For more information see here Bug Report Template Build: 4004 Mode: Single Player Mode: Survival SERVER NAME: N/A SEED-ID: ANY If applicable: MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: None Reproducibility: 100% Severity: Critical Type: Game Generation Summary: Infinite console spam when trying to make a new savegame Description: Fresh install of the game, then updated to EXP3 - Loading a Default Survival game, Planets load but before the structures loading begins an error occurs, and keeps occurring. Not able to play the game at all on Build 4004 Steps to Reproduce: 1) Open Game 2) Attempt to start a new Survival Game 3) Fail Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links: Clean log attached. ============ Unable to reproduce in Current Public Branch, issue did not happen during EXP2
Did you try the workaround here: (fiddle with your Avatar settings)