Feedback Required Three things you absolutely DISlike about Empyrion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. mr_road

    mr_road Lieutenant

    May 12, 2020
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    1. The player model - no crouch, looks very clunky
    2. No solar on CVs and solar panel limits
    3. No linux build
    Rhylock and stanley bourdon like this.
  2. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Dislike with EGS:
    1. Bugs and issues (balancing a part of it)
    2. Waiting for suggestions worth adding (are many)
    3. tba ()
    Arguro likes this.
  3. Doc Aze

    Doc Aze Ensign

    Jun 8, 2020
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    1. handling of hover vessels
    driving around in a hover vessel can be fun, but even a 200 ton tank will be stopped and whirled around by just everything, a tiny tree, a small rock, etc. it can be very frustrating

    2. babysitting your base
    bases demand a lot of your attention, constantly farming for fuel and oxygen just to keep these things running is not fun, solar panels do not really help a lot

    3 missing workshop filters
    it is near to impossible to find a specific blueprint, when you need one
    e.g. looking for a CPU Tier 2 Hover Tank? good luck searching for one
    AlbaN, sulferon, Arguro and 1 other person like this.
  4. LurchUSA

    LurchUSA Lieutenant

    Jul 6, 2018
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    1. NO AUTORUN!! Seriously, you have a throttle for vehicles, why not us?
    2. Solar SUCKS! Panels put out pathetic power, even with 15 panels, I can NEVER get enough power to run even a small size 1-3 BA.
    3. No way to share power between BA's and docked CV's, SV's and HV's. Would like to have my CV, for example, draw from the docked/nearby BA, when it runs out of power.
    Rhylock, Nerd01 and Gamer like this.
  5. CaoCao

    CaoCao Ensign

    Jul 18, 2020
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    - needs longer tech tree
    - needs more variety weapons / items , unique weapons / items, variants with stat changes and stuff
    - cant walk on moving CV
    Rhylock, Nerd01, Gamer and 3 others like this.
  6. Deadalready

    Deadalready Lieutenant

    Jul 17, 2020
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    1. Fix foot combat. At best foot combat is dated, at worst infuriating and testing. Many mechanics are poor thought out or incompetently executed. The most infuriating thing is reload bugging out but also the reload speed, in other games when the weapon you're using runs dry, most times you can switch to something that does have ammo but not in Empyrion! You're forced to watch the 4 second reload and even if you attempt to switch weapons, instead the game will reload the weapon you switch to, even if it doesn't need reloading! The icing on the cake is even when it "reloads" after a weapon switch, it often DOESN'T. Sometimes you'll wait the 4 second reload, switch weapons then switch back and realise the game didn't reload your weapon, making you yet again reload wasting another 4 seconds, these seconds can easily mean death because usually when you run out of ammo, you're under attack! Add to this most weapons scale poorly, I've shot many enemies point blank in the face with an epic shotgun 5 or so times before they die, getting about 1 or 2 kills per reload, this feels terrible especially when many enemies can kill you in 1 or 2 shots even if you're in epic armour. Add to this, 1 shot kill weapons should never be in the hands of enemies because there's almost no counterplay. You can be doing your thing, have a rocket/shotgun Zirax spawn behind you 1 shot kill you and there was almost nothing you could have done to counter that. It's terrible design, feels cheap, is unfair and unfun. Add to this body runs often result in many deaths because the game doesn't give you the decency of reequipping your slots or even allowing a quick loot of backpacks? Finally, the injury system is just terrible, in higher difficulties every single time you're hit it creates some sort of obscure injury, requiring having specific medicine (of which imho there are too many to track), some of these ailments like Fever happen so fast that only the fastest of players can react in time to heal themselves or just die because the screen becomes impossibly distorted in a poorly thought out bit of immersion.
    2. Turn off the inertial movement/decay while on foot. Nothing is more infuriating while using a jetpack, land on something, then slide off due to inertia (do this in heavy armour and you'll probably need to attempt it 10 times wasting a minute or two) or attempt to stop on a spot and still slide a little bit more, this especially hurts during foot combat where even a slight misstep means death! It's a small thing that makes a huge difference, it makes movement disatisfying and as a player often feels like you're not in control of your own toon because
    3. When selling things NOTHING EQUIPPED SHOULD EVER BE SOLD!!! Not only is it frustrating that you need to reequip items you've sold but it's infuriating when you're selling 20 items, leave and realise you're missing your personal shotgun or multitool. For this reason I never sell multitools anymore because it's so annoying, in fact I'll generally never sell weapons unless I've just started out in a game. For the love of god, ignore the player's hotbar when selling items or sell items from the player's inventory FIRST, instead their hotbar first!?!
  7. jones99306

