What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Ooobernoob

    Ooobernoob Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2019
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    thought it had been a bit quiet..
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I think there is a command. Try "help ba". There should be a command to reset or clear the attack wave.
    Tyrax Lightning and dpburke2 like this.
  3. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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  4. Ooobernoob

    Ooobernoob Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Ba reset did the trick many thanks,

    damn miners aren't too happy, neither am I to be fair to maximize potential of energy from hangar they've to dig out half a mountain, to maximize potential for free energy the chief engineer has decreed to hangar is to be built in sections each section can have 15 large panels so hopefully we can pull some juice so we can break out of storage some decent refinery equipment and get the lads back to work stripping engine parts... so pottentials were gonna have a pretty large hangar with each section powering up some equipment that's been gathering dust.. maybe even a deconstructer lmao
    Tyrax Lightning and dpburke2 like this.
  5. Bollen

    Bollen Captain

    Mar 22, 2017
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    Woah.. You lost me there... Are you talking about displaying a text on the LCD screens?
    In any case I meant remotely as in from another location e.g. the cockpit of a ship...
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  6. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    - Ouch. :)
    (I made 2/3rds of them)

    But yes, @ravien_ff ' s colour work is superb...
    - Still learning.
    Primary and secondary colours, fitted to atmo and deco...

    Probably there are some other considerations, though. :/
    (This is just me, guessing: )

    - Performance and ease of maintenance could be the main exclusion argument, e.g. number of biomes, mean terrain height, amount of heightmap pixels spawned by stamps...
    Ocean wasn't that well received.
    - The POI placer seems rather slow, so 'terrain POI' will take their share...?
    - 'Workarounds' are probably a thing, that programmers really don't like: Can't build a solid fundament, while the interior designers go all crazy. :/

    - And once something is in the game, players will point out all that breaks, on top of the usual bugs - -so everything new needs to be checked, too, by someone who can greenlight things and knows the game's constraints.
    That might be another thing. Just not enough time...?
  7. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Hey some of us love the default planets! You do an amazing job with them.

    Yup, although correct me if I'm mistaken, but POI placement happens only once, when first entering the playfield, right? Some of my planets use crazy amounts of "deco" POIs but the placement time should only happen once. Biggest issue is probably the performance of seeing a dozen+ POIs at once. It's hard for me to gauge how well my planets will run on older hardware, but a custom scenario lets me push the limits because the worst thing that happens is I break something in my scenario and have to fix it. If a planet is laggy in a custom scenario then it's not a game breaker.
    Whereas if the devs break something, they're going to have a lot of angry people showing up to their office with pitchforks and torches. :D

    This makes sense too, Empyrion is still in alpha and they're still focused on adding core game mechanics. Taking the time to make sure a planet or POI works properly, is balanced, fits in with the overall theme of the game, etc, probably takes as much if not more time than it takes to make it in the first place. That's a lot of potential dev time that could be spent on other things for now.
    And every time there's an update that adds or changes new mechanics, old POIs and planets may need to be updated, so it makes sense to hold off on making so many until the core mechanics are in.

    For me personally, I just love making them. I've always been creative in games, opening up the editor in Doom2 or Unreal Tournament as a kid, playing around with things. This is the first time I've actually started on a major project before, and it's so cool to be able to make all this crazy stuff in this game. :D
  8. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    These large crystals are set up to spawn on this biome stamp like so. It looks really cool, and it's also worthwhile to visit because there's a lot of pentaxid crystals and deposits down there, but it also means that I have to set all these crystals up as "IsImportant" in the playfield which means the game takes 1,000 tries to spawn each crystals, and with a hundred+ crystals that may take awhile on older PCs.

    But here's the payoff, a cool terrain feature you can find scattered around this planet, with some good resources.
    Is it worth it to set this up on a planet? I don't know, but I do it anyways because it looks cool and maybe it will work out okay. :D Someone might fly over it and think it looks cool. Someone might decide to investigate and find a bunch of Pentaxid. Someone might get eaten by Overlords. :D




  9. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Slightly more complex.

    Shall I Elaborate?
    Might be a nice Suggestion (for the (Mod-)API)....

    There is a mod by @ASTIC called "Empyrion Scripting" (Releases ; GitHub)
    This mod lets us utilize the new Mod API introduced with A10.

