" and adding it to the EGS game could help with some of the bases attacks. Try the game "Age of Empires" and look at how the attacks start. Then you will see how it was done then you could add that to your game. I love this game and the way it is developing.

    I have spent over 4000 hours playing and crafting. It is great that the base attacks have improved from the drone base attacks.

    it does seem that it could be a few years for EGS to be completed. Like a work of art you should take your time as this game is growing into the game that it should be. There are no other games like EGS where you can craft your base and vessels and have all the elements to make this a galactic survival game.

    What if a player built a capital vessel and not a base then how would the base attacks start.
    How do bases attack work in space?

    Keep up the good work you have all done very well so far. It's a big game with lot of areas to work on and I believe you will get the game finished.
    Look at World of Warcraft it has been worked on for many year and it is still popular today. Empyrion Galactic Survival can be just as great or better.

    "Keep up the awesome work, because I am always watching you".
  12. Russell

    Russell Commander

    Oct 5, 2016
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    I was hacked while I was away from my base today. I thought base attacks were limited to while you are in your base. It was at one stage. Can someone confirm? This seems OP. I had 6 cannon turrets and 2 rocket turrets and 8 sentry guns. So I have no idea of the form of the attack ie, how many drones, troop carriers, troops were engaged or where they gained entry, so I have no idea how to adequately prepare. This seems against the spirit of the game. As far as I know the only viable defence is to either use an underground block-free vertical access shaft for sv or heavy turret placement which may only be effective late game. This has seriously dented my enthusiasm to keep playing.
    baddkarma74 likes this.
  13. MrFubar

    MrFubar Commander

    Mar 7, 2017
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    Perhaps they should spawn a bit farther out from the base if they are going to teleport in like this, and with a bit more warning. Let the system warn you at least a minute ahead of time, if not 5 minutes. This gives you time to fly back to your base to help defend or get out and into your SV to attack the "approaching" ships
  14. MrFubar

    MrFubar Commander

    Mar 7, 2017
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    I agree completely on the remote hacking. Being able to hack through walls and take out the core and negate all base defenses ruins the fun of things. I like having enemies attack the base, it keeps the game from being stale, but they need to not just ignore whatever defense I have. If you must have some type of hacking then it needs to be much more limited in scale and distance.

    An example of good hacking - having a particular type of Zirax able to remotely hack and keep a turret disabled within line of site seems very reasonable and acceptable, though that soldier should be tied up keeping the turret disabled or keeping a door open, and it should take time to complete the hack anywhere from 10 seconds to a minute. They can lockup one device at a time this way. It needs to require line of site. This would make base attacks more fun and give enemies ways to create a blindspot or get through a door. This is even a type of hacking tool that could be given to players and used while attacking pois to hack a door if you stay next to it for a while and force it open rather than have to waste tons of ammo blasting a door open, it wouldnt be unablanced even and would give another way to attack by trying to sneak by and disable one thing at a time.

    Bad hacking that takes away from game play - Enemies ignoring terrain, line of site, and many many walls and other defenses, going straight to the core and disabling an entire base in seconds without fighting through any defense from long distance. This honestly makes me not want to even bother with a base and go straight to CV and ignore building a BA. It takes away from game play and would be better off with no base attack at all. Think about how unbalanced it would make POI's and useless POI would be if players had this same hacking tool. If its unbalanced for players to have it then NPC's should not either.

    Honestly I dont think anything should auto target a core and no where it is, including npcs and player turrets, it takes away from having to find the core and having the core or central computer protected and defended.

    Change the hacking, change the spawn distance to over 1km those are the two biggest issues that make it feel unfinished and not thought out. We need to be able to see things approach and shoot them down with our SV or long range turrets, you can give some of the drones the same type of long range weapons but things need to start outside of weapon range for appearance.

    Other things that would make it more interesting is having different types of troops that look different, Demo troops that can blow or cut a hole look one way, hackers look another way, combat or rocket troops a different way. There can also be a type that tunnels. through dirt and rock, but they should not just know where the core is, but simply be digging down to enter at a less defended location like an underground wall.

    Others have mentioned it but having npc SV and HVs would also spice up the attacks or even a patrol vessel after x number of failed attacks on a base. Any escalation should be based on how many times they failed to take a base and not on how much game time has passed so that new bases dont get wiped out instantly, this is especially important in multiplayer servers were you might join a server that is 100 days or more in progress.

