Custom Planets that are updated every Large Update. DEDICATED SERVERS.For Beginners.

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by piddlefoot, Nov 14, 2016.

  1. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    First this is intended for servers, public or private.
    These files are all in the dedicated server folder.

    I havent been able to get this running in single player as some of the files are slightly different so its just for servers sorry.

    Alot of people have asked me on steam for an easy way to make planets, the simple fact is for people that are not Empyrion game file savvy it is pretty difficult, especially so for beginners.

    So the idea behind this thread is very simple, it requires you dont edit ANY files at all, its just a cut and paste swap out.

    Just in-case things go fubar and you need to start over.

    I have utilized DropBox for this to make it even simpler for the beginners.

    I used the free, Z-Zip to compress these files, winzip will also unzip them, but if you dont have it, Z-Zip is free.

    First you need to download the files so heres a link to those. Planets and

    Once downloaded just unzip them in your downloadfolder or ''unzip here'' and copy and paste them into the correct game folders as explained below.

    While there downloading a quick explanation of whats in the download.

    2 new planets Amara and Marlow, my experimental planets basically, one is a snow planet with lakes and dense forests and one is an alien planet with akua forests added to really spruce up the forest, one planet is difficulty 4 the other 5, both of these planets have Custom POIs, there are over 100 custom POIs in this download. One is PvE and one is PvP.Both are starter planets.Both have ALL the ores you need to actually start and succeed.
    This is a save of all my files just before the start of a game with everything set up in the correct folders and all YAML files correctly edited so you need to edit nothing at all.

    To get this working on your server, these are the folders you need to swap out with mine.


    Dedicated server operators will now need to set up there Dedicated YAML.
    This is the only YAML you need to edit at all if your a beginner.
    This isnt included because it changes so often [most updates] and usually reflects personal preferences.
    If you have any problems setting up a dedicated YAML file just add me on steam I can run you through it.
    It is as simple as that.

    These folders are found at C / programfiles86 / steam / steamapps / common / Empyrion-Dedicated Server / Content.. . . . . . . . Inside this folder are the folders you need to swap out with mine.

    Take a backup of all your files again , thats the entire Empyrion folder and paste it somewhere safe, a different drive is very safe. Name it your custom planets or whatever to avoid confusion later.
    Its wise to name files like this with the version number of the game at the end, over the months Ive found that very helpful.
    Now go start a new game and enjoy new planets and new POIs.

    For the Single player players !

    With a new game start you will find Custom POIs on all of the planets, some factions have up to 30 POIs of there own so some planets take alot more to defeat now. The POIs themselve are builds of mine and builds straight of workshop, so if your a builder theres a good chance you have a build in here somewhere, as I took every BA on the workshop I could at the time.[5 weeks ago] So there are some full on bases as this was before the weapons balancing we have just had. Alot of the POIs have booby traps, YOU WILL DIE , it will be funny, some POIs are easy, some really hard, there is alot more loot in these POIs, targeted at large population servers would be why, plenty of Epics also.
    The 2 new planets are nothing overly special, they have been my test bed for a month, changing different things to test the effect and issues. They are stable planets that I have not had any corruption on at all.
    All YAML file editing, nothing exceeds the recommendations of the developers, though adding two forests together isnt a default setting but the system is designed for the capability. Future developer solar systems will likely utilize this also with a specific mixing of the tree asset.


    This is the current YAML file for this game I post it here in its correct format so new players can figure them faster.

    # Dedicated server settings
    # To use your own dedicated.yaml (e.g., "MyDedicatedConfig.yaml"), add "-dedicated MyDedicatedConfig.yaml" to the corresponding batch file

    Srv_Port: 30000
    Srv_Name: piddles 100+New POIs Very Hard Settings
    # Srv_Password: Abc
    # Srv_MaxPlayers: 8
    # Srv_ReservePlayfields: 1 # Idle playfield servers held in reserve. For busy public servers, we recommend at least 2 (default = 1)

    # Server description shown in Server Browser
    # max 127 chars: "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    # Srv_Description: "Server info, can contain bold text or a link."

