What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Remove it in your savegame file, in the shared folder. Find the decals.txt file in there, open it and there should be only 1 decal in that structure's folder. Just delete and save the file. You can leave the game running while doing this (use ALT-TAB).

    If there are many [1001] files in the shared folder, then you have to check the playfield_static.yaml to see where your wreckage appears : the order POIs appear in the yaml is the same order that decals folders appear in the shared folder.

    Back in game point at the structure, open the console, type "decals" and press enter.

    Edit : Reforged Eden ? Decals are supposed to be used in Creative. It's going to break your structure in survival.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2021
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    You're the second person to do this lol. The debug decal gun is a default game item, intended for use to configure and build POIs for custom scenarios. It doesn't even have an icon or localized name which should clue you in that it's not intended for survival play. :D

    The radio static that is on NPC ships is going to be occasional randomized 5-7 second clips, played at a lower volume with lower range, and is tied to the power status of the ship and can be disabled in the control panel as well.
    Track Driver and Kassonnade like this.
  3. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Maybe that's why it didn't work. I'll start over. This was just to try some of the new toys since I can't really follow the scenario very well.
    Thanks again.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  4. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Like I said, I was just messing around, minding my own business and it went off...BANG! It's not my fault!:rolleyes:
    ravien_ff likes this.
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I have a Project Eden decal gun I added for 1.5 as well, and on that one since it's one of my items I have specifically added text in big yellow letters saying it's only for internal developer use. :D
    For the next update I'll also remove all the decals from the gun before uploading it to the workshop, but the down side is then people couldn't use the Eden decals in their own POIs they make for the scenario.
    Fractalite and Track Driver like this.
  6. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    That is surely thinking out of the box!
    I'm gonna try to add some turrets on the front and see what gives.
    I was trying with every angle possible but I couldn't find a weak spot.

    You are right. I have CPU limits turned on.
    Right now I'm out of spots to build turrets and guns on both of my heavy ships.
    My problem maybe is that the enemy shield is too strong and recovers faster than mine I guess.

    That's great.
    I think I must not be in the right mind to face an Ultra ship without expecting to lose a few times. :D

    Thanks for all the remarks and advices, guys. I need some ship refactoring now. And need to know my game.
    I'm not gonna give up that easily anyway. If I beat that ship I'll post some pictures to prove it, posing with my prize like a fisherman would do.
    And sorry for posting Project Eden stuff in this topic. I thought it was added to vanilla like many others.
    Kassonnade and ravien_ff like this.
  7. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    A great idea! A little late, but a great idea. :p
  8. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    I've been modifying my new CV after having used it in my survival game. It's a steel hulled "T2 Starter" with room to grow in order to keep the factory cost lower. I lengthened the Hangar 1 block and rearranged the internals after playing with it because it was a bit too cramped. I'm pretty happy with it since I was able to space almost everything. My only disappointment really is I couldn't fit a second group of 9 grow plots. looking for some feedback if anyone is willing to look it over.

    CV-07E Acantha ST T2.jpg

    Attached Files:

    Noob42, Germanicus and Kassonnade like this.
  9. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    (mumble, grumble)
    I'm a red-green color blind (the primary reason I use very little color in my builds).
    The only way I was able to read that was by highlighting it.
  10. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Me, too! :mad:
    I didn't know what-ta-hell you were talking about until I noticed a faint reddish smear.
    It's bad enough that the Devs do it, but our fellow gamers,,,,:eek:
  11. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Working on an updated Legacy POI
    Big biomech corridors, underground waterways, gooey growths, the creepy stuff.
    24 Invertible_2021-05-02_00-27-59.png
    24 Invertible_2021-05-02_00-28-25.png
    Siege Inc., AlbaN, Noob42 and 8 others like this.
  12. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Now that I'm again able to start a RE game...
    I started an RE game. On Omicron, I set forth to explore. But first, I had to establish a camp near the large wreckage. As time went on I decided it was time to build an actual BA, so I cheated and spawned the small base I created in my previous foray into RE. It is equipped with two cannon and two sentry guns. I added solar power.

    So far I had no encounter with Zirax and only had the hover bike for transport.

    Then they came...a lot of them came...quickly and silently they came. Apparently they had greater range than my cannon for they fired first.
    Even though I maanged to defeat them, I noticed they were VERY FAST. Most of the time I never saw them. I think I only landed one shot with my hand rocket launcher. The only time I could really see them was when they were shot down. I think there were five drones (some with rockets) and a troop ship. No mater how hard I tried, I could not readily track them myself.

    I intend to explore more of the advanced weaponry available and see what difference it makes.

    Or...I'll go back to finishing my Project Eagle moon base! :cool:
    Germanicus and bluemax151 like this.
  13. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    I decided to start a new game on the Official server. I picked arid without paying close enough attention to the background info on the scenario. I somehow managed to alienate both the Polaris and Talon or maybe your reputation starts poor? On the positive side I'm friendly with the Zirax. This turned out to be a problem however as since I can't trade I couldn't get an EVA boost or gold to make it that I needed to mine asteroids since I didn't have anything with an internal cabin. I poked around the workshop and couldn't really find anything because of course the workshop sucks. The only SVs I could find that were T1 were sulusdacor's Spark (which is over CPU) and jrandall's Merc-MX1 (which is under powered).

