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Discussion in 'Official Eleon Server' started by RexXxuS, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. Johnn9112

    Johnn9112 Ensign

    Jun 22, 2019
    Likes Received:
    So when will the official Eleon servers be updated to 10.0.3 so i can go back to enjoying the online experience? I would have thought it would be updated with the game or at least close to the time of updating.
    Today was my day off from work and had planned on playing with some friendly faces. But it would seem that's not happening anytime soon
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2019
  2. WHM DaddyStu

    WHM DaddyStu Lieutenant

    May 5, 2017
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    Current stable full version is 10.0.2 Are you still subscribing to betas/experimental? That may be updated before the main game and may be the issue you are having. If you opt out of the beta your issue may be resolved.
    RexXxuS likes this.
  3. Dominium

    Dominium Ensign

    Aug 1, 2019
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    Hello, im Dominium, i play on EU server and im located on trader instance
    iv made a faction and disband it but my SV (Soowoop) who was in my CV (Rick James X77) stayed in the faction which prevent my CV to take off. can i get my SV back or at least get rid off it?
  4. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Ill look into it when iam home in a hour
  5. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Fixed it for you
  6. Dominium

    Dominium Ensign

    Aug 1, 2019
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    THANKS a LOT! rocks!
  7. Mad Raven

    Mad Raven Lieutenant

    Aug 3, 2019
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    Mad Raven
    US official
    Disconnected coming into Plys, reconnected in space, with my CV on planet. When I finally reached it, looking at the pilot's seat shows "currently occupied" and so I cannot pilot the ship. ShipId: 8941045.
    This has happened to me before, but it went away quickly. It's been almost an hour now, and I have piloted other ships since it happened.
  8. Mad Raven

    Mad Raven Lieutenant

    Aug 3, 2019
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    Situation Resolved
  9. boo

    boo Commander

    May 8, 2019
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    just a question, all poi cant be taken by player with a new core... so, does the 2 traders place in the galactic marketplace can be ? (im on Eu server)
  10. Nerd01

    Nerd01 Commander

    Mar 24, 2017
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    * Eu Server
    * PVP space over PVE planet
    * 16.08.2019 11:00

    I almost had enough resources to spawn a blueprint, but I still needed some resources. So I went for Polaris trade station in orbit. (no trading station on planet, not even any resources to dig) I get in the station to buy stuff, then some guy called Nomad started to fire at the station, blowing up the station and my sv. He waited until all my stuff is gone, and killed me every time when I tried to get my stuff back. Before this, I lost my sv to a game bug and started again, and I store everything in sv. And after all that grinding, I lost everything yet again. There shouldn't be a PVP space over PVE planets. Furthermore, I dont understand why this player was camping around the station. If he is enjoying firing at defenseless things, there are lots of unarmed POIs around. This is my first time playing mp, if this is how it goes, I am not surprised why I dont see any beginners in server. What is the point having PVP if you are just going to let low level players get bullied?
  11. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    There isnt much we can do about it game wise. Tho there are rules to prevent that ill check the logs and if he has been camping then he will dealth with acording to our rules

    I will restore your items. But before i can do that I will need your player name. Either PM me the name or reply here
  12. Nerd01

    Nerd01 Commander

    Mar 24, 2017
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    Thank you, I wasn't expecting anyone to care. So I moved on and I used the stuff I saved for my cv blueprint to spawn another sv. If you cant do anything about playfield, at least just check the guy I mentioned so he doesn't keep hitting new players.
  13. Nerd01

    Nerd01 Commander

    Mar 24, 2017
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    It turns out since you dont see the name of the player in a ship, the name I gave was the name of the ship, not the name of the player. So I dont even know ho it was.
  14. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    i found out the name of the player by doing allot of searching :)
  15. Nerd01

    Nerd01 Commander

    Mar 24, 2017
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    Thank you for your hard work, I am sorry I didn't come up with more info.
  16. boo

    boo Commander

    May 8, 2019
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    player boo!
    EU eleon server

    planet sect

    well, today, i cant join the game 2-3 time, always get the blue loading screen after the loading
    when i finally join it, 4 of my base have disapear, even after trying to relog more than 10 time they wont be back.

    i m not the only one who have this problem on the planet sect, even faction member lost half of their base and some player too.
  17. Ronewird

    Ronewird Commander

    Oct 8, 2019
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    Hi to everyone, and compliment for the game! i`m really happy to have buy it!

    Sorry to bother you, i try to have a look around on forum etc but i don`t find the info witch i`m looking for.

    I start on pve map, if one day i have desire to move on pvp map witch are the step to be done?
    thanks in advance.
  18. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

    • Developer
    • Moderator
    Aug 15, 2016
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    Welcome aboard!
    To move from any playfield to another you need to warp the SV or CV can be equipped with a warp device & pentaxid tank which needs pentaxid to fuel it.
    While in either a CV or SV in orbit, press M, Choose a sector to warp to, Press on the Lock button.
    While Locked, change your vessels direction to the locked planet, accelerate to over 50 and press K to start the warp.
  19. Ronewird

    Ronewird Commander

    Oct 8, 2019
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    thank you so much for your kind and quick answer.

    I made a new ship with a warp driver but i had stop the warping becouse i had some more information to ask you.

    1) i can come back to my pve system?
    2) in case i build a base on pvp system my one on pve is cancelled?
    3) in case i die on my exploration on the pvp system, i get stuck on that system till i dont build a new warp capable ship on that system?

    thank you again!
  20. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    1) i can come back to my pve system?
    On the official Server you cant go back to a starting planet > One Way Warp

    2) in case i build a base on pvp system my one on pve is cancelled?
    You can have as many bases as you want where you want

    3) in case i die on my exploration on the pvp system, i get stuck on that system till i dont build a new warp capable ship on that system?

    You can build a CloneChamber/Med Station and set a spawn point can be done on ANY base/CV/HV After building those chambers open the CP (Controll Panel) and stick "Home Spawn" thats your home spawn then. When you die you get an option to spawn at that base/vessel then
    Ronewird likes this.

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