    # All playfield servers will be automatically stopped every <n> real time hours. Players will get some warning messages before
    # Srv_StopPeriod: 48

    # Tel_Enabled: true # Activate Telnet server
    # Tel_Port: 30004
    # Tel_Pwd: Abc

    EACActive: true # Activate Easy Anti Cheat (clients have to enable EAC via Options -> Misc to connect to a EAC protected server)
    # SaveDirectory: Saves

    # Restrict allowed Blueprint size class: restricted types are not allowed to be produced or spawned
    # 1 = allow only small blueprints, ... , 5 = allow very large blueprints, 6 = no limits (default)
    MaxAllowedSizeClass: 6

    # Restrict Blueprint types allowed for production in factory
    # None = Blueprint system completely disabled
    # StockOnly = only stock blueprints can be produced
    # All = all types allowed (default)
    AllowedBlueprints: All

    # Timeout in seconds after which a playfield server will be killed (and all players on it disconnected)
    # if it does no longer send heartbeat messages to the dedi (0 = feature disabled)
    HeartbeatServer: 15

    # Timeout in seconds after which a client will be disconnected if it
    # does no longer send heartbeat messages to the dedi (0 = feature disabled)
    # HeartbeatClient: 30

    # Enable extra log outputs (for debugging purposes)
    # Defined flags: (add together the values if more than one group should be active at the same time)
    # 1 = EAC
    # 2 = EAC_all_details (includes EAC - Note: this generates a lot of log lines)
    LogFlags: 2

    GameName: Planet_Marlow # Determines name of the save game
    Mode: Survival # Survival or Creative
    Seed: 2309115 # The seed determines how the world is procedurally generated - the same seed means the same world

    # Note: All times are given in real time hours, 1h real time = approximately 24h in game (Important: Timer counts down as long as the dedicated process is active - deactivated playfields do not stop the timer)
    DecayTime: 2 # Time after which player-built structures without core or less than 10 blocks get removed when not visited (0 = disabled)
    WipeTime: 0 # Time after which any player-built structures get removed when not visited (0 = disabled)
    ProtectTime: 2160 # Time during which structures are offline protected

    MaxStructures: 200 # Max number of structures per playfield (limit = 255, reduce on performance problems)
    AntiGriefDistance: 30 # Distance (in m) around a faction's base where no other faction's base can be built
    AntiGriefZone: PvE # Zone where the AntiGriefDistance is valid (All, PvP, PvE)
    AntiGriefOresDistance: 30 # Distance (in m) around ore deposits where no other faction's base can be built
    AntiGriefOresZone: PvE # Zone where the AntiGriefOresDistance is valid (All, PvP, PvE)
    EnableTrading: GlobalVirtual # Enables a global virtual marketplace for player-to-player trading
    EnableMaxBlockCount: True # Enable or disable the max counting of blocks

    # --- Difficulty settings ---
    # Notice: Changing some of the difficulty settings require to start a new game in order to take effect
    DiffEscapePodContent: Easy # Easy, Medium, Hard --- Determines the content of the Escape Pod when you crash land on the planet
    DiffPlayerProgression: Normal # Faster, Normal, Slower --- Influences the overall player progression speed by earning more or less XP
    DiffAmountOfOre: Rich # Rich, Normal, Poor --- Influences the average amount of ore that a deposit contains
    DiffNumberOfDeposits: Plenty # Plenty, Normal, Few --- Influences the average number of deposits per planet
    DiffDroneBaseAttack: Hard # Easy, Medium, Hard, Off --- Influences the difficulty of the drone base attacks (infinite waves, number of waves etc.)
    DiffDronePresence: High # Low, Normal, High, Off --- Influences the overall number of drones that are present on a planet
    DiffEnemySpawnRate: High # Low, Normal, High --- Influences the spawn rate of enemy NPCs on a planet
    DiffAttackStrength: Medium # Easy, Medium, Hard --- Influences the overall difficulty when attacking enemies
    DiffConstrCraftTime: Faster # Faster, Normal, Slower --- Influences the overall craft speed of constructors
    DiffBpProdTime: Faster # Faster, Normal, Slower --- Influences the overall production speed of the blueprint factory

    If you use notepad++ you might be able to simply copy and paste the dedicated YAML above to save yourself that headache if its an issue.

    Big thanks to the HWS and Vexray, it was your files I studied a few months ago to understand planet generation properly.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2016
  2. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    There is a known issue with the snow planet some trees underwater, which should be corrected at 5.0, but the planet still works, also some planets although they have all ores to start on, have very little sea weed, another thing I will look to correct at 5.0.
    Zeerog1 likes this.
  3. Zeerog1

    Zeerog1 Ensign

    Nov 11, 2016
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    Hi Piddle ;-) you are a very bussy bie! Thanks for all the effort you put into this game. You are at least "adicted" to it ;-)

    As i understand even with all the options open for bp in the dedicated.yaml file it dont allow mega weapons setup. I tested it out in constructive mode and bp with to much guns are still red in the workshop. Is there a workaround for this?

