Builders Wishlist

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 14, 2018.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    If you had one wish in terms of a feature that helps you build your stuff, what would it be?

    Note: not new blocks or where or what to build but ACTUALLY WHAT HELPS YOU IN THE PROCESS OF BUILDING!

    One wish everyone (or at least tag your top-most-wanted in your list ;)

    Off we go!
  2. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Getting SI to recognize arches, buttresses (flying or otherwise) and other load distribution strategies that actually work in the sidereal universe.
    I'm all for a reasonable suspension of disbelief, However, it would be the single largest boost to building that I can think of.
    If this is Not what you are looking for I apologize but it IS an issue.
    NimrodX, Runeshadow, vxsote and 5 others like this.
  3. WolfEyes

    WolfEyes Captain

    Mar 20, 2018
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    Being able to fly while building in survival without having to use godmode.

    Maybe add something to the jetpack that will allow us to use it (without the sound, please) in a way that we don't have to hold any keys down for sustained flight. There is something rather unnerving about an avatar frozen into position while it flies around building.

    Other than that, more materials; textures; 45 degree rotation of blocks; trees, bushes and flowers I can plant individually (think camouflage, grow plots would work well enough) and a decent terrain tool!*

    There's more but that covers the basics. :p:D

    *Flatten, raise, lower, SMOOTH, roughen, etc.
    _VickTor_, TK85, Track Driver and 2 others like this.
  4. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    I was thinking of an "antigrav zone generator" device one could build, to facilitate non-gravity building of SV/HV and possibly even CV while on the ground. This would be for survival (not creative).

    Its slightly annoying trying to use the drone, due to its very bouncy/slushy movement behaviors (plus bumping into things). Anyhow.
  5. Ballard

    Ballard Rear Admiral

    Feb 9, 2017
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    /me hangs his head in shame. "I wish I understood how to use symmetry."

    I'd love to be able to work on one half of a thing, and have the other half match it. And I know this is possible. I just never have been able to make it work. A mental block, perhaps?
  6. WolfEyes

    WolfEyes Captain

    Mar 20, 2018
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    I've never used the drone to build with. Too much of the screen is obscured for me.

    You're not alone. But at the same time it's also very satisfying/gratifying knowing I [lovingly] placed (and textured/painted) each individual block.
    banksman45 and Ballard like this.
  7. Ballard

    Ballard Rear Admiral

    Feb 9, 2017
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    I feel better knowing that I'm not alone.
    WolfEyes likes this.
  8. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    I wish symmetry conveyed to every single block type, device, and rotation of such... that and applying multiple symmetry planes at once (or is that in there and I don't know of it!).
    yodarocks1 and Siege Inc. like this.
  9. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Obviously super far-fetched: Making the building grid more flexible; Allowing for multiple blocks in each space, ideally including atleast one of function.
    It will def. not be easy to accomplish, but it would def. bring a lot of joy to building imo ;)
  10. WolfEyes

    WolfEyes Captain

    Mar 20, 2018
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    I keep hoping.

    *stands up in front of the group*

    "Hi. My name is Wolf and I'm addicted to building in Empyrion."
  11. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    Hi I don't go to meetings...meetings are for quitters I revel in my 4 AM dreams of "get up right now there is an Idea I have to build RIGHT NOW"
    The best most wonderful thing would be if starter blocks stayed where you spawned them.
    Maybe ONE time hold until you apply power?
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2018
  12. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Double (at least) the maximum distance at which blocks can be placed/ manipulated.

    This would allow a much better view of the object being built.

    I know, I know : in "multiplayer" it might be exploited, so "too bad for all the others and practicality". But that's my wish nevertheless, as being glued to a ship when building isn't very inspiring.
    Bollen and vxsote like this.
  13. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    This is tough because I'm not sure what the engine can realistically do.

    My biggest desire: Some devices should be placeable basically anywhere there is space, rather than taking up a full block, and should be able to be rotated at any angle. This would be most devices that are not air-tight, including lights, food processors, refrigerators, furniture, consoles, etc. Basically you can place them anywhere they do not collide with another object.

    Some of the things this would allow:
    • When you are using a half-block or thin wall as a ceiling, attaching lights to it.
    • When you are using a half-block or thin wall as a floor, putting stuff on it.
    • If you use diagonal walls to build an octagon shape, you can place devices against the wall (rotated at 45 degrees)
    Conan Exiles does this well. Once you place your first base block, other blocks have to touch it, but when you place furniture around, it can basically be anywhere at any angle. You can build a hexagon or dodecahedral shape and place objects against the walls, as close or far from the walls as you like. Placeables have totally separate rules for them than base blocks, rather than being treated as blocks like Empyrion does.

