I've made a quick attempt at documentating the PDA Please do let me know, if any of this is inaccurate, before I make it into an actual tool Also, for the category section, is that limited, or free? From what I can gather, it should be either "Tutorial", "SoloMission" or "FAQ". Is there any way to use custom categories past this? or is there more than these? Another Q: AutoActivateChapter; This activates the <given> chapter, upon completion? or how does this work? Code: Creator: <creator (string)> Chapters: - ChapterTitle: <title(string)> Description: <desc(longblob)> PictureFile: <pic.jpg(string)> Category: <category (Limited? "Tutorial/SoloMission/FAQ")> PlayerLevel: <reqlevel (int)> Visibility: <Always/ByLevel/WhenRewarded> EnableChapters: [ <chapter> (refernece)] (Seems obsolete?) AutoActivateChapter: <chapet> (reference) (From what I gather, which chapter to activate, upon completion) Rewards - Item: <itemname> Count: <count (int)> Tasks: - TaskTitle: <taskTitle> Headline: <if none given, tasktitle is used> PictureFile: <pic.jpg> Actions: - ActionTitle: <title> Description: <desc> Check: <InventoryOpened/InventoryEmptied> Names: [ EscapePod ] AllowManuelCompletion: <true/false> CompletedMessage: <$/actualmsg> For tasks, actions: names, types are always in [] and can be csv nb: if several names are specified, and amount is used, it will be *any of these* x *amount* Check: InventoryOpened / InventoryEmptied Names: <Inventory> Check: DevicePowered Names: <blockname(ConstructorSurvival)> Check: InventoryContains / ConstructionQueueContains Names: <Inventory(ConstructorSurvival)> !Types: <type of content> !for inventorycontains!Required: NeedAll/NeedOne Check: ItemsPickedUp / ItemsCrafted Types: <typewanted> !for itemscrafter!Names: <name of block it should be crafter in> Required: NeedAll/NeedOne Amount: <count (int)> Check: SubjectKilled Names: <mob> Amount: <count (int)> Check: StructureSpawned / MainPowerSwitched Names: [ Base , CV , HV , SV ] Check: NearPoi Names: <PoiName> Check: BlockDestroyed / BlocksPlaced (opt)Names: <PoiName> Types: <blockname(CoreEnemy)>
U cant customise the categories. Only those 3 are alloud. I tried it to make my own categorie, u will get a error on start.
Isn't there a faction mission category? There was a few months ago when I looked thru the PDA stuff See the custom PDA tab of my old spreadsheet for the data I started gathering on PDA editing. Code: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11pqoPdG0F8N7_bq1hKTnsrPlsa790CDP8kksYgsyCO0/edit?usp=drivesdk
Hah, someone've been busy nice lists I though there were a faction category, but I couldn't quite find the "category" name for it, hence the question. Either way, rexXxus will get around to documenting it eventually, and I'll include those options in the tool I make.
Without looking at my notes (I'll check again when I get to my pc) the only one missing is teammission which is for faction missions. Only request I have is to import the sector and playfield yamls. Not to edit but for quick reference and for dropdowns. I'm asking this because my scenario is quite complex and involves POIs, mobs, sensors and maybe logic. Even if only some of this can be imported it would help a lot.
That was one of the first things I did Unfortuneatly, until someone figures the epb format fully out, I'm unable to do POI-based sorting (ie. which sensors and logic, mobs, etc a POI would have)
one thing you could do until we get a unified engine assembled might be to save a local list of all used sensor names with a small management system. This would bridge the gap. it would be a pain for someone who has hundreds of sensors but still better to have it in there as a lookup even if it's manually managed at the moment.
Given the simplicity of the sensors (You can use it in checks, and call onactivate, ondeactive and oncompleted for tasks, actions : and pass on/off/onoff), combined with the fact, that a sensor is usually only ever used once, I think it is about the same result, as (you) keeping a list in notepad or the like. I don't quite see the benefit of it being builtin, when it is almost the exact same result. I think I'll hold back on that feature, till (we) can do it directly from the .epb format, or some other game-file
I'm still puzzled about the "NearPoi" signal. It works fine with group names on planets with seeds and randomly spread POIs. What about objects in space or on planets with fixed positions? Do you use the edb file name? Or the forced spawn name?
I'm afraid I don't have an answer for that. I wasn't aware of a difference. I think using the Groupname should suffice. But I'm taking it from your comment, that that is not the case. Most likely a bug, I would guess.
Ha! I figured it out. Yes for NearPoi in Fixed enviroments you need the filename instead of the groupname....
Also don't forget that chapter number 1 also has a "preamble" text. I didn't see it listed in your top list.
Well. It's not quite how preamble work, but yes, you are correct that it is a flag The list is quite outdated. I'm most likely not going to maintain it, as my tool hpefully will fill all the needs
Well, it's the text on the left side of the very first Chapter pop up. It's quite essential in my opinion.
It can be very powerfull. But the preamble is far more flexible than that Combined with playfield, and autostart, it can be quite the tool.
I wish I could have a big pop up at the start every chapter... Going from one chapter to the next without info doesn't feel right.
Mm, you can *partially* accomplish this by using completedmessage on the chapters. But yes, it's not like the preamble. Personally, I think it would be quite intrusive having the preamble pop always. But I guess you could possibly make it work.