What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    your 100% right
  2. Sparrowhawk65

    Sparrowhawk65 Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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    I haven't posted many of my builds on the workshop, especially recently. But I have no idea what up or down votes I've received. I haven't looked, and I'm not really that curious. I'd suggest you stop looking. Post your stuff and get on with the next build.

    Seriously dude, you know that you are going to get down votes. And you know that when you see them, it brings you down. Don't look. Not even once.
  3. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Ok I have to comment on this, might have been a bit ago but I seriously cannot stop looking at this. It feels so alive! I am imagine people running after you for riding on that motorbike! Love it and I hope to see more of this sometime soon! Please more photos!

    Also speaking of the motorbike I have to call out the Devs on its turning abilites. A space game that is composed of some many different factors, like O2, SI, radiation, heat, power, math, physics and well you get it. Maybe just a bit too nit-picky on my part but when turning on a motorbike/cycle, you do not physically turning the handlebars in the direction you are going. At low speeds (like 10mph and under) yes but once you are moving you countersteer all the way.

    So to quote the wiki I will try to debate the Devs using words. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Countersteering)

    "When countersteering to turn left, the following is performed:[5][6]
    • A torque on the handlebars to the right is applied.
    • The front wheel will then rotate about the steering axis to the right and the tire will generate forces in the contact patch to the right.
    • The machine as a whole steers to the right
    • Because the forces in the contact patch are at ground level, this pulls the wheels "out from under" the bike to the right and causes it to lean to the left.
    • The rider, or in most cases the inherent stability of the bike, provides the steering torque necessary to rotate the front wheel back to the left and in the direction of the desired turn.
    • The bike begins a turn to the left."
    So when I am riding the motorbike in game and I see the charactor turning the handlebars to the right, I should be turning left! This is due to the rotational mass the wheels create. Or simply put they are gyroscopes!

    This is probably a minor overlook so I'll wait until a patch is release to update this. :) Thanks! (also I am not super serious on this issue so please do not take it the wrong way. But I am going to stick up for the motorbike anyways because who will? lol!)
  4. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Countersteering happens very quickly and I would much prefer better overall handling/ responsiveness that having the devs spend time on an animation that would not change a thing how the bike handles. The "easy way" to make thing move in Unity is simply to apply a "force" to an "object" to set its motion, either by accelerating it to X max speed, or by simply "setting X max speed" and the game takes care of acceleration by itself. For walking it would solve the "player gliding" movement and it would be way more "snappy". For the bike going much faster an acceleration is needed, but the handling really needs some work. I don't think they modeled physics to the point that "countersteering" would affect handling, but it's just me making a wild guess, based on all other "simple physics" examples we have in the game.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  5. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    I ride. I made peace with the bike by imagining it as a landspeeder with 24th century retro-kitsch styling and therefore not a motorcycle.
    Tyrax Lightning and Jenniphurr like this.
  6. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    For this bit, I just have to chime in a little.
    They're using Final IK as part of the movement/animation package (how much exactly, I'm not sure), and having used FIK myself I will tell you with certainty that the "gliding" movement, footsteps not syncing with the ground, etc, are issues that could be easily fixed in any number of ways, but it's also one of those polishing steps best saved for further down the road, if we want it to actually look good.

    Honestly, I kinda wish they would fix it, since footstep IK is fairly basic and tying the player's movement to animation root-motion would look a lot more natural, but I also have to concede how low-priority something like that is. (And also, root-motion has its own problems and might not be suitable as a multiplayer solution, not sure on that point.)
  7. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    To be fair, I think the Devs really needed to scale up the Planet's Food Plant amount & frequency at the same time they were scaling up the Planet Size... & it's still imho seriously stupid how fast the Player Characters's Metabolism is... -_-

    More then once i've asked the Devs if Empyrion Humans have some kinda 'Infected at Birth Human Contagious Body Eating Disease'... i've never yet gotten an answer... >_<

    Plus the Opinion of Troll Downvoters is Invalid.

