Feedback Required Three things you absolutely DISlike about Empyrion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. tony hug

    tony hug Commander

    Sep 27, 2015
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    i suppose i would like to add - the lack of different threat types
    empyrion is very analogous to older 4x games at the moment
    and i think that these should now be looked at to add threat variation
    (not just ziraxians - no matter how cuddley and clingy they are)
    that is the occasional odd thing to beat you down back onto the planets
    where survival at the moment is just at the start.

    1) Warp storms - diificult to detect areas of space where you can be thrown to random systems
    ideally with some random damage for you to recover from.
    or Asteroid storms
    or 'fractured space ' around damaged warp drives or teleporters

    2.) varied violence types of 'space fauna' maybe found in asteroid bel;ts.
    ie. colonies of space 'sqids' that attack en mass and maybe explode against your ship
    larger space amoeba or dragons that are very damgerous

    3.) Warp creatures - warping can attract random 'warp critters' making it potentially more dangerous.
    teleporters can make you subject to random warp creature attack if on for too long or at the wrong 'time'
    (thta is planet/environment dependant)

    4.) Chances of a warp 'going wrong' and you are dumper damaged to random locations in the galaxy
    or crash onto random planets (come on how many crashed ships do you find in the empyrion universe -
    there must be a reason)
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2020
  2. BDAKiwi

    BDAKiwi Lieutenant

    Dec 24, 2020
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    I love this game and have put far too many hours in for the short time that I have been playing and I'll be putting in a lot more in future. It's awesome and thank you so much for creating it. But you asked, so...

    *Alien race 'talking' or breathing through gills? or whatever noise that is, is incredibly loud and annoying and so damn *constant* in trader stations, for example.

    *Diplomacy is way harder than it should be. For example, early game I want to try and get the Zirax to at least neutral, but it's impossible when I also need to mine asteroids for minerals I have to have to progress, because those annoying bastards just won't leave me alone. Drones are easy, but not the cap ships that suddenly warp in close to me. The tokens system requires that we piss off another race, it'd be far more useful if we had options to do non-aggressive tasks, the harder they are, the greater the reward.
    EDIT: Just noticed today that tokens are givcn for storyline missions too, it's just not mentioned anywhere

    *I get what you were trying to do with the patchy and disconnected storyline comms, but it doesn't quite work because it doesn't follow normal English speaking grammar patterns, so it's more annoying than intriguing.
    EDIT: At the beginning this is much more so than as the game progresses. Because the beginning storyline is so discombobulated and hard to follow it kinda deters exploration into the storyline later.

    *CPU usage is frustrating. I get that building blocks are intended to carry 'wiring and signals' so everything just works, but railings? Stairs? Windows? Different CPU for different blocks? Doesn't make sense. Also, why is a CV T1 shield 33,100 CPU but a T1 RCS 75,000? A T2 RCS 1,250,000????

    *Copy and paste everywhere. It'd be nice to go to a different solar system and find a wreck that's actually unique, with a different pattern of items. Same with planets and buildings. I get that it takes less time and system resources but it would be nice to find new and different things as we explore.

    *Intermittent sensors and switches. They worked fine on my last (but now corrupted) game, but refuse to work at all in my current game. Possibly since the 1.3 patch?

    *Non-responsive support. My first playthrough crashed with 'Internal Error Occurred' and while the game runs, all race diplomacy is now 'Unknown Faction' so it's basically killed my game. Visiting those races doesn't change the 'unknown' status. I had nmk111's awesome Police Interceptor expanded to T4, I had built and customised Movado's CS-Calibur too. So lots of hours and effort to get this far, but no response at all from the emailed report, which I have sent several times hoping to get a fix or at least a 'sorry can't fix that'.

