I have a few players that when they connect to the server, it immediately kicks the user and gives them an EAC message. I cant get a straight answer as to what the exact message is though. Right now, I have two players that this is happening to that I know of. I restarted the game and even restarted the server just in case but they still can not get connected. Are there any logs anywhere for EAC that would tell me what is going on or does anyone have any idea how I can troubleshoot this? Thanks, Jack
I'm far from knowledgeable in this area, but assumingly they don't have enabled EAC in their client? Otherwise, perhabs doing a "verify files" in steam could fix the issue? I assume their version matches your servers. Best guesses
Ty for the response Exacute. They do have UAC enabled and the user that I'm working with went as far as uninstalling UAC and reinstalling it without any luck.
Yes, EAC is active on my server and yes, hers is active as well. It wouldn't let you attempt to join if she didn't have it active. My server show's the shield next to it on the server list. She has been connecting without issue but a few days ago it started being an issue. We had her uninstall, reboot, and reinstall EAC to see if that would help. Are there any logs anywhere for EAC that I can review?
This problem has only crept up since 19 June for one of our players. She is an admin and knows the ins and outs of EAC. We have tried uninstalling EAC and reinstalling... no effect. We tried uninstalling the game and installing fresh... no effect. Yet she can connect to other EAC protected servers with no problems. We even checked her ping to the server and came up with an average of 65ms which is good. She even had her cable provider come out and check her connection. He found nothing wrong. What bugs me about this is this problem affects both her and her son's computers. Neither can connect to our server. Most of the time, when she attempts to connect, it appears to start loading but then drops her back to the main menu with no message from the game. Any ideas?
To me, that sounds like a problem with the firewall; Local or router. Possibly not allowing empyrion to connect. It seems unlikely tho, if it is consumer tech.. Have you had them try connecting to a server that does not use EAC?
They can connect to other servers, just not mine. EAC boots them out. At least, that's what I'm being told. Would be nice to know where I can find log as to what is going on though...
While I'm not certain, from looking through the files, I think it is "inline" with the rest of the logs, in the logs/0000/<>.txt I think the 0000 part is numbered, so that highest is latest. It should show the process anyway, such as Code: 18-20:31:25.892 22_31 -LOG- Connecting to server 6595:IOCR, ID_OPEN_CONNECTION_REQUEST 6595:IOCR, ID_OPEN_CONNECTION_REQUEST 6595:IOCR, ID_OPEN_CONNECTION_REQUEST 6595:IOCR, ID_OPEN_CONNECTION_REQUEST 6595:IOCR, ID_OPEN_CONNECTION_REQUEST 6595:IOCR, ID_OPEN_CONNECTION_REQUEST 6595:IOCR, ID_OPEN_CONNECTION_REQUEST 6595:IOCR, ID_OPEN_CONNECTION_REQUEST 6595:IOCR, ID_OPEN_CONNECTION_REQUEST 6595:IOCR, ID_OPEN_CONNECTION_REQUEST 6595:IOCR, ID_OPEN_CONNECTION_REQUEST 6595:IOCR, ID_OPEN_CONNECTION_REQUEST 6595:IOCR, ID_OPEN_CONNECTION_REQUEST The connection request to failed. Are you sure the server can be connected to? (Don't mind what my log actually says.. was from toying with catchall portforwarding)
Sounds like either her router has blocked access to your server, or your server/ router has blocked her. The reasons for this I dont care to speculate as it could lead to bad vibes. Maybe one router did not like what it was receiving from the other :s After uninstalling everything, were the temp files removed and such that are not in the empyrion or steam directories ? local documents settings blah blah you know the one. You can completely uninstall some programs yet all the CACHES for them still exist in these folders right ? So reinstalling keeps old data. However having 2 computers on the same network refusing access to your network tells me my first answer is more likely correct, its not very likely two empyrion cache folders crashed in the same house on different computers disallowing access to 1 server. Calling out an isp engineer is not something you do because you cannot connect to 1 server of all the internet services in the world :s Is it possible your admin has been banned by your eac for suspicious activity, or what it believes to be suspicious activity, which may have been nothing more than a lag spike. Sorry I dont know much about how eac works. I dont know what happens when someone gets blocked by eac and if that is part of your empyrion banlist or a separate eac cache or whatever. Just trying to offer anything that could lead you the right way because obviously this is one of those hit the stump issues nobody knows what to do about atm.
ty Furious for the post, oddly enough, this is what fixed it... She disabled EAC and entered the server. It was laggy, but she was able to get on... WTF? EAC is enabled on my server. I'm not sure what is going on at this point.