Fixed Personal Drones no longer trip motion sensors.

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by The Android, May 12, 2023.

  1. The Android

    The Android Lieutenant

    Dec 29, 2022
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    For more information see here Bug Report Template

    Build: v1.9.14 4139
    Mode: Survival and Creative
    Mode: Single Player (I'm guessing multiplayer as well)


    If applicable:

    Reproducibility: Always.
    Severity: CRITICAL
    Type: Game Play


    Drones and SHIPS (SV/HV/CV) no longer trip motion sensors.



    This issue also causes sensor driven hanger/ramp doors to also not operate. If you build a hanger or bay for an SV/HV/CV and the door is controlled by a motion sensor it will no longer open unless a player not in a cockpit trips the sensor. NO MORE FLYING INTO A HANGER. No more lighting/indicators when operating a ship in a hanger bay (aka, lights on, climb in SV, all dark).

    Also POI turrets/spawns that are tripped by sensors are no longer activated by drones. Scout a POI, looks clear -> round the corner -> BLAM. Ugh.

    Please fix this ASAP.

    Update 2:

    Revised with correct information as provided by @Pantera. My apologies for the misinformation.

    If using a "drone door" (ramp/manual door) that has a motion sensor attached, drones no longer trip the sensor. The player does, but the drone doesn't. 1.9.13 and before this wasn't an issue. Using F will open the door/ramp but it will not close when the motion area is cleared.

    I have had some doors that won't open for the drone as well. You have to move up to it and "F it" to open the door. This is intermittent as some doors will open and some won't. They all work as intended for the player. This error is intermittent and difficult to replicate - it may be related to system/load/desync/memory/run time.

    If you leave the cockpit of a ship while in the field, the door will trigger on the player, not the ship's location (eg: Nose into a sensor field, nothing happens). If you trigger the sensor then climb back into the cockpit the sensor clears and the door... closes.

    (As noted below by @Pantera this is not correct. This is only the case with CVs which I haven't tried until recently.... I don't understand why this is the case (that's another conversation), but SVs and HVs do trip the sensors - just not CVs)

    Once again, my apologies for the misreport. I will strive to test with more attention in the future.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1) Connect a door/ramp to a motion sensor, trip it with the player and watch the door/ramp open/close.
    2) Try the same thing with the personal drone .
    3) Nope.

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links:
    Last edited: May 16, 2023
    KuulKuum likes this.
  2. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    This will be checked out.

    I cannot seem to trigger an error here. Here is 1 SV & 1 HV working ok for me for sensors setup on a CV Video:

    See in the above video the lights only turn off when the vessel is docked (this has always been this way)

    If you have a reliable use case please supply a copy of the save with the precise steps that need to be done to trigger what you are describing.

    CV's have never been detected by sensors.
    Germanicus likes this.
  3. The Android

    The Android Lieutenant

    Dec 29, 2022
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    Thank you for looking into this quickly after I updated the ticket.

    I'm sorry, I was wrong and made some assumptions I shouldn't have. The drone issue I've double confirmed (it has been driving me crazy in my current game - manually opening and closing a door(ramp) repeatedly is annoying). My test today was done with a CV (see below) and assumed the drone issue was impacting all vehicles. I will change the topic to show this mistake on my part.

    And I now need to confirm that report. Doors seem to work fine for drones as well, but ramps controlled by motion sensors, well, that's a motion sensor issue I think.

    I didn't realize that CVs couldn't trigger the motion sensor(is it just motion sensors?). I'm starting to work on a carrier and wanted to dock my CVs inside it. Since CVs also don't trigger hanger doors either, shouldn't that be fixed as well? Can SVs trigger motion sensors on SVs?

    Is this for all motion sensors? CVs can't be placed in an enclosed hanger base then?
    KuulKuum and Germanicus like this.
  4. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    The Personal drone being detected by a sensor will be resolved in our next patch which we plan to release tomorrow if all goes well.
    This particular fix requires a new save game for it to work.

    Unfortunately the CV cannot be detected by sensors (due to how the CV colliders work afaik) which will be worked on when it can be.

    To have a CV be able to "enter" a base or vessels "doors":
    1) On the base/vessel you want to enter setup the door/s in a device list group & on the Main window of the control panel Setup a "Custom" signal to control the device group you placed the doors you want to control in this group or setup a Signal in the signal column & in the Signal logic window set each door to the signal
    2) Get close enough to the structure & open the registry & look for the base/vessel you want to enter
    3) Open the control panel of the base/vessel & either find the door/s in the device list & toggle them open or if you setup a Custom/Signal in the Main control panel window toggle the switch setup there.

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