For more information see here Bug Report Template Build:1.10 2414 Mode:survival Mode: single player SERVER NAME:n/a SEED-ID: If applicable: MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS:na Reproducibility: yes Severity: Significant Type: to many ships in one location Summary: attacking kriel poi in space, a com station poi called in reinforcements 3 times back to back a row. Description: attacking a kriel station that calls for help triggered an overproduction of reinforcement ships. possibly triggered by the presence of 2 defense drones. not only was 9 reinforcement ships but massive drone spawns at times. include nearby patrol vessels and new drones. lag shot up significantly as frame rates dropped eu to so many ships in the playfield. Steps to Reproduce: 1)Attacked a com station or other kriel station that calls for help 2) make sure player drones are launched before hand 3)Attack a kriel station and watch as 3 then 3 then 3 renforcement ships spawn Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links: log files included just incase Save game in Kriel with over spawn of reinforcement ships about only way to appreciate what is going on... screenshots give idea what was goin on registry showing all the reinforcement ships. sorry no video my lag was intense up close.
Hi the save game here is a new start on Akua can you recheck & supply the correct save you intended to please ?
i apologize again for supplying the wrong share link.... as for reproducing it. i can be just not consistently. is hit and miss on the over spawn so difficult to tell what the trigger is.
Just to ask did you realize you are in a "Ultra" Difficulty playfield ? you are right in the center of a factions territory in the galaxy map which should give some of the hardest difficulty playfields I haven't seen any trigger of this happen with any vessel with player drones deployed. Did you mean they spawned in rapidly one after another or within a few minutes of each other ?
i knew i was in a difficult territory why i was there. but never had a com station send 3 waves of 3 immediately back to back before, as in within seconds. or had other stations send in 3 waves of 3 immediately back to back before. most of the time i have had single wave of 3, when defeated spawn another wave when defeated spawn another wave. but never 3 waves of 3 at once. i got the call for help immediate followed by the spawn of 3 then second later again the top of screens the call for help and immediate spawn of second and third wave. the spawning happened so fast, can see in screenshots they are stacked on top of one another. before they could start roaming and separate. If that is all it was, it is good to know. and am sorry to have wasted your time on this. was first time running into this with 3 thousand hours played. and often head to the hard playfields soon as i can. the incredible amount of lag generated from the 3 waves of 3 reinforcements with the high presence of npc drones and few player drones i thought was a bug. again i am sorry for time waisted.
i found the trigger and happened to catch it on video and screenshot. the game thinks i destroyed the previous orbital patrol reinforcements, when i have not. so i spawns more. as i keep attacking the base ignoring the orbital patrol vessels. it will happen again thinks i destroyed them and spawns more. the videos at times are painful to watch as my frame rates keep dropping due to the over spawning and spawning of other vessels drones and it becomes a nightmare. shows some spawning shows the bug immediately at start. save game included few screenshots