    I'll advise again... it's dangerous & not recommended to Post while angry. When Anger's too close to boiling point, it's safer to Emergency Self Quarantine... I have to do this from time to time too... :(

    Especially when the Downvotes from Trolls is Invalid. :p

    Not to mention we have no idea how many of these Physics are Band Aid Fixes never intended to be kept around forever...
  8. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    ya agreed, i dont think it matters to much at this point anyway im willing to bed a few have me on perminate ignore but it be my own fault, atm my real life just it to damn stressful but anyway ya i got a few friends that have PMed me and i talked to them and am fine now i also talked to my family and they are going to help with my anxiety on monday.

    back on topic;

    @jrandall grats on another build being added into the game, been my dream for a while now, and frankly only reason why i give a crap about "thumbs down trolls" but its ok wasent ment to be devs have high standards and you fit the bill there :)

    today im going to try get help working on a upgrade to a new ship based after my Baikal called the Volga http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/Volga-class but since my blow ups idk who even is going to do that, been up most of the night trying to make the wings, witch sadly failing hard and all i really need help with. I remeber when my baikal first came out, was a hit, now my 8.0 update version is not doing so well
    think ill just exept never getting back to most popular at this point, i mean look at my new house LOL
    only been up a day and its trashed

    you can see why im discouraged to even build anymore, yes everyone has told me to ignore it, no i will not, i got a good 20 more of these and im fed up @Hummel-o-War i know you will never answer this but i linked your name just incase u do, is there some way you guys can provent thumbsing down workshop items unless the comment or that a valve issue?

    in any case ill keep building but what the point putting them public anymore?
    dpburke2 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  9. SilvRav

    SilvRav Moderator

    • Moderator
    Jan 13, 2017
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    This cant be anymore true. This thread has been derailed plenty over the last 3 or 4 pages. Going forward off topic post will be deleted.
  10. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    k well after now 5 hours without a break i did a full refit for the Baikal i give you the Volga class
    i remembered some of the people who helped me told me to keep trying never give up on a build till it works, tired as hell and was worried i wasent going to get it but finally all the effort payed off.
  11. DuLux

    DuLux Captain

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Today I began looking at the .ply file!

    I want to solve the age-old problem of the tech tree. For those that desire not ye tech tree, let they HACKETH IT.

    ... and that's a fail.
    The .ply file changes from second to second for some reason. Status/Temperature remaining same
  12. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    and she is in the workshop :D
  13. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    just delete my post on page 651 they where uncalled for
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  14. DuLux

    DuLux Captain

    Aug 25, 2016
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    I can't go through the mountain, I'll go around it.

    Attached is my second, more reliable AutoHotKey file so needs to be changed to .ahk

    Cursor position is copied and then clicks are sent to 1580, 220 (The UNLOCK button on 1920x1080),
    mouse then moved back.
    Good for spending a lot of points quickly....

    Attached Files:

    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. ion_storm

    ion_storm Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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    Finished the mobile base...
    TEST_2018-06-10_16-24-29.png TEST_2018-06-10_16-26-08.png TEST_2018-06-10_16-26-39.png TEST_2018-06-10_16-17-45.png TEST_2018-06-10_16-35-08.png TEST_2018-06-10_16-35-12.png TEST_2018-06-10_16-35-19.png
  16. ion_storm

    ion_storm Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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    TEST_2018-06-10_16-27-19.png TEST_2018-06-10_16-27-36.png TEST_2018-06-10_16-27-50.png TEST_2018-06-10_16-28-46.png TEST_2018-06-10_16-28-24.png TEST_2018-06-10_16-29-02.png TEST_2018-06-10_16-29-14.png TEST_2018-06-10_16-29-21.png

    Attached Files:

  17. ion_storm

    ion_storm Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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    Made some Insta-defenses...
    Minigun Turret T1 (HV).jpg Minigun Turret T2 (HV).jpg
    Land with a SV - Throw near the SV - Load - Power up - Go...

    And some Insta-artillery...
    Artillery Turret T1 (HV).jpg Artillery Turret T2 (HV).jpg
    These two have cockpits, so can be fired manually...
    Artillery Turret T1.2 HV.jpg Artillery Turret T2.2 HV.jpg
  18. Damonicus1986

    Damonicus1986 Commander

    May 4, 2018
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  19. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    Nice, and very handy... I made some like that:

    Gun Pod BSC.jpg

    That one's an HV, this one a BA

    Cannon Pod Solar.jpg
  20. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Ya want the attention of the Devs? Don't Post on Workshop... Post here:
    • Base Submissions. Good for Submitting Candidates for Alien POIs, Trading Stations, & other such NPC digs. Oh, also, Starter Bases perhaps too...
    • HV Submissions. Good for Submitting HV Prefab Submissions, Starter, Miner, Multitooler, anythin the Devs are lookin for in a HV Prefab atm...
    • SV Submissions. Good for Starters, Fighters, Starter Warpers, Bombers, POI Fighters, & much more.
    • CV Submissions. Good for Starters, Mid-Game CVs, End Game CVs, Alien PV Submissions, Something to convert into Destroyed Abandoned CV POI, & much more.


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