Builders Wishlist

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 14, 2018.

  1. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    - Saved hotbar setups that you can pick from. (possibly creative only)

    The ability to setup a few hotbars with items, and then a way (key?) that pops them up as a chooser (like shape choosing) so when we click on one of the setups we made, it sets our hotbar with those items. A button found on the chooser would be 'save current hotbar' as a new choice. Each hotbar would have an 'x' to remove the saved bar setup. Maybe limit to saved bars to something that fits on screen without scrolling (because we know how terrible 'paging' in this UI is).

    I mention this, as 9 slots isnt enough in creative mode rapid building. Usually I have a normal set of 'blocks' to build something with... then I have to shuffle them all out for a set of devices, then swap them out for detail blocks, and other things. Would be so nice to just have a few setup hotbars, and I can quickly pick and it sets my hotbar up with the set I chose.

    - No stack amounts. (definitely creative only)

    I really would love to put something in my hotbar and never have it RUN OUT. Get rid of stack sizes in creative. They serve no purpose, only get in the way, and cause building headaches to have to go and replenish stacks over and over (having to find the block to put back as well).

    - Right-Click Close color/texture/shape pickers. (any mode)

    If I can right-click open them, I want to right-click close them. Especially if all I'm doing is changing an 'option' and not wanting to find and pick the same color or texture or block shape I was on just to close the window. Its annoying as hell, please... consider.

    Sure I can hit ESC... but thats a reach, and disrupts the flow and takes my fingers off what else I was doing when I opened the choosers with the RMB.

    - No default 'filter' box on "H" helper. (creative)

    Whenever I open the helper window (H), its always focused on the filter bar. Then I try to hit H again to close the helper window... it types an H lol. I do this so many times you would think I learn... but nope, after a year of this... still doing it... still slowing me down ;) I dont know if this wish would tick others off... but the way it is has ticked me off for a very long time. If its at all possible, maybe it can be an "Options" checkbox of "Default focus to filter box on helper menu"
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2018
    vxsote and IronCartographer like this.
  2. WolfEyes

    WolfEyes Captain

    Mar 20, 2018
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    That info is in the release notes and was discussed in other threads. Sometimes it pays off very well to read the release notes on an Alpha game. ;)
  3. WolfEyes

    WolfEyes Captain

    Mar 20, 2018
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    Please excuse the all caps this once.


    We're allowed to rotate symbols 360 so why not the textures?

    Also, the mapping of textures on cut blocks is still not right. It's like nails on a chalkboard every time I texture something and the seams don't match up. Details like that can break immersion. Being able to rotate 360 will take care of some of the mismatched seams but it will take someone going in and mapping each block to fix it correctly.


    Siege Inc. likes this.
  4. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Actually, I think the idea presented, with being able to spawn a 'ghost version' of a BP, and have a visual highlighting of forbidden blocks, might be a good idea;
    The older the blueprint, the greater the chance that it contains forbidden stuff.
    With servers being able to change limits themselves, (and possible blacklist blocks even? I don't think that's a thing atm, but could be down the line, who knows), having a way to 'easily' tell why a blueprint can't be spawned on a server, seems like a nice thing.
    (And it just so happens, that it helps with old blueprints meanwhile :p )
    Either way, I think that suggestion could be rather usefull.
  5. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    And as far as I can tell, there's unused space in blueprint files where texture rotation is stored, so presumably it wouldn't change the memory consumption of structures either.
    WolfEyes likes this.
  6. WolfEyes

    WolfEyes Captain

    Mar 20, 2018
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    I was just pointing out that if he had read the release notes he wouldn't have had to spend "two hours working out that you can't have anything in your grow plots or it'll flag the blueprint." because he would have known that to begin with. That's all. Nothing more. Nothing less.
    Exacute likes this.
  7. Exacute

    Exacute Rear Admiral

    Feb 17, 2017
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    True. I was just running with the theme ;) Those patch notes can easily stack ;)
    StyleBBQ and WolfEyes like this.
  8. WolfEyes

    WolfEyes Captain

    Mar 20, 2018
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    Just wanted to be sure no one thought I was trying to rag on the guy. :)
    Exacute likes this.
  9. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Pretty fancy but here goes:

    Ability to select all of block X and render them as wireframe &/or transparent. Possibly with a tint.

    Say you're working to upgrade all the Steel blocks on a ship. You hit the ones you can but usually there are some that aren't reachable without removing blocks/devices. This would allow you to 'ghost' the reinforced steel blocks, leaving just devices & the steel blocks you missed.
    Give me back the intact Core. man this one bugs me! Other than a BA I can't remember the last time I didn't have to move the Core at least once!
    'Stadium' lighting. Could really use more powerful base lighting options in order to fully light a CV build.
    Straying a bit into 'new block' territory but yeah, real trusses. Some way to make a CV hanger would be great.
    Ooobernoob, erithil and Siege Inc. like this.
  10. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    I feel like this is par for the course when doing manual upgrades in survival (for creative, a GUI for replaceblock might be nice). In survival, this is exactly what I'd want to use a shipyard for (either to directly replace blocks or to upgrade the ship to a new blueprint).

