v1.10 Experimental RC II

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Pantera, Jun 21, 2023.

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  1. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Hello Galactic Survivalists!

    Welcome to the second release candidate of Empyrion Galactic Survival v1.10. This update is mainly to resolve some issues we had fixes ready to release.
    As always, we extend our gratitude for your unwavering support and valuable feedback throughout this experimental phase.


    Changelog v1.10 B4232 2023-06-26


    - Changed: Players starts at 6300 instead of 11800 with the Kriel (deeper into Unfriendly; closer to hostile)
    - Changed: Skillon: Mission info now points to the guard at the La Grande Maira to start mission (to get into the vessel)
    - Loca Main (EN) updates
    - Blueprint Collection Parts: added two "S" buttons to be able to selected snap points according to CopyAir and Overlap, selected snap point is drawn now with "x-ray shader"
    - Updated icons
    - Hoverbike :
    1. Added max slope allowed of 45deg
    2. Reduction of turn speed with the mouse & smoothed the rotation.
    3. Improve rotation input sharpness + tweaked the animation when taking off
    - Fixed an issue where explosives weren't damaging/destroying devices
    - Blueprint Collection Parts: fixed problem that rotated blueprints did break the "reload snap points" regarding the snap points when using the snap point tool (only works for y rotations!)
    - Fixed Default Multiplayer: Duplcated Key CoQ
    - Fixed Invader vs Defender: Duplcated Key CoQ
    - Fixed 00991: Sensor-related exception when changing playfields
    - Blueprint Collection Parts: fixed a selection of bugs
    - Blueprint Collection Parts: fixed snap point groups not showing correctly when pasting a part into the world
    - Fixed issue with Clear Skies (pt3) breaking when not killing NPCs in the correct order on Artifact Site
    - 00947: Player avatar can be seen standing/running on top of the bike after a option in a GUI window has been changed
    - Fixed: Skillon starter-SV explosions do not set off
    - Fixed: Skillon Lambda Labs base: Oxygenized + optimized NPC spawn (reduce jumpscares)
    - Fixed: Skillon La Grande Maira missing blocks (floor)
    - Fixed possible player-stuck location: BA/BAW CrashedShuttle


    Changelog v1.10 B4230 2023-06-21


    - Blueprint Collection Parts:
    - BPP texts now face the camera
    - Moved BPP texts a bit higher
    - Added group hierarchy selection
    - Removed yellow group name preview when focusing a group as this is not needed any more
    - Added checkbox "Copy Air", increased font by 50%, if pressing Left-Shift now group will be closed
    - Now you can also use the "Look Around" key for toggling groups, fixed group not showing if only one group and SP focused​
    - Changed: added dedicated mirror model to RampRoundConnectorC, RampRoundMediumTransition and RoundedRampB (available also in the Block shapes selection)
    - Fixed: mirror issues with coloring and texturing for RampRoundConnectorC, RampRoundMediumTransition and RoundedRampB
    - NOTE: The change will affect every build that has been done with the current EXP/RC version. As always: Please do not create builds or blueprints for the public release with EXP devices and blocks as they can always change to the very last minute ahead of the public release. [​IMG]


    - 00967: HV bike flying up into the air when getting back on after exiting the bike
    - 00969: HV Bike can lose hover height & get catapulted in the air after going over planet border
    - 00979: Player Drones will not spawn when an offline protection block is placed on a base & not "active".
    - Blueprint Collection Parts: fixed setting of snap point group name
    - 00985: Open preview for some BP’s in the bpcoll menu can trigger exceptions
    - 00917: Ctrl + Alt key combo toggles free look
    - 00963: DroneBay: PlayerDrones shoot in PvE
    - 0944: Sun reflection & clouds visible through forcefield effects
    - 00964: Building and movement under water near structure issue
    - Preview model for block placement is still very hard to see when placing blocks underwater.
    - Fixed indestructible walkway (Abandoned Base Masperon)
    - Fixed issues with Science Station and Mineral Synth Lab (Ningues)
    - Fixed: Convoy (Ningues) was missing closte with Tales of Tash log
    - Fixed: Changed Obelisk faction to Progenitor (so turrets do not shoot at them anymore)
    - Fixed: Main story could not be started sometimes when starting from Ashon (Gamestart)
    - Fixed Invader vs Defender: Typo in BlockShapes
    - Fixed Default Multiplayer: Typo in BlockShapes
    - Fixes for missing faces in the new shape blocks.
    - Fixed issue with elemental blocks (error spam/coq)
    - 00965: Filler Block Terrain bug <- In any playfield which you have already visited & already has an issue still with the filler blocks you will need to wipe the poi's of this playfield via the wipe command f.ex:
    wipe Omicron poi
    Then for SP leave the save & load back in & for MP saves restart the server & load back in.
  2. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    When can we expect 1.10.* to be released to the main branch? Sometime next week.
    Just so I know what days to take off work :)..
    A Mueller and TK85 like this.
  3. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    We are aiming for next Tuesday the 27th.
    A Mueller, Germanicus, Monroe and 3 others like this.
  4. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Genuinely my birthday as well
  5. Necroz

    Necroz Lieutenant

    May 21, 2020
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    like always thanks ! im glad to read that it will come the next week . btw its its possible to make a holo display for weapons or a rack to show them and also armor ?

    like always thanks and the graphics improvements are amazing
    Monroe likes this.
  6. Mark74

    Mark74 Ensign

    Dec 30, 2016
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    One question, but there is a wipe again for all the server?
  7. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Changelog v1.10 B4232 2023-06-26


    - Changed: Players starts at 6300 instead of 11800 with the Kriel (deeper into Unfriendly; closer to hostile)
    - Changed: Skillon: Mission info now points to the guard at the La Grande Maira to start mission (to get into the vessel)
    - Loca Main (EN) updates
    - Blueprint Collection Parts: added two "S" buttons to be able to selected snap points according to CopyAir and Overlap, selected snap point is drawn now with "x-ray shader"
    - Updated icons
    - Hoverbike :
    1. Added max slope allowed of 45deg
    2. Reduction of turn speed with the mouse & smoothed the rotation.
    3. Improve rotation input sharpness + tweaked the animation when taking off
    - Fixed an issue where explosives weren't damaging/destroying devices
    - Blueprint Collection Parts: fixed problem that rotated blueprints did break the "reload snap points" regarding the snap points when using the snap point tool (only works for y rotations!)
    - Fixed Default Multiplayer: Duplcated Key CoQ
    - Fixed Invader vs Defender: Duplcated Key CoQ
    - Fixed 00991: Sensor-related exception when changing playfields
    - Blueprint Collection Parts: fixed a selection of bugs
    - Blueprint Collection Parts: fixed snap point groups not showing correctly when pasting a part into the world
    - Fixed issue with Clear Skies (pt3) breaking when not killing NPCs in the correct order on Artifact Site
    - 00947: Player avatar can be seen standing/running on top of the bike after a option in a GUI window has been changed
    - Fixed: Skillon starter-SV explosions do not set off
    - Fixed: Skillon Lambda Labs base: Oxygenized + optimized NPC spawn (reduce jumpscares)
    - Fixed: Skillon La Grande Maira missing blocks (floor)
    - Fixed possible player-stuck location: BA/BAW CrashedShuttle
    Slam Jones and A Mueller like this.
  8. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    A wipe shouldn't be necessary.
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