    Also i see forward to the new 5.0 update as i can not play it on my server due to restriction of my server provider ;-). I am waiting for the planet generator "thing" to make custom planets easyer to make. Glad we have so many players who share there "ready made" planets. The only thing to do is to implant the somewhere.
  4. Zeerog1

    Zeerog1 Ensign

    Nov 11, 2016
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    Is it actual posible to make bigger planets? So yes how is it done? I want to explore that posibility to bring some more variation in the galacxy ;-)
  5. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Hi Zeerog,
    It is possible to change the size of the planet but there is specific code missing for the pole areas, and the game crashes, so technically its possible but Im unsure how as I have never bothered to try and enlarge them, the developers have been working on making the planets round and much larger but I suspect when we get the new planet generator that we will probably have settings in the YAML to adjust the size of the planet, because there are lines in the YAML now to do just that but theres no code in the game for it to work yet, that's my understanding of it anyway.

    Back to topic.

    My planet set has expanded to around 20 I am still in the process of transferring all the YAMLs over to 5.0, and my hard drive fried 2 days ago the new one arrives tomorrow so I hope to have the planet set updated by late Saturday if the hard drive doesn't show up on time it will be Tuesday before they are finished.
    In the new set of planets there are 2 new Template folders, Cataclysmic and Tropical , there are a set of completely new planets here, I managed to achieve a very unique look for a few of these planets. Most of the planets are still set to starter planets but I have made sure all starter planets have all the ores they need and asteroids dropping also, most planets have had some AI mods, usually extra animals added, I am still in the process of figuring how the random spawning of these critters works, but for the most part these planets are generally more hostile than default planets.Ive also adjusted the drones on a lot of these planets to be brutally nasty and kill you dead dead dead !


    POIs Ibe had almost no time to work on so in this batch there are no new POI groups just the same ones from previous planet set.
    The POI groups in the previous set of planets can be used on all of these new planets with just the adding of one entry in the YAML file.
    There are also a few planets developed for Eleon Games Studio, whether they make it into the default game is up to Eleon and they are not quite finished in detail yet but there fully functional, they are the Cataclysmic planets.

    A new set of POIs I will be working on for the next large update and I may add a few more planets also depending on time.

    So at this stage late Saturday for this threads planets to be updated, sorry about the delay, I would have been ready on time had the hard drive not had a brainfart 2 days ago.
    Timing is everything !

    Said every woman in history and no man ever ! LOL !
  6. Zeerog1

    Zeerog1 Ensign

    Nov 11, 2016
    Likes Received:
    hi piddle,

    Sorry to hear that your hd has gone away :-( . I have Always an older one in place just for the case . . . . . But now worry ;-) we have stuf enough for the moment to experiment with. What concerns planet size i have one 10 times bigger (both added a "0" in the yaml file and at first it seems to work ;-). Dont know if it wil work with all textures but so far it's not bad with the one i tried. Hopefully we wil get that generator ;-)
  7. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    I should have these planets sorted within 24 hours of now, working on them all day yesterday and should finish today.

    Ive never messed with planet size. I try to stay within default range of everything so if a bug pops up the log file will be a lot more useful to the devs.
    Does it effect the model of the planet as seen from space ?
    Or just the rectangle actual ground map itself ?
  8. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    OK big update to the Planets and a heap of new ones.
    There are now 20 odd planets in this file it is a 500 odd meg download compressed with Z-Zip the free zipper.

    There are also 3 new Enemy POI groups and another 30 to 40 odd POI Blueprints added to these files.

    The instructions are the same, simply swap out the 3 folders and replace the dedicated YAML file and your now running with new planets and POIs.

    I haven't yet messed with the new moon biomes, they are effectively the same as planets anyway, I just haven't had time.
    And I have not changed any of the Asteriods in orbit yet .
    The space playfields are all default until the next big update where I will do a lot of work on the space playfields.

    These planets are really colourful for the most, I have been experimenting with multiple biomes in one playfield, after many game corruptions and lost maps I now have a basic understanding of how they all work in general.


    Here are a few pics of some of the planets.

    The link for the new planets is at the bottom of this post.

















    OneHundretMoons, Laony and Pantera like this.
  9. Lealu

    Lealu Captain

    Aug 26, 2015
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    Far Freaking Out Dude :)

    Looking forward to "Playing" with this setup, keep up the AWESOME contributions

    <you may now take 3 cookies from the rewards jar, enjoy>
  10. Bakkur

    Bakkur Commander

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Yay Piddlefoot
    it works you are the the best hehe thanks a lot man :D:D
  11. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Glad your enjoying them, maybe we will see one or more of them in the default game one day.

