Experimental v1.5 released!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Pantera, May 19, 2021.

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  1. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Easier to just ALT-F4 out of the game when you see the first pop-up. Even closing a non-bugged game works abnormally and takes forever, sometimes the game just hangs there, but not with ALT-F4.

    Sorry to read about your disabilities, but happy to see you having enough guts and will to play games. I surely can't say how I would react in the same circumstances. Hats off to you sir.

    My feelings regarding some of the development issues date from a long time ago, and I saw many players come and leave since then. I saw a "cycle" go on and on, and it's not likely going to change because most players do not stay long enough or do not read and keep track of lots of the game's facets at any given time, so they can't have a somewhat global picture of what's going on. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone here, because there is an opaque wall between the playerbase and the "developers" about whom we know very little.

    I can go check almost any company and see who's doing what, I can see curriculums, past achievements, all kinds of things to help me make up my mind about the real people behind the brand. But here, I feel like players are treated like children, and even some players tend to copy this in their demeanor towards other fellow players. That's the start of a toxic environment, where genuine productive discussions can not take place.

    And that's not my cup of tea.

    Well isn't that what most of us tend to believe ? What if suddenly you came to the realization that your input is worthless and only your attitude counts ?

    In other words : what difference do you believe it would make if you were not here "helping make the game better" ?

    Last edited: May 31, 2021
  2. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Not yet.;)
  3. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Are you seriously expecting anyone here to tell you bluntly "your input is worthless" even if you were to do your best to suggest nonsense ?

  4. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I actually thought YOU would...:oops:
  5. If it's a bugged game you don't care about, sure.

    I don't recommend Alt+F4 with this game if you plan on keeping the save, because it can (and has) lead to the save being corrupt due to improper shutdown.

    It's the same as if you're power goes out suddenly.
    It doesn't lead to a corrupted save game 100% of the time, but it happens often enough it should be avoided at all costs.
    Germanicus likes this.
  6. LordHickory

    LordHickory Ensign

    May 31, 2021
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    Hello. I've been testing Empyrion for over 600 hours now. I found many bugs, but I can´t report them, Unfortunately the "send email" button doesn't work. I help myself with clearing the cache and let Steam repair the files. Each time some files are downloaded again. And the game continues for now. I would like to help and report bugs. Has anyone any idea how I can do this? (Sorry for my horrible english.) Empyrion is a great Game!
  7. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    The best place to report bugs is in the experimental branch's bug forum.

    Germanicus, stanley bourdon and Pach like this.
  8. LordHickory

    LordHickory Ensign

    May 31, 2021
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    Thanks, i have to figure this out. Due to my bad english it will be tricky...
    Germanicus and stanley bourdon like this.
  9. Pach

    Pach Rear Admiral

    Dec 16, 2017
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    Google translate is your friend!
  10. startac43

    startac43 Lieutenant

    May 29, 2021
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    i guess its just natural instincts that just kick in ill admit it took me 5 years to come to terms with how I've ended up but the way I look at it is I did my duty for my country I'm not sad I had to do the job I did it wasn't easy first shot I took looking down a scope its easy when its a sheet of metal with a target on down the sniper range butwhen it comes to a person ill admit I froze on my first kill but eventually took the shot from long range when I saw the people leave the building I'm glad I took that shot they were children and woman the enemy had a nasty habit of using human sheilds 72 confirmed kills got the purple heart medal which was given for bravery courage and putting myself between a targets mark and took a bullet for it unfortunately little did I know that was my end of my career was told by the surgeon they removed the bullet it had severed my spinal nerve and id never walk again that was the worst thing id ever heard in my life at first I felt sorry for my self and a few weeks down the line I saw kids with the same disabilitys and said to myself wtf am I mopeing about feeling sorry for when these kids have a whole life a head of them and are never gonna know what its like to even walk at all that's why I'm so positive about my illnesses 4 years after becoming paralized i was given bad news that I had myloid leukemia which is why I'm trying to enjoy life as much as possible and I love making new friends I'm an honest truthfully open guy my partner and my three daughters are my world
  11. Pach

    Pach Rear Admiral

    Dec 16, 2017
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    ... this is one of those posts where I wish I could give more than one "like".
  12. startac43

    startac43 Lieutenant

    May 29, 2021
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    thank you pach means a lot :)
  13. Khaleg

    Khaleg Commander

    Nov 5, 2020
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    I am with no words now, after reading your post, only want to say that your words have touched my heart, you are a true hero man, a true life's hero, and a good person. I wish you all the best, to you and your family.
    Needleship, ravien_ff, Pach and 4 others like this.
  14. Kratos

    Kratos Ensign

    Jan 30, 2020
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    Thanks to the developers for improving the low resolution graphics. I am probably one of the few who first appreciated this innovation. The graphics have improved dramatically and well. I thought that I would play Minecraft with this optimization for eternity.
    But I also ask the developers, in the next magazine of corrections and additions, to remove the points about missions and other insignificant nonsense to the very bottom. Since for those who do not understand English, all this is sheer nonsense and a waste of time. Better make the toilet flush not when my butt is sticking out there, but when the character gets up from the seat.
  15. startac43

    startac43 Lieutenant

    May 29, 2021
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    thank you means a lot I'm just a normal guy at the end of it all medals and material things make no compensation for the job i had to carry out each face each day has left there scars as they say its a fubar job but someone had to do it
    Wellingtoon, Pach, Khaleg and 2 others like this.
  16. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

