v1.3.X Patches

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Pantera, Dec 16, 2020.

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  1. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

    • Developer
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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Hi Galactic Survivalists!

    Welcome to version 1.3 public release!

    The year 2020 is slowly coming to its end - but Empyrion Galactic Survival is not! With v1.3 we are adding a bunch of bug fixes, but also several new features and more content.

    One of the main features is the new decals system. The decals feature will allow you to bring custom pictures and videos into the game and add it to structures spawned in the playfields.


    As a second addition, you can now create custom NPC factions and add them to galactic territories, playfields and POI as you like! We were also adding new POIs and new variants of NPCs and Creatures for you to equip your POI structures with. Most of the faction's POIs (except Zirax) have also been equipped with the first iteration of themed Commodity Traders, which now buy and sell certain of those items depending on their current station's assumed primary field of work.

    Note that, when starting a new game, not only make sure to check your Escape Pods content, but also all NPC factions in the default scenario are now hidden! You first need to make contact with them by discovering one of their structures. In case you want to restore reputation with one or several factions, earn credibility seals by running specific missions and exchange the seals for reputation by contacting an ambassador via one of the new Global Information Network consoles, available on any planetary and orbital trading station!

    Last, but not least, you can test four new main story missions which continue the chapter 1-6 story arc!

    Please have a close look at the changelog below. More info about certain topics, explanations and a chance to give your feedback on them can be found stickied in the feedback forum: https://empyriononline.com/forums/faq-feedback.25/

    As always please note

    Report bugs and issues for the public release right over here: https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.24/

    For those that followed the EXP version:
    Fixed bugs for the Experimental branch can be found here: https://empyriononline.com/forums/tracking-filed.91/
    Fixed Experimental version bugs can be found there: https://empyriononline.com/forums/fixed.90/

    For discussing the new and updated features, please head over to the feedback forum: https://empyriononline.com/forums/faq-feedback.25/

    Have fun exploring the v1.3!
    Empyrion Dev Team



    Hotfix: 2021-01-22 v1.3.4 (Build 3212)

    - Scenario "Invader vs Defender - Conflict of Cygnus": fixed/updated NPC Trader buy/sell items


    Hotfix: 2021-01-18 v1.3.4 (Build 3210)

    - First part of blast damage rework: Blast damage could go through 1 layer of blocks (in v1.4 there will be a better fix)
    - Possible fix for CoQ on a pf server when structures use decals
    - 07703: Decal videos can appear blank after teleporting


    Patch 2020-12-26 v1.3.3 (Build 3209)

    - Fix for sometimes not possible to load into a game in MP


    Patch 2020-12-24 v1.3.3 (Build 3208)

    - Fixed 3 exceptions spamming on playfield servers
    - CoQ Spam if a space playfield.yaml has drones but no patrol vessels -> https://empyriononline.com/threads/...-has-drones-but-no-patrol-vessels-7719.96602/


    Patch 2020-12-22 v1.3.2 (Build 3207)

    - Fixed: When a HV enters a gravity gen field it can be launched up away from the structure
    - Fixed: HV in space has an unbound Y axis speed bug -> fixed
    - Fixed: Spawning ships in orbit (close to the plane) causes them to run away.
    - Fixed: Decal system: fix for error messages on console if a decal with video was not active on loading a POI.
    - Fixed: Exception when returning to main menu in that use case.
    - Fixed: PDA become broken on open second time
    - Fixed: Another PDA CoQ when resuming different savegames with different scenarios
    - Potential fix for structures duplicating/disappearing (this is the same fix that is already on the public branch fyi)
    - Fixed: New PDA chapter's Group and Faction parameters don't work in Coop/MP
    - Fixed: PDA CoQ when resuming a Creative game after a Survival with active ChapterActivations
    - Fixed: Vessel off reposition bug
    - Fixed: Overlapping plants & terrain deco
    - Fix for some mushrooms showing invisible
    - PF log Exception spam found from base attacks

    - Updated EAH, Patch Notes: https://empyriononline.com/threads/tool-eah-empyrion-admin-helper-v1-52-x.5771/page-71#post-425681


    Hotfix: 2020-12-19 v1.3.2 (Build 3203)

    - Potential fix for structures duplicating/disappearing


    Hotfix: 2020-12-17 v1.3.1 (Build 3199)

