Fixed Teleport throws you into infinite loading screen, restart lands you in deep space [00493]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by mgaag, Aug 11, 2022.

  1. mgaag

    mgaag Ensign

    May 5, 2020
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    For more information see here Bug Report Template



    If applicable:



    Summary:Teleporting recently will go into infinite loading screen. If you kill the game and restart you are on the playfield in mid space and sometimes in shooting rannge of a POI. I am getting this at least once a day lately but tow times today. A few weeks ago this never happenmed.

    Can you at least make it that if the teleport isnt completed you will be back where you started the teleport? With all your belongings? And not getting shot death instantly?

    Even a playfield i just visited with teleporting produced the bug when i returned. Teleporting to trade stations around home.


    Steps to Reproduce:
    1) Teleport

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links:
    A Mueller likes this.
  2. A Mueller

    A Mueller Ensign

    Dec 1, 2016
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    Same thing happening to me. Playing Reforged Eden. Never happens in single player, but when I play co-op with one friend, it happens regularly. Happened 5 times last night in a two hour session. Once I am stuck on the loading screen and quit, I am no longer able to join back up, even though I am the one hosting the server. At that point, all parties have to exit server, server gets restarted, at which point I am able to log on again. Problem being I am usually 5 - 8 km away from nearest teleporter.

    Frustrating enough that my friend no longer wants to play until this is fixed or a work around created.

    As mgaag mentioned in the original post, please implement a fail safe, where after a certain time, we get returned to our starting teleporter and do not need to restart everything, affecting everybody that is trying to play.
  3. Arthmoor

    Arthmoor Commander

    Sep 30, 2020
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    I've occasionally had this happen in vanilla SP. It's never reliably reproducible, but when it happens I'm usually thrown onto the playfield at 0,0 but oddly at nearly 1000m above the ground. As though the game thought I was entering from orbit. Fortunately god mode is there to keep me from dying from the fall.
    A Mueller likes this.
  4. BiffRoders

    BiffRoders Lieutenant

    Feb 6, 2020
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    To reproduce: (regardless of scenario, happens even with vanilla), play it for a number of days,/ 3 - 4 weeks. After that jump 10 or more so jumps in a single session to get across the system. I'm sure you will get the loading screen for 2 minutes then back to loading planets screen and does not proceed. You need to crash the client and try again only to end up in a NPC station ot something. After that it happens with frighteningly regularity. Clearing local cache does not help.
    Only seen it happen on MP due to not playing SP.
    A Mueller likes this.
  5. BiffRoders

    BiffRoders Lieutenant

    Feb 6, 2020
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    Still occurring. Even after all the changes. This has been an issue for many months, more than a year. I suppose not an issue for people who don't play a scenario long enough where their empire does not stretch across the galaxy and the server does not refresh resources ext every few days and not MP. I guess when these show stopper issues are not resolved over the easy fixes that are low on games playability, there will be less player interaction over time. In the end new players seeing responses from older players refrain from buying the game.
    Edit: Some of these issues can and will be hard to fix. But fixing the low hanging fruit and ignoring the hard issues is not a long term strategy.
    A Mueller likes this.
  6. tarlain

    tarlain Ensign

    Jun 26, 2022
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    Build: 1.8.15 3887
    Mode: Survival
    Mode: Default Multiplayer

    SERVER NAME: Fhyliom
    SEED-ID: N/A

    If applicable:

    Reproducibility: Sometimes
    Severity: Crash

    Type: Teleport/Portals

    Summary: The game often freezes when using teleporters and can dump you at origin when reloading the game.

    Description: When using a teleporter, you get stuck on the Teleporting... screen. Requires a full reload of the game. When reloading, you often find yourself at 0,0 coordinates rather than at the teleport destination. If you die as a result of this bug and respawn, the game will often freeze again during the respawn, and upon reloading you will die again at your respawn location.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1) Use a Teleporter to go somewhere. If it didn't work, keep trying.

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links:

    I copied this text (other than changing the build, modes, server, etc. from the thread
    Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by kanek899, Dec 26, 2021.