    *And following on from that - No auto-save. I have been building, working and playing on PC's since a 386 with 1MB RAM was a hot machine and back then it was 'save it or lose it'. Modern gaming for many years has changed that trend by auto-saving but with Empyrion, unless we actively save (backup) a game, there's nothing but the last exit backup, so if that is corrupt you're toast. Why no auto-save feature, especially in early development where bugs are more likely to corrupt a game?
    EDIT: By auto-save I mean regular auto-saves by event, such as leveling/mission completion/system discovery/etc

    There's more but
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2020
    xerxes86 and zaphodikus like this.
  3. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Doesnt take long to get neutral with them - go into their territory, avoid their patrols and destroy trees/plants and kill wildlife.
    Germanicus likes this.
  4. Ikeprof

    Ikeprof Ensign

    Dec 25, 2020
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    Just hiring someone with a background in physics and how it would apply to vehicles in motion, momentum, application of thrust along a new vector etc would go a LONG ways towards reducing the suspension of disbelief burden
    xerxes86 likes this.
  5. Movado

    Movado Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2020
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    1) We need a faster way to harvest space ships. One block at a time using the CV Turret Tool just takes too long.

    2) When taking down a structure (by causing a structural integrity failure) and picking up the blocks, the despawn timer is too short. I would like to see that lengthened to 5 minutes, or something long enough to ensure we can pickup everything.

    3) Digging out bases that are placed with rooms under ground. Would love to see any room with sealed O2, to automatically be cleared.
    xerxes86 likes this.
  6. Nonkh

    Nonkh Ensign

    Nov 30, 2020
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    1. Zirax accuracy is way too high, therefore there is no easy difficulty
    2. Left Shift cannot be remapped to Right Shift totally - looting works fine, the rest doesn't (for lefthanders)
    3. NPCs should have functions
    - gardener would harvest a certain amount of crops (2x9 for example)
    - engineer_1 would lower CPU usage on base or CV
    - engineer_2 would lower fuel usage and/or fuel the base/CV
    - chef would cook meals as soon as the materials are there
    3a. All buildings must follow the rules, coring a base and have half the devices explode because it doesn't follow the rules just sucks
    3b. F6 key should cover more levels of distance - what's the point in seeing my base in another solar system?
    3c. The CPU system is not very logical/balanced - I cannot understand why a gravgen doesn't use CPU points but an RCS does massively.. ô:ö
  7. BDAKiwi

    BDAKiwi Lieutenant

    Dec 24, 2020
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    In the current spawn they have patrols EVERYWHERE. I sneak in on the bike but no matter how many times I think I've found a blank spot between patrols, as soon as I stop somewhere I get shot at. The last spawn (maybe it was before the last patch? It was a bug anyway) it was easy - I didn't get negative rep from kills by the HV auto guns, so I just let the guns kill the patrols while I looted them and did the kill/destroy thing.
    Germanicus likes this.
  8. woowoo

    woowoo Captain

    Apr 8, 2016
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    - moving unpowered PvE enemy ships, rotating very fast with invisible walls making them unlootable
    - weird lighting in space like bright green, there are no green stars in our universe, near star light is too bright in general
    - bright white flashes when warping
    - lag when using scopes
    - enemies shooting through walls
    - hitboxes of doors and deco
    - having to wait for a vesssel gun to reload before exiting its view
    - lag when picking up stuff with shift + use
    - pinging with detectors
  9. BDAKiwi

    BDAKiwi Lieutenant

    Dec 24, 2020
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    One more - screen reflections from the sun behind looking at a flat window in the pilot seat of a CV. There's metal blocks and walls and machinery from the back of the ship to the window and adding more doesn't help. It shouldn't be happening - beautifully rendered but incredibly annoying.
  10. andresdebuenr

    andresdebuenr Ensign

    Jul 10, 2019
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    1. BASE ATTACKS: Very, VERY underwhelming. I am against an empire, and they can only muster 3 drones to attack me?

    2. LACK OF NPC INTERACTION WITHIN A PLAYE RFACTION. If you play PvE, you are a one man army. A one man empire. You have no actual allies or NPC's you can order around, follow you or to fill up your constructions.

    3, THE ANIMATIONS (running, reloading, jumping in First person view). They are extremily basic, and have not been updated for years. Running seems like sliding on ice, not going through terrain. And no weapon sway when running. Reloading feels like im playing a Nintendo 64 FPS, back in the 90's.
    Use some ragdol physics please. Enemies should be sent flying around when hit with an explosion.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2020
  11. BDAKiwi

    BDAKiwi Lieutenant

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Game breaking crashes that corrupt the game files. Backups (even going back a week) still return an error. Twice now, no responses from the devs. 200+ hrs the first time, 100+ hrs this time, both spawns unplayable. Not doing this again until it's fixed
  12. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    NO DEV will be able to respond to your lament if you do not bother to file a Bug Report in the proper Forum and providing all requested Data:rolleyes:.