    Note about the 4th and 5th picture in above post, these are actually the pics I took of one of the planets before I changed the sky colour, the sky colour on these to pictures in the actual map is a lovely deep golden yellow not blue and clear. Sorry I seem to have uploaded 2 old pics there and not the new ones.

    So below are a couple I took this morning as I started on that planet, give you a better idea of the sky colour.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 26, 2016
  12. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Thanks buddy, Ive edited the original now to reflect the same, Im not sure how I missed that as I did it 30 odd times before that one but anyway nice find and thanks for letting me know.
    Pantera likes this.
  13. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    No problem.

    Someone else one the steam forum is having a messgae pop up on loading also I have directed him here just see if he responds I'm guessing its the same as I what I had.
  14. Raptor-X-187

    Raptor-X-187 Ensign

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Attached Files:

  15. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Doing a few performance improvements on a few of the maps so I will update the whole set of files, all same files no new or deleted planets just a kind of performance update because I built all of these on an i7 with GTX980, and now Im testing them on a laptop i7 with a GTX970m and some of the planets are just to low in frame rate, so Im aiming to have a min of 40 FPS on the laptop as the pass mark for the map, that should ensure that systems with that spec or better have a solid game on all planets.
    Its pretty time consuming though I must say ! lol !
  16. Malaking

    Malaking Ensign

    Jan 5, 2017
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    Hi Piddlefoot,

    I have never posted here before, but for the last 4 to 5 weeks I have been trying to upload playfields to my Host Havoc dedicated server, never with any success just frustration time and time again ! Even to the point of totally giving up.

    I can not thank you enough for these files and how easy you made for someone who had no idea really what they doing . I just wanted to make a server for friends and family to play on that had a massive playfield to adventure in and now finally we have that.

    Please carry on with your efforts its highly appreciated.

    Thank you again,

  17. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    No worries mate glad you guys are enjoying it.

    I have a performance improvement update on its way for these planets, and a couple of yaml errors Ive found and a couple of others have found are sorted out in the next update, as usual it will be easy to update if your willing to start a fresh game, but a little trickier if you want to keep all your builds.

    I will explain the easiest way to do it when I upload the update.
  18. Malaking

    Malaking Ensign

    Jan 5, 2017
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    Ok no worries Im sure we can get through it if you hold my hand lol :)

    One other question that is worrying me if you dont mind. I understand there will be a game update in the near future, what happens then, will it mess up your files and we have to start all over again ?
  19. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Nope it shouldn't.

    What you should have is a copy of my folders in a separate place, if anything goes funky you can at least replace the original files.

    Some updates may scramble your sector file if they make changes to it, in that case you will need to open my sector file with notepad++ and copy and paste the extra planet entries back into the new sector yaml.

    The prefab folder should not change, when they add stuff to it, it doesn't effect the other stuff in the folder.

    At the next big update which is 6.0, I should be finished the performance tweeks to all of the maps and will just have to edit the new yamls in so usually a few days after the update is released I will have these ready again.

    But if you get stuck and cant get it to run properly or at all because of an update in between the big updates, feel free to add me on Steam and I can run you through the process, or you can send me your files and I can edit them and send them back, after I test them on my test server.
  20. Malaking

    Malaking Ensign

    Jan 5, 2017
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    Great thank you :)

    Sorry but I have more questions below, tell me to go away if I become a pain in the arse lol

    One problem we have noticed, the planets are loading as the standard type at first ( ie Akua type ) and then load your textures as we fly over or run across the surface. Only checked 2 of them so far so not sure if this is the same on all the new planets, standard game planets are fine.

    Example 1 , Landed on a Lava type world from the space view, but it had the normal surface textures at first ie Trees and plants when we zoned through. Then as you fly or walk across the planet surface the textures update or load around you and the lava comes into view, but only for the area you can see. Example 2, Landed on a water planet ( looked like near all water from space ) as we approached the planet surface it had the normal textures again but the area around the CV was loading the water textures on top of the standard planet base as we moved over the surface.

    Any idea whats going on ? we use Host Havoc as server provider.

    Sorry about all the questions but I have one other if you dont mind. My Planets are all stuck in the middle of the Galaxy, is there an easy way to spread them all over the Galaxy map ? I tried to use this tool to move them about but with no luck. It seems to work with Steam CMD type servers, I cant get it to connect to Host Havoc to find the files as they are not on my computer, suppose I need to make a new sector yaml ?

    Cheers :)
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2017

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