    - 07701: CV's in orbit with thrusters off move away from the player


    Hotfix: 2020-12-16 v1.3.1 (Build 3197)

    - Fix for ArgumentException (adding blocks or devices to a structure)

    ==== UPDATE: v1.3 (Build 3196) ====

    Decal System: https://empyriononline.com/threads/v1-3-decals.96511/
    - First draft of simple decal system for POI Blueprints (static Blueprints) (WIP!)
    - Added console cmd 'decals' that will reload the decals in the current BP. Added 'decals clip' that will paste an example for decals to the clipboard.
    - First draft of a simple client upload system for files. Will be first used for decals, can be used for other modding files later, too.
    - Client upload system: files are now sent only in 1MB chunks.
    - Decals on structures: you can now specify a web url to download the image from there.
    - Decals on structures: you can now specify '-Video=' to show a mp4 video instead of a texture. Please use responsible as this can affect performance!
    - Decals on structures: added '-Color=r,g,b,a', '-ColliderMode=NoCollision|Collision|Off' to set tint color/transparency and optional colliders to the decal.
    - Decals on structures get now saved into <gamename>/Shared/<structid>/decals.txt to be able to change existing decals manually using a text editor.
    - Decals with video: warning message 'AudioSampleProvider buffer overflow. 1024 sample frames discarded.' should now occur less often.
    - Console cmd 'decals reload' will now prefer the 'decals.txt' in the 'Shared' for reloading. With this also player created structures can be adjusted during runtime.
    - ClientUpload system: added 'mp4' to the file extensions that get uploaded to clients.
    - Adjusted position of SantaClauseHat + SnowmanHead a bit to not clip into armor too much.
    - If RangeAU/RangeLY is modded with Mod.RangeAU/Mod.RangeLY, it is displayed correctly now in info texts
    - Decals on Blueprints: added new block class 'DecalControl' that can be connected to decals via their name in CP. This block will switch these decals on/off according to its activated state. No default block was added yet to BlocksConfig.ecf, so only for modding yet.
    - Added Decal Control Unit block (Place in Creative to use with decals: on/off of the block defines on/off of the linked decal)
    - SharedData client download: showing status message about files that need to be downloaded when connecting to a server
    - SharedData client download: loading small files first now to show better status update on client side

    Custom Factions:
    - Faction.ecf: added new config file to allow defining your own factions in there
    - Factions.ecf: added 'Description' for NPC factions to display on the faction windows NPC tab.
    - Faction window: Localizing now all faction names on the reputation page
    - Factions.ecf: added hardcoded factions, please only change the color and maybe the Abbrev.
    - Factions.ecf: added OmitMapLegend to not show this faction in the map legend info
    - Factions.ecf: renamed "FriendlyToAllPlayers" to "Friendly". Added "Unfriendly". Added "HideAbbrev" to hide the faction abbreviation at certain locations in the game.
    - Added/updated docu to Factions.ecf

    NPC Faction updates:

    - Added: VOID faction (static hostile; Antagonist to TESCH)
    - Added Abyssal to planetary playfields (Alien,Ocean,Temp,Tempswamp,ForestMoon)
    - Changed: Set planetary POI groups to appropriate Zirax house faction
    - Changed: Added RP-dynamic Colonists NPC faction to fill in "out of npc faction territory" POIs
    - Added TESCH Territory, OPVs and BAOs.
    - Added Zirax Empire houses as Reputation-dynamic subfactions: Xenu, Rados, Epsilon, Ghyst, Serdu (dynamic standing in one subfaction will influence your standing towards the 'Zirax Empire'; Faction matrix not yet final!)
    - Reputation bars in faction window: small improvements on bars and colors
    - Updated GalaxyConfig.ecf with TheLegacy faction
    - Updated playfields to use TheLegacy faction
    - Change: The Legacy faction ist now a custom faction in the Factions.ecf
    - Change: Alien faction abbrev reverted to ALN
    - Increased probability of CIVILIAN faction in non-territory and territory spaces

