Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I know it's not officially supported, but I just continued a v1.6 game in v1.7 Experimental III and ran into an issue. Basically, the Turrets on my CV - Minigun and Sentry - appear to be firing at a much higher rate. This is of course great (for me) but I assume it's a side effect of the RE changes not playing nice with v1.7?

    No big deal of course, just wondering if my guess is correct or if there's perhaps some other issue not directly related to the Scenario.
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    It seems turret max rof was lowered from 0.5 to 0.25 in the game. You'd find the same in vanilla.
  3. zenija2007

    zenija2007 Ensign

    Oct 9, 2021
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    are there any ways to remove the structure in this mod and get resources or blocks for it? Perhaps someone found scripts?
  4. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    There is the scripting mod from ASTIC :
    it includes an recycle command that destroys all blocks of a structure (it needs to be yours and have a core) and gives you the ingots.

    and in the demo ship from ASTIC, you can see and copy all possible scripts, including a recycle one:
    zenija2007 and Myrmidon like this.
  5. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Just an idea . . . maybe try spacing out your drills a bit more. I have noticed (anecdotally) that 3 CV coaxial mining drills seem to be MORE efficient than 4 IF: 4 are placed in a compact arrangement with two blocks in between each drill whereas the three drills are placed with three full blocks in between each drill (including the diagonal).

    It may be that the actual improvement in mining speed by doing this is quite small, but I'm fairly confident that "Three with Three Spaces" is not slower than 4 with 2. Server buddies have concurred so it isn't just me drawing these impressions. If one of you methodical types could do a systematic test with 10 identical asteroids for each of two identical constructs (except the drills) that might settle it.

    Note: this is all in reference to the CV drills. I do not use the SV to mine asteroids if I can avoid it . . . evokes the PTSD from past nightmares of being ganked by stealth Interdictor-ceptors . . .
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  6. Ente

    Ente Commander

    May 20, 2021
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    The drills are spread out, so not much room for improvement there. The SV drills are just terrible, there is no saving that.

    I can however confirm your assessment that 3 spaced out drills are more efficient than 4 close together ones. From my experience you can even match a closely packed 8 drill arrangment in a 2x4 scheme with only the 4 outside drills. The middle ones just dont seem to contribute anything. Which is the Vanilla behavior afaik, but from what I understand they wanted to change that for RE, so that behavior might be unintended for RE.
    dichebach likes this.
  7. zenija2007

    zenija2007 Ensign

    Oct 9, 2021
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    Going through the beginning of the plot. After the first skirmish, I changed the difficulty. Now in storyline locations, turrets do not shoot, enemies do not appear. No bombers, no infantry. Is there a way to fix this?
  8. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    You've probably disabled the AI.
    Use the command "ai on"
  9. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Try restarting the game?
  10. Marc~

    Marc~ Ensign

    Aug 25, 2020
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    CPU Question as I'm not sure I understand correctly the info on the first page.

    In the event I lose a CPU Extender in combat and drop below the max CPU capacity of my vessel. This mean my Generator(s) should or will go in overdrive thus damaging the Generators.

    In the event that my assumption is correct, would adding more Generators compensate for that problem and not get damaged?
  11. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    Maybe. It's a balancing act. Losing CPU means the generators are less efficient. At lower efficiency they produce less power, and eventually won't provide enough power to run the active devices on your ship at 100%. Then they will start to overload and be damaged. If in that situation you had more generators then you have more base power generation -- which is good -- but also a higher CPU load which means less efficiency of all generators -- which is bad.

    You could instead just use higher class generators that are more CPU-efficient, or design your ship so that if you do lose an extender they would have had to shoot through and destroy enough devices (thrusters, weapons) to balance the loss of CPU.

    Edit: Of course, the other question is how much damage will your ship have taken when an extender is destroyed, and at that point is overloading generators really a significant concern?
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2021
    Marc~ likes this.
  12. Marc~

    Marc~ Ensign

    Aug 25, 2020
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    That answered the question perfectly!