    This was supposedly fixed, but it is not. So it is either back, or was never fixed in multiplayer. Please fix this, as it is game breaking.
    A Mueller likes this.
  7. globeadue

    globeadue Ensign

    Sep 12, 2022
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    Build: current and recent prior versions
    Mode: current and recent prior versions
    Mode: current and recent prior versions

    SERVER NAME: personal servers and official servers

    Summary: Teleporters leave you stranded randomly in space nowhere near you intended exit point.

    Description: I have seen this happen in various servers in prior versions and several times testing experimental 1.9 and just had it happen on the invader official server: I got to a trade station and used it to teleport to various locations to visit traders no problem, the last portal I took, the game took about 5 minutes to complete the teleport, when I was spawned in, I was spawned in space, no station nearby and the closest poi, a planet, was 6k away. I died trying to jetpack to. I don't have a warp capable cv yet, so my inventory was non retrievable. On my private server, this bug prompted me to disable dropped inventory on death running 1.8.
  8. Syd

    Syd Ensign

    Dec 27, 2022
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    I have the same issue 1.9.1 where teleporter leaves the loading screen to the point where 10 minutes later you are looking at the blue empyrion screen with the version number top left side.. you have to drop the running application and hope you are not stranded in space after the restart.. its so bad I always have 10 stack of fuel and a ship in the factory..


    PYROHYDRA Lieutenant

    May 27, 2018
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    This has been happening more often lately. Ruining the way I like to role play. Over the last year or so. I like selling Narcotics I would teleport A thru Z to trading stations. I could do a run in a hour or so and only end up floating in space once or twice a run thru. now its happening about six to seven times per run. Almost makes this type of role play unplayable in this game now.

    Server I'm playing on you have to spawn a pad first. And I usually like that for immersion. But after having to spawn a pad, then your ship then salvage the pad then fly the ship to the trading station 30k away then salvage the ship then teleport a dozen more times and rinse and repeat floating in space again. It ruins playing this way. Please find a way to fix the teleporting in game. Thanks
    A Mueller likes this.
  10. TexIam

    TexIam Ensign

    Mar 7, 2023
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    For more information see here Bug Report Template

    Build: 1.9.4 4019
    Mode: Survival
    Mode: Default Multiplayer

    SERVER NAME: Tex Server Nitra (Private Nitra)
    SEED-ID: 7777777

    If applicable:

    Reproducibility: Always
    Severity: Major

    Type: Teleport,Portals

    Summary: Stuck in Teleportation Load

    Description: When teleporting from a teleporter at a Masperon base to Feneugri Theta station in the Zizi Beta system on this seed, I never make it to the station and am stuck in the teleportation load screen. Eventually I hear the main menu music on top of the game music. To get out of this mess, I have to Ctrl-Alt-Delete and force quit the process. In some instances, after I do that I can't rejoin the server, and I have to shut down and restart the server.

    The last time this happened, I finally was able to connect into game and was spawned and trapped in the space between a heavy window and the core of this space station, requiring the use of godmode to escape.

    Now teleporting back to the Masperon base, things are fine and I arrive in one piece. Not stuck in loading screen limbo.

    If it's of any use, we took over an abandoned drone base that was on Masperon where this teleporter is located.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1) Enter a user built teleporter on a base in Masperon
    2) Wait in loading screen

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links:

    Save File
  11. TwitchyJ

    TwitchyJ Commander

    Mar 4, 2022
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    What is your in game FPS slider set to?
    On servers we have found it is best if you disable vsyne and set that slider to 30 FPS or lower before you teleport. It has a much higher chance of not failing.

    To be clear this is very much a game bug the devs need to fix.
    In the mean time though this is the best workaround we have found.
    The community spent lots of time testing this on HWS servers to determine that setting helps immensely.
  12. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

    • Developer
    • Moderator
    Aug 15, 2016
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    A possible fix for this issue is now available on the experimental branch with v1.9.10.
    Feel free to test it out using our experimental server.

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