What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Thanks! I think "brutal" is the best description one could come up for it. I seriously recommend anyone who hasn't ventured into their space to at least buzz the planet. In my experience the game has some pretty distinct benchmarks that a player has to learn to overcome. Finding food, making a base, getting into space, clearing a Drone Base, ect. I had just started to get the feeling that I had "progressed" far enough that there was nothing else that would offer much resistance. At a point with the Zirax they really just because rather, well, easy to handle. Reaching the Legacy space opened up a whole new "difficulty" barrier/benchmark to overcome. You cant just shield tank their ships. You cant just hover over many their ground POIs and let your CV handle it. It is a whole new line of strategy that needs to be deployed.

    I believe the main weakness we can use against them is that they cannot repair damage, so its going to be a "war of attrition". I.e. first engagement, take out a few turrets. Second, take out a few more. Third, finally be able to tank the damage and core the vessel. I will admit, I spawned the Legacy ships in creative to see what I was up against. So at least I'll generally know where to aim.
    Fractalite and dpburke2 like this.
  2. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Legacy space is immense and does add a whole new tier of difficulty. Ive been in their space twice. Their Decimators pasted me. As stated, strategies that work against other factions dont here - im thinking the drop pod approach might be viable for their bases and will test it out soon.
    Fractalite and ChumSickle like this.
  3. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Time for my daily dose of "How it was"

    I spent about an hour on a lunch break yesterday getting my "Invasion Platform" set up for the Legacy. It is 1 jump out from the first legacy planet. To give credit where credit is due, I used the Calisto station built bt Filbertfarmer as my anchor base. It has fair storage, a repair pad that can work on CVs, a furnace and deconstructor. I considered a simpler base, just something with a repair pad. But after tangling with the Legacy I can see that the furnace and deconstructor will come in handy, there is a lot of repairing to be done.

    I chose the new Mjolnir battleship also created by Filbertfarmer to take in to battle. I had never flown it before, but upon inspection in creative I liked what I saw. Deep "secondary" bridge, heavy armaments, and if I failed, I could blame it on a ship I had never flown...

    Ok, the fight. I engaged the Legacy Decimator first, and just like last time my shields fell within seconds. But through an absolute accident of crap piloting skills, I found that if you grab the enemy ship by the belt buckle then only a small portion of their turrets can fire. So I spent a good deal of time slow dancing cheek to cheek with the legacy ship. I was able to drop its shields and chew away a few of its turrets. Eventually, however, another Decimator and an Infector showed up. So I had to engage them as well. I had to retreat when I realized I was losing turrets, and the outgoing hate was becoming less and less. So, back to Callisto for repair and refit.

    Guys, this is where I learned a lesson: I used to feel like I spent a lot of time gathering resources that I would never use. This changes when you actually start fighting the Legacy. From what I can tell, you cant defeat their ships with the same hit and run tactics that work against the Zirax. You will get your nose broken. You will have to repair armor, modules, and so forth. Their weapons are too damaging on shields, their armor is thicker, and their internal devices are extremely well protected. So you >will< start burning those resources patching your capital ships.

    To make a long story slightly less long, after a few rounds of this bloody nosed fighting I was able to take them all down. I found an advanced core, about 5 epic weapons, and salvaged as much sathium/alien blocks as i could want. I also went back to that infested space station and it has some decent loot as well. There would possibly have been more loot, but through the fights one decimator dropped its loot crates across the map as I chased it down. One of the decimators also had that annoying "invisible wall" glitch, so I salvaged what I could and moved on.

    So, my advice: Dont be afraid to get bloody. Your ship will get damaged. You will have to repair it. Grab the Legacy by the belt buckle and wail away.
  4. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    I think I may have to take a dip into legacy territory again now.
    @ChumSickle have you actually ventured down to any of the planets?
    Fractalite likes this.
  5. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    That´s a lesson i learned recently too. That´s where i learned i wanna do a fresh playthrough with 1.2 project eden. It was my first real survival playthrough this time around and i even set the first auto miners i ever placed but my management on a lot of things was kinda bad, half finished projects lying around were starting to make me mad (Reforged Eden made me build stuff in survival instead of creative). Also after having a 500mb savegame and even my new ssd already taking about a minute to make a backup save i think its time.

    Btw does somebody know how many hours are an ingame day as displayed in the inventory? And no, this is only coincidence.

    Germanicus, dpburke2 and Fractalite like this.
  6. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Heading into legacy territory...Entry system ready

    We are go

    Attached Files:

  7. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Genuinely amazed at how well that worked:
    Only a few shots hit me.
    One advantage is the Legacy have no missile weapons.

    And now to venture within!
  8. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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  9. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    After initial struggles trying to get the PDA and dialogue systems to work, I finally got them operating correctly without producing gibberish or errors. Which means a future update of Reforged Galaxy will finally make it into the scenario it needs to be.
    First things first, I made a small POI to replace the Teleport Station: The Broken Antenna. Used in the new starting missions that will replace the official ones (which are horrible).
    Adding it to playfield generation provided me with the opportunity to fix several problems caused by bad developer decisions.
    I replaced the horrible blue-white sunflare that has plagued the game since A11 with a nice warm yellow one (it's a bit bright, but I should be able to change that) and moved the Talon bazaar to join the other village POIs.
    I also removed the Bazaar as the Talon HQ, so that it's no longer the source of talon base attacks (which makes no sense) and replaced it with the Talon Ziggurat, which I built specifically to be the Talon HQ back in A11, it was added to the game and given no spawn location. So now it's finally where it belongs, under the right sun.
    New Game_1_2020-10-07_23-16-31.png
    So far i've only completed the prologue chapter of the new missions and I expect it to take some time.
    Improvements to the missions themselves makes them operate on PDA messaging more than straight dialogue, so the player has full movement while they're being "chatted to" by IDA, unlike say... the Crashed Titan mission where you're stuck reading a 15-page novel that makes no sense while you freeze, suffocate and starve to death.
    In case the player misses a part of the chat, it's saved to the PDA logs that can be read through at any time.
    The big "Novels" won't be read through the display, but be sent directly to the PDA logs as well, to be read at leisure from the safety of your ship's cockpit.
    New Game_1_2020-10-07_23-04-34.png
    Always remember to update your drivers.
    AlbaN, Dinkelsen, Wellingtoon and 4 others like this.
  10. nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯

