I also haven't played in a bit and missed reading this change. They do like to make the game more blinkered in the way you play. Looks like they don't like giving people options on how to take down POI's. I'm presuming gatling guns still take down shields, so I will be digging a tunnel and making a small HV with a few gatling guns and a couple of turrets on it and fly it down the tunnel to take the shields out that way.
Good luck with this, because auto-turrets were not firing in my case, probably if you are under the ground they do not see the objectives, and do not fire. I had to manage manually the turrets that I used; so, there is no difference if you set 2 or more turrets in your HV, you only will be able to shoot with one, the one managed manually by you. I do not know if this was a legit behavior or the result of another "magic" bug. I will have to test all this again and again, and being honest, my playing sessions are more similar to bug hunting sessions than fun playing time. @Eleon: Stop changing the game's rules, this is something that should have being set on stone long time ago. There is not need of having a meta game on top, consisting in resolve the puzzle of finding new ways, because you are changing the mechanics each time, for God's sake.
Turrets and ground claim devices do not work if below the original level of the ground. It has been this way for a long time. as you found out you can control turrets manually even underground.
I didn't know turrets don't work under ground. I'll just use the Gatling Guns to take the shields down, then bob out of the HV and plonk a few Explosives on the base while the shields are down.
There is a game setting in the gameoptions.yaml file to either allow or deny underground turrets. Set it in the save folder for already existing saves.
Patch: 2021-03-17 v1.4.4 (Build 3277) Changes: - Added IModAPI.IApplication.GetBlockAndItemMapping() - returns a dict with name to id mapping (especially important for the dynamically assigned block ids) Fixes: - Multiple exceptions fixed found in logs - Fixed dialogue typos in english main loca (plz report typos/grammar issues to typo@empyriongame.com subject: english) - 07816: Exception when starting a new default survival game after exiting a game using a custom scenario - 07840: A use case of drones getting "removed" from a planet when returning to a save game - Fixed 07763: [MP - Player report] Save game progress not maintained when rejoining server (caused by this flag being set in the gameoptions.yaml "IsManagedScenario: true") EAH: - Patch notes: https://empyriononline.com/threads/tool-eah-empyrion-admin-helper-v1-55-x.5771/page-72#post-431745
Hey the change to splash damage with shields and explosives was a poor move. All that did was force players to do it in a more restricted way again. Rather than have a choice of options to do it how they like. If a player wants to spend an hour digging to get to said shielded POI, who is anyone else to say to that SP player how he should play the game, and having less ways to defeat a shielded POI is just the opposite direction the game should be going...... More new toys, beats more nerfing and restrictions. Why not give players some new weapons in the tech tree, specifically for things like taking down shields ? Why not add that as a blueprint you find in a loot bin in a POI raid............ Or put the gun itself in loot bin. But new toys to do things in a more orderly fashion are always better than just slapping more artificial feeling rules that damage immersion in the game....... Carrot, not stick. Making explosives even more useless than they already were, just completely immersion breaking, C4 in this game is like the smallest fire cracker you can buy, its UTTERLY PATHETIC and not worth the cost of making it and the only good use it had, oh, just got nerfed to death. Seems completely backwards to me.
The problem with this is it runs the risk of.....if it's too easy to being a shield down, then what's the point of having a shield?
What's the point in, instead of making the game more flexible so you can play it how you want, to take away a method of taking shields down?
Unfortunately i'm one of those who likes to build something to take down a shield not tunnel. I realise some prefer the whole tunneling and explosives strat but I'm not one of them. Irrespective of my preference, it doesn't make my previous comment less valid.
I don't think explosives not dealing damage to shields was an intentional change. More that this fixed everything else and unfortunately that also applied to the explosive charge. The devs would either need to revert the change, or fix explosive packs so they can damage shields again.
Nothing wrong with making something to take down a POI mate. The more options we have to accomplish something the better the game is. I didn't say that your comment was invalid. I just pointed out that taking away the option to take down shields with Explosives is IMO not a good game move.
I'm not sure of the reasons behind the change. If it's an error and the devs want Explosive Devises to damage shields then they will fix it. If they don't want Explosive Devises to take shields down then they won't. I haven't seen any comment from them about the Explosive Devises/Shields so we will see.
blast damage was still being applied to shields so every single aoe weapon needed a blast damage modifier versus shields of 0. This fix removed the need to add that modifier to every single aoe weapon. However explosive charges deal no direct damage, they only do blast damage and they were the only weapon that also did not have a blast damage modifier versus shields of 0. So now that weapons no longer even explode when hitting a shield, the explosive charge also deals no damage to shields. How the devs fix this I'm not sure. Ideally they would just make an exception for explosive charges but I don't know.
So we would suppose that this falls into the "regression bug" category. Lets see if it will be fixed. Thanks for your insights.
Hi @Pantera, there is a bit of confusion about the above: Was it the intension for Explosive Devises to no longer take down shields?
My rocket SV looks useless now. Its damage potential has been drastically cut down. Or it is just my feeling?
It means explosion charges are nerfed against shields. From now on you will need to use laser miniguns for fast shield brake if on foot or any other laser type weapon.
You need to work on your reading and comprehending skills. The question was about it being intentional or not.