    Player skills: https://empyriononline.com/threads/v1-3-player-skills.96514/
    - First draft of player skills allowing to change item properties (for now only Damage, more properties will come soon):
    • For now this is only usable with the Dialogue system. There you set up skills with e.g. Player.Skills['yourSkill'] = 1.5.
    • That skill (yourSkill = 1.5) can then be used in the ItemsConfig.ecf to modify the 4 properties you see below (Damage, BulletSpread, etc. If you think other values make sense too, please let us know. BlocksConfig.ecf comes next to change RangeLY for WarpDrive etc.).
    • Example for your Pistol: Mod.Damage: "Damage + Player.Skills['yourSkill'] * 2"
    • That way, properties are different handled per player - depending if the player skilled it or not.
    - Modded item properties via player skills: added BulletSpread, ReloadDelay, Recoil
    - BlocksConfig: added MarketPrice property
    - Added console command 'itemmods' to show the active modifications of the held item of the local player.

    DialogueSystem: https://empyriononline.com/threads/v1-3-player-skills.96514/
    - DialogueSystem: added function "string Loc(string key)" to localize dynamic text
    - DialogueSystem: added "Execute" property without any size restriction to allow multi line text (can separate lines with \n), added "LocalStructure" to allow accessing the ModAPI better f.e. accessing devices like LCDs etc
    - DialogueSystem: renamed barking state from "BarkState" to "BarkingState" in Dialogues.ecf, barking supports now NPC dialogue blocks, buffering dialogue write variables now (perf. opt.)
    - DialogueSystem: added possibility to use "sub routine jumps"
    - DialogueSystem: now using "<nl>" instead of "\n" to separate newlines in Execute code parts
    - DialogueSystem: added dbglobal_string, added dbplayer_string
    - DialogueSystem: added 'Functions' to allow to define your own functions, added GetItems() to return all items of the local player
    - DialogueSystem: added dbstate_string, added Player.Name Player.Id Player.EntityId
    - DialogueSystem: Player.Skills['name'] = 1.23 possibility. Later we will enhance that to allowing to modify certain ingame properties with that.
    - DialogueSystem: added convenience function SetBlockActive(string name, bool bActive) to allow setting a block by its name to active/deactive
    - Updated Loca for PDA, Tutorial and Dialogues (incremental update; various languages)

    - Added: Story Part II Interlude and Chapter 7
    - Added: Story Chapter 8
    - Added: Story Chapter 9
    - Updated Story Playfields and POI (Ghyst Prison, Sigma Fulcrum, GLaD Hideout,..)
    - Updated PDA mission 'Ancient Revelations' > using new Ilmarinen version (thx to Vermillion)
    - Added the Journey Book as new Empyriopedia element for tracking the story progress (currently all visible;will change later) and re-read all important info, logs and dialogues
    - Changed: Starting the Journey Apollon logs now available in Journey Book (removed from dialogue, because considered as too long)
    - Updated Ilmarinen (Ancient Revelations) with new Infected Legacy creatures
    - Updated UCH Heidelberg, Sigma Fulcrum
    - Updated Loca texts
    - PDA: implemented new chapter Group and Faction properties
    - PDA: changed window to use grouping instead of a tab per faction (as we now have more factions)
    - Added: PDA Chapter group names can now be loca keys
    - Added: PDA group lines now show number of activatable chapters in group
    - Changed: PDA content now hierarchically indented
    - Updated Mission/Journeybook to new PDA group/sorting methods
    - Added: PDA playfield op "AI" use with parameter true or false, e.g. 'AI: false'

    - Added: Spider01Small, Spider01Baby for better use with use inside POIs (lowered HP & DMG compared to Spider01 accordingly)
    - Added: Spider01,02,03 and AlienBug02 Small and Baby variant for better use with inside-POI spawns
    - Added: Additional info about BARKING dialogue state do Dialogues-config-and-examples.txt
    - Added: New TraderCyborg model
    - Added: new Zirax Civilians and The Legacy Infected to NPC spawners
    - Added: Damaged Assault Cyborg ( armed cyborg for use with f.ex. Pirates faction )
    - Added: Themed Cyborg models (available as Civilian and Trader models): Damaged, Medic, Servant, Engineer
    - Added: Static variants of civilian NPCs and Cyborgs (spawn via spawnpad > they will stand still, but run away when shot at. To be used for quests, dialogues and other purposes)
    - Added: Talon Advanced (warrior and civilian)
    - New group behavior for bug 02 and 03, added bombardment and bug03 can spawn bug02
    - NPC marked as OLD or TEST or only relevant for Base AttackS and else have been removed from all POI NPC Spawner block dropdowns (set AllowInSpawners: false in EClassConfig.ecf)
    - Added new barking-lines to NPC Dialogues
    - Strategic AI uses AttackDefenseValues system

