Mode: Any Mode: SP Reproducibility: Always Severity: Major Type: Blueprints Summary: Blueprints not saving/spawning correctly Description: Certain BPs are not storing the Device List/Signal Logic information correctly. Still testing, but looks to affect only BP's created since June 30th. Steps to Reproduce: Spawn a blueprint in either Creative or Survival Additional: This only (so far) seems to occur on more recent BP's. Pulling in a corrupted BP and "repairing"/reentering the device list and signal logic info does NOT solve the problem - when you save it (even under a new name) and respawn it, the info is corrupted again. This looks VERY much to me like the result of something wrong in the "header" or layout line(s) of the file - something "offset" or not defined correctly, causing all data that follows to be "in the wrong place". This is what the CP SHOULD look like for this HV (this is from an old savegame not a BP spawn): This is what it looks like when you spawn it in 2524: This is from a completely different BP (a small CV) - the same thing happened, so I re-did the whole CP to look like this: And when I saved it (as a different name to be sure), and immediately respawned it, I got this:
Hi Pantera, The site is not allowing the savegame upload as it's too large (even compressed with 7z), and it is disallowing 4 other saves I was trying to send you based on an "not permitted extension" (.7z??) Can I email them to the address? If so, is there a subject line or something that will flag them to your attention?
yes you can just email it & just put the subject as something like this 'BP not saving issue' & note your user name in the email so I know it's from you thanks.
There is also a report related to this on the Steam forums.
This has affected POI regeneration. Our POIs on Transcendence are regenerating with the device list stripped and signal logic cleared. The TX Signal names remain, but not on any device or on wrong device. We’ve replaced 7 POIs with “Out of Order” signs now.
Can you attach or send me 1 of them that when you spawn it in this happens for you also in a creative or survival save ? Or even better would be if you have a save game with one already spawned in where there is no issue then when you make a blueprint of it then spawn that in the issue triggers.
@Pantera Screenshot of what I see in the control panel and the custom POIs epb. No amount of redoing the device list and saving/spawning/renaming fixes the issue. Even the names of the devices have gotten switched with other devices.
As of B2526 this should be ok now atleast for Blueprints spawned in as of this build. I'll leave this open for now to recheck again when this fix is put out again in a future build: After making a BP of a structure at max size the center of it is moved when spawning the BP in [4442]
Please retry in the latest EXP release the fix I previously mentioned & fixes for the regressions that were found caused by the initial fix are also fixed