Alpha 7.6 - FEEDBACK: Food rebalancing and template changes

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jan 30, 2018.

  1. Gary Parkin

    Gary Parkin Captain

    Aug 10, 2015
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    I just received the changes over Steam.
    Thanks, Devs for listening.

    And you left in Corn too. Great move. Now Corn is used for more stuff.

    I'd love to be involved in a think tank thread about food.

    "Removed homing from Alien Ion Turrets" That's why it killed me so fast.:eek:
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2018
  2. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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  3. njord8472

    njord8472 Ensign

    Dec 3, 2017
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    By next update, did you mean the 1461 build or the alpha 8 update?
    Because the OKY Medical and Aunt Marys traders have the same trades as before.
  4. Dismal

    Dismal Ensign

    Dec 11, 2017
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    So I have to master space travel before I master canned vegies if I spawn on Akua as opposed to Omicron? Bring on the fries and bread then. I may not be able to fit into my heavy armour, but at least I won't feel stupid flying to the other side of the system to get lemon wedges for my canned food.

    Other than that minor niggle, good changes. I'm hoping the ingredients issue will be patched at some stage.

    Now all I need is a fix for the occasional "exit the entire ship through the wall when I exit the pilot seat" bug.

    Edit: Oops, didn't read enough through the thread before posting. Looks like the lemon issue (and others) have been patched. W00t :)
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
  5. Thundercraft

    Thundercraft Captain

    Oct 27, 2017
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    You make some good points and suggestions. Though, there's one thing I wanted to point out:
    I'm not sure what Earth fruit you think Durians most closely resembles. But, personally, I think they resemble bell peppers or egg plant. Technically speaking, anything that fruits out from blossoms is a fruit. This includes peppers, tomatoes, egg plant, edible gourds, cucumbers and other produce that - at least in the United States - most people call "vegetables". Those are things commonly found in so-called "vegetable gardens", despite being fruits. Think of it this way: Most people would not bake a fruit pie with stuff like tomatoes, peppers or egg plant. And I see nothing wrong with putting tomatoes, peppers or egg plant in "canned vegetables". So, what's wrong with calling them "vegetables"?

    As for using Durian to make fries: Sweet potatoes and potatoes are both commonly used to make fries, but those are roots and not fruit. However, a Google search reveals that a lot of people make fries out of egg plant, so it is possible to use a fruit for fries.
  6. Pach

    Pach Rear Admiral

    Dec 16, 2017
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    .... I think Durians most closely resemble... Durians. Which is a real, honest-to-goodness... FRUIT.


    Oh, and a quick google search for "can durians be used to make fries"... well, go see for yourself. :)
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
  7. vscuorzo

    vscuorzo Commander

    Jan 17, 2018
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    I think this is pure genius and it seems to have kind of slipped by everybody somehow. I've spent hundreds, if not thousands, of hours between Skyrim and Oblivion and I used to love creating unique weapons and potions. The cool thing about that sort of mechanic in a game like this is that when combined with the multiplayer aspect I would expect to see a lot of interesting items floating around on the market as a result of people experimenting and coming up with cool things that others haven't figured out how to make.

    For example, if you discover that combining durian, corn, and alien honey makes some kind of super food that gives a nice balance of food value and perish time plus it reduces radiation and you call it Empyrion Jam then you could trade it with people who don't know the recipe but know that it's good stuff and you sell it. Each item has it's own stats/buffs/debuffs to contribute to a recipe which can be combined in a ton of different ways. May want to pair this with a new category in the tech tree for farming/cooking so only those who put the points into it can make the more potent stuff.

    Maybe weapons could even see some customization kind of like in games like Deus Ex where you can find a scope or a silencer and just snap it onto a gun that's able to accept that sort of mod. Of course, this is a bit less interesting than food crafting but it opens the door for more variety and a more interesting marketplace. For example, maybe you can craft a basic scope but Zirax have a better one that can only be acquired by looting.

    I have only been playing single player thus far because the idea of investing hours upon hours on base and ship building only to have somebody trash and raid it all while I'm at work gives me gray hair but I plan to try it out if I can manage to join a team/guild or whatever they're called in this game. That way somebody should always be around to check on my stuff when I can't. I know there's an offline protection device but I'm not sure if that will truly guard all my stuff so I'm hesitant but if further updates introduce the ability for people to inject this much user-generated content then that's just too interesting to ignore. Between custom foods, weapons, and ships/bases it's so unlikely for things to get stale.
  8. Spirit_OK

    Spirit_OK Captain

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Akua wine carried over from before the patch still gives hp, but also Bad Trip effect (~10% chance) that is not mentioned in the description. It was very, very unexpected, and I had to make a run to the toilet until I die from decreasing hp :confused: And nearest toilet was on the other side of the moon :)

    Bad buff on a medical item is counterintuitive at least. I'm still waiting for food poisoning on bandages..
  9. Fraser

    Fraser Commander

    Dec 6, 2017
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    I'd like to see some foods provide a Buff rather than just fill up the Hungry and Health Bars. Give another reason for going the extra mile to make specialist foods and looking for rare ingredients.