    - Added: Tesch Node defense stations T1-3 (by Escarli)
    - Added: Abyssal (Faction) structures. (by Fractalite)
    - Added: Several new and updated POI for Colonists, Zirax, Progenitor etc pp (thx to all builders!)
    - Added: TESCH Soul Anchor (Lava, LavaNascent)
    - Added: TESCH Array BAO (thx to Escarli)
    - Updated: Sigma Fulcrum (Kaeser)
    - Updated: Talon Monument (Spawns, Loot)
    - Updated: POIs: SigmaFulcrum (Kaeser) and AbandonedAssemblyYard (Fractalite)
    - Updated: Polaris Asset Protection (thx to Fractalite)
    - Updated: Legacy Corruptor now has NPC AdminCore
    - Updated: BP groups CivilMain, CivilSettlement and Waystations with Commodity Traders
    - Updated: TSO and TSP with barking, trader dialogue and some NPC/trader changes

    - DB: added a warning message if a query was executed more than 1s after it got scheduled
    - DB: all write queries now get buffered, this should result in better performance for DB accesses. Improved DB debug write performance of log.
    - DB: Fixed dockedto column in Entities DB
    - DB: Added console command 'database' to allow dump all DB queries into text file
    - DB: added more indexes for optimizing DB queries (registry overview, get next medic station)
    - DB: added index for long lasting query to get all teleporters in games with huge DBs. Also added index for querying chat messages.
    - DB: turned some ERR messages into WRN messages
    - DB: added some more index for player ranking (more to come)

    Updated Invader vs Defender scenario - Conflict of Cygnus:


    - Added 100 Random Stars to make Universe more interesting
    - Old Systems in the Center have still the most resources
    - All 100 Random Stars are PvE
    - All 100 Random Stars have neither Zascosium nor Erestrum nor Gold Resources. (except some tiny stones on planets). The PvP System (Cygnus) in the Center has all 3 in big quantity.
    - Fixed Taldor Sector Map icon
    - Fixed PDA Preamble not visible in MP on first join