    jones99306 Lieutenant

    Aug 29, 2018
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    This! I can't for the life of me understand how the game could possibly assume I'd desire to sell the weapon I have equipped and fully loaded, instead of the empty one in my inventory. Not only is this a waste, but my ammo is now gone without value as well. The hotbar is sacred. Only the player should do anything changing it.
  8. altairdark

    altairdark Ensign

    Apr 29, 2018
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    1. The game seems unfinished (e.g. no spaceship factory, no CPU balance, poor mid/end game, tech tree)
    2. Unused full potential of procedural world generation.
    E.g. :
    • the weather/climate on planets should be the resultant of planetary and cosmic weather, distance from a star and type of star (star flare, aurora, radiations)
    • no procedural description of planet (all seem the same)
    • Information should be added to the description during the exploration of the planet. This information should be traded between NPCs and MP players
    A large number of "bugs" that ruin the game experience.
    • Shooting via closed doors/walls
    • no walking on a moving ship/no boarding of a moving ship
    • a star instead of a black hole on the planet in a black hole system
  9. sulferon

    sulferon Lieutenant

    Aug 24, 2016
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    1. The illogicality of the power supply. Reactors eat mystical nuclear fuel like kerosene, generators can't charge batteries, solar panels are useless, you can't assign priority.
    2. Starting equipment. It can't be made from a piece of iron or stone! Except in the world of fantasy and magic. It would be enough to have items in the backpack. As a non-renewable resource. Until you have a fabricator. Lost them at the beginning of the game? End game. You are a prehistoric caveman with one tablet in hand and a club in the other.
    3. Starting equipment and electricity. What does it work on? On the magic? Let's say they run on weak RTGs. This explains the low power. When crafting in larger assemblers, they must use nuclear materials for manufacturing.
    4. Motorcycle-similarly. It MUST run on fuel.
    5. Biofuels. A small SV can fly for hours on several cans of biofuel. But a chainsaw... it consumes biofuels like ten jet-powered planes.
    6. Processors... a topic for a separate conversation.
    Gamer, Israel, tachyon and 2 others like this.
  10. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    1. Texture limit. I want more textures(and deco and npcs too).

    2. CPU. I don't like the way it's implemented. It should allow for incremental additions. Each CPU block should add a set amount of CPU.

    Tier 1 CPU blocks: Adds 1000 cpu each.
    Tier 2 CPU blocks: More efficient. 2000 cpu each
    Tier 3 CPU blocks: 5000 CPU each.
    Tier 4 CPU blocks: 15,000 CPU each.

    Up to the maximum allowable amount of CPU. CPU blocks added beyond that would add redundancy but would not increase the amount of CPU available. That way you can mix and match blocks to reach your desired amount. If you want access to better CPU blocks you have to a) unlock the tech and b) pay a higher materials cost.

    3. Thrusters. Expensive in terms of cpu and unlock cost. Not powerful enough.
  11. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Forced CPU in creative.
    There is absolutly NO benefit from that.

    It makes Creative-mode cumbersome and suggests exlpoiting, because if you play without CPU & MV, you HAVE TO slap an advanced core on your vessel, regardless, because if you do not, you have 0 thrust and build absoultly 'blind'.
    But if you do and save it, you'll bypass the CPU requirement alltogther, for everybody using that blueprint.

    Sure, it'll still be optional (to place an advanced core), but once one is not forced to it, it is at least less suggestive (in regards of CPU-MV/PvP).
    Or are you going to check every spawned objects for the intalled core -> on every server with CPU on?

    If we could still use regular cores in creative, we could decide wether we want to build for/with CPU or not.
    Well, we still can, but in order to just do a basic flight test, we'd need to switch to a survival game -> which feels like a 'punishment' (restrictrion at the very least!). Or switch cores.... sure..

    First I need to replace a default item (eg: core of CV starter block), to then change back to the default item...
    Are you serious?!

    Dont get me wrong, I'll keep building with CPU, but to follow the CPU, I do not need to have it enabled...
    Mass/Volume on the other hand.....

    Just let us set MV + CPU options for creative games, so we have control.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  12. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    No...just have a Adv. Core in SP or MP and than go with the Build where ever you want...
  13. You can. CPU can be turned off in creative, it's just not an in-game setting (yet).
    You have to use the command to switch it off, or alter the gameoptions.yaml file.

    Unfortunately we can't activate M&V in creative though. At least not any of the times I've tried.
    Germanicus and Sephrajin like this.
  14. Gary Parkin

    Gary Parkin Captain

    Aug 10, 2015
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    Sorry, although I truly love the game I have a few. Listed by most hated...

    1. Having only one person able to access inventories or the control panel at any one time. My friend and I are always both trying to get into the same box, or changing something in the same base control panel.

