Unsure about the amounts - try and see, thats what all this is about. The most I have done is 6 because on one planet I made where I had several alien creatures spawn, it was already too much ...... Andy.
Back to screenshots. Anyone managed to work out a good way of making screenshots aka green screen style? As a way of getting back on track?
I have all the Space Bases done, just by creating a playfield with each space base at specific co-ords, then going to each one and doing a PRTSCN then copying/pasting into paint, crop, save as a file. Pain in the backside, but works. Andy.
I certainly have not. That sounds far easier than taking a screenshot of every decoration... Edit playfield.yaml Start new game Take screenshot Label screenshot Edit playfield.yaml Start new game Take screenshot Label screenshot ... Etc
This might save you some time. http://empyriononline.com/threads/planet-creation-deco-images.7330/ It might be missing some of the more recent stuff, but it is a good start.
POI Groups I have found to date Ground ---------------------- GhostRiderBiolab GhostTierI GhostTierII XenuWeaponBunker XenuTierI XenuTierII AbandonedFactory AbandonedMine RadosTierI RadosMissileSilo RadosPowerStation RadosDefence RadosFuelDepot RadosRefinery MiningComplex EpsilonTierI EpsilonDroneFactory EpsilonTierII GhostRiderBase GhostRiderDefence AlienTower CivilSettlement CivilSettlementB CrashedShip TribalVillage TribalVillageWood CrashedTalosBack CrashedTalosMid CrashedTalosFront TS_Masperon TS_Skillon TS_Omicron TS_Zeyhines TS_Aestus TS_Aitis TS_Akua TS_Oscutune Space ---------------- BAO_OrbitalSpire BAO_SpireSatellite BAO_RadosRepairStation BAO_PF2 BAO_GhostRiderShipyard BAO_Thermica-Station BAO_Dion-III BAO_XenuShipyard BAO_XenuSupplyStation BAO_Migotzu-Orbital-Hub BAO_CrusaldOrbital TSO_OmicronOrbit TSO_AkuaOrbit TSO_TradingStation1 DroneBaseSetup --------------------- XenuFortressP1 DroneBaseAkua DroneBaseOmicron DroneBaseNingues DroneBaseAestus MainDroneBase