    - Updated to Unity 2020.1
    - Increased scenario size limit for Workshop publishing from 100 to 200 MB
    - Updated main localization
    - Updated/added commodity traders to Polaris, Pirates, Colonists & Trader factions planet and space POIs (where applicable/appropriate; first pass)
    - Removed obsolote GrassGree01 blocks to free up BLOCKIds (free areas are marked with 'available free' in the document)
    > PLZ watch out if something looks like it is missing grass (or is said so in the logs/console) and report!
    - Player window: the day count calculation is now different in SP (total time spent in the game) than to MP (total time spent on server)
    - Added Santa Claus Hat and Snowmans Head to EscapePod inventory. Will be equipped automatically.
    > Note: If you have both, drag the one you want to show to a "higher" slot number. Enjoy and have fun!
    - Added Santa Claus Hat and Snowmans Head as usable items (will be equipped automatically when carried in inventory or toolbar)
    - space_dynamic.yaml: added Pos/Rot to ResourcesDesc. if Pos/Rot are present, fixed positioning is used.
    - space_dynamic.yaml: added RadialInfo to PositionDesc to allow placing Resources/POIs in a radial way and also attach it to a planet (considering its radius). See docs/website for detailed information.
    - space_dynamic.yaml: adjusted RadialInfo to support a yOffset. content of float array is now: centerX,Y,Z, Yoffset, radiusMin,Max, angleStart,Increase, rotationX,Y,Z (only center X,Y,Z is mandatory)
    - Added IsKeepContainers: true for CoreNPC and CoreNPCcpu (Attention: pre-placed items will now be saved and spawned with the blueprint!)
    - All config files (*.ecf) now get loaded as UTF8. If you want to add special chars into them, save them as UTF8
    - GrassV2: better check for abrupt steep slopes (will still improve that)
    - GrassV2: better align to slopes
    - GrassV2: mapped GrassLowGreen01 to Flower04 as it the occurance number was limited and the GrassLowGreen01 was of poor quality
    - Added Swamp planet preview pic to Dedi Server for starter planet
    - Renamed the new asteroid rings around planets from AsteroidFieldRing to AsteroidRingPlanet, keeping the old AsteroidFieldRing instance
    - Downgrade/Upgrade tool: added max block count check to avoid exploits
    - Updated asteroid ring of Temperate Creative planet
    - System map info panel: showing origin name from "Restrict To Origin" instead of "Starter Origin"
    - Decreased range of light in damaged escape pod from 10 meters to 3 meters and removed shadows to reduce triangle count
    - structure attack value now uses average value of fixed weapon groups
    - added infantry A/D values to Blueprint Library window and prefabinfo console cmd
    - Slightly increased probability/count of space stations in default orbits
    - Added TSO_Variant8 and Polaris Supply Station to orbits
    - Updated Starter Planets: swapped AbandonedPOI group with specifically made AbandonedStarter group blueprints
    - Added / updated head area docu in GalaxyConfig.ecf
    - Refactored BlueprintHeader class to be able to provide this to modders or anybody who wants to load a BP header
    - Enabled proximity window for playfields and solar systems when clicking in registry on a playfield and on Proximity button
    - Added local damage applied to a structure to the HUD if 'di' is enabled
    - Using filtering ScrollablePopupList for trader type, sorting content for it and for NPC Spawner entities
    - Enhanced ScrollablePopupList to be used with an InputField for filtering content
    - Top right game message popup and its content is now centered
    - Creative Scenario: major update (incl. panel and staring gear update), updating orbits to new galaxy visuals, adding new 'White Canvas' playfield and two testing playfields with higher gravity
    - Changed: Starter planets now have more appropriate Abandoned POIs (AbandonedStarter group)
    - Changed: Deactivated SpaceBaseDefense (SBD) and OPV vessels in Starter Orbit
    - Set back old update frequency of 1 minutes for performance data and player position logging (instead of 3 minutes)
    - Cannot activate shield while warping active
    - Added fail safe code to allow empty Value tags in Properties in playfield yamls without exception
    - Added Commodity Trader to planetary and orbital Trading station in Starter System
    - Teleporters: With godmode you can override the blocking message "You cannot use teleporters with a fixed target in player created structures"
    - Increased stacksize for Fuel, Pentaxid and O2 in Creative scenario
    - Updated galaxy nebula colors
    - Updated TemperateSwamp and Alien fog position
    - Added commodity trader for Communication/Surveillance stations
    - Added default commodity traders
    - Updated TraderNPCConfig.ecf: updated Commodity traders and company traders with updated pricing and price-calc mode
    - Added: Default-Marketprices for relevant blocks and items
    - Saving game: the important file "game.dat" is now backed up on every save to avoid corrupted savegames. Also it is flushed to disc on every save now.
    - Freedom mode now doesn't consume stamina and also does not consume food when running
    - Do not allow to open ControlPanel while warping
    - Modded item properties via player skills: added BlastDamage
    - Modded item properties via player skills: added RangeAU, RangeLY from BlocksConfig
    - Updated: Starter planet description texts (random default scenario)
    - Updated: XenuFuelDepot (thx to sulusdacor)
    - Updated: added commodity traders welcome texts
    - Added Pirates OPV 'Quin Merac' (thx to sulusdacor)
    - Added Station Services for Ambassador Vessel and GLaD Outpost
    - Added Commodity Traders to several orbital stations (thx to Kaeser)
    - Item Icons can now be modded in SharedData/Content/Bundles/ItemIcons
    - Item Icons are now loaded from asset bundle (to prepare allowing to mod them, modding not active yet!). Please watch out for missing item icons!
    - Improved: Color Tool Configure window can now be closed with ESC key (behaves like clicking on 'Cancel')
    - Changed: Creative Scenario: Moved position of White Canvas moon further out
    - Added proper names for new NPC enemies and civilians to loca file (only EN; Translations will follow)
    - Added first draft of suit props: SantaClauseHat, SnowmanHead. Use console cmd 'psp SnowmanHead' or 'psp SantaClauseHat' for now.
    - TokenConfig.ecf: added example how to set an icon for a token
    - Faction Discovery: showing now InGameMsg
    - Updated: Set all factions to be discoverable (your map legend and faction screen will show only "Unknown" when starting a new game!)
    - Added GIN consoles to Trading Stations (to be used with Credibilit Missions; not yet functional)
    - Updated GIN: you can now use credibility seals with the 'Contact an Ambassador' dialogue to restore your reputation
    - Loading Screens: now only one loading screenshot is shown (instead of two) during the loading
    - Updated: Credibility missions now have a waiting time before they can be repeated
    - Updated: Intro description of starter planets (added some hints about their individual challenges)
    - Scenario Loading Screens: loading every 10s a new screenshot now
    - Improved Attack/Defense value calculation: no longer using averages of weapons of vessels and spawners, also handling melee type attacks of NPC's