    2. Can't walk on moving ships.

    3. I can't get out of my seat in a CV unless the ship is standing still, and sometimes it still fights me. I have to get up then turn off the thrusters. BUT in my SV, I can accidentally press E while flying and thrust myself into the air, and dieing while my ship hovers without me. If I want it to hover while I standing on it, it'll sink to the ground.

    4. If my friend is off line, I cannot move the ship, or he'll be lost in space. If his avatar is in the seat when he leaves, the game should remember that and not his last coords.

    5. Spotlights for ships creates volumetric fog rather than simply illuminating.

    6. Not able to rearrange my hot bar for my ship, or add my custom signals to my hot bar.

    7. The solar panels are mostly useless. I have went in and adjusted them to output more power, but you can't assign priority of them over the generator. If there is no sun, THEN the generator should kick in.

    8. Entirely pointless CPU system that accomplishes nothing except keeping the player from building larger vessels. I run without it.

    9. Disconnecting / timeouts in multiplayer. My friend id constantly getting booted but the game sometimes recovers and he doesn't get dumped to the menu screen.

    I truly hope this helps the dev's. EGS is great and could become awesome.
  15. sloe

    sloe Lieutenant

    Jul 17, 2020
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    1. Death system is lame. There's no penalty or anything really. You can respawn near where you died, unlimited times. This totally negates the whole survival aspect of the game which is supposed to be a main selling point. Got a broken leg? Radiation sickness? Low health? Just kill yourself and respawn back to normal! As a bonus you can just type "destroyme" in console to to speed up the process. Death needs to be more of a serious matter. I believe other players have already suggested some great ideas for how to fix this, and here are my two cents. Replace "spawn nearby" with having to place a tent to create a temporary respawn point, similar to sleeping bags in Rust. In Empyrion, sleeping bags could last 24 in-game hours, and tents last 72 hours. Respawning at nearest clone chamber has no cost, perhaps it should require credits, reduce XP, leave you hungry, or make you forgetful temporarily (random tech tree blackout). Please rework the death system, it should be more punishing without becoming tedious.

    2. The transitions from planet to space, and warping, could use some polish. I'm very impressed with planet to space, although it could be smoother and sometimes has a clunky feel to it, especially on a mechanical hard drive it can freeze for 2 seconds. I moved the game to my SSD and it's a lot better, but clunkiness is still felt occasionally during the transition. That really kills the immersion and makes it feel like a loading screen. Perhaps some data streaming/caching could fix this, or use some nicer transition effects rather than just a solid blue. Maybe some friction fireball and screen shaking would help smooth out the planet to space transition. Now as for the warp transition...what the hell is this? Just a static picture...hopefully it's only a placeholder for a better effect on the roadmap. Talk about immersion killer, it's worse than fast travel in Skyrim. Please at least do something like a Star Trek warp effect. Should be easy with some of that shader magic I know the devs can do.

    3. The physics system. We should be able to walk around on ships while they're flying. Ships should be able to crash and cause damage. As it is right now, you can enter a planet from space, nose dive a thousand miles an hour and hit the ground for the quickest landing known to man. Kinda silly :D

    P.S. this game is fucking awesome! Keep up the hard work. I will pay money for a supporter pack if you guys do one, and I know some of my buddies will, to help fund further development. We have a gem on our hands here, let's get it perfect cut.

    P.S.S. I realize a lot of people like the creative mode, but IMO that's not what makes this game stand out. There are other games offering creative modes. What makes this game stand out is the huge progression (involving lots of creativity) that can lead up to epic battles and conquest. Therefore I hope the NPC and PVP aspects will continue to be made better. We need that end game! Battles between empires.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2020
    sulferon likes this.
  16. markoredflag

    markoredflag Commander

    Oct 26, 2016
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    1- The Hud.
    the third-person flight hud.
    Empyrion is the only game I know that focuses the hud on the viewing area. thereby dirtying the screen with useless things. hud is for first person only.
    I definitely don't like it.
    I would like the hud data to be at the edges of the screen, not about what we want to see.
    The player's lifetime.
    Science proves that a person can survive up to 40 days without eating, but only three days without water, but, nevertheless, our avatar is a glutton, and it gets in the way of doing something because he just wants to eat all the time. I think it would be good if he, as a warrior, was prepared to stay at least seven days without eating, especially during a battle.
    barriers for creating ships that should not exist. there should be complete freedom to use shipbuilding resources.
    that is, total exchange of equipment between the three models, without limits.
  17. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Okay, I'm gonna put on my flame retardant suit here . . . Zzzziipp . . .

    Things I dislike about the game:

    1. That there is both a PVP and a PVE mode, else that:

    2. The source code and asset configs for these two game modes have never been properly separated.

    PVP is great. PVE is great. Trying to design ONE system that serves both is a fool's errand. Over the years I've been on and off involved in this game, consistently, EVERY TIME I come on these boards what do I see?

