Custom permissions/roles?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Soyaro, Jan 30, 2019.

  1. Soyaro

    Soyaro Lieutenant

    Jan 16, 2019
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    I was wondering if there's a way to create a custom role with permissions defined by the servers administrator. Does there exist a file that defines role permissions where I could do some modifications?

    About my/our current savegame: We're three players in a custom pvp scenario with 3 start planets so everyone got an own planet and nobody knows where exactly the other players are.
    One of my players has a hard time to find asteroids (well, everybody has I guess) while another one is stuck on his start planet for 3 days now because he can't find enough ores to build a ship. Both problems could be solved by giving them permission to use the map-command. But I don't want to give them gm permission because I guess at least one would abuse that power eventually. Is there some kind of workaround (like a custom role with permission to use "map")?
  2. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    You cannot further customize the roles, than the three that is given.

    You can however make 'semi-custom' roles if you are using mods. Here you can make a chatcommand, and allow certain people to access this chatcommand, hence effectively having made a role.
    (You can do this with CommandCrate if you so desire.. I don't know of another mod that could accomplish similar, but you can ofcourse always write one! :) )
    (Effectively a chatcommand, that would trigger a consolecommand, if the user is 'allowed' to use it)
    Soyaro likes this.

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