    - Fixed: Turrets firing at players through terrain deco
    - Fixed: Some AI patrols vessels can continue to rotate & turn at the location they were stopped
    - Fixed: Vessels immediately stop after power off
    - Fixed: AI patrols vessels can continue to rotate & turn at the location they were stopped
    - Fixed: Set Home / Respawn at own structures does not work
    - Fixed: "Show Airtight Blocks" visualisation is not working for the "floor" of a structure
    - Fixed: Oxygen doesn't fill the back side of force field
    - Fixed: Center of Mass shifted
    - Fixed: When a HV enters a gravity gen field it can be launched up away from the structure
    - Fixed: O2 tanks missed texture after SI collapse
    - Fixed: Multiple same-faction territories break POI spawn rules and attribute the wrong faction to POIs
    - Fixed: Increase NPC render range & add max NPC ranged weapon limit. - added check and error message (Max NPC render range & max NPC weapon range are both now 120m)
    - Fixed: error message when changing worlds: "Net: chunk already loaded..."
    - Fixed: sun flares not showing up on planet playfields (set directional flag)
    - Fixed: freshly saved Blueprint spawn exception
    - Fixed: flares in structures not showing up
    - Fixed: "Spawn at Home base" not working in MP if player died in a different playfield
    - Fixed: bright spot on a planet happening during night sometimes. Fixed distant planets having wrong light color sporadically.
    - Fixed: regression that sun flare did not have the color of the sun. Fixed that the sun flare was shown after sun down for some time.
    - Fixed: Exception if a playfield.yaml only had one parameter for PlayfieldLevelOverride
    - Fixed: regression that sometimes not all chunks of a structure did load when connecting to a server
    - Fixed: Adjusted camera height of MSCockpit02 to avoid head clipping into ceiling blocks
    - Fixed: Corrected wrong comments in blocksconfig.ecf about count of container extensions for max capacity
    - Fixed: problem with faction parsing (regression from Factions.ecf).
    - Fixed: AI Planet Vessel : AIPV’s don't move when the player is out of render range of them on a planet (around 3+ km away)
    - Fixed: Faction.ecf: Fixed regression that factions defined in the new config file didn't get parsed correctly
    - Fixed: Potential fix for dialogue variables getting reset to 0: set wait timeout for DB variables from 10s to 30s. Less DB traffic by writing player log data less often (every 3min instead of every 1min)
    - Fixed: problem that rockets did not hit a moving ship reliable
    - Fixed: problem in proximity log that sometimes column did not get truncated correctly
    - Fixed: problem that nearby black hole model was disappearing in some camera angles when being on a planet
    - Fixed: Placeable devices do not take any damage in PvP areas
    - Fixed: Locked Doors can be closed by the player
    - Fixed: Broken deco – 'Bamboo' vanishes close to the player
    - Fixed: Thruster boost exploit
    - Fixed: MT Downgrade glitch with Public POIs
    - Fixed: SV blocks preview have wrong textures
    - Fixed: Lava playfield ore deposits have incorrect textures
    - Fixed: CV & docked vessel repostioned when R2T starts
    - Fixed: [MP] Delay with shield info on the HUD
    - Fixed: Exit-throwback when exiting Nibiru (Hovercraft Prefab)
    - Fixed: Possible fix for AI getting stuck in elevators
    - Fixed: regression that the distant object light was also lighting the 3d map resulting in wrong sun light there
    - Fixed: Exception when skill values get saved to DB
    - Fixed: UCH Heidelberg wreckage too far away from starting point on Snow Starter (random default scenario)
    - Fixed: Ok'Y medical had 2x Stomach Pills entries
    - Fixed: BUDS entry in Empyriopedia showing/naming the wrong plant
    - Fixed: Motorbike exception spam on pf server
    - Fixed: Exception in Color Tool
    - Fixed: Color Tool not updating RGB/HSV sliders when selecting another palette
    - Fixed: Self destruct timer for AI vessel triggering incorrectly
    - Fixed: Item Icons: fix for MP when first time connecting to a server and getting the icons, no icons were displayed
    - Fixed: Gas Refinery (Traders Guild) Power trader leading to exception
    - Fixed: SuitProps: fix for other player's prop was not visible when entering a MP game.
    - Fixed: [MP] Legacy base turrets will not shoot
    - Fixed: Ticks become broken after sleeping in space after multiple warps
    - Fixed: Pressing Escape in main menu removes any options and the client must be restarted
    - Fixed: Aluminium definition for Resource Trader being wrong
    - Fixed: ESC key not working anymore after using 'Text Color' of an LCD
    - Fixed: Colonists faction was not visible in faction screen
    - Fixed: Trader discount was set to 80% instead of 8%
    - Fixed: Rolling with vessels is not working when there is enough thrust & RCS is turned off
    - Fixed: Scenario Loading Screens: fixed problem that the first loading screen was from the lastly loaded scenario
    - Fixed: Kriel barking dialogue lead to exception
    - Fixed: Exploit
    - Fixed: Non Docked vessels can "sink" under blocks they are left placed on
    - Fixed: DecalControl block: fixed regression that the initial state was broken since we are using a regular block now.
    - Fixed: Decals: fixed decals not getting removed on regeneration of a structure
    - Fixed: Vessels coming to a stop with cruise mode on after using the detector <- The max speed may still be seen to drop but should recover
    - Fixed: problem that asset bundles (w/o extension) were not sent to clients in SharedData (now able to use suitpropsext in MP games)
    - Fixed: PDA actions with Amount > 1 didn't always complete when using "[Names]Required: NeedAll" or when exiting and resuming the game while the chapter is in progress
    - Fixed: Destroying drones at end of Human Remains mission does not complete task

