New Base Attack

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 17, 2019.

  1. runlykhel

    runlykhel Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    When I'm testing, and after gathering enough materials to make another core, I move the core and power supply (generator or capacitor) to a block house or extension away from the main building to protect my storage and equipment. This works rather well, unless I get distracted and take too long then...:eek:

    When I finally have a serious base my core is sitting on top of a horizontal door which I can access through a tunnel from a protected area to counteract the power and core hacking if my defenses are not adequate. (Core and power supply are still kept away from my equipment.)
    I really hate the whole hacking/shutdown process, it becomes rather repetitive and tedious if the turrets are not performing their duty, as frequently happens.:rolleyes:
    Kassonnade likes this.
  2. Cluascorp

    Cluascorp Commander

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Are the drones supposed to ghost shoot through my concrete blocks now? If not, it´s a bug ... Very immersion breaking ...
    fireborn likes this.
  3. Liang

    Liang Captain

    Jul 10, 2018
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    Its still a feature that is way too OP with no way to defend against it. We need something like a firewall that we can add that...delays their attempts at the least. I am sure we can come up with other items that can be added to the game to make this "feature" expand the game even more and make base attacks have even more depth by giving Eleon more ways to expand base attacks while giving us new "items" to build for defense.
    dichebach and Kassonnade like this.
  4. VPanda

    VPanda Lieutenant

    May 7, 2020
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    Hello guys!
    aren't drones supposed to attack my base? I have like 4 hours without any of them.
    and also when Zirax sent transport after I attacked them - there were no troops atall, it just landed and fly away

    Version is 12.3
  5. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    They are depending on the probability & rep.
    Open the control panel of the base & look at the statistics window & on the right side of the window look for the base attack info.

    This is a known problem in A12.
    VPanda likes this.
  6. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I have noticed wild variations in the threat level of a "difficulty 0" Base attack.

    My first base attack in A12 was rather....strong. I had what I thought was a pretty good defence in the shape of two Cannon Turrets with excellent coverage from all directions. However, the first Drone attack - difficulty zero remember - consisted of four Rocket Drones which totally out-ranged my base defences. The Base was hit by at least 6 - 8 rockets before my own turrets engaged. It was GREAT!

    The next couple of attacks - I added more turrets as a precaution - were just lone Troop Transports which where shot down before they got close enough to land. When I saw Drones again, they were a somewhat weaker force, but Rocket Drones can still out-range my base.

    On the subject of Turret range, it can still be influenced by where the player is at the time of the attack. If I'm standing ON my base (it's small and compact, not spread out) Rocket Drones will always get the first few shots off. However, if I run towards the Drones - screaming like a lunatic and firing wildly* - my turret can often be the first to fire... I see the tracers and the impacts on the attacking Drones. Note: my initial thought when using this tactic was to perhaps make myself the target, but the Drones still went after the base and I never actually got close enough to engage personally.

    I know having a "live" area around the player is critical for performance reasons, no need to waste resources on something too far away. The thing is, when this "live" area has a direct impact on the effective range of a Turret, then it's a problem. If a Turret is "Live" due to player proximity that "live" area should include the ability to "see" anything in its potential firing range.

    I want to add that this issue does not appear to be quite as pronounced as before, though I used to build quite sprawling bases and would often see Base turrets further from me but closer to the approaching Drones NOT firing at all, unless I personally moved closer to them.

    Final thought: Base attacks coming from Random directions seemed better at first, but I'm not sure I like it now. They just pop in a short distance from the base, picking a seemingly random direction to approach from. This seems a bit cheesy to me now. The prior method where they'd always attack from the same direction was a little too static, but we could often see waves on their way to our bases if we were out and about, which I thought was cool. I think attacks should always come from the Drone Base (or other POI able to launch attacks) but shouldn't always follow the exact same path. I.e. if the Drone Base is to the East of my Base, then they might approach directly from the East, or move further North or South before attacking from a slightly different vector. They'd rarely come directly from the West, unless they had the ability to plot such a course. Troop Transports also should NOT just rush in, unless they're sure (from prior experience) that they can survive long enough to land close. No, they should deploy troops at a distance, Drones should come in, distracting Turrets, while ground troops close in.


    * I think this unnerves the Drones somewhat :)
  7. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    What a weird thought..."getting engaged personally" with a DRONE!:eek:
  8. Liang

    Liang Captain

    Jul 10, 2018
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    Hey, this game is based in the future so technology has advanced in...strange ways. :eek:

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