    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ Captain

    Jul 27, 2018
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    A couple of weeks ago i promised pictures of a fight. Well here is a picture of a shipi robbed after i destroyed an enemys defense complex.
    and heres another one:
    Sadly i can post no image of how we destroyed those defense base but here is a picture of how it looked before:

    Sadly they were able to reinforce the position before i was able to find all Landclaimdevices. Thisis there new defence.

    BTW, we are "recruiting" [I don't like the word as we are no gaming clan we are just 4 mates playing empyrion together].
    -> English <-
    -> Deutsch <-
    dpburke2, bluemax151 and byo13 like this.
  11. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    Been working in a cup shaped base on a mountain. The hardest challenge was to level the structure with the ground because of structural integrity issues but Fine Drill/Filler worked surprisingly well this time. 5 floors. WIP



    I made a viewpoint up there it kinda beautifies this icy white planet.

  12. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Looks impressive!:)
    byo13 likes this.
  13. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    Oh, thanks. You're too kind. :)
    It's still WIP but I noticed some improvements in my base building as I'm not making rectangular shaped bases anymore. Haha.

    To tell you the truth I was shy to post because of all of the jaw dropping work I see here.
    After playing a lot of NMS last week I had to return to some Empyrion's base building joy.
    dpburke2 and Germanicus like this.
  14. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    No need to be shy, although I felt the same once. You're right about the jaw-dropping work here. But there is a great deal of help and guidance here, as well. So many have helped me in the past.
    So forge ahead, and let loose your imagination. ;)
  15. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    Thank you. You're right. This is a place to be inspired. :)

    So today I revisited most of my bases. They were all there, nothing missing, all ships docked. My humble empire is growing, har har.
    Track Driver, dpburke2 and bluemax151 like this.
  16. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    So I've found a couple of the below shipwrecks. They're odd though. I flew my drone into one and was able to salvage the core and when I replaced it I noticed it had spawners. Is this supposed to be a POI and it's not functioning correctly? or is it an old assest that was a POI and now it's just salvage? Either way it's a really cool looking build.

  17. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    The POI in your Picture is rather new. It was created a few months ago. If something does not work properly, such as Spawners, consider to make a Bug-Report;).
    byo13 likes this.
  18. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    My invasion of Legacy space is going, fair. Ive managed to learn how to muscle through their CV's, with a little effort. But I still run into that invisible container glitch that prevents me from looting well. That, and they are so tough a nut to crack, I often blow up much of the loot.

    I decided to see what roaming around on their home planet was like, and its, well, not too bad. Like any other planet, if you stay away from POIs you will generally be left alone. I was able to clear a few Helix POIs...which apparently have their spawners set for every 10 seconds! Never seen so many mobs flowing out of a simple little tower.

    My issues of the night came when I decided to try an Infector POI (I think it is). I had to use my tank to get the shield down. Got in close, took out the turrets. So I am thinking "Well, that wasnt so bad..." No, it got worse.

    The POI is surrounded by waves of mobs. Took me a while just to kill them all, and half the time was me running back to my tank and letting it take care of the swarm. It took me a while to find the door to get in, only to see that the shield had recharged...so now I cant pop any spawners or blow any doors. After some head scratching I finally was able to drop the shield then rush inside and destroy the shield generator.

    Life didnt get much easier. I am still trying to figure out how to get the blast doors to open. The "ground" in the first main room you come into vanished on me, causing me to fall down deeper inside...not sure if that was a bug, or a "feature". About this time a small 3 year old human attacked me wanting me to lay down with it so it could go back to sleep...so the attempt will continue at some point today to figure out this obnoxious POI.
    bluemax151, elmo, byo13 and 2 others like this.
  19. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    That POI looks very familiar, except the one I encountered did have monsters inside and out.
    byo13 likes this.
  20. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    Thanks for the confirmation on the POI. I'll try to see if I can reproduce the issue with the second one since I cored the 1st a while ago. Then report it if it reproduces. I'll see if I can find the BP in creative as well and maybe find the root cause. I shouldn't have been able to use the multi tool on components of a structure I don't own/isn't in my faction. To be honest I don't have a lot of faith in the bug reporting process. Zirax Commanders still shoot through walls and SVs still automatically descend when their landing gears erroneously deploy. Both long term known bugs. One of which I have reported prior.

    In other news over the weekend I felt the need for an SV that could haul cargo so I threw one together. It's sort of an amalgamation of 2 of my older designs. At first the build process was pretty frustrating. My last couple builds I've tried taking advice Xcal gave during one of his streams were I put down all the devices I want and build around that. So shaping was a little harder because I didn't have more than a general idea of what I wanted but in the end it turned out better than I expected. I've been testing it all week. Function wise I'm happy with it. I just need to test it in high gravity. Aesthetically I'm a little unhappy with a transition in the lower rear and that some of the pin striping doesn't line up precisely.

    dpburke2, byo13 and Germanicus like this.

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