    - Updated EAH, patch notes:

    Attached Files:

    bluemax151, Ephoie, monktk and 17 others like this.
  2. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
    Likes Received:
    A welcome update. Play long and prosper.
    Ephoie, zaphodikus, byo13 and 2 others like this.
  3. Horten

    Horten Commander

    Mar 11, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Thank you!

    2020 was good for Empyrion. A lot of expected things have been added. Especially galaxy.

    I hope that 2021 will bring us ability to fly around stars and gas giants, to see real space skybox from planets, and maybe wheels or rails. :)

    Good luck, Eleon, you are great team.
    byo13, ion_storm, Sofianinho and 2 others like this.
  4. elmo

    elmo Captain

    Sep 26, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Thank you to all the team involved in the latest update. 2020 has been a hellish year for a lot of people but lets hope the next one is a good one for everyone. Merry Christmas to all.
  5. Raider160

    Raider160 Ensign

    Aug 17, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Is a wipe of Dedicated Server required or recommended for this deployment?
    Patwar likes this.
  6. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    A new WTF moment...

    World BEFORE this update:
    World AFTER this update

    Same view point on both. Original world created a few days ago. Almost all of the other bases are obviously buried. The snow world that was also a vanilla start and also set to creative a few days ago has suffered the same fate.

    As well as building being buried, some vessels are not where they were left - twisted around at different angles. Some elevated on top of the changed land, some left buried (all types).

    As these are my creative worlds - this is VERY f***ing annoying but with your quality record I guess I should expect no less. I will now have to spend a lot of time hunting around under the chunks to locate and save stuff in progress. Thanks.

    A couple of survival worlds I checked do seem OK as does the default creative.

    Yes - the end is most definitely nigh...

    A separate thing - I also noticed that the new deco blocks seem to have put an end to any hope of SV getting bombs as you re-assigned that block :(

    Just checked out the new snow creative world. It seems to have completely different light that makes everything very monochrome and permanently a haze and basically featureless - night doesnt seem to exist either. Pretty much useless. The real snow worlds have really nice light especially when the weather is clear. Night on them seems darker than the others, clearer sky etc (a good thing) making anything on them with glows looks really good. This however is just plain horrible.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2020
    zaphodikus likes this.
  7. Patwar

    Patwar Commander

    Dec 6, 2015
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    Hello, thank you for this game !

