[TOOL] EAH | Empyrion Admin Helper v1.61.x

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by RexXxuS, Apr 30, 2016.

  1. Keith Hovey

    Keith Hovey Captain

    May 11, 2016
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    I had the same issue. Somehow my other admin got it working on our public server but neither of us know how. Its not as straight forward as it was. CB Survival USED to just have a check box, a credit setting, and the survival xml. Now i dont know what the heck is going on. The check box to enable it is either gone entirely or moved to some secret location lol.
  2. Keith Hovey

    Keith Hovey Captain

    May 11, 2016
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    And it seems once a day that the tool is crashing now. It started in the last update and has continued. I havent reported it or anything because it could be some dumb conflict with another application and i havent properly checked it all over.
  3. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    the crash all depends on what game version u are running and the tool version.

    The survival thing. There is no checkbox. It just works. In the tool u can put a credit amount
    and in the template folder u just can make a survival.xml with the things u want to give to them
    and done.

    The chatbot thing. I dont know.

    I do know that @Jascha is rewritting everything to make the tool more far then ever before for the Alpha 6.0

    So guess w8 for that. Alpha 6.0 wont be that far away. Dont think he is going to put effort in the 5.x version when everything will be changed for 6.0
    Jascha likes this.
  4. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

    • Moderator
    Jan 22, 2016
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    Sorry for the trouble. And as you see one of the main problems is that I am quite behind with the documentation... it would need a complete rewrite to match it. Hope after Alpha 6 is time again.
    Just let me know when it crashes, and if you want send me the logs. Then I can check it.
    The Survival thing is as Taelyn said. Since you can offer either the Template or/and the money, you just have to set them.

    As Taelyn said... a lot will change with Alpha 6.0 also on the tool side. Finally we are getting into the Server/Client area and are even very close to use it on servers like Nitrado where so far only the lite worked :). But more in a couple of days.
    Keith Hovey and Taelyn like this.
  5. Jackall

    Jackall Commander

    May 12, 2017
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    A couple of questions about the Alpha 6 build if you have a minute.

    1. In the previous version there was a backup. It would shut down the server backup the entire server, then restart it. In this version, I only see a backup tool and I set it but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?

    2. Can POIs and Deposits be reset automatically through EAH?

    3. How do I enable solo quests on the server through EAH?

    Thanks again for all the help!
  6. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    1. There is still a backup. U can put it in the time table first u put in a Restart and then in the sub action u put in the backup
    2. Yep with the time table (same thing. First a restart and then in the sub action POI/Deposit Reset)
    3. U cant
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2017
  7. Jackall

    Jackall Commander

    May 12, 2017
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    Would you have a printscreen example of #1?
  8. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Does this help?

  9. Jackall

    Jackall Commander

    May 12, 2017
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    Simple enough. Ty!
    Taelyn likes this.
  10. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    U do it with everything like that. Restart in the left side. other part in the right like POI and Depost reset :)

    So u can do left a Restart then right first a Backup then a POI Reset then a Deposit reset.

    Then Tool will do it at that order at the given time
  11. Jackall

    Jackall Commander

    May 12, 2017
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    Yup, makes sense now. Got it all working. Thank you for the help!
    Taelyn likes this.
  12. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Latest Patch Notes - 25.05.2017 - v1.36.0:

    Hey everyone,

    a long time since I did a new changelog for a new version. But same as the long road to Alpha 6 we had a long road to version 1.36. Jascha already provided a lot of versions in the meantime (our RCs ;)) but here it goes in a big patch public.
    I can't even tell how hundreds of hours Jascha spent on all of this but we hope you like it and enjoy using our EAH tool!

    On a sidenote I implemented now a two-step agreement for the downloads cause we really have to point out some ToS especially with the new Sync Client / Master / Slave behavior.

    Anyways here are some


    Sync Config
    The first and biggest step in EAH history is being made! Connect to your server from anywhere.


    Autominer Config
    A lot better customizations can be made now!


    New Time table format
    You ran out of server restart times due parallelism of tasks? No more! With the new Sub Task feature for the timetable it is way better.


    And lot lot more...

