What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. icky

    icky Lieutenant

    May 15, 2016
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    finally got around to starting a build ive been wanting to do since i discovered you can copy paste from one vessel type to another. in this case, CV -> SV. so i wanted to copy my entire legionnaire restomod and paste it as an SV to make a quarter scale version of it. well i got started and realized EVERY block transfers as a cv part, not just the deco/devices. that means all the blocks are considered "large" blocks. so im gonna have to replace every. single. block. im hoping the block replace command will get the job done and i wont have to hand place every block. might post pictures next time i work on it.
    Fractalite likes this.
  2. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    A long-term goal to update the style and function of all zirax faction patrol vessels and POIs takes a step closer to completion with the Tovera Mk2's outer hull achieving airtight status.
    The new fleet vs the old guard.
  3. kittyspam

    kittyspam Ensign

    Apr 15, 2023
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    So early game time for me but, figured out how to open the big huge obelisk on Akura ... the words candidate for ascension were used and the game instantly got much cooler. Went to the ice planet and immediately froze. Decided at that point needed to take my SV into space and scout planets before I tried to use the teleporters to travel. - All the planets were amazing. The nuked world was incredibly scary, and I can't wait to fight the giant spiders and who knows what else on the swamp planet....time to start making lots of different food things and loading up on ammunition!
  4. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Got my Survival RE CV up to 9 auxiliray cores, and it's now starting to feel a bit cramped. Despite upgrading all turrets to their Heavy equivalents, I still have a few hundred thousand CPU remaining, but no space to add more turrets (which I assume I will need in order to take down Legacy ships), and running out of room to add more shield enhancers. So, back to creative to try to build a new CV with a bit more room for combat stuff.

    Also decided that my current SV is getting a bit long in the tooth, so I decided to make a new, stronger one. I figured the Wyvern I'd already built was the right size (if a bit big) so I went and changed that weird noodly appendages for a more conventional design. While the conventional design has far less roll speed, it looks better (imo at least, as I based it on the Vanguard series from Star Citizen) and should be more fun to use overall. The main problem is it's too big to fit through even that largest CV Hangar door, so I'm having to make a 'custom' one from the shutter hatches.


    Wyvern (old version)


    Wyvern (new version)
  5. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Sensing some inspiration from Eve?
    Slam Jones and Germanicus like this.
  6. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Nailed it!

    Mine is obviously an ugly/poorly-proportioned version, but those engine pods were indeed quite inspirational :)
  7. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    A deployable sentry turret in in response to Tactical play and POI's in the form of a stripped down HV. Requires a 2x 2 space to be spawned inside a base or CV but can easily be trimmed down to fit in a 1x1 space. Can serve to cover you from being flanked inside a POI or as early game defense for your camp before setting up a base.


    Blueprint attached. Use it, sell it, burn it...I don't care.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 14, 2023
  8. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    The new hoverbike cannot go over water.
    this is a question and a statement.
  9. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Yep, I was a little sceptical myself because you would think it could.
  10. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    For today, I released Lapaisp Station to the workshop.

    Basically I got tired of trying to find an area large and flat enough to spawn my XL landing pad and converted the build to a space station.
    The name? I could not come up with anything nice so, LAnding PAd In SPace.

    Last edited: Jun 28, 2023
  11. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Today I picked up in a youtube comment that "Light armors (sic) can be equipped in the player inventory (TAB)" ... just open inventory, hit stats, and drag the armor and booster onto the stats page (which, coincidentally, looks just like the inside of an armor locker- dho!)

    I've built an early game armor locker and carried it around in the ammo locker in order to glued it on an SV/HV whenever I (didn't really) need it for years at this point.

    It is *really* hard to not let your reticular activating system ignore float text!
  12. Fenris

    Fenris Commander

    Jul 19, 2018
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    I've taken a short break from Empyrion, but don't you still need an armor locker for adding mods?
  13. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Not for two slot light armor- you can don and doff the light armor and change out the boosters installed in its two slots without the locker.