    It's a good question.
  8. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    This looks as if the world got re-generated, but with a different seed. BA are not level, because the terrain is different. Terrain data and BA positions are saved at different locations in the save. So if one changes, the other one doesn't keep up.

    Was your other creative world also a 'repurposed' default random?

    Usually, a generated playfield is saved in your save game's templates folder, as a playfield.yaml, and has a fixed playfield seed.
    That one should overrule any global seeds.

    But with re-purposing game modes, things might get ... strange?
    -> E.g. Creative uses the global seed zero, always, hardcoded.
    In my tests, that only let the deco shift, though...
    Kassonnade likes this.
  9. StoneLegion

    StoneLegion Captain

    Oct 20, 2014
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    Thank you for Bring us such an amazing Game over these last few years. Nothing out there keeps coming close to what I like about Empyrion. Have a wonderful Christmas / Holidays and Happy New years :)
    Kassonnade, Myrmidon and Pantera like this.
  10. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Yes - I often do a normal survival start and then switch it to creative (type cm) so I can build stuff in a more natural setting, or use the other planet types.

    If it was fixing the seed at zero due to cm, then surelky yuou would expect the forums to be awash with people complaining about CM breaking their worlds when they reload?
  11. snack95

    snack95 Lieutenant

    Dec 21, 2016
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    Hello !
    Lots of bugs since the update .... I no longer have any faction appearing, I went to their field to see if it unlocked the faction ... but nothing, either by killing them.
    Also bug cv and sv, a friend took his cv and he left in space and when he got out of his ship the cv left on its own even with off or turning it on does not change anything.
    But also the sv were blocked in the structure of the cv

    Attached Files:

    RedScourge likes this.
  12. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Heh...I am looking forward to the fixes to come in. On the MP server I am on, I warped to a nearby planet, and then flew through it...pointed towards a moon, and then flew through that. Luckily the planet I had warped in from was actually solid and I could return home.
    RedScourge likes this.
  13. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

    • Developer
    • Moderator
    Aug 15, 2016
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    They should reappear when you discover a "POI" from any faction again.
    Quick example in a pre v1.3 save in MP:
    QA TEST SAVE 1_2020-12-16_23-05-58.png

    We're working on a fix for this & will try to have it out asap (very tricky to force to trigger on our end for some reason).
    Ephoie, zaphodikus, Bollen and 2 others like this.
  14. MadRussian

    MadRussian Commander

    Jul 18, 2017
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    Great update! Eleon are fixing machines (perhaps androids). :D

    Btw - Is it possible to roll back to 1.2? (And if so how?) I accidentally updated on one of my 3 PCs, and wasn't ready yet. Otherwise that's going to mess up our co-op DS playthrough, thanks.
    zaphodikus likes this.
  15. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Only the Alphas are available.
  16. Dragon

    Dragon Captain

    Dec 22, 2015
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    So the CV flew away by itself? That's interesting. Perhaps Skynet infiltrated Empyrion to finally give us AI control for our ships. Now we just have to teach it to follow our orders instead of trying to nuke us into oblivion...
  17. Hawkie

    Hawkie Commander

    Dec 7, 2018
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    Also seeing the CV flying off bug server wide. Even with thrusters on the CV will slowly float away as long as player is inside the ship. Not if he takes a seat.
  18. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    Skynet is taking over!!! ;)
  19. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Changing a survival game to Creative and back to survival has been notoriously decried for breaking terrains/ saves in the past. Threads would pop up from time to time mentioning this problem. Also note that some subtle changes are made sometimes that can go unnoticed and cause havoc in our savegames or scenarios.

    I have a workflow to work in creative in my survival playfields that works well, but it requires just a bit more than a console command and restart. It is much more "robust" and I never have problems apart when I deviate from my strict rules.
    zaphodikus likes this.
  20. Stampy

    Stampy Lieutenant

    Sep 17, 2020
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    Same has happened to me. CV is just moving along in space without power or thrust. It stops about 4 KM away, but when I get close and touch with to open a door or something, it shoots off again in that direction.
    RedScourge and snack95 like this.
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