Localization.csv - Smart way to extract data?

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by Exacute, Apr 30, 2017.

  1. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    In relation to a project with making PDA entries, I found it logical, to try and automate the creation of the different lists of options
    ie. some for mobs, some for blocks, some for items, some for inventories.

    I've found localization.csv to be the closest to a ressource to this, that I've been able to find. However, I've not managed to find any apparant seperation in it.
    Obviously I could hardcode it, to look for line x-y, but that wouldn't exactly be ideal, and might lead to problems with later releases, or ongoing changes.

    Have anyone found a way to extract this data in a smart way?
  2. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Way to deep for me sorry !
    Soon as I read ''I could hard code it'' beyond my understanding.

    I extract all data from simple YAML files LOL !
    Thank you Eleon !
  3. Xango2000

    Xango2000 Captain

    Jun 15, 2016
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    You could do it with a mod... I think

    Have the mod keep track of what is on player inventory, and what kills the player.
    Enlist the help of a few server teams to run the mod for data collection.
    Have the mod output to a database on a website...

    Idk, I'm just spit balling here
    Exacute likes this.
  4. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    This would be an approach, yes. It would end up with an automated result for sure.
    It is quite ineffecient tho. It would create extra load on others, and infrastructure.. I think I'm just gonna go with a hardcode version for now, and try to bug the devs to add categories to the file eventually ;)
  5. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    So. I finally gave up, and created a new category in the csv manually, adding categories to all entries.

    block : block
       .inventory : hasinventory
       .small : is a small block /SV/HV
       .usuable : have a "f to use"
       .movement : affects the movement
       .oxygen : affects oxygen
       .enterable : can seat the player / the player is inside
       .crafter : can craft things
       .armor : affects armor
       .fuel : affects fuel
       .spawner : can spawn things
       .portal : can move player (elevator/portals/warp)
       .gravity : affects gravity (elevator/gravitygen)
       .light : affects light level
       .alien : alien blocktype
       .core : is a core
       .offensive : can shoot/hurt
       .conservefood : conserves food
    npc : npc w. AI (nb: CVs/etc w. AI is counted here aswell)
       .interactable : can be interacted with
       .hostile : attacks (different conditions, able to attack)
    item : is an item
       .material : is a crafting ingredient
       .equippable : can be equipped by the player
       .offensive : can shoot/hurt
       .usuable : can alter the envoirenment
       .oxygen : affects oxygen
       .inventory : have an inventory (rare)
       .consumable : can be used & consumed. (also means ammo & fuel)
       .fuel : affects fuel
       .food : affects food
    envoirenment : is not a block, but envoirenment
       .mineable : yields ressources (this is mostly for trees/deposits/stones)
    other : something else
    l 649-653 missing translations
    l 678-692 missing translations
    l 934-944 missing translations
    l 976-980 missing translations
    l 983-984 missing translations
    l 986-987 missing translations
    l 989-990 missing translations
    l 992-993 missing translations
    l 996-998 missing translations
    l 1000-1001 missing translations
    l 1003-1005 missing translations
    l 1007-1008 missing translations
    l 1010-1012 missing translations
    l 1014-1016 missing translations
    l 1018-1020 missing translations
    l 2022-2024 missing translations
    l 1029-2032 missing translations
    l 1157-1169 missing translations
    l 1295-1329 missing translations
    l 1353-1356 missing translations
    l 1505 : "blank"
    l 2875-2883 missing translations
    category "other": Can for the most part be overlooked. Is other translations used by game. Can possibly be used to easily translate your tool, if you use/need some of these sentences.
    For the most part, blocks should be treated as items aswell. They essentially are, but is also placeable in the world, and have different traits.
    All "types" are a main (item/block/envoirenment/other), with zero-many dot-notations, that specifies the traits of this.
    This list was made on the alpha6.0 R1
    Forum won't allow me to post it in <code> tags, as it's too long. Here's a pastebin:

    Might come in use for someone.

    I'll forward it to the devs aswell. Hopefully it'll be part of the 6.0 release
  6. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    You might want to send Hummel-O-War a PM and just link him to this thread to give it a better chance of being in the 6.0 release, will probably come down to if they have time to check it all, its pretty flat out at the moment with bug squashing.
  7. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Did that around the time I posted it ;)
  8. macrogramz

    macrogramz Ensign

    May 31, 2017
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    So, not sure what you mean. I open in text editor usually, but if you had OpenOffice ... You can see that I do not have European language packs installed but the English is okay..

    Attached Files:

  9. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Mm, what I initially asked, was if anybody had a better way of making the different categories that checks in actions are dependent on (for instance, some uses inventories, others blocks, others items, etc.)

    I ended up finding that to not be the case, so I made the modified localization.csv, linked in the thread. Hopefully a newer, similar, version will be included in the final 6.0 release, for easy access to what "you can use as criterias"
    macrogramz likes this.

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