For more information see here Bug Report Template Build: v1.8.8 3864 01 Mode: Survival Mode: Single player SERVER NAME: Reforged Eden 1.8 Atlantis (also RE 1.8) SEED-ID: 2801133581 If applicable: MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: none? Reproducibility: Persistent Severity: Major Type: Summary: New game/scenario that I've been playing for a few days now and started receiving "internal error" messages that won't go away. Console command errors: 1) Warning/GameAnalytics: Event queue: Failed to send events to collector - retrying next time. 2) Cannot create 'InventoryCointainsCountOfItem' action 'pda_a0koiKi' - please use Names and Types of parameters. 3) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. The Warning/GameAnalytics message just repeats continually in the console command list. The NullReferenceException error occurs anytime I try to move inventory items around. The shift click is not functioning to move items also and a cannot pick up items in general (like crops, etc.) I noticed that this error began when I was simply moving items between inventories when something bugged out and dropped the item on the ground. It would not let me pick the item back up due to "inventory full - it wasn't" but the item would still end up in my inventory anyways. This bug is also affecting missions that use an inventory count. I'm a new player and have searched a bit already for these error messages that have returned surprisingly little. If there's a simply answer out there that I missed, my apologies. I didn't expect a released game to be crippled by such a trivial thing. This is very enjoyable (and addicting) game that I'd love to keep playing. Any insight would be appreciated. I'm not sure how to include logs, etc. just yet in case more info is needed. TY. Description: Steps to Reproduce: 1) Start game. 2) Attempt to move stuff around. 3) Fail. Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links:
Hi can you attach a copy of the client log so we can take a look at it ? Client log location: Right click on Empyrion in your steam library > Properties > Local files > Browse local files > Logs Right click on the 3864 folder > Send to > "Compressed (Zipped) folder" Then use the "Upload a File" option in the post editor & attach zipped folder.
This error is coming from the PDA & it comes from using this custom scenario We don't offer support for custom scenarios with such errors I'm afraid. You would be better off trying the vanilla game to avoid this particular issue or if you want to check out the RE scenario it would probably be best to use the original scenario created by @ravien_ff & @Vermillion found here which afaik doesn't have this error
Hi Pantera, again thanks for the reply. I understand now that the 'Atlantis' scenario is the culprit, however, I was experiencing this same issue just a few days prior playing the original Reforged Eden 1.8. I had it pop up there first actually before starting a new game with the RE Atlantis scenario. I logged into the RE game earlier today to see if anything had changed so there's a log entry for today. So you see this internal error has happened in 2 saved games now, first on the original RE 1.8 and now most recently on the Atlantis scenario. So I'm confused... I mean it would be one thing for a game to glitch out right away, NOT after 50+ hours of doing the same repetitive actions (moving inventory around), and then having the game be irreparably damaged, so I'm a little reluctant to invest ANY more time into such unreliable endeavors. Which is really unfortunate because honestly this game has a way more out of the box fun factor than many I've played (EVE, Space Engineers, Dual Universe, etc.). So what's the solution? Only play vanilla forever? Anyway, thanks again for your help.
This bug was fixed in the latest update to RG and will be added to RE in an update sometime today/tomorrow when ravien finishes the update.
Here's the logs for the original RE 1.8 scenario # 2550354956 Upon logging in, I received the internal error message (that I couldn't click out of) and then the game was completely unplayable and I had to hard close the game out)