    I didn't understand correctly the way generators worked with less CPU as in Vanilla, being over the CPU limit simply means your in a brick with tons of decorations such as Turrets and thruster :p
  13. Ente

    Ente Commander

    May 20, 2021
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    It is also worth pointing out that CPU Extenders aren't targetable for turrets. Unless you place them close to (or in the way of) something that is targetable, you will typically not lose them early, if at all.

    Then again you need a lot more generators to cover thrusters under boost than under normal operation. So, even if you do lose a couple generators or extenders you may still have enough power and only run into problems if you start boosting (maybe not even then, as you proably also lost some turrets/thrusters at that point).

    Spare generators are a thing to improve resilience, mostly on dreadnoughts as those typically ignore CPU and just tell you to get dozens of quantum cores. Since generators are pretty expensive in terms of cpu, it is not that advisable for regular designs to carry spares, as that would just mean less guns.
    Marc~ likes this.
  14. Marc~

    Marc~ Ensign

    Aug 25, 2020
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    I was not totally honest in my intent when I asked the question even though the answer received was what I was looking for.

    My original idea was to see if it would be viable/worth it to go a little above the CPU limit by adding additionnal generator to compensate for the Generator damage from being over the CPU limit.
  15. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Please consider validating files in Steam to make sure it downloads the latest scenario files to your PC.

    Added holiday items to UCH Quartermasters.
    Updated UCH Research Vessels with Christmas Trees.
    Updated water blocks with settings for the new water.

    A large scenario update is planned in a few months (early 2022):
    The scenario should still work fine for now and you can resume your existing save games but you will not get most of the changes from the Empyrion 1.7 update until the scenario is updated.
    You may encounter unexpected issues in the meantime.

    Wishing everyone a happy holidays!
    Marc~, Wellingtoon, UniCorp and 5 others like this.
  16. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Thank you for the update. Happy holidays for you and your loved ones as well. Same to every Empyrion player too. :)
    ravien_ff and dichebach like this.
  17. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    I have a little trouble with a new base-game feature that seems not to work with re or I just don't know how it should work...
    The star type search in galaxy map does not find M1la stars for me - BH it finds (but only close ones).
    Now my question is can someone test it closer to a M1la star and/or with discovered ones?

    Thanks a bunch.
    (I hoped I could just pop M1la in the search and know which one is closest...)
  18. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    It should work just fine for M1Ia stars but you have to spell it right.
  19. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    LOL I can't read :oops:
    No, lets blame the ingame font... ;)

    and yes, it works just fine.
    ravien_ff and Stampy like this.
  20. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Is it intentional that there's such a large difference between laser damage dealt by other factions vs. that dealt by the player? I'm talking CV / BA class damage here.

    For example, I fitted two CV-Class fixed lasers to my CV, specifically to take down the shields of a space-based POI. I have a fixed artillery piece to deal damage once the shields are down. My CV has advanced shields, as does the POI.

    Now, a couple of enemy laser sentry guns can strip my Advanced shields at the rate of about 1% every couple of seconds. These are just light, presumably anti-personal biased sentries. My CV on the other hand has huge capital ship class fixed lasers. Guess how much damaged they do to an Advanced Shield? Well, about 1% every four to six shots! This doesn't seem quite right to me.

    I was lucky enough to be able to position myself such that the space POI I was fighting could not shoot back. So I could just hold the fire button and see the shields go down. I needed a total of twelve Mk240 laser charges to reduce the shields to zero on the POI. However, despite the artillery shells landing 100% on target, they seemed to phase through the POI's turrets, dealing zero damage. I manoeuvred, so I was no longer shooting the turrets directly from above, and I could deal damage, but my CV's shields got stripped very quickly.

    So, it took me (in my view) far too many shots of dual CV-Class fixed Lasers to lower a space POI's shields. It was then impossible for me to deal damage when shooting the POI's turrets from directly above with a single fixed Artillery Cannon.

    Note: I'm used v1.7 of the game now, so perhaps that is the reason for the weirdness, but the splash screen does say it's ok to resume my RE save started in v1.6.

    Edit: Ok, the artillery shots phasing through the POI's turrets must have been a random bug. I tried again, and I can hit the turrets just fine from above. Also, each reload showed 48 shots on Lasers lsat time, now it shows 100 after reloading. Darn weird!
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2021

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