    This (following) is NOT possible right now!!

    My idea would be to:
    1. Toggle the power of a LCD to 'disable' the script by a switch (not working)
    2. Script is used to activate downward thrusters and thrust for a certain amount of time (not working)
    3. Other script is used to activate upward thrusters and thrust for a certain amount of time (guess what)

    This would result in a CV that could be used as Elevator within a base by using switches to toggle scripts that handle the 'moving part'.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2019
  10. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    I'm the Alpha and the …..

  11. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    As I just mentioned before Astic's script mod, I was playing a bit at my Faction HQ.... :)

    All WIP.

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  12. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Most of them are great... uhh... yeah!
    Most if the... downsides come from the bad terrain deco available and the lack of natural terrain shape. None of that's your fault, it's just how Empyrion works. No cliffs, no ravines, no canyons, no caves, nothing. It's all too unnaturally smooth.
  13. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I presume than that the Arid Planet is your craftsmanship ...;)
    I loved it from the start and still do.:D
    I despise TREES - where I live we have a lot of them - so I need the quietness of Arid or Desert Worlds to flourish:p
  14. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    True that.
    Meanwhile, it often has too few flat spaces to build properly (Player BP compatible).
  15. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    "Un-Natural" is all that Human imagination can't grasp;)
    But yeah, "we" miss some features we are familiar with...only to find MOST OF THEM in Project Eden:D
  16. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Part of that can be solved with more available terrain stamps.
    You can actually make your own custom terrain stamps and use them in single player, but they can't be shared in a scenario on the workshop and have to be manually installed in your Empyrion folder, really limiting their use at the moment.
    Playing around with some custom stamps. These were made with the built in Microsoft Picture editor so they're really bad. I imagine making really good stamps takes a lot of trial and error and some good photoshop skills.
    20180929164722_1.jpg 20180929182102_1.jpg 20180929182312_1.jpg 20180929182003_1.jpg

    I use POIs as terrain deco, such as caves, craters, or spires.
    Spires and a cave.
    20190621045627_1.jpg 20190712045035_1.jpg 20190628215729_1.jpg
    However using POIs in this way is probably way more performance intensive than if they were added as actual playfield deco or terrain, so it's more of a "this is how it might look" thing at the moment for custom scenarios.
    So these things are mostly possible now, in a way, but require workarounds and may not work well.

    What we need is the ability to include custom stamps with a scenario, and then playfield designers can go crazy and come up with some really nice stamps for canyons, cliffs, etc.
    Also if we had the ability to build with the rock voxels in creative instead of having to make use of creative workarounds such as copy and pasting them from an asteroid.

    This game is still pretty early so the building features are going to be limited but these devs seem pretty dedicated to supporting creators and give us new tools to use all the time. :D
  17. Bollen

    Bollen Captain

    Mar 22, 2017
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    Gotcha! Waaay outside my pay grade though...:eek:
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    AFAIK, the devs are aware of that. But, again... there seem to be lots of considerations in the background. And still a very small team.
    - They want pretty planets, too :)

    And from the things I've seen:
    Terrain has a LOD/'level of detail' system, as in any game. You can't build crazy mountain spires in EGS, because they will end up as strange triangles in the distance. Ravines and erosion will be glossed over by LOD, until you get very close.
    A constant tug-of-war between performance and looks.
    Voxel terrain seems reeeally expensive to compute. Games with a 'fixed' world have much less problems, since they can be optimized better.
    - Some games solve their 'peaks-and-overhangs -problem' by using dedicated terrain deco objects, that create the sharp edges (Star Citizen, PUBG, Osiris New Dawn...)
    But, of course, all of them are static.
    And the non-static ones, they seem to cut down on other things, e.g. textures, or destructible terrain depth, or water... (Astroneer/NMS/SE)

    Would be interesting to know, which planets you think that need some work, written in your honest opinion. PM me, if you want. It's feedback, after all.
    The colour scheme, basic biome layout, stamp placement, part of the stamps. The deco placement & atmo were made by the Devs.
  19. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    Probably that one...? POI are much more expensive than terrain.