    Something like increase, Speed, increase Stamina regen, Jump Height, reload speed for a time period.
  10. Arrclyde

    Arrclyde Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2015
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    Oh yes..... that would be so cool. But it would mean that the cooking system isn't a simple task any more. To make such a system work you would need to have every ingredients not only positive Values like food health or stamina, but also have some positive and negative multiplicator values. So that you can't just throw in everything together and get out a super food. If they only have positive values you just throw in (for example) a durian, tomato, water, ham and corn and get more of everything (health, stamina, food).
    There would need to be factors on each ingredient to can negate certain values in some combinations: fresh durians give little food but a lot of stamina (100), ham makes you feel fed up so it takes away stamina (-80). If you would eat just the ham you are fed up and don't need food, but you run out of stamina faster for a certain time. Durians have a low perish time and spoil faster on their own. So this combined food would perish slower than the durian but provides more food value while not make you slow as ham would do on its own.

    That kind of combination-tree would be a load of work and maybe a little too complex. Shortly people would end up making standard fries and wine again because everything else is just a hassle to cook, even with the "once you invented a certain food, recipe is saved for later use" mechanic. Maybe not, but i guess most people will go the easier way. But that doesn't cut off from the possibility for multiplayer games that some might specialize in making good foods to sell.

    BTW... where is the beer made of wheat/water/berries, or the vodka made out of pumkin/durian/water, or the mooshine-whisky made of water/wood/wheat/berries? I would like to have that in the game not only for RP-purposes. The mechanic behind the drunk status could be similar to the one in WOW (which is one of the best and funniest in game i have seen) => staggering from left to right uncontrollable (in water and space plus up and down) and in random directions, blurry sight, and most funny.... the levels of people you target is displayed lower than it actually is :)-D alcohol makes you overestimate your own power and suggest you to be "braver"). Plus in WoW-chat you write everything with a "s" with a "sh" instead and a hiccup from time to time. Something along those lines would be cool.
  11. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Akua Wine is not a medical item tbh :D Small doses and so on..
  12. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Yes, that's a good point. For 8.0, i ll go through it again and we might add a few buffs and debuffs for food as well.
  13. Thundercraft

    Thundercraft Captain

    Oct 27, 2017
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    Small suggestion:

    How about modifying the recipe for the Pumpkin Cookie such that it requires Alien Honey? Consider that cookies are supposed to be sweet. Every cookie recipe that I've ever seen requires a significant amount of sugar, honey, molasses or some sort of sweetener.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2018
  14. Thundercraft

    Thundercraft Captain

    Oct 27, 2017
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    BTW: I'm disappointed that Textured Plant Protein was nerfed so severely. It used to give 100 health, but now it only gives 25 health. If it wasn't for the fact that I'm using a custom Config overriding it at 100 health I'd be upset for the fact that I have a T2 Fridge completely filled with the stuff for healing use for my POI raids. They used to replenish a lot of health, but they were not a replacement for Bandages or Medkits because they have such a short food spoil time. It would be pointless to carry more than 1 stack and even then some of them would spoil before I had a chance to use them all. Also, unlike Medkits or Bandages, they don't cure status ailments, so I had to have a stack of them, too.

    Also, what's with changing raw Meat to give a positive Health effect and positive Stamina effect? Raw Meat would be difficult for a human to chew (draining stamina), not to mention the fact that it would be dangerous and likely cause gagging or an upset stomach.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2018
    monktk likes this.
  15. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    We can eat raw meat? :eek: Didn't even occur to me to try - I've always made salami out of it.
  16. Thundercraft

    Thundercraft Captain

    Oct 27, 2017
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    Please consider changing either raw Seaweed or Seaweed Snack (or both) to give "Effective Against: Radiation" or similar. You could make it equivalent to a weak, short duration Anti Radiation Pills.

    Have you never heard of miso soup? It is a traditional Japanese soup that is most commonly made with kelp. Miso soup is renowned for being a treatment for radiation exposure. And seaweed, as a whole, is supposed to be effective, partly because it is high in natural iodine which reduces any radiactive iodine in the body. Just Google miso soup and "Seaweed for protection against radiation" if you don't believe me.

    Currently, consuming Seaweed doesn't do much and it even seems pointless to harvest now that it spoils so fast. Seaweed Snack only has the effect of Body Temperature: -2 and Effective Against: Food Poisoning. Personally, I find such benefits very lacking. Aside from the fact that there are several other foods and medicines which give these benefits (including cheap Bottled Water), I hardly ever need to treat Food Poisoning or bother to consume something to reduce body temperature. So, personally, I find little incentive to harvest or use Seaweed.

    It's always been possible to eat raw Meat. But, before Alpha 7.6 doing so would subtract Health and Stamina, in addition to giving Food Poisoning. Now it adds 10 Health, 10 Stamina and 70 FoodValue, in addition to Food Poisoning.
    monktk likes this.
  17. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    I suspect it's got something to do with recipes being now calculated based on the values of the ingredients and several other factors, for example how they are cooked. It's maybe bit too straightforward approach - but atleast the end numbers make somekind of sense in the prepared meals. But little variation wouldn't probably be a bad thing - some things just get a lot better with preparation, some are pretty unedible without cooking etc.
  18. linadaru

    linadaru Ensign

    Jan 13, 2017
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    still think the leveling scale is a bit too easy to reach the cap needs to take more than 20 minutes
    Thundercraft likes this.
  19. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    100lbs Bag of flour + explosive charge packed in the center + throw it inside POI = flat structure
    jadefalcon and malrose1 like this.
  20. Thundercraft

    Thundercraft Captain

    Oct 27, 2017
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    Unless I'm mistaken, I believe that the devs plan to radically change the Tech Tree or replace it with something else. At least, I remember that one of the choices on the 2017 Survey hinted at something along those lines.

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