    Patch Notes Emp Admin Helper
    • Remember to Stop the Server, Start the Tool and then Start the server to apply the Update
      • Added: Alpha 6.0 ready (Player/Sector/Items/API/Dedicated...)
      • Added: Timetable change: Please redo all former Tasks that needed a restart. See Example Screenshot. They might apear as different tasks in the Main list: Delete them please
      • Added: Timetable:: New Order of repeat times. You might have to set all times again!
      • Added: Tiemtable: Show documentation at bottom
      • Added: Timetable: Wipe empty playfields (Playfields that are not online, have no player or playerstructures on them. No restart needed)
      • Added: Player: New Values Food and Food-Max
      • Added: Player: Edit-Edit Ingame and Edit Ingame through file. Seperated and much more things to set.
      • Added: Player-List: Faster Inventory update
      • Added: Removed telnet! You can turn it off now. (not with lite Version)
      • Added: Structures: Load from backup upgrade (backups from old tool version can not be used anymore). Now you can search through the backup for the strucutres. You can soon also add POIs (but their turrets dont work afterwards for now, and there is one smal problem we still have to fix, let it being implemented in the API)
      • Added: Structure: Show Block Info -> Shows you all Blocks and devices of that structure
      • Added: Structure: Remove from list (to remove old structures in tool, not in game)
      • Added: Chatbot Whisper function: "CB:W:playername/PlayerID MESSAGE" allows a player to directly chat to another player
      • Added: Chat: Show Reciever
      • Added: Chat: Foreground color for different recievers
      • Added: Chat: If you chat with a player that is offline, it will be automatically sent to him when he gets online (Offline Job)
      • Added: Chatbot reacts to !MODS
      • Added: Autominer: See Config. Much more values to set to adapt it to your server.
      • Added: Removed not needed Warnings before warping or editing a player
      • Added: Removed: Player Add Offline message (now automatic)
      • Added: Load from backup also works when playfield is offline (Offline Job). Tool needs to be online until its placed
      • Added: Config: Warp out of Pole on restart as seperate setting
      • Added: API: Banne player
      • Added: Statistics: Show Active and new players of last 2 weeks
      • Added: Faction: Chat to faction now also with messagebox
      • Added: CSW: update and legacy removed
      • Added: Information: Show active and new players of the last 2 weeks
      • Added: Better API Error Handling
      • Added: API: Load Playfield integrated
      • Added: API Fix: Warp player in ship on same playfield did not work
      • Added: API Fix: Warp player on same playfield did not work
      • Added: Auto Restart through EAHStart.bat
      • Added: EAH Anti freeze :) The tool should not freeze due to the timetable actions anmyore
      • Added: Master/Slave show in Tool-Title
      • Added: Remote Slave: Now you can set up your tool and run it remotely. Set your Master Config: Sync Type Master; Sync IP/Port of server and a Password. Do the same on the slave, just with Sync-Type Slave. Carefull! Do it on your own risk since it requires opening a port on your server. The slave retrieves nearly all Master data and is even able to start/stop server, restart the master tool, edit timetable and config of the master and so on. Nearly no need to use the Master anymore. Very soon this will also allow us to run the tool on hosted server like Nitrado! So the lite tool is dying soon. This is still work in progress. Some features (mainly features that required file contact) like manual backup etc from slave tool will be implemented soon. If the connection has issues and your connection is save you could alos turn off the Password on both server (leave it empty) to get ridd of conncection problems.
      • Fix: Fresh start crash due to empty faction list
      • Fix: Chat Exchange to Slave tools
      • Fix: Chatbot-Thread could be blocked
      • Fix: API connection problems
      • Fix: Playfield-List was corrupt
      • Fix: Chatbot-Thread was dying
      • Fix: Timetable not showing wipes/restarts
      • Fix: Food/Food Max was set to 0
      • Fix: Timetable Color not working
      • Fix: Bug with dedicated settings not saved
      • Fix: Player Activity not showing from Function Tab
      • Fix: Blueprint Ready not working


    To get the EAH tool just visit the website: https://eah.empyrion-homeworld.net/download
    There you can download + see the patch notes + ask for help + read the documentation
    Tip: if you need help with the tool or have a suggestion please do this via the forum.
    Last edited: May 25, 2017
  13. Idrona

    Idrona Ensign

    Mar 25, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Looking good .. oh and yay! :)
  14. Jackall

    Jackall Commander

    May 12, 2017
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    When you type CB:SURVIVAL what xml file is it looking at so that I can customize it?
  15. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    u have to make the file your self. Call it survival.xml (templets how it should look like are in the folder)
    place it in the inventory folder of your EAH map

    When u made the file. U can customize it from the tool
  16. Jackall

    Jackall Commander

    May 12, 2017
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    I was thinking that was the case but wasn't sure. Ty for the help!
    Taelyn likes this.
  17. joemorin73

    joemorin73 Captain

    Aug 24, 2016
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    I found a trivial issue with the Game Config. Eleon changed the MaxClass from 0-10 to 0-unbound. It might need to be a textbox now for simplicity.
    Jascha likes this.
  18. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

    • Moderator
    Jan 22, 2016
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    Thanks a lot. Will fix that for a hotfix tomorrow.
  19. joemorin73

    joemorin73 Captain

    Aug 24, 2016
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    No rush for it. (Unless the hotfix is addressing other issues.)
  20. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

    • Moderator
    Jan 22, 2016
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    Uploaded a smal Hotfix for a few Issues and the new Mod Changes (only full version).
    - Dedicated.yaml MaxClass 0 missing
    - Button "Reload all data from master". To get missing player etc.
    - Fix Sync bug that did not add new Player
    - Adapted to new Mod-Version
    Taelyn likes this.

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