This is not a topic for the actual Alpha 9, but as we might come to increasing the availability of SHAPES, i would like invite anyone to propose MISSING shapes for the FULL BUILDING BLOCKs, what means - Edges - Transitions - Corners - ... that are based on the "full blocks", not the "wall blocks", which means the lines 1-4 including parts of Line 7 (H,C,D) and 8G REQUIRED: a wireframe draft of your suggestion! Currently available shapes
For proposing DEVICES or other blocks, please use THIS thread:
I do not know how to describe this best so I will give you a video. The L shaped heavy window is missing its mirror shaped one. It is Possible to create a Π shaped area (lets shay corridor or cockpit), but you can not design the same area to be between heavy windows with L in the opposite Γ shape. Even turning the L shape heavy window 180 degrees by one or two axis opposite does not solve the issue.
Hi, I have notice in the Alpha Experimental 9.0 both of these are the same Container Extension blocks. I just thought this was the page to let someone know about it. They are both high lighted. You can check them yourself to see what I mean.
In these two new Threads you find space to suggest what you are looking for:
Apologies for not splitting this properly into thin and full.. But I was unable to really determine which would be actual thin and actual full, as most is partly both. For the round ones, (<><><><><>), there may need to be made specific ones depending on rotation, as | and - would be different. These are the 57 shapes that came to mind the first, based on what I've been needing when building recently. A few of the images contains two shapes, as it was too difficult to split seperately. In addition to the submitted, there's *A LOT* of blocks in relation to gradual round shapes (basically all the solid ones could use a circular counterpart). Additionally, it is not touching much on the topic of circular to solid. Here there is also a lot of shapes needed. I consider both of these low-priority however, and circular wireframes are close to impossible to do, without just doing the shapes as a render in the first place Edit1: 7 more I initially forgot: (There's additionally a lot of shapes possible with half-thin, combined with roofing) Edit2: 15 more added to above (Also posted to other thread for reference ( Note: Most of the thin ones are also *very* applicable for the truss blocks, and the railings aswell as forcefields A sidenote: I would highly recommend reworking the blocks like these to be exactly 1/4th of the full block height Additionally: Please make sure all new blocks have unique faces when it comes to coloring & texturing. And that they rotate/mirror properly. An additional suggestion: Consider having all the blocks be under the same 'full block', but be split into categories (as with SV/HV/...), but where it is their height/type that splits them (for instance 1/4th, round, or 1/2th solid, or 1/2th slope )
These are the "full" blocks that I frequently find missing. Corner blocks to join slope blocks in inward corners Corner blocks to join ramp blocks in outward corners Corner blocks to join ramp blocks in inward corners This is not a wireframe but I had this picture created according to an old request of yours, which was something like "show a screenshot that shows a missing block". Others have said "these blocks already exist" but I think not, because a "cut corner" type block doesn't join slopes/ramps in the way that I want. I will try to illustrate the difference: So they both serve a function of joining slope blocks, but you can use the one on the right in order to stack multiple levels of inwardly joined slopes, sort of like an inverted pyramid. You see this a lot on real-life roofs, I've wanted it both for tops of buildings, and also to put them upside down and use them as ceilings. The other requests are mostly variants of this, with ramp blocks. Here are wireframe versions:
Blocks that are useful when making structures that have a "half-block" wall thickness. I don't know if this is a building style that is encouraged, however doing half-block-thick walls goes very well with heavy windows. If you have designed a building to use half-block walls, it is helpful to have the wall actually facing inward so you can put stuff up against the wall. That is when you find that having the quarter block and eighth block available would be nice. If you instead use half blocks with the wall facing outward, then you find that you need these blocks (which are coincidentally the logical inverse of the two previous ones):
Here's a few blocks that aren't *missing* from current selection, but rather some I'd like to see: There's 3 types: 1. Hollow inner cylinder Solid block, with a cylinder shape missing center. -Player should not be able to pass through, but drones should. (AI+players) There should be 1/4th block space to the circle on either side 2. Hollow inner cube Solid block, with a cube missing center. -Player should be able to pass through, if they crawl (Whenever this hopefully becomes a thing). Drones should also be able to pass (AI+players) There should be 1/4th block space to the square on either side 3. Hollow inner rotated cube Solid block, with a 45° rotated cube missing center. -Player should not be able to pass through, but drones should. (AI+players) For each of the variants, they should come in the following block-options: The intention of this block, is to support a suggestion of mine concerning having the drone play a larger role, where it opens up to alternative approaches to certain POIs, such as small puzzles etc. (More on that here ) Additionally, the one that might be usefull, if crawling becomes a thing, will allow for 'airduct' like approaches to POIs, also adding alternative approaches and dangers. (Enemies could also utilize these)
While the windows aren't normal block shapes, I'd like to pitch in: I'd love to see windows that can be connected to 'more paths', rather than just being one line. Connectors could be as simple as a T and +, or as complex as Would be nice having 'inside blocks' aswell, that could allow for a greater surface-area than 1 height aswell (This window block have huge potential, as it can easily be borderless, which is sorely needed imo)