    I suspect this behavior is to discourage players from simply plopping a core on every structure and retrieving intact devices and blocks essentially for free.

    Or just a better SI system.
    StyleBBQ likes this.
  11. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I am aware that my wish has been ruled out by @Hummel-o-War BUT I would very much prefer to have not Cubes as the main construction form but Triangles/Pyramids with attachable sides. So, instead of having only Octagons my preferred shapes are Hexgons - made of six Triangles.
    Ian Einman likes this.
  12. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    I expect this would require a complete rewrite of all the code that touches the construction system, and I'd guess that this isn't something the devs would consider doing at this point.
  13. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Your definetly righ on that...wishes, wishes, you know?:)
    Only that the game allready has for our buildt stuff.... a Traingle Cubes
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2018
  14. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Well now :) If you want to get really fancy with your shipyards and such... :D
    X-Rays. Yard scans ship, displays wireframe schematic, all in a comp so easy to hide various bits, or upgrade selected/all. That'd be just fine!
    You're probably right. Though other than really early game the cost is trivial. I suppose it's the: place a starter, build a while, think you know where to tuck the core, 'retrieve' core but get parts, go make another core, place, then later do it again, or even again... Plus, since it's the -only- block that behaves that way when building it's really, 'in your face' :( Anyway, it's just a dripping tap kind of thing, I'll live :cool:
  15. Damocles

    Damocles Captain

    May 3, 2018
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    More responsive and precise drone movement. The drone movement has too much inertia.
    Have an "escape from placement" option, when placing a block - but keeping the LMB held down. (hitting escape or the RBM canceling the placement)
    Have a visual indicator where the player will exit a cockpit.
    Such that a cockpit has a preferred exit (the back for example), if its blocked (no 1x1x3 cube free space) , the player spawns on top, or at the left side.
    There should be a transparent "spawn" indicator next to the cockpit, visible when pointing a multitool at the vehicle.
    The spawn location gets updated when the blocks around the cockpit change.

    Such an indicator will make it more transparent where the game will decide to spawn the player.
    Some blueprints I have played looked like they where designed with a different spawn location intended.


    Warning indicator when placing a block that will break structural integrity.
    As there are no game-internal warning (like creaking blocks) that pre-signal SI failior, and its not
    a precise physics simulation, the game should give a clear warning on when the SI will be affected.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2018
  16. LeVentNoir

    LeVentNoir Captain

    Jan 26, 2017
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    Ok, you got me, I skimmed the feature notes, went oo, because new features, and instead of reading all the notes, I attempted to play the game. Which is actually what people should be doing: Playing.

    Now, sure, I could have gone back, and re-read in utter detail, but that's not fun, and that's not playing the game.

    Or, a very simple tool: "This BP cannot be spawned because blocks A, B, C, etc are not allowed in blueprints." Would have taken nearly no effort to actually communicate the validation rule to the player, and saved much angst. In what world is it good design to validate, then not present the user the actual errors?

    Similarly, my other suggestion which was for a tool to remove blocks containing base component x would have been nice, because I missed that t2 RCS now requires Z and E, and while it didn't make my tiny cv go up in level requirement, the materials changed. "Devices containing Z removed: RCS T2 (2)"

    Patch notes are good, but the vast majority of people don't actually read them, and having your game be playable by playing and exploring the changes with informative, helpful communication is actually a really desirable state.
    StyleBBQ likes this.
  17. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    I'd imagine there could be a way to deal with this though. Even if its a core is locked to the entity it belongs... letting you move it around at whim... so long as its that same entity.

    One thing I do when building a ship (heck even a base as it expands) is constantly move the core around as I build, mold, shape, and adjust my idea mid-construction. That core is moved ALWAYS AT LEAST ONCE, because there is never a way to build a whole ship with the original core where it is during start.

    I really like this idea. Certainly would help building and remove 'guesswork'. So long as exiting the cockpit is PREDICTABLE in code. Having a "human exits here" holographic icon would be lovely.
  18. Damocles

    Damocles Captain

    May 3, 2018
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    Question is how to incorporate that into the user-interface.
    Some "move" mode in the multitool could do that.
    -set tool to mode "move"
    -mark block + click (highlighted)
    -point at new location (do rotation if required) + click -> block gets moved
    StyleBBQ likes this.
  19. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Or it can be removed (put into inventory)... but it simply will not work (shows red box) on any other entity than the one you removed it from.


    Sorry, getting a bit off topic :D
  20. Damocles

    Damocles Captain

    May 3, 2018
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    That could have all kinds of nasty side-effects coding wise, especially in multiplayer, as the state of the core needs to be recorded, it needs some inventory indication to belong to a specific structure, etc..

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