    You need a locker to put on or take off the heavier armor styles or change their booster load out so you can't, for example, change from medium to light armor from the stats page ... but in an early game situation you can get into armor with the portable constructor from inventory/stats- build the suit and pull it on, no locker required.
  14. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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  15. Achenar

    Achenar Commander

    Jan 7, 2022
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  16. Achenar

    Achenar Commander

    Jan 7, 2022
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    In light of storage limits being on by default in 1.10, I released my Cargo Attachment for my Scaled Millennium Falcon. I also updated the falcon to have more storage and drills. While I was at it, I also updated my Y-wing with more storage.

    Millennium Falcon:

    Millennium Falcon Cargo Attachment:


    Last edited: Jul 17, 2023
  17. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Worked on a couple new SVs, designed as low/mid starters and POI attackers. Common formula is: steel hull, with Hardened Steel covering some important areas (cockpit area, generator/fuel storage areas, etc), minimal use of plastic blocks, at least 2.5k+ shield, and usually a combination of Laser Cannons (to drop POI shields) and Railguns (to pick off the turrets and open holes in the side of the POI for entry and egress). Sometimes with a Rocket Launcher or two for clearing troops and those small laser sentry turrets.

    So far, the combo works pretty well for the basic POIs. I just need to keep an eye on shield % and not push my luck. The one time I didn't keep an eye on my shields, I was shot out of the sky and lost a TON of loot, including some rare guns and Advanced Heavy Armor. Still haven't replaced the latter... maybe soon if I'm lucky!

    Also been trying to up my SV interior game. Trying to use softer color palettes and less harsh lighting, with enough room that one wouldn't feel too cramped on a long journey, while still having all the important devices readily accessible, and trying (often unsuccessfully) to leave areas where I can spawn my drone without having to step outside.

    A couple pics of SV interiors I've worked on. Still not sure which one I like best.

    SV Bandicoot (one of my first walkable interior SVs, and my main SV workhorse for a long time -- but it's a bit too harsh on the colors and lighting I think)

    SV Wyvern (first attempt at a 'large' SV with two sleeper cabins on the left)

    SV Ursa Minor (current main workhorse for POI raiding. I think the faux wood paneling adds a lot of character, personally.)

    SV Sabre (One of my least favorites at the moment. Too cramped I think)

    SV Dagger (maybe) (A bit better than the one above, but still feels... off. Just needs more texture work probably)

    SV Journeyman (name pending) (Probably my favorite at the moment, lots of airspace, not too cramped, though I did forget to texture a few blocks apparently. And with the high ceiling, I can easily add more storage space if I need it.)


    Also found this neat item, maybe it's an RE exclusive? If so, awesome idea ravien and/or vermillion! Would love to see more items like this.


    Hoping I survive long enough to make good use of it!


    Fun fact: With my recent playtime, Empyrion is now my second most played game on Steam at about 1,900 hours. Trailing Kerbal by a few hundred hours, but catching up fast!
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2023
  18. LordMontecute

    LordMontecute Captain

    Aug 14, 2017
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    Alternating between following the main storyline and creative mode building.

    I've got through mission 10, with a couple of missing playfields meaning I had to manually complete the task tick boxes to skip ahead. Now Mission 11 is calling for me to seatch for system 'ContAr1a95'.
    I've done that and nothing comes up.
    I've had similar problems with system names being wrong before, but usually there have been other instructions on how to find them.
    Anyone know what's happening or how I can find it?
    Or a better place to ask this?
  19. LordMontecute

    LordMontecute Captain

    Aug 14, 2017
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    I thought I was obsessed, with 1286 hours on Empyrion. It's just the game I always come back to when I want to be creative.
    Speaking of which, I've also just started my first large SV. I've always tried to keep them small and conpact, but this time I'm forcing myself to think big and spacious. Using the larger thrusters has helped get into that minder. It's like using SV blocks to build a CV.
    Slam Jones likes this.
  20. LordMontecute

    LordMontecute Captain

    Aug 14, 2017
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    I thought I found the solution here - https://empyriononline.com/threads/exp-1-7-how-to-manually-update-for-murky-christmas-mission.99097/
    However, that seems to have just removed the mission from the PDA completely


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