v1.5.1 (B3384) Here is the changelog for v1.5.1 with some fixes we have been working on. Have fun and please report bugs and problems as usual - thanks a lot! https://empyriononline.com/threads/...uirements-known-issues-troubleshooting.47082/ https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.24/ Changelog: Changes: - Added: Trader heavy OPV (filbertfarmer) - Added: Polaris large freighters (Don2k7) - Added: [ARC] orbital station and defense satellites (Don2k7); currently set to Warlord faction. - Updated: Abandoned Bunker (vermillion) - Fixed: Traders in Pirates Hyper City cannot be approached (check link: https://empyriononline.com/threads/common-mistakes-please-read.98083/ ) - Updated ModAPI documentation - Add texture selection on the screen of the Texture/Color tool (Symbols will be displayed here also in one of the next releases) - Removed internal /* comment markers and replaced with # to make the BlocksConfig.ecf and ItemsConfig.ecf better readable by tools - Added: POI and vessels for the Warlord "Wastelanders" subfaction (theScriptHD) - Added: Raptor Ranch (Pirates) & OPV Warlord "Atlas" (sulusdacor) - Added: Colonist OPVs 'Escort Series' (Robot Shark) - Added: UCH 3rd & 5th fleet + BAOs ( Don2k7) - Updated: OPV Trader light & med (filbertfarmer), Crashed Vessel A & B (Escarli), Com & Science Satellite (DarkestWarrior) - Updated stock blueprint: Core Horizon (Garaman) - Updated various Brotherhood of Farr POIs (spanj, goldwingknight, Don2k7; full changelog: https://empyriononline.com/threads/v1-5-exp-new-faction-brotherhood-of-farr.97695/#post-436157 ) - Updated: TSO Ningues (Pear) Fixes: - The temperature symbol is shown in Celsius when Fahrenheit is selected (when changing this option from inside a running game you need to quit to main menu and resume to see the change) - Exception after destroying planet vessel HQ - UI info spam with frequent and many reputation changes - Lens flares are too large - Exit savegame leads to Ordered Actions not completing anymore - Vessels can sometimes be found to "Rise" when returning to them on planets If you find the "Rise" still happens for you please send a copy of the servers logs folder for the build that it’s on f.ex “3384” ( which contains the dedicated_log's & Playfield_log's ) to support@empyriongame.com & note down the time in the playfield log the "Rise" of the vessel happened so we have a starting point on where to look in the log. Thanks! EAH: - https://eah.empyrion-homeworld.net/download/patch-notes-emp-admin-helper-full
- Updated: Abandoned Bunker (vermillion) One of my most favorite POI, thanx very much I'm excited to see what has been changed
Ummm... Are SV's supposed to be able to "dock" to unclaimed POI's? I thought you could only dock on structures you own. I just docking mine on the Ruined Landing Pad, and previously docked my SV on the roof of the Burial Chamber. Normally I would not mind but since the weapons turn off while docked I have a concern. The SV is set to private. Intentional, or do you want me to submit a report?
Understood, but I am a little worried because our SV's can finally defend themselves while we are not around. ... unless they are docked. Of course there is an easy enough way around that, just do not dock the SV.
Ok, This is actually kind of cool. As an advocate of clean HUDs would it be possible to remove the now redundant UI element showing the selection?
Missions require some improvements. When current task is done a game should check if a next one has been completed an jump to latest incomplete task. Example. Kill spiders, find an entrance to the tower. If I find an entrance before killing spiders game stucks on 'find entrance' after I kill spiders. I know that it can be skipped but...
What? No no no. Now if I had told you about how I like looking at the many colors a pasterns displayed on my tool that would be inappropriate.
I noticed the trade station in the starter orbit is now Colonists faction. Which means we need a reputation of friendly with the Colonists in order to teleport to the station, but there are very few ways to raise rep with them.
@Mechastophiles Jup, that's why the Teleporter is quite useless. The Polaris Sanctuary is only buying the basic stuff and also nearby on the planet. The Orbital Station is buying more advanced stuff, but it is Colonists and you cannot teleport there. Unfortunately you also cannot build up reputation with them
I've found exactly 2 pirate bases & 1 OPV in the starter system. I don't think that's enough to gain the ~3000 rep needed The faction rep screen seems to have some errors. It says you should be losing rep with the colonists for just about any violence, including against the Zirax and the pirates, which I'm certain doesn't happen.
yeah that's one of my biggest pet peeves about the missions. They dont flow well. Too specific about what task needs to be done first and how it is done exactly. For an open world game the missions should be deep, but simplified in a way that allows the player to accomplish things in the order they want and how they want. For example, if I get the parasite in the first mission, and I cure it myself then it should just skip trying to make me go to the shaman guy and doing it exactly how they want it.
Hello, There is a problem. When on a SV stopped on air, if we leave cockpit, SV go down slowly. Tested with a lot of thrusters not change it.
Anyone, please help... The Explosive Device is not working in Multiplayer Games (Co-op or My Dedicated Server). I'm sure I am doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what... When I place the explosive device on anything, it will count down but then just disappear, no explosion... This only happens in multiplayer co-op games (also happens on a Dedicated Server from Nitrado). None of the structures I have tried have any shield (a destroyed CV, my own SV, my own Base). So it's not that a shield is keeping it from exploding. Please, any help would be much appreciated...!!!
Ive seen that before a long time ago, sadly I dont remember what the fix was or if there even was a fix
PvE or PvP playfield ? In a PvP playfield they will damage the shield without any sound but you can see the shield percentage go down.