    Lastly attacks should also be based partly on your faction status and location that way it is possible to live peacefully and have a beach house and not need everything to be a fortress. Fortress looks more aggressive and military so should get higher attack priority.

    Looking forward to future progression of the base attack feature. Once it is refined I think it will be something that keeps the game interesting even after you have build the base you like.
  15. MrFubar

    MrFubar Commander

    Mar 7, 2017
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    All of this targeting is greatly needed. In addition I would add faction based targeting, as well as player factions so you can target one player group but not another. Make each type of Mob part of a single grouping type and not multiple ones then have at least 2 columns one for faction and one for mob type, both with a priority ordering.

    Drones and npcs and Zirax etc need to be split into multiple groups too. light drones, medium drones heavy drones, light trooper, heavy trooper, etc Turrets as well should have categories so if you have weapons going for Turrets you can focus on rockets and plasma etc over a minigun or sentry turret.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2019
  16. Philipp

    Philipp Captain

    Aug 30, 2016
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    i have a question to the new base attack:
    If i destroy a regenerating DroneBase, do the Attacks start again after the Drone Base has regenerated?
  17. Bollen

    Bollen Captain

    Mar 22, 2017
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    Unrelated but, if you ever do one of the Polaris missions to help defend one of their bases with a CV or HV, you will lose all your reputation with them because your silly turrets occasionally hit the Polaris structure...! I mean come on! I'm trying to defend you here and you're classifying Unfriendly because a few of my bullets strayed to your structure??? Better targetting is indeed needed!
    cmguardia and krazzykid2006 like this.
  18. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Here's a funny experiment with the new base attack

    Took over a Zirax Shrine and set up base up there, as there's still Zirax bases around, it lies withing Zirax territory which gives it a high attack probability and rating, currently at level 7 of base attacks so I get them quite often and as it also floats over water I get funny situations like this


    Their doing their best down there but the base is roughly 170 m above ground so, out of their reach

    Now I have to get used to the fireworks because I have no way to kill them down there, even the Shrine turrets can't target them underwater but if I go there I will get shot because their weapons work underwater....

    It's pretty though.....

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Oct 14, 2019
    Kassonnade, Bollen and RazzleWin like this.
  19. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Talon hacking your power grid, is like a Roman doing an EMP attack on Washington.

    Pretty funny yea.

    Seems like a complete back step to use Talon like this, shouldnt they be throwing those spears at you ?
    Shouldnt there be a cross bow or hunting bow in the game for us by now as those primitive chumps have em, why cant we take their weapons when they die and why on earth would you give chumps that have not even learned how to make the most primitive of battery, have base power hacking abilities, it just seems so illogical.

    You are literally overwhelming the new player with this backwards thing on starter planets.

    Some serious thought needs to go into what the first starter planets role is in this game, right now its all over the place.
    Seems completely illogical to allow Talon spear chuckers to hack a bases power grid, a backstory giving them secret tech is plain stupid with the Zirax on the same planet, where the heck is the story going with this fubar Talon stuff ?
    If the story was fed to the player through an audible data pad, maybe a backstory like this would work better, but when the player has to go looking through pages of text to learn it, well, lets just say most of the people out there dont actually know the full story to Empyrion so far, and its simply not a logical story at all now with these primitive chumps power hacking bases.

    You dont make the game unique by giving rival factions all the same attack feature, diversity is key , primitive folk should have a primitive attack system, of all the idiots to charge straight at cannons the Talon are the ones for that, yet the Zirax do that, the Zirax need improving and the Talon need a complete re-work so they become the primitive that the game promotes them to be........

    Why not do this properly and make the Talon primitive, like logic tells every player out there they should be, and attack with spears and stuff, that would actually be a great first base attack for learners and new players, lets them know there in ''others'' territory, give the player a message, that the Talon have contacted the Zirax and notified them of your base location, prepare for Zirax attack, a proper progression.

    The Zirax base attacks , should remove the hacking ability all together, I was not so against it until I saw it in action and have seen so many complaints about it now, to me its a no brainer to change it.

    The Zirax attacks should be hardware based in progression, first attack is a wave of troops , second wave brings HV attack vessels, third wave brings a CV planet vessel.

    Bring a little logic to the game.
  20. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    From what I understood the Talon are possibly more like the remnants of Atlanteans than "Romans".

    Or like the aliens in "District 9" but held by Zirax instead of humans, for much longer.

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