    I decided to go with the MX1 and did a quick and dirty job on the additional required thrust (Lift and forward). Just swapped the rear mediums with thruster jets since I was high enough level by then and added 2 additional small, thrusters for down thrust. This got me thinking though what would I do to get it spawned in at the original unlock level and clean looking? So I did some minor work on the rear of the nacelles. Just added an additional small on each side and swapped up some transitions. Still not sure what to do about down thrust. Right now I just have them in the nose which gives you heat if you're up front with them on.
    Does anyone have any good recommendations for a T1 SV with an internal cockpit?

    I decided I wanted a new HV miner. I wanted something small and cheap. It's sort of un upscaling of a tree cutter I generally use. In CV blocks it 1 block tall, ~3 long and 2 wide. That's without docking pads. It's unlock level 7 due to the drills and armor locker but could be used without at level 5.

    Setup a new drop base I put together as something different for this play through. I'm actually pretty happy with it. Looks good for mostly concrete construction. The pad I built in game. Just stock piling resources now to get my CV in. Not entirely clear on what I should be doing really. From what I gather once I leave the "starter area" I can't come back. I'll definitely get my reputation back up before I leave though.
    Track Driver and Germanicus like this.
  14. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    If you like to tweak around... Comet Mining Shuttle SV Collection by @ravien_ff

    I remember to have one of those for quite a while and it inspired me to build my own Versions.
    Also it 'should' be pretty easy to bring it to a T1/T2 standard as it sports for current flight models to many Directional Thrusters;)
    Downgrading it is easy. The Lowest Version starts with Level 7, no Warp, and, because of its Age, no Shield of Course.

    My adaption of it
    Last edited: May 3, 2021
  15. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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  16. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I took a swift look at the RETRO...which seemed to have been build before CPU times...
    Non the less I removed Warp, Shield(I marked both Positions) RCS and Pent-Tank + 2 Gatlings. - gets you around 15k CPU/T2 and saves you Zascosium and Erestrum.
    Only switches/Sensors are not set again.
    I re-built this SV on the Dead Planet from a Wreck and staying outside for Building was a bit hazardous;).

    Attached Files:

    bluemax151 likes this.
  17. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    Thanks for the recommendation. It's a bit large for my purposes though. I also found Nightsinger's Hubble Exploration Shuttle. Very versatile build. It fits most my needs although it too is a bit large and has anemic thrust. I've found a few other nice builds as well but they haven't been compliant with the release version. Not CPU ready, no spacing for chain reaction, etc. I may have to sit down and build something myself. Given my current skill level it may be more time than I want to invest atm. I may put a note to do so in the future though. In a way it's sort of refreshing because usually I can find something in the workshop with a little work that fits my needs so there's no need to build something myself. I almost never build an HV myself because quite frankly I'm bad at it. So kudos to all the great authors out there.

    I really love this build and a lot of other premium large SVs on the workshop. Na_Palm's Bajonet is another that comes to mind plus really anything CrazyZ does. SVs are my favourite vessel type in game. Flying them just seems more personal than being at the helm of some massive capital ship. It's really a shame that they're not that practical for much of anything. They're your early game flyers, scouts and shuttles basically. In Reforged it appears they are trying to carve out a space for them at least. It would be nice to at least get some SV exclusive equipment in Vanilla like weapon types.
    Fractalite, ravien_ff and Germanicus like this.
  18. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Sorry that this comes a bit late...:rolleyes:

    "I'm friendly with the Zirax. This turned out to be a problem however as since I can't trade I couldn't get an EVA boost or gold to make it that I needed to mine asteroids since I didn't have anything with an internal cabin..."

    Go at night Times out in the Desert and hunt Golem's! They drop Gold Ore from time to time. That is how I got so far 5 Gold Ingots together. Sure I can buy them from Traders, but...
    byo13, Sup and bluemax151 like this.
  19. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    This is a great tip and how I eventually managed to snag an EVA boost. It took quite a while though. The render distance is so low it makes it hard to search for Golems. I ended up marking each encounter with a waypoint and then running the circuit after some time passed. Much time passed before I managed to loot 5 gold ore.

    The next process was upping my rep with the Polaris and Talon. There were no Predators on my Arid starter in either of their areas. I had to fly out to a swamp planet in the same system. Much hunting of night raptors was done but I'm now friendly with both. I'm also still friendly with Zirax. I bought a 2nd EVA boost and some other mods, cleared an abandoned depot and left the starter system.

    During my time on the Swamp planet I caught 2 Kriel Assassins(?) fighting a Golem. Eventually after a casualty they won and I got the spoils :) The faction vs Faction stuff is a nice touch.

    I've since moved to another Arid planet. Haven't explored too much yet but already found a few abandoned POIs to run and some rare deposits which include a Gold asteroid in orbit.

    Still haven't encountered any players. Just some unoccupied bases and vessels. I can already feel the space madness creeping in...
    byo13 likes this.
  20. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I was going through my old builds and realized that I had never published a V2 of the Shovelhead.
    Granted, its a small CPU tier 1 CV that I never intended to add to but I figured "what the heck" lets see what I can do while keeping the shape of the build the same.

    Upgraded all the thrusters and the hull to armored steel, added a shield generator.
    You know, the usual upgrades. Took the build to a CPU tier 2 and it waisted some time while I was figuring out where I could cram everything.
    (It's pretty cramped in there, one of the reasons I never published a V2 build of it)

    Last edited: May 4, 2021
    byo13, ravien_ff, Noob42 and 2 others like this.

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