Well after being laughed at by the Zirax where they turned their back on me. I don't think they will laugh this time. Okay it's still a work in progress. And maybe a tad over kill
Well guess they don't like this new base as well. Kept my guns off so I didn't shoot down the troop transport. And joy of joys I get 2 troop transports. That drop off total of 5. Yep that's them all 5 and all standing still. I looked up because I still heard thrusters after the ships left. One's still here! It's just hanging there not moving at all. So I go to see if that error was there like before with the drones. MAN! did I get errors. Wow hard to believe this hasn't been fixed yet. Bet when I close the game and reload the troop transport will be gone when I start the game again. Edit Update: After restarting the game. Yeah the Troop Transport was gone. The 5 Zirax were still outside. I refuse to take them Scones &Tea!
Yeah @Vermillion said he had reported it when he first ran into it. I went looking for it but couldn't find it. So yeah guess maybe it is time for another bug report. If anything to jog their memories. Yet someone did say it was fixed in Exp. I didn't check the fixed bug reports.
As it happened with another Bug Report it might have been falsely assumed that the bug was actual fix, and therefore moved into the "fixed" Folder (event got confirmed by @Pantera ). So you can't find it where it should be.
LOL like everything in life, Murphy's law is alive and well. You have to love voyeurism in this day and age. So I did a search of @Vermillion in the bug section. He posts a lot of bugs. I didn't find anything so searched the EXP bugs. Nothing there too. So I'm sticking to Murphy's law here and blaming Murphy! Edit: Had to change a word. It sounded like I blamed Vermillion
All my bug reports go into the CA Bug Reports section, which is private. Don't want people seeing bugs or exploits for features that aren't implemented yet.
Well maybe we will get lucky and a Dev will tell us if this is fixed in Exp. I don't want to switch to Exp just to test something that will come out in the next fix.
Today I've been working on getting my scenario ready for Alpha 12! It's going to be a lot of work and probably a lot of bug reporting.
Gotten an OK Dead Planet start on the Project Eden scenario. Have a starter HV and found a SV wreck, to check a second one, maybe enough to make one. Need some more XP if to reach lvl 7 to craft some parts. Found several starter bases too, sadly no use of solar power. Set up shop in one of them, my favorite Engine Compartment. Found 2 "towns" and other POIs, so have enough for a good base. Even found a junk yard with a Deconstructor, so can now get 100% back of coring and mutitooling resources. EDIT: Yay! I got a posting on the 1K page too
Waiting for A12 to make a return, congrats on 1k pages with an awesome ship and base designs throughout. Also, love where Project Eden is going!
The troops not moving after being dropped off & the console messages are being looked into. I haven't been able to reproduce the TT hanging in the air. Is it reliably reproducible ?
Yes it is, although it is not encountered very often. I think it stucks when other obstacles are in the area that it is about to land, i.e. trees or the protruding part of a building or something similar from the surface (i.e. pointy menir like rock).
I finally got around to painting my HV prototype I made a few days back due to the HV thread to test out the state of T4 HVs as I hadn't really used them for POI assaults, tending to favour an SV, or underground assaults. I tried it again in game and decided actually it aint bad after shreading some vanilla POIs with it so it seems worth adding to the fleet - just needs a paint job T4, unlock at level 20 (not sure if worth making down level versions). 69K CPU - so just fits. 10K cargo for looting, 5k ammo for blowing **** up, and 2.5k harvest space for mowing down trees and anything else that gets in the way. Full compliment of HV weapons (maxed out), combat steel shell with shield and comforts of home and can fit through a 9x5 hangar door easily. As a bonus, my little litter SV can also carry it, even if it does look a bit over sized for it Edit - a version of this is now on the workshop at https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1995050028
Well I can't reproduce it, because I have never had two transports show up before. So far the troops not attacking has happened both in the default Advance and Temperate random starts. Still waiting to be attacked in the Arid random start by troop transports. Edit Update: Had just gotten 2 transports drop off 5 Zirax again they aren't attacking the base. Both transports left without a problem this time. This was in the Arid random start. So all three vanilla random games have this problem where troops won't attack the base. Drones not a problem.