    Report Vanilla Game Bugs - here->

    Experimental Game Bugs - here- >
    tony hug likes this.
  13. BDAKiwi

    BDAKiwi Lieutenant

    Dec 24, 2020
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    I sent the log files and a description of the problem via the automatically generated email as requested in-game when it crashed. There was no suggestion that I needed to do anything else.
    xerxes86 and Germanicus like this.
  14. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Ok. Sorry. But its 'Holiday Season' right now and at least half of the Devs took a few Days off.
    It never hurts to post a Bug report too. Other Players, who have the same issue might chime in and add their problems/findings to the Report and eventually make it easier for the Devs to nail down the Problem.
    I suggest to consider to write up a Report. Might help.;)
  15. BDAKiwi

    BDAKiwi Lieutenant

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Doing that now. Sorry to be discussing this in a no-discussions thread...

    And you're right, of course. Bad time of year (especially THIS year) to be complaining about slow responses.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2021
    Germanicus likes this.
  16. Gankus Khan

    Gankus Khan Ensign

    Apr 22, 2017
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    1. The lack of navigational tools on large maps, such as a plotter and the ability to share maps in multiplayer.

    2. The lack of exploration and detecting tools, such as automated drones. Exploring large planets takes way too long, even at max tech.

    3. Enemy A.I.: dumb A.I. with perfect accuracy.

    4. Quests are currently a chore to read through, buggy, and uninteresting.

    5. Lack of ability to crouch, crawl, or climb.

    6. The lack of an up to date database/wiki with correct information.
  17. Asykredaris

    Asykredaris Ensign

    Jan 2, 2021
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    1. Sound Design
    - The music and ambient sounds have a number of creature noises in them. This causes me to keep looking around, even when nothing is there.
    - You can't hear sounds, such as Zirax soldiers shooting at you, from beyond a fairly short range. I think it was 30 to 60 meters or so. This limits a players situational awareness.
    - Most enemies use the same sound effect for when they are alerted, and when they are just wandering around. This makes it difficult to know when they are approaching you, particularly melee mobs such as Legacy Horrors.

    2. AI
    - NPCs don't reliably target other NPCs. I created an arena to test them several times. It was mostly Human soldiers (set to my faction) vs Zirax soldiers. They would target each other when they initially spawned, but after they killed their first target they started to ignore each other completely. I watched some NPCs get shot while ignoring their attacker.
    - As long as the player is visible, hostile NPCs will target the player over all other targets.
    - The way NPCs move. Their turn rate is too slow in general, they can't strafe, and they can't walk backwards (they can't retreat or otherwise move away while facing and/or shooting at you).

    3. Lack of Character Animations
  18. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    ...a fight between NPC-Faction is not intended.... (besides of Legacy Creatures)
  19. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Windows in loot containers. In cargo containers? Fine. But nothing like blasting ones way through a hard POI just to find that the enemy has decided a large stack of windows was something so precious they would place them along side their other valuables that needed guarding.

    This may be different between modded servers and vanilla, but wound effects seem way, way too common. And armor seems to have zero impact on the regularity of these effects. Me in an air tight suit designed for battle gets dermal parasites at the mere touch of a baddie....over and over again.

    I get that the needs to carry meds is a game play thing, and we have at our disposal the means to prepare for battle, and I generally do rather well. But it seems I am popping pills, lathering on pastes, and shooting myself with such regularity that its ridiculous. I feel if they cut the chance to contract an effect in half it would still happen with such regularity that meds would be required to be stocked up on, but allow a player to just enjoy the game without the constant pill popping.
    Wellingtoon likes this.
  20. BDAKiwi

    BDAKiwi Lieutenant

    Dec 24, 2020
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    I can't crouch but the AI can. Just setting up a headshot and the bastards duck! Which is fine but why can't I?

    Also ship spotlights on planets at night are a waste of time, it's like turning on high beam in fog.
    Alendi Istari and Wellingtoon like this.

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