    If this type of freeform object placement is impractical, then I'd like to request a few specific things (which are related and probably one underlying feature):
    • Allow lights to attach to the inside of thin walls or half blocks
    • Allow smaller placeables to be rotated at 45 degree increments (lights, food processors, refrigerators, chairs, etc.) - if needed this could just be alternate 45 degree rotated variants accessible via right-click
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2018
  14. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    - Scaling system for building with the ability to build using cubes, spheres, polygons and different shapes to drag out the shape to a desired size and let it build it with the appropriate blocks

    - Glass window shades and colors. Ability to stain glass.

    - optimization for bigger builds, along with a color wheel, new texture packets, gloss features, new skins and matte layovers, feature as well.
    (Partially complete in 7.0)

    - A clipboard to store shapes we design using the copy mechanics. I hate having to build the same complex build 4 times in a row in order to flesh out a part of my build. It would be nice to have more options to gloss, as well as the old shine we used to have on the steel blocks.
    (Partially complete in 7.0)

    - addition of adding water to our builds

    - more block variants, more textures, colors, more deco blocks (consoles, computer panels, stations or technical devices)
    (Partially complete in 7.0)

    - We need the paint bucket feature where we can paint an entire structure one color, or only paint certain areas, like a consistent surface with no breaks or edges. For instance if I need a whole area painted redand it is all consistent, meaning it is staying the same level, not raising or lowering to a different plane, you should be able to select a color and paint it all one color. This would be interrupted by a change of plane (shape) or texture. So if I have a line 200 blocks long with no different textures or change in plane, i should be able to color it all in one click.

    Merge Blocks
    - Merge block feature to unify all blocks to one structure for creation of Non-POI city structures such as sky scrapers, markets, bazaars, cantinas, sky walkways, tram tunnels etc. to reduce the demand of rendering all individual voxels at once.

    - As far as BA, CV, HV and SV's go, I would rather them be segmented. maybe group certain sections differently such as: engine room, warp room, hangar bay, and let the system have set parameters where is deals out specific hp for each structure incorporated in each segment. Then when that area is destroyed, everything in there is damaged. Each segment of the hull could display a percentage of integrity on the enemies screen, that way they can see what damage is being dealt.

    - have each segment when destroyed un-merge those blocks and let them be destroyed. So if my engine bay is at critical health, the voxels there un merge and each voxel there has 10% hp. So if the other player keeps hitting my engine bay, he starts destroying the blocks and devices in that section of the ship.

    Textures (Texture Gun)
    - Ability to paint roads, grass, highways, sidewalks on the ground to replace whatever there with a flat terrain with a asphalt/ concrete/ grass texture. This would be perfect for modular cities.

    - Add roads and street signs

    - prefab tram ways and rails.

    - add prefab structures added by the devs from either the workshop or as 3d models to design cities
    garyice, Ritter, J.Duarte and 6 others like this.
  15. WolfEyes

    WolfEyes Captain

    Mar 20, 2018
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    This fits right in with the terrain tool I asked for. Being able to paint the terrain was another feature I've been wanting.

    In short I want the kind of tools that I've been able to use in other games to not only "torture prims" but to also alter/paint the terrain and have water show through if you dig deep enough. Flowing water would be good too.

    One step at a time though. One step at a time.
  16. Tryst

    Tryst Captain

    Dec 8, 2016
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    I have asked for a removal of the 200 limit for blocks long before we had bigger planets. Now we have huge planets, the reason is even more pertinent.

    I would love to work on a PVE co-op server with others to build a city, complete with a mass transit system. While the city itself could be done with individual cores and ground flattening for roads, the mass transit can only be done if the 200 limit was disabled so we can make HV trains etc that move along the length of the city. Failing that, a way to accurately line up another core with the existing building so there are no gaps, overlaps or offset angles for the track continuation.
  17. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Configurable Creative mode options, so I can start Creative mode sessions with SI off, GM enabled, DI, Time of Day/Speed already set.
    Driftwolf, Pyston, Siege Inc. and 4 others like this.
  18. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    I get your point- and it would indeed be nice- but you can do that with setposition and setrotation for now, if one or more of your group has admin
    garyice likes this.
  19. Ravis

    Ravis Captain

    May 17, 2017
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    Being able to mirror copyed blocks/ buildings.

    Being able to "ignore air" basically being able to copy a square room over a circle and have the square around the circle. Both still existing.

    Be able to use texture tools to full useage in servival (even if only sp)
    garyice and Shadow Chaser like this.
  20. WolfEyes

    WolfEyes Captain

    Mar 20, 2018
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    Meetings are for quitters? Dude. You just insulted pretty much every person on Earth.

    I'd much rather be able to move blocks without having to destroy them first, then once I am satisfied with the placement I can lock them into place. I'd also like to be able to unlock them and move them if I change my mind or what I'm doing isn't going to work due to the build limitations.

    Hell even the primitive build tools SL has would be better than what Empyrion has currently and that is saying a boat load. No offense meant towards the devs who work on the build tools. I understand that you have to work with what you have. At least until you can purchase/code a better system. ;)
    1nccz12v likes this.

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