    • Developer
    • Moderator
    Aug 15, 2016
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    Patch: 2021-06-02 v1.5 (Build 3373)

    - Added 'DropOnDeath' property to BlocksConfig.ecf, ItemsConfig.ecf and TokenConfig.ecf. If set to 'False' then this item is not dropped on player death. Use for important story items that players shall not lose on death. Default is set to 'True'.
    - small improvements to fullscreen loading pics: removed default background pic between two pictures and interpreting "\n" as newline char
    - Added new loading screenshots (removed old ones) + added new loading screenshot texts
    - Added: new model for Color Texture Tool
    - Updated: Loading screen descriptions
    - Dialogue System: Added 'OpenDevicePos' to get the block position (inside the structure) of the device whose window is currently open
    - Added: Farr Archive added to Farr Homeworld (set near Temple/CrashSite; unique; thx to sulusdacor); PLEASE check FPS at that area!
    - Added: GAL subfaction OPVs and BAOs (Warlord; thx to sulusdacor)
    - Added: Eagle Claw Outpost ( space dock, Warlord, Thx to Tim88 & Escarli)
    - Added: Tresari orbital defense (thx to Escarli)
    - Added: ARC Splinter & Planetary defense towers ( Warlord, thx to HeckenDiver)
    - Added Stock Blueprint: T2 Rocket Tank (L10) (Thx to sulusdacor)
    - Updated: Quin Merac and Deadmaw (Pirates OPV, thx to suluscador & ravien_ff)
    - Updated: Xenu Fortress P1 now has signal logic for destroying the admin core (thx to Escarli)
    - Updated: Kriel Subjugator OPV (thx to Escarli)
    - Updated Stock Blueprints: Blue Dart, HV Tier 1a, HV Tier 6c, KVE Aetheria LTS, Polaris Scout, SV Tier 3a, SV Tier 5 (thx to sulusdacor)
    - Changed: SV Prefab T5c renamed Manta Dropship
    - Changed: SV Prefab T6 renamed to Revolution Overture One
    - Changed: HV Tier 3 renamed to Walker
    - Changed: HV Prefab T1a renamed to Blue Mist
    - Changed: HV Prefab 6 renamed to Boxer Tank
    - Changed: HV Prefab 6b renamed to UCH Sentinel
    - Changed: HV Prefab 6c renamed to Desert Cat
    - Changed: (Crashed Birds) reduced detection trigger distance for commander Carver to not get triggered too early (and the marker vanishing)
    - Updated: Added info about new parameter 'DropOnDeath' to BlocksConfig, ItemsConfig and TokenConfig
    - Changed: Removed Minigun/Rocket drones and Raptors from standalone Tutorial scenario
    - Changed: Sanctuary (Starter Planet) > swapped TraderPaxPurgatory to Bertrams (+Flamethrower fuel)
    - Changed: Trading station (Starter System), Inferno Club & TOP Distillery changed to Colonists faction.
    - Changed: Escape alternatives in UCH Heidelberg updated
    - Changed: Blocked 2nd route on Ilmarien Level 7

    - Fix for an issue found with AI becoming ‘Frozen’
    - (Ancient Revelation) exit could be triggered too early on the Maintenance Deck.
    - Teleporting to certain systems leads to CoQ
    - example files for SolarSstemConfig_Defines missing
    - Activating godmode in some in situations can reposition the player underground
    - Player avatar becomes invisible when dialogue pops up while player is in 3rd person
    - Picking up quest items sometimes does not complete related PDA tasks. PLZ retest the following: Getting the Technical Artifact (Crashed Birds > Burial Chamber), Buying a beer (TOP > Orbital Trade Station); retrieving Technical Artifact (Unexpected Allies > Excavation Site)
    - Small Vessel Tutorial did not trigger on approach (after playing 'Crashed Birds')
    - Open Wound affliction description changed from Antibiotic Ointment to AntibioticPills
    - Colliding with a surface in zero-g causes the player to orient incorrectly
    - PDA exception when warping into a mission playfield
    - Prevent any button (except ESC) to close Dialogues
    - Damaged Hover Vessel tutorial activated unintentionally
    - Removed unnecessary entries in Tales of the Past (yellow error messages in console. Please RETEST with fresh savegame!)
  17. iKat

    iKat Ensign

    Dec 26, 2018
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    Thanks for the fixes guys :)
    bluemax151 and Germanicus like this.
  18. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Cool, starting a new game now.

    *** edit ***

    <snif> Looks like the legacy color tool has been removed...
    ... but not the legacy texture tool?

    High explosive anti tank?
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2021
  19. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Cheater.... "Starting a new game..." :eek:
    Start from Crash Landing!
    That would be 'new'!;):D
    Pach and Robot Shark like this.
  20. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    Thanks Eleon for the patch. It's great content is being improved and added. I really enjoyed my Exp playthrough even if the end was a bit buggy.

    Also many thanks to sulusdacor for updating and adding a prefab. Your work is greatly appreciated.
    Germanicus likes this.
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