    A. PVP focused players complaining about problems that clearly trace back to the fact that the game is designed to support PVE as well as
    B. PVE focused players complaining about problems that clearly trace back to the fact that the game is designed to support PVP . . .

    There are other small things that are annoying. But NOTHING compares to this egregious flaw in the design of the software. It was your single biggest mistake and the fact you've NEVER paid heed to suggestions to address it is your biggest failing.
  18. tachyon

    tachyon Commander

    Aug 12, 2015
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    1. The way CVs feel and handle. They by far too agile for my taste
    2. Not being able to walk on ships while they are moving
    3. The current implementaion of the CPU tier system
    Nerd01, Israel and sulferon like this.
  19. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Hate may be too strong a word, but I have a large dislike for the fact that we can fly massive CVs that are filled with complex systems and we can do it all from one chair. I like that they added a "crew" block you can buy that adds a figure at least. But I would like to see some level of "ship requires X number of crew" depending on ship size. That new Leviathan carrier that was put on the workshop is amazing, but all the massive ships are "lifeless".
  20. Israel

    Israel Commander

    May 8, 2017
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    CPU & Flight System is a bad change that was sold to players as a class specializer but in reality it was to make ships smaller to help bandage and kick under the rug the bad performance issues of Empyrion. If anything this cpu & flight system made performance worse sense now it relies on thrusters rather then rcs's for turning. Now smaller ships have many more thrusters then bigger ships that had much less thruster then before, and thruster have a bigger performance impact on the game then rcs's so in reality it looks like it did the opposite.

    The End Game: The End Game being pvp is a bad idea. Pvp should be the easiest to get to and join from the beginning. The End Game should Be the Control of Territory like planets and system through conquest, fending off player faction or AI invasions, conquest through diplomacy or rich players buying off mercenary AI factions to do their biding in a limited form of course, joining or using AI factions to invade, conquer, or colonize a system, planet, or space. The End Game should also be about controlling territory that has resources that are lacking in other regions so they can be sold for higher prices by direct trade meaning using ships to transport them from one region of space to another and not the current global trade system we have where a resources from another part of the galaxy can be instantly transported all the way back to another region.

    The Three main classes SV/CV/HV in Empyrion which don't mean much mainly with the sv to cv differences sense a cv acts like a giant sv and feels like it too. Real specialization needs to be put in place because it makes the game without guide or strong structure which is what it needs. I would strongly advice that ship class and subclass specializations influenced by the strong foundational and cohesive structure of Star Conflict.

    In terms of the flight system i think the speed is too fast which makes the buildings size like big cv's and stations appear smaller and unrealistic in size. The max speed limit for sv is 130 and 70 in the planet. I would switch the speed in the planet from 70 to the limit of 50 to 70 depending on the size of the sv. A bigger sv would naturally be slower and a smaller sv would naturally be faster. With a speed skill that has a cooldown so they can't be used all the time. This will make using the shorter speed buff a skill for a pilot where they have to use it at the right time. I would switch the space speed limit for sv from 130 to 80 to 100 with the same type of increased short speed buffs.

    In Star Conflict this is how its setup with some classes of ships having stronger hulls and shield buffs, or lower hull and weaker shields buffs but higher speeds. If Empyrion had gone this route along with a combined Dual-System of Voxel vs Static building Structure i think it would have been a very good game right now. One could have argued that maybe even better then Duel Universe.

    How i see it is that its best to take out the best aspect of every game out there like the "Cohesive Class Structure of Star Conflict" along with the Voxel Structure of games like Battle Front 2, Star Conflict, Duel Universe, and Elite Dangerous. You see the biggest advantage Empyrion had over all of them and before the implementation of cpu was the creative freedom to design and build whatever you want.

    In Duel Universe for example, class size is determined by cores in which the size of the ship will naturally classify itself depending on what you build on it and its size. And in Star Conflict their are 4 main class types interceptor, fighter, frigate, and destroyer. The interceptor is like a small sv and very fast. The fighter is like a heavy sv and slower. The frigate is like a medium cv and the destroyer is like a heavy cv. And each class has its own sub-roles as well. - Here is the class specialization of Star Conflict. And below the types of upgradable gear.

    In Dual Universe, a Construct is a set of Building Blocks assembled within a Building Zone. A Construct can be static (example: an Outpost) or mobile (example: a Ship). A construct is an arrangement of voxels and components which work together to form whatever the player wants to create. Dual Universe does not have specific guidelines that say "this is a ship", or "this is a building". Rather, a set of voxels which have a Core Unit, engine, and cockpit attached to them will have the ability to fly like a ship, and this is therefore considered to be a ship. On the other hand, a set of voxels attached to a core unit, cockpit, and wheels would be a ground vehicle, because of it's ability to move along the ground.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2020
    Siege Inc. likes this.

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