Hello, Since 12.4.1 update I now get a red warning with beeping every 10 seconds or so "Ship is too heavy" But I have weight and volume disabled. Doesn't look like I can roll back to 12.4 Just too annoying to keep playing
Hi thanks this is known can you please attach a copy of the save game here so we have a exmaple from your vessel ? Go to: For SP or Co-op: SteamLibrary\steamapps\Common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Saves\Games For MP: SteamLibrary\steamapps\Common\Empyrion - Dedicated Server\Saves\Games Right click on the save folder & place your mouse cursor over 'Send to' create a compressed copy of it (or use winzip or 7zip) Drag & drop a copy in your reply box or use the upload a file option on the forum. If the folder is too large use a file hosting site like mediafire, dropbox or google drive & add a share link to it
It's a misreading of the ship's mass vs thrust capacity. On HVs, that number is 0 because hover engines aren't classed as thrusters so contribute nothing to the ship's weight capacity statistics. Under normal circumstances, this warning should only trigger if you're massively overloaded or underthrustered.
Also with the hover bike and UHC dart there is a bug with the cockpit you can not pan the camera back in 3rd person. Removing the cockpit and refitting it fix's it but you need multi tool.. This is very bad for new players as this is the first experience of flying craft and it also cause the hover bike to fail to come to a stop unless you turn the engine off making it so you can not dismount.
The Alpha 12 Experimental - Phase 4.1 Update caused Ship too Heavy warning bug. The bug was not there before today. Now it is.
I see the HV issue is to be fixed, but can we also stop this message appearing when thrusters have been switched off for SVs and CVs? 1) The ship is not in fact not too heavy- this is potentially confusing 2) The constant red message warning is annoying. I regularly switch off thrusters on CV and quite often with SV early game (constructor building things while parked) to save power. Having the message check is thrusters are off first might be a way, or if not change it to "ship too heavy/insufficient thrust to move"