A vehicle that can fit smoothly inside a block space and travel vertically or horizontally without hitting the walls and stopping all the time is all we really need. As well as that, I'd like to see a user defined block limit. Lets get rid of this 200 block limit from the core so we can build BIG if we want to.
You know what would work? Why not have "interactive" textures. Almost like a rail texture. And a hover engine that would be restrained to it. Closed subway/open rail, monorail, tram, elevator- all of them could be built simply using that idea. And have buttons than can send signals so it will come to the block it's connected to.
Good suggestion for Hummel's builder's wishlist! https://empyriononline.com/threads/builders-wishlist.38243/page-5#post-255757
https://empyriononline.com/threads/planet-sized-cities-featured-in-unity-2019.45705/ The new unity update features a massive new city to explore. Hopefully we can see something like this added to Empyrion planets!!! EDIT note : To avoid double postings i have linked it to your newly created thread
hi, i built Galaxian with friends on a server, one of the few cities to be available on the Steam workshop I am looking for a solution for spawn large base on a planet in creative mode , they are always red
I'd suggest looking to mods.. My CC's next version will be fully suited for spawning blueprints, but atm, perhabs https://empyriononline.com/threads/mod-empyrionbasealign.38620/ can do the trick? (I havn't tested it)
it does not work for me, because I can not place my city on a planet, if I want to move it i can use the console command I know that problem is recurrent since at least alpha 5 yet it works very well in space , i would like a console command to force the spawn we already have problems with the city of Galaxian
I am going to borrow a building or two. I want to make a "Polaris Asset Protection" and your models might work. City building with respect to Polaris and the trade federation should be revisited now that the game possesses factions. Not quite sure how, but it could be interesting.