    You likely know this - - For the POI placer: If you have a main POI anchor that has others spawning with SpawnPOINear, then the placer seems to use its spawn tries more or less only in the SpawnPOINearRange. That increases the chances of a placement, especially in small biomes. And if a POI gets plunked down at the first try, it doesn't matter much if you use 'IsImportant'. Those are the possible max tries...

    I deleted a sentence like that in my first post ;) - - In this time of division and twitter outrage, having an extra layer of "I totally know what I am doing and accept any hiccups" ...?
    Some of the negative Steam comments can be crazy.
  20. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Feedback should be shared by all.
    I love the Desert and Snow planets. I always end up living on desert planets, they're the nicest looking and where smooth terrain does its best. Snow also benefits from the smooth terrain, where piled snow will always end up in similar "dune" formations as the desert.
    One thing that the snow planet would benefit greatly from is ICE replacing water. If it's cold enough for snow planet-wide, year-round, then it's cold enough for ice. Even if it's just water around the shore.

    I can't review the Swamp planet, because the developers must just hate your worlds since they never ever generate for me in any of the games i've played... at all. The same goes for the Barren Metal planet. Since the first tests of the ocean world in its own scenario, i've never encountered that one in natural random generation either.

    The Barren Planet:
    It's difficult to describe just how much I hate this planet. It's a true cornicopia of hideousness. I'm hoping you're not responsible for this monstrosity; but it looks like something someone on the dev team would be responsible for. Since they have unusually poor style and taste, so it seems right up their alley.
    Now, I haven't seen it since A9, so it might've changed or might've even been replaced with the barren metal one. So this may be for naught but...
    Galactic Heroes_2018-09-02_13-57-43.png
    It's the only screenshot I have of Barren's surface, and it's old. I used it in a bug report for the excess plants, which were labeled "not a bug".
    Just look at how stupid this planet is. I probably don't even need to describe it.
    It's like the Arid starter planet, only flatter. It's also green. Not a nice green, not even a chemical green. Just a "i'm completely colorblind" kind of green, like the default color palette.
    The ground is... sand? It also has yellow-brown tufts of grass everywhere (this should be a dead planet); and then it's completely covered in sweetener plants (and other food plants, found in similar, massive clusters). It's like someone on the dev team decided that because this is a planet, it must have food for players and that's the worst idea anyone could have in that situation for what's meant to be a lifeless planet.
    This planet should be like a glorified moon, like most terrestrial planets. Craters and rocks. No plants (living or dead) and either a thin mars-like atmosphere or a thick venus-like atmosphere (with temperature to match) that's NOT green.

    Lava Planet:
    Lava planet's not a bad planet. I like it, but the lack of unique terrain deco and overuse of identical rock spikes to cover the entire planet's solid surface is... bad. It needs more variety in the non-liquid lava biomes instead of being completely flat, but covered in rock spikes. They're not close enough to pose an obstruction and not far enough away to fit a building (not that there's any incentive whatsoever to live here).
    It needs canyons and ravines more than most planets; and it has some. But they're small cracks.
    Actual volcanoes would be a huge improvement that can replace some of those giant fields of spikes and should be attainable with the available tools. A variation of mountain with a sub-biome in the middle.

    Alien Planet:
    I stay off this one. It has not much in the way of useful materials and is more or less identical to the Temperate starter, except that all surface biomes have been replaced with the appearance of an irradiated biome and covered in hostiles (no passive wildlife).
    In this, most of the terrain deco used in irradiated biomes and the alien planet either don't match or don't generate densely enough to form "forests" or other unique features. And once again, this planet is also covered in hideous max-saturation colored fog. And not in just one color, no. It comes in that same sickly lime green AND fluorescent magenta too.

    Temperate needs cliffs, ravines, canyons, new trees, variations of forest/jungle, etc... It also needs to lose those giant yellow-orange rock spires that sit in the middle of the forest, without a matching rock in sight. Those things belong on the arid and desert planets, not in the middle of a green forest on top of gray stone. They're formed by erosion, that requires a source of water, sand or wind and a source for that stone; which doesn't exist on temperate planets.

    No complaints. Though i'd like to see a bit more sand. Temperate has larger dunes than the arid planet.

    Maybe lose some of the large lakes and rivers. The planet info says the planet lacks water, but still manages to have as